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Too Many Rules

Page 7

by G. L. Snodgrass

  Was it possible to meet your father and not know it was him? Wouldn’t I be able to recognize him? My heart pounded as my mind began to fly to all of the questions and issues surrounding my unknown dad.

  The car fell into a heavy silence for the rest of the trip until Aunt Jenny slowed down to pull onto the James’ road. You couldn’t call it a driveway. At almost a quarter mile it passed between snow-covered fields with corn stalk stubble poking through.

  My heart was pounding a thousand times a minute as we pulled into the dirt yard behind the idyllic farmhouse.

  The place looked like a Currier and Ives poster, mid-west edition. A light green old house made of wooden clapboards. With a porch extending all the way around. Smoke rose from a fieldstone chimney making the place look inviting and more than willing to welcome you.

  My palms continued to sweat. I couldn’t believe how nervous I was.

  The yard was laid out in an irregular triangle shape with a gray metal garage on one side and a fire engine red Dutch barn on the other. Before we came to a stop Mattie stormed out of the house, letting the screen door bang behind her. She wore a flowery print apron and was busy drying her hands as she walked towards us.

  A black and white border collie rushed from the barn, barking once before sidling up to Mattie as if protecting her from these evil non-pack members. Mattie was so lucky to have a dog.

  The earthy smell of manure and old hay struck me as I stepped out of the car. I quickly scanned the yard. No Scott. Was he here? I hadn’t asked Mattie if he’d be there when I called her. I didn’t want to be too obvious. My heart dropped at the thought that I might not get to see him today.

  You’ve got it bad Kate, I thought.

  An older man came out of the house and used the rail to come down the stairs one step at a time. This must be their grandfather. I could see Scott in his eyes and his wide shoulders but he had Mattie’s lips and forehead.

  “You’re here,” Mattie said rushing up and giving me a quick hug. She stepped back, dropped her hands and looked at my new coat. “Wow, I like it. You look great,” she said forcing me to twirl so she could see it all.

  “Hi, Miss Rivers,” she said to my aunt, “Thank you for bringing Katie all the way out here.” My aunt nodded and returned her smile.

  “Hello Jennifer, it’s nice to see you again,” Mr. James said walking up and shaking my aunt’s hand. She looked into his face tentatively then reached out and gave him a big hug.

  “Yes, it has been a while hasn’t it?”

  Mr. James was obviously taken aback by the hug then relaxed and returned it with full force. “Won’t you come in, both of you? Mattie just put a pot of coffee on.”

  “Oh, I forgot,” I said, as I dove back into the car and retrieved the platter of cookies. I held it out for Mattie and said, “Merry Christmas.”

  “We included some of my mother’s Divinity,” Aunt Jenny said to Mr. James. His face lit up and he rushed around the front of the car at least as fast as his old legs would let him. A large smile lit up his face as he took the platter from Mattie.

  “You remembered. Thank you,” he said with a smile from ear to ear.

  “Actually, Katie did most of the work,” Aunt Jenny said. Now that wasn’t close to being true. Why was my aunt trying to build me up in their grandfather’s eyes? Believe me, I didn’t mind. It just wasn’t something I was used to. And where was Scott? I was dying to ask. It took every bit of willpower and strength not to blurt out the question.

  Mattie grabbed my elbow and started to pull me toward the house. Aunt Jenny saw and said, “Actually we can’t stay. I’ve got a lot more deliveries. We really must be going.” Mattie’s lips turned down in a little girl pout. She didn’t say anything. Her eyes begging me to fix this.

  My heart slid to a halt. I wasn’t going to see Scott. I wanted to see his face when he saw our cookies. I wanted him to see me in my new coat. I wanted to see him. Period.

  At that moment, the object of my fantasies walked out of the metal garage like a knight walking across a battlefield.

  He wore a red plaid flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up exposing hard tanned forearms. His hands were covered in black oil as he wiped them on a filthy rag. I wanted to hand him a box of my handy wipes. A short streak of black oil smeared his forehead. I smiled at the thought of him wiping his hair out of his eyes.

