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Hot SEAL, Undercover Groom (SEALs in Paradise)

Page 8

by Maryann Jordan

  “Elizabeth, do you take Ryan to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and hold through sickness and health, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, till death do you part?”

  Suddenly, she knew what had hit Nolan when he hesitated. Even though this was a fake wedding, with fake information on the license and the vows said without their full legal names would not be upheld… even if they were not in a real church… even if it was a Justice of the Peace and not a minister… the solemnity of the moment struck her. Her mouth grew dry and she was uncertain she could speak. Searching Nolan’s face, his eyes held understanding. His smile had a touch of sorrow. She felt the tingles throughout her arms as he squeezed her fingers gently. “I do,” she managed to wheeze.

  “Miss Junelle, will you give Elizabeth the ring?”

  Not waiting for her to turn, Junelle thrust the ring into Elizabeth’s hand. Trying not to drop the ring with her hands shaking badly, she placed the ring on Nolan’s finger and repeated the vows the Justice of the Peace instructed. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Errol did not wait for any instructions, simply handing Nolan the smaller ring. Following the instructions also, he slid the ring on Lynn’s finger, wiggled it slightly to the base, and said, “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  “By the power vested in me by the great state of Tennessee, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride!”

  Her breath left her lungs in a rush, and she stared up at Nolan wide-eyed. Because they had not planned on completing the sham, it never dawned on her that they would need to kiss. Ten years ago, she’d attempted a kiss, but in a fumbling, sixteen-year-old way, she’d managed to land her lips on his, catching him by surprise. And her humiliation had been complete when he grabbed her by her arms and pushed her away before whirling around and hurrying out of the room. Now, she froze in place, unable to move. “Uh…”

  Nolan didn’t seem to have that problem as he slid one arm around her waist and pulled her in tightly. Banding his other arm around her shoulders, his fingers slid through her hair to the back of her head before taking her lips in a kiss. He moved his soft lips over hers, and as she sighed, he slipped his tongue inside, caressing hers. Her knees felt weak and her fingers dug into his shoulders, clinging for purchase to keep her upright. She lost track of time, reveling in a kiss she had been dreaming about since she was old enough to know what a kiss was.

  “Yay!!!” cried Junelle, tossing rose petals in the air.

  Nolan’s arms loosened slightly, and as he pulled back, she felt the heat of blush warming her face. Slowly becoming aware of the others, she glanced to the side to see Errol signing a piece of paper in front of the officiant. Junelle handed the bouquet back to her and rushed over to the small table to sign the paper as well.

  Errol walked over and shook Nolan’s hand. “Congratulations, and thank you so much for choosing Cupid of the Mountains Wedding Chapel! Since we got started a little early, the photographer is on his way. So just take your time and congratulations again.” He cast his glance toward Junelle and said, “I’m heading out now.”

  Still standing in the same spot as though her feet were stuck to the carpet, Lynn was uncertain how their plans had changed. Looking toward Nolan to get her cues from him, she was hoping the others would leave.

  Junelle was still stuck in wedding mode and she continued to talk. “You two can sign your marriage certificate and then it’s my job to file it. You can get a copy online in about two days and then a certified copy will be mailed to you in a few weeks. The photographer is going to be here in a few minutes, and you’ve paid for a lovely package. He’ll take pictures of both of you, indoor and outdoor, some of the beautiful bride, some of your hands with the rings. Any special pictures you want, like kissing pictures, you just let him know.”

  “Um… I thought we could get a picture with Mr. Hightower, but I believe he’s already left?” she asked, wanting to make sure he was no longer in his office. Nolan’s hand tightened around her shoulder, and she hoped he appreciated her foresight.

  “Oh, I am so sorry, but yes. He’s already gone to lunch and when he goes on Wednesdays, he’s gone for quite a while.” Junelle beamed her smile at them again and said, “I’ll be back in the front area, so take your time with the pictures.”

