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The Shadow of Tyburn Tree

Page 32

by Dennis Wheatley

  “Not so fast, young man,’ the Admiral frowned. ‘If I catch you seeking information regarding the Fleet and its objectives in next winter’s campaign against the Turks, I’ll regard it as no less than my duty to the Empress to hang you from a yard-arm.’

  ‘You may be at rest on that score,’ Roger volunteered. ‘My mission is political and diplomatic rather than military. Indeed, I am charged to do no more than assess the feelings of the Court on various international problems.’

  ‘Stick to such matters and I’ll regard it as no affair of mine,’ said the Admiral gruffly. ‘But please to understand that the Fleet and the port of Cronstadt are barred to you.’

  ‘ ’Tis a limit that I will willingly observe; and I thank you, Sir, for placing no other restriction upon me.’

  The Admiral shrugged. ‘ ’Tis no part of my duty to prevent Court gossip finding its way to Whitehall; but, if I may advise you, I would suggest that you should seek to learn something of the Russian character before endeavouring to assess the value of such rumours as you may pick up. Your ignorance of it was clearly demonstrated by your demanding satisfaction of me a while back; and you will find many other traits in them which will appear fantastic to your English mind.’

  ‘In that I’d be prodigious grateful for any guidance you may care to give me,’ Roger said quickly.

  ‘To start with then, there is no such thing as honour among the Russians. Neither man’s nor woman’s word is to be relied upon; so put your trust in no one. They lie more often than they tell the truth, and not from any sense of malice, but partly from habit and partly from the amusement it affords them. There is a law against gambling, yet it remains the principal national pastime, and rich and poor indulge their passion for it alike. Their improvidence is only equalled by their hospitality, and within a week you will find a dozen well-served tables at every one of which you will be welcome by merely appearing at meal-times every day. In fact the rich nobles measure their prestige by the number of hangers-on they can collect and feed gratis at their tables.’

  ‘Surely that robs their hospitality of much of its merit?’ Roger remarked.

  ‘You are right there, lad. ’Tis mere childish vanity and ostentation which prompts the majority of them to it. And worse, in many cases, since some of them expect their guests to take a hand at cards with them after supper every night, and seek to recoup themselves for the price of the meal by playing on credit.’

  Roger gave the Admiral a puzzled look. ‘I fail to see, Sir, how that can benefit them; since, if they are losers, they must settle up just the same in the long run.’

  ‘Not a bit of it,’ laughed the Admiral. ‘I tell you that the word “honour” has no equivalent in the Russian tongue. If you indulge in gambling and are fool enough to let one of your opponents play on credit, should he lose, it is entirely at his option whether he pays you his debt later, or not. Should he decline and you complain of it, everyone else will simply laugh at you, and he will go up in their estimation as a clever fellow. What is more, they boast openly of their ability at cheating, and are always on the look out for gullible strangers from whom they may make a picking.’

  ‘I would that I had known this a few months back,’ Roger, said with a rueful grin. ‘I lost three hundred guineas one night to Count Vorontzoff, the Russian Ambassador to the Court of St. James. Had I but been aware that I could have so lightly laughed off the debt the following morning, it would have saved myself and others a multitude of complications.

  ‘That would be Count Sergius Vorontzoff,’ remarked Mr. Tooke. ‘His father was the last Grand Chancellor. No other has been appointed since his death and the powers of the post are more or less shared by Prince Potemkin and Count Bezborodko, who succeeded Count Panin as the Empress’s principal adviser on Foreign affairs. The latter is a connection of the Vorontzoffs, and the family’s influence is still very great. One of the old man’s daughters is the celebrated Princess Dashkof. At the age of eighteen she played a leading part in the conspiracy which placed Catherine on the throne. Her sister, Elizaveta Romanovna, was Peter the Third’s mistress while he was Grand Duke, and during his short reign; and the other brother, Count Alexander, is the head of the College of Commerce.’