  His deep dark eyes struck me like a physical blow. They bore into me, cataloging every detail, as if he’d never seen me before. Scanning my body, making it tingle all over. Our eyes met and I couldn’t tear myself away. It was as if we were falling together into a deep pool with no bottom.

  A gentle cough behind me helped me pull out. I turned to see my aunt trying to hide a smile.

  “Actually, Katie can stay for a little bit and I can stop by and pick her up later. If that’s all right with you, Mr. James?”

  Mattie jumped in before her grandfather could answer. “That’s great, she could stay for dinner and Scott could take her home. That be okay with you,” she asked me. Her face already scheming.

  Glancing at Scott to see if he was okay with this, I caught him staring at me again. The tingle throughout my body was becoming a regular thing and could easily become addicting. He smiled and nodded his head without taking his eyes off of me.

  Chapter Nine


  As long as I live, I will never forget seeing her standing there in my yard looking like a model out of one those fashion magazines. Her cute white scarf thrown over her shoulder.

  My heart stopped and I became very aware of my filthy hands. Mattie hadn’t told me that Katie would be dropping by. A matter I’d deal with later.

  Her aunt left with a wave and Grandfather carried the plate of cookies into the house. Mattie looked back and forth between Katie and I then shook her head and mumbled something about having to take care of something in the kitchen before leaving us.

  The world narrowed and everything not Katie dropped away. We continued to stare at each other for a moment, neither of us talking. She started to blush and broke the glance to stare at her feet. I finally remembered my manners and escorted Katie into the house.

  I helped her out of her coat and hung it by the door. I think we’d have fallen into another staring contest if Grandfather hadn’t stepped in carrying a chess board. We played a game most afternoons during the winter when the workload wasn’t so oppressive. Couldn’t he realize that chess was the last thing I wanted to do this afternoon?

  “Come on, I’ll give you the grand tour,” Mattie said, leading her up the stairs.

  I quickly gave a silent prayer that I’d cleaned my room. Oh okay, semi-cleaned up. The laundry pile was smaller than normal and I’d put away the clean clothes.

  “This is my room,” Mattie said from the top of the stairs throwing open her door. Her room was spotless I’m sure, as always. Decorated in typical girly fashion stuffed animals on the bed and posters of Rodeo Champion Eric Tomas on the wall.

  Grandfather and I were playing chess at the kitchen table when the girls walked in.

  “I’ve got winners,” Mattie said as she checked the roast in the oven. The savory aroma of roasting meat washed throughout the entire house making my spit glands work overtime.

  We’d spent countless evenings at this very table while my grandmother had prepared dinner. She liked to have us around so she could needle Grandfather or impulsively hug Mattie or me.

  My mind wandered and I found myself staring at Katie. I honestly think that she had no idea how pretty she was. Full red lips, sparkling white teeth. I wanted to run my hands over her skin, it looked so smooth and soft. It felt strange seeing her in these clothes, good strange. They emphasized her long curving torso, I couldn’t stop myself from sneaking looks.

  The chess game had lost all ability to hold my interest. I moved my rook. Grandfather grumbled and shot me a look of confusion, then took my queen.

  “Dinner smells wonderful,” Katie said. “Can I help?�

  “No thank you, it’s pretty much done. We’re just waiting for the meat to finish up,” Mattie answered.

  “Where did you learn to cook Mattie?” Katie asked.

  “My Ellen taught her,” Grandfather said, getting a faraway look when he said her name.

  “Yeah, she said I had to take care of these two,” Mattie said indicating Grandfather and me. “She said I had to take care of them until I was eighteen. And that I wasn’t to take care of them after that. She figured they’d be old enough to take care of themselves by then.”

  Katie chuckled and sat next to me to watch the game. My pulse immediately jumped into warp drive as the air between us began to tingle and sparkle. A long uncomfortable silence descended until Mattie joined us and kept a conversation going with occasional input from the rest of us.