  She hustled off, leaving Nolan and Lynn with the officiant. Looking down at the wedding license, her hands shook as she left off ‘Lynn’ and just signed Elizabeth Cox. She watched as Nolan signed as well and wondered once again what false information Rita had placed on their fake marriage license application. That thought was quickly shoved aside as the Justice of the Peace shook their hands and walked out the same door that Junelle had left through.

  Now that it was just the two of them, she grabbed Nolan and said, “Can we do it now?”

  Before he had a chance to speak, the door opened and in walked an older gentleman, several camera bags in hand.

  “Hello, hello! I’m so sorry I’m late! They told me noon but Miss Junelle told me that you all got started early. That’s okay! We can make it just like everything’s happening right now.” As he made it to them, he shook their hands. “I am Chester Morgan, one of the photographers here at Cupid of the Mountains Wedding Chapel. I’ve been doing this many years and always take care of my couples.”

  It took several minutes, but he set his cameras out on one of the benches nearby. “Okay, stand up in front of the flowers at the front here, let’s get a few.”

  By now, the entire event felt so surreal that Lynn simply moved through the motions, following Chester’s instructions without question. She and Nolan posed with their arms around each other at the front of the chapel, some facing the camera and some staring into each other’s eyes. They followed Chester outside where they stood next to a stream, in the gazebo, under a weeping cherry tree, and by the cupid’s sign. There were pictures of her hand resting on Nolan’s, their white gold bands glistening in the sunlight.

  She thought that with each picture it would get easier but, instead, the emotional toll of the sham wedding was weighing on her. It wasn’t supposed to be like this! We were going to get here early, get into the empty office, and then sneak out before the ceremony took place.

  “You’re getting all dreamy-eyed on me, Mrs. Bell,” Chester called out, jerking her gaze back to his.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “I asked your groom if he wanted a kissy-kissy picture.”

  Before she had a chance to reply, Nolan turned her gently and pulled her flush against his body. Mumbling against her lips, he said, “I know we need to get inside, but how about a kissy-kissy picture to remember this crazy-ass day?”

  A laugh-snort slipped out, and she could not think of a good reason why she shouldn’t enjoy another kiss with Nolan. Closing her eyes, she wiped out all other thoughts as his lips took hers once again. The kiss was long and slow, building in intensity like the crescendo of an orchestra. It was not until Chester cackled aloud that they separated quickly, both blinking as though dazed.

  “Alrighty, folks, I think I got enough pictures. I’ll get them out to Miss Junelle tomorrow and she can send the link to you so you can choose the ones you want.” Shaking their hands, they watched as he climbed into his old car and pulled out of the parking lot.

  Her shoulders slumped and once again she was glad Nolan had his arm around her waist. “Nolan, this was nothing like what we planned.”

  “I know, and I’m so fuckin’ sorry, Lynn. The only thing we could’ve done was to call a halt to it before it got started and then they would’ve expected us to leave. At that point, we would’ve had to try to break in to get into his office.”

  Shaking her head quickly, she glanced toward the building they were standing next to. “No, no, we couldn’t have done that. The risk of getting caught would be too great.”

  Feeling his gaze, she looked upward at Nolan. “I’ll take your lead ‘cause you have to tell me what to do now.”

  “Okay, we
go back in and stick to our original plan. We tell Junelle that we're going to use their restroom, and I’ll make sure that Errol’s office door is open. If it’s locked, then I can get it unlocked. You get in and do what you need, just like we planned. I’ll stay on the outside and run interference in case Junelle comes down the hall. Five minutes, right?”

  “Yes, I just need five minutes.”

  A smile spread across Nolan’s face, and she could not help but feel her shoulders relax. He was so handsome, so much more than when he was a teenager. She knew it was a sham, but also intended to keep one of the photos. Just one… to remind me of this day.

  Following through on their plan, they walked back into the reception area, seeing Junelle behind the counter. She looked up with her ever-present smile and asked, “Are y’all finished with the pictures?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied. “We’re getting ready to head out, but would you mind if we used your restrooms?”