  ‘It seems strange to think that so violent a man as Count Sergius has a brother who is a Professor,’ Roger remarked, ‘and stranger still that a country so backward as Russia should have a college devoted to training young men to enter trade.’

  ‘Nay,’ Mr. Tooke smiled. ‘You are mistaken on both counts. Here, when one speaks of the College of Commerce, or War or Justice, one means the Government department, and the head of each is the responsible Minister. Yet the present Empress, herself a woman of quite exceptional culture, has performed prodigies in improving educational facilities. In addition to greatly increasing the number of military, naval and agricultural schools, she has instituted academies of Medicine, Mines, Teaching, Art and the Theatre, and even founded a seminary for young ladies of the nobility. So that nearly seven thousand pupils now receive their education at the expense of the Imperial purse; as once nominated to these institutions there are no fees to pay, the whole cost being borne by the Empress.’

  ‘Russia certainly seems a land of extraordinary contrasts,’ said Roger, thoughtfully.

  ‘You will indeed find it so,’ nodded the Admiral. ‘Nine out of ten of the acquaintances you make will entertain you most hospitably one day, yet not scruple to steal your snuff-box the next. So light-fingered are they by habit that after eating your food they will think nothing of pocketing your table-silver the minute your back is turned. My wife and I found ourselves at such loss through this that we took an early opportunity to have made in Leith several dozen spoons and forks of base metal, especially for use when entertaining Russians.’

  ‘They are even more inveterate cheats than they are thieves,’ opined Mr. Tooke. ‘ ’Tis the common practice among merchants to ask foreigners five times the proper price for any article, in the hope that the buyer will think it a good bargain if he can secure it by offering half that sum, and only later discover that he has paid more than double its real value. Worst of all are the rasnoshchiks, as the street-vendors are called. They will offer you a box of tea, which on being carried home will be found to have only a sprinkling of tea-leaves on the surface, the rest of the box being filled with sand and wood-shavings. They are adepts at pumping air into chickens so that the eye is tempted by what appears to be a fat capon, when in reality ’tis but a scraggy old hen wasted to near nothing from rearing her last brood of chicks. In my early days here I even had a bundle of asparagus sold to me, which, at a casual glance, looked in prime condition for the table. ’Twas not till my wife was about to put it to boil that we discovered the edible tips to have already been removed, and the woody stumps repointed and painted.’

  Roger threw up his hands with a laugh. ‘Tell me no more, Gentlemen, I beg; for it seems I am come to a veritable sink of iniquity. Yet I thank you for your warnings, and will endeavour to buy my own experience as cheaply as possible.’

  ‘I must be on my way,’ declared the Admiral, getting to his feet. ‘Mr. Brook, my barouche is at the door, can I carry you in it to the centre of the city, or have you further business to discuss with our good friend?’

  ‘Nay, Sir,’ Roger replied. I have already importuned Mr. Tooke for over-long, and gladly accept your offer.’

  Mr. Tooke smiled at him. ‘I would have liked to bid you sup with us and meet my wife; but the fewer people who know you to be an Englishman, the better, and ’twould be somewhat embarrassing for both of us did I introduce you as aught else. Therefore I will confine myself to wishing you good fortune, and assuring you that I will perform the small service you have requested of me whenever called upon to do so.’

  Roger thanked the friendly clergyman and leaving the house with the Admiral was swiftly conveyed by him back to the Nevski, where they parted with expressions of mutual goodwill. He then walked the last hundred yard
s to his lodging.

  Upstairs in his sitting-room he found three people patiently awaiting his return; Ostermann, a bearded, middle-aged peasant in a clean white blouse, and a pretty little girl of about fourteen decked out in a gaily embroidered costume.

  As he entered they all stood up and bowed almost to the ground; then Ostermann indicated the girl and said:

  ‘Subject to your approval, most noble General, Zaria Feodorovna begs leave to become your servant.’