  Grandfather put me in checkmate and shook his head. “That has to be the worst game you’ve played in years. What’s going on?”

  I glanced at Katie and felt my face flush, I’m sure she’d picked up on what was going on. Turning to Mattie she asked about Chrissy, her horse. I appreciated the effort to deflect the attention away from me.

  “I’m worried about her, she’s due to foal next week.”

  “Do you want to go see her?” I asked, jumping at a chance to get out of the house and away from Grandfather’s discerning eye.

  “Sure, that’d be great,” Katie said, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

  As she reached for her coat I put a handout and shook my head. “You don’t want to wear that into the barn, Here, use this,” I said holding out my jacket. Her eyes grew as large as pumpkins and her face turned a delicious shade of pink. She slipped her arm into it and was immediately swallowed up.

  Pulling the sleeves up she hugged it close and followed me out to the barn.

  The jacket fell half way to her thighs and made her sexy as hell. The girl could wear anything and look great. Seeing her in my jacket sent a special thrill down my spine.



  Katie Rivers was wearing Scott James letterman Jacket, who would ever have believed it. I pulled it in close and buried my nose on the inside. Scott’s musky aftershave washed through me and lit me on fire. Careful Katie, I said to myself. He’s being nice, remember he’s in love with Gina Woods – That B...

  Scott held the barn door open for me and gave me his patented flourish to usher me in. I chuckled to myself and stepped in to be hit by a wave of smells. Manure, animal hair, and old wood all combined to let me know exactly where I was and how different this was from the suburbs of southern California.

  Jack, their black and white collie came to greet us, his fluffy tail whipping back and forth in excitement. He stuck his nose into Scott’s hand then scrunched down as Scott scratched his back.

  A cow in the first stall mooed making me jump and bump into Scott. He reached out to catch me. I felt his fingers grip my shoulder and didn’t flinch. I softened into his hold and had to check myself from leaning into him.

  “What’s her name?” I asked.

  “It’s a him and he doesn’t have a name. We don’t normally name them if we’re going to eat them.”

  I blanched and felt like a fool. Of course, they don’t name them. You idiot, this is a different world, Katie.

  The next stall held a medium sized pig, obviously future bacon. As we made our way down the central aisle, chickens scratched in the dirt and hay before scattering out of our way. Scott pointed out the coop covered in wire fencing. A white hen sat on a nest in a wooden box, A dozen little yellow chicks dancing around her.

  The thought that they were future food dampened the mood a little. My mind instantly switched mode when Scott held my hand and gently pulled me towards the last stall. A wooden sign with the word Chrissy painted in pink adorned the wall next to the half Dutch door. A bucket of horse tools, combs and brushes sat under the sign ready for use.

  When I peeked inside, a beautiful chestnut brown and very pregnant horse looked back at me with huge chocolate eyes covered in thick lashes. She stood in the center of the stall and looked at us with the saddest expression.

  Scott muttered under his breath and slowly opened the door. He stepped in first and motioned me inside. He nodded towards the wall and said, “Hold on a second while I check her out. She doesn’t look right. She should have come to meet us at the door.”

  I nodded that I understood and backed up to lean against the wall while he slowly walked towards the horse.

  He reached into his pocket and retrieved a raw carrot with the green top attached. He held it out for her and started to gently rub her neck while whispering, “How you doing girl?”

  He continued on down. Running his hand across her giant belly before making his way to the back where he lifted her tail and shook his head at what he saw. As he examined her a gush of fluid shot out and drenched him from collar to belt.

  I squealed, then started to laugh so hard I thought for sure I’d pee my pants. He looked so shocked. His brow scowled and face scrunched up. He obviously didn’t enjoy being laughed at. I clamped down on my giggles but I couldn’t stop smiling.

  Chrissy looked back at him but didn’t move. Letting out a big sigh she settled to her knees before slowly rolling onto her side. My heart jumped into my throat with worry. Was she sick?

  “What’s going on, is she okay?” I asked.