  Waving toward the back, Junelle bobbed her head, her tall hair bouncing up and down. “Absolutely! Take your time ‘cause I know y’all have a little drive ahead of you to get to the resort.”

  He reached down to link fingers with her again, and it struck her how easily they reached for each other’s hands now. So natural. So needed.

  As they walked down the hall away from the front reception area and Junelle, their footsteps were muffled by the plush carpet. Errol’s door was closed, and she watched as Nolan slipped on a glove and pulled a thin metal tool from his pocket. She was stunned to see how quickly he was able to jimmy the door open. He turned to look at her, and for a second, it was as though she forgot why they were there. Seeing his lifted brow, she bolted into action, walking briskly past him into the office, confident that he would keep a safe watch.

  He grabbed her arm, and she turned back, her brow lifted in silent question. He handed her a pair of gloves and the air rushed from her lungs, embarrassed at her forgetfulness. Nodding her thanks, she slipped them on.

  Just as Sally had indicated, Errol’s office was neat and his computer sat on the exact center of his desk. Nolan had provided her with a touchscreen glove and she slid it onto her shaking hand. Sally had provided a password, although she admitted she was unsure it was the current one he used. Not willing to waste time, she reached into her small bag and pulled out the drive. Knowing it could reset the computer, she plugged it in and waited. Glancing toward the door, she sucked in a deep breath, praying Junelle did not come down the hall. Casting her gaze about the room, she discerned the best place to hide if necessary—standing behind the curtains on either side of the windows like in a cheesy murder-mystery movie.

  The ding from the computer startled her and she inwardly grimaced at her lack of attention. Tapping away, she breathed easier when she discovered that his accounting system was not hidden, not encrypted, and not overly complicated. She quickly found the records she was looking for and popped in a different drive for transferring the information.

  Glancing upward again, she could see a shadow underneath the closed office door and knew Junelle would not be able to see her in the office if she happened to come down the hall. Her heart seemed to beat in time with the clock as she kept track of how long it was taking. Only another couple of minutes.

  Deciding to see if there was anything else of interest, she walked over to the credenza under his window and pulled open the drawers. There were files, but glancing through them, there was nothing of any interest to her. Hanging behind the door was a spare suit, including a crisply-starched and ironed shirt. A bookcase to the side held a few volumes of books on running a small business, the Smoky Mountains, and weddings.

  Sitting back down at his desk, she opened the drawers, her eyes bugging out of her head at the sight of a gun. Unable to imagine why a wedding chapel owner would need a firearm, she quickly shut the drawer. Directly underneath was a larger drawer that she assumed held more files, but it was locked.

  “Oh, hello, Junelle.” Her head jerked up as she heard Nolan speaking loudly from the hall.

  “Yes, Elizabeth is still inside the ladies’ room, I’m afraid. The nerves were getting the best of her, and she’s got a bit of a tummy ache.”

  “Oh, I am so sorry. I was going to tell you that I’m getting ready to leave for lunch, but Chester just came back saying that he’s going to use my computer to upload the pictures. As soon as he got home, he said his Internet was down. So, since he’ll be at my desk, I’ll say goodbye and wish you and your bride the best. I hope she feels okay in a bit. After all, you want to have a nice wedding night!”

  Lynn heard Nolan chuckle, but she continued to hold her breath until he popped his head into the office.

  “I know you heard that, but she’s gone. And Chester is busy so we should be good. How’s it going?”

  “About two more minutes.” She hesitated, then decided she wanted his input. “Nolan,” she hissed, and he poked his head back in. “He’s got a gun in his top drawer and the second file drawer is locked.”

  Checking over his shoulder, Nolan darted into the room and closed the office door. As he walked around to the back of the desk, she pulled open the drawer to allow him to view the gun. He simply nodded, pushed the drawer closed, and then pulled out his thin tool and quickly unlocked the latch to the files.

  As he went back to his lookout position, she opened the drawer, finding the contents much more interesting. Several overstuffed but unlabeled file folders were inside. Scanning their contents, she grabbed her phone from her purse and began snapping pictures. She had no idea what the list of numbers meant but wanted to have the photographs to look at later.