  Roger looked at her with interest. Her face was a trifle flat and her black eyes were no more than medium size, but they were full of liveliness. Her brow was broad, her teeth were white and even, her lips cherry-red and her complexion that of a sun-ripened apple. Crisply curling dark hair framed her piquant features and the delicate curves of her figure showed that she was already approaching womanhood. She looked an attractive little thing, but struck Roger as hardly strong enough to carry heavy trays upstairs and perform other such services as he would require. Moreover, he had, not unnaturally, expected Ostermann to find a man to wait upon him.

  On his voicing his doubts as to little Zaria’s suitability, the Courlander broke into vigorous protest. ‘Small she may be, noble General, but she is as strong as an ox. These peasant girls are brought up to labour long hours and carry heavy burdens. Feel her muscles for yourself, I beg; behold the sturdiness of her calves. She is capable of doing all the work of your apartment, cleaning your clothes, running your errands, carrying up the wood for the stove, and will still greet you with a smiling freshness when you return in the evenings.’

  Roger was tired after his long day and did not wish to argue; so he shrugged. ‘Very well, then. I will give her a trial. How much is she asked?’

  ‘Her father is willing to let you have her for one hundred roubles.’

  Recalling Mr. Tooke’s dictum that Russians always asked five times the proper price from all foreigners, Roger swiftly worked it out that twenty roubles, or four pounds, was near enough the correct wage; but even that seemed high for a quarter—the minimum term for which servants were then hired in western Europe—so he asked the period that such a sum would cover.

  Ostermann looked at him in surprise. ‘Why, as long as it pleases you to retain her, noble General. Once the payment is made she will be yours to do what you like with, short of killing her. You must give her enough to eat and drink, let her go to the public baths on Saturdays and to church on Sundays. You must not take her out of the country without first having obtained permission to do so; as although she becomes your slave by this payment to her father she still remains the property of the Empress. But you may beat her to your heart’s content and have her arrested if she attempts to run away from you—unless she can return the hundred roubles that you gave for her.’

  Roger had no intention of ill-treating the pretty little creature, but, seeing that slave-owning was the custom of the country, the idea of having one of his own rather amused him. He expected to be in Russia for several months at least, and twenty pounds did not seem excessive for the outright purchase of a human being. Yet he felt that he would be regarded as easy game, and in future be constantly cheated by his landlord over other matters, if he did not make a show of driving a bargain. So he declared that the price was outrageous.

  ‘Indeed it is not!’ Ostermann spread out his hands. ‘The noble General has no doubt heard tales that we are all cheats here; but in this case he need have no fears. If, Sir, you had not been brought here by Doctor Drenke I should consider it my right to ask a far higher sum, but I dare not; for if the Doctor learned that I had robbed his friend he would beat me black and blue.’

  This naive confession both amused and somewhat reassured Roger, but he still shook his head; upon which Ostermann cried: ‘A hundred roubles is a great deal of money, I know, but she is worth every denushka of it! I would rather break my own neck than be the means of installing here some slut who might give the noble General a loathesome disease, and I defy anyone to find for him at a lesser sum a girl of such looks who is still a virgin.’

  Such an aspect of the deal had not even entered Roger’s head, and his surprised laugh was taken by Ostermann as a sign of disbelief so the Courlander hurried on: ‘I beg you, noble General, to examine the girl for yourself. Her father is an honest man and will wish you to do so before the money is paid over. She will wish it too, that she may have the pleasure of proving to her father that she has led a chaste life.’

  Roger shook his head. ‘I thank you, but I asked you to provide me with a servant, not a child to sleep with.’

  Ostermann shrugged. ‘She is fully ready to become a woman as soon as the noble General chooses to make her one. Naturally so handsome a gentleman will have many ladies to visit him, and at such times Zaria Feodorovna can sleep in one of the attics. At other times she will always be at your disposal; and if on coming home drunk late at night her presence annoys you, ’twill prove easy enough for you to kick her out of bed. When the cold weather comes ’tis essential that you should have someone to warm your bed for you; everyone does here. Look at it which way you will, noble General, the offer is a genuine bargain.’

  Feeling it futile to raise further objections Roger unlocked the brass-bound coffer in