  “Her water broke. Can you go get Mattie for me? Tell her that Chrissy has started her delivery. And ask her to bring me a new shirt. Thanks,” he said reaching back and pulling his shirt off.

  He used the dry side to wipe his face. I was transfixed. He was so big. Everything was in perfect proportions, just more of it than should be allowed. His wide shoulders and arms were as hard as granite. His barrel chest looked like a solid wall of stone tapering down to a hard stomach. A fine dusting of chest hair narrowed to a point aimed at his belt buckle and what lay beneath his pants.

  My heart race and I licked my lips, trying to swallow had become impossible.

  He looked up and caught me staring. My face grew warm. I couldn’t look away. He coughed and brought me back to reality. I hurried out the door and into the house.

  Mattie squealed when I told her. She asked her grandfather to finish dinner and ran upstairs to get Scott a shirt.

  We were back in Chrissy’s stall within minutes. Mattie immediately dropped to her knees next to the horse’s head and started stroking her cheek. She glanced up at my terrified face and smiled, “Don’t worry. Scott’s the best when it comes to horses. He’ll take care of her.”

  Scott pulled on the new shirt and I felt a brief sense of regret. He smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “It looks like a normal delivery, no need to call the vet.”

  Not call the vet? How could they not call the vet? This horse was everything to Mattie. They couldn’t risk her. How dare they not call the animal doctor? My ire started to come up before I reminded myself this wasn’t my world. Don’t try and tell the experts what they should do. Still, I worried they were wrong.

  He finished tucking his shirt into his pants then stepped out of the stall. He came back carrying a sixty-pound bale of hay like it he held a pack of marshmallows. He placed it next to the wall out of the way.

  “Have a seat, it’s going to be a bit,” he said to me then returned to the horse to examiner her again.

  We must have been there a couple of hours when their grandfather popped his head over the Dutch door and said, “How’s she doing”

  “Shouldn’t be much longer. Hour, hour and a half,” Scott said.

  “Well, I brought you all dinner, no use letting it go to waste.” He said handing out sandwiches. The delicious aroma of roast beef and fresh bread made my mouth water. My stomach rumbled in anticipation. I looked over at Mr. James in surprise.

  He saw my raised eyebrows and smiled. “Don’t look so surprised, I can make a sandwich. I did learn a few things over the years.”

  Scott washe
d his hands in a bucket of water then sat next to me on the hay bail. Our legs rubbed against each other sending warm shock waves up and down my leg. I didn’t move away but focused on my dinner. I thought about the school cafeteria. It was amazing how far from school this was. No wonder he could stay so grounded. There were so many things more important than the social scene at a small high school.

  We finished our wonderful dinner in silence. My face grew warm and probably a little pink when I thought about what Scott must think seeing me scarf down that sandwich. He knocked my shoulder with his and smiled as he finished his dinner.

  “Your grandfather must trust you a lot to leave you to do this by yourself,” I said.

  Scott’s eyebrows narrowed in confusion for a moment as he shrugged his shoulders. “I guess. I never thought about it that way.” He shook his head as he pondered the situation then settled back into a comfortable silence as we waited.

  Sitting on that bale of hay was one of the most fun things I have ever done. My pulse raced as if I were riding a roller coaster, a big one. Every sense had come to full alert. The other animals sounded as clear as if I was in the stall with them. Mattie’s whispers were clear and soothing.

  The smells of the barn burnt the back of my throat, leaving a rich, deep taste. Scott had that horsey scent that reminded me of nature and that I’d always associate with this day. The barn smell became softer and more natural the longer I sat there.

  The hay prickled the backs of my legs but felt solid and comforting. It was impossible to ignore the man sitting next to me. The heat Scott generated seeped into my bones as I snuggled into his jacket. Bliss.

  I was worried about Mattie’s horse, but I wasn’t worried about me. How long had it been since I felt that?

  “This might be a while; you should probably call your aunt and let her know you’ll be a little late. I don’t want to leave until it’s over.”

  Wow, extra innings, I thought, as I smiled inside. I could sit there next to him all night.


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