  Her drive had accepted all the downloaded files from the computer, and she retrieved it, shoving it back into her purse. Closing his laptop after shutting it down, she made sure to leave it placed on his desk exactly as she first saw it. She continued to rifle through the file folders for another couple of minutes, taking pictures of anything that appeared pertinent.

  Nolan popped his head through the door again, and she whispered, “I’m almost finished. I wanted to get this as well.” Finally, placing all the files back into the drawer as she found them, Nolan locked it again. They stepped back, careful to perform a visual sweep of the office and, once satisfied it was all in order, they slipped back into the hall where he relocked the door.

  Adrenaline pumping, they hurried out of the building, tossing a wave toward Chester as they left. Her heels tapped out a quick staccato as they rushed across the parking lot toward his truck. Opening the door, he lifted her into the passenger seat before jogging around and climbing inside. He started the truck, but before he put it in drive he twisted around.

  She mimicked his actions, facing him, a lighthearted grin on her face. “We did it!” she whispered, her hand lifted to offer a high-five.

  Before she had a chance to react, he reached over and cupped her jaws, pulling her forward slightly. “We sure as hell did,” he said just before his lips landed on hers.


  Nolan had not planned on kissing her again. In fact, most of the day had not gone the way he’d planned at all. As a SEAL, he was used to meticulously planning then evaluating ever-changing situations and reacting accordingly. Somehow, with Lynn, he’d been filled with uncertainty and allowed the situation to progress. But, seeing her giddy smile as she lifted her hand in celebration of ‘we did it,’ he was overcome with the desire to celebrate.

  Now, with his lips covering hers, he once again wondered what the hell he was doing. A soft moan met his ears, and he felt her body melt toward him. Her response nearly undid him, and he swept his tongue into her mouth, loving the taste and feel of everything about her. He was playing with fire but was filled with the headiness of her reaction to his kiss. He angled his head and took the kiss deeper, his body firing on all engines as it hummed in appreciation. And, by the reaction of his cock, in anticipation.

  Slowly, he pulled back, his hands still holding her face. He ended the k
iss only because he knew they needed to leave. Breathing heavily, he said, “We need to get out of here. Let’s get to the resort, and we can take a look at all that we have.”

  She blinked her deer-in-the-headlights eyes as she stared at him. Her chest heaved as she appeared to catch her breath. Her lips were plump and moist, and he battled the desire to kiss her again. Hesitating to see what she would do, she finally mimicked him as she leaned back against the seat. “Yeah. Good. That sounds good.” Closing her eyes for a few seconds, she shook her head slowly back and forth, blowing out a huge breath. “I’m exhausted.”

  “Who knew going through a fake wedding would be so tiring?”

  “Yeah…” she barely whispered.

  His gaze shot over to see her staring out of the front windshield, no smile on her face. Hating the emotional landmine that the day had presented, he tried to joke past it. “Besides being tired, I’m starved.”

  That confession elicited a small laugh, and she agreed. “Me too.”

  “Then let’s drive to the resort, get checked into our rooms, and have a nice meal. We’re supposed to have cake and champagne also. Once we’ve rested and eaten, then you can start looking at the financial records.”

  He held his breath for a second as she appeared to ponder his words. Finally, she nodded. “Okay… yeah, good.”

  As he pulled out onto the road, the air inside his truck seemed electrified with a combination of adrenaline and sexual tension. Kissing was not something he often engaged in. It implied a level of intimacy that a casual fuck lacked. The times that he had spent kissing a woman was usually instigated by them and nothing more than a precursor to sex as he kept it to a minimum. But, with Lynn, he hated to end the kiss and hoped he would have a chance to kiss her again.

  He glanced to the side to see her hands clasped together in her lap, the ring still on her finger. He hadn’t even noticed that his wedding ring was also still in place, something he thought would have chafed but instead felt comfortable.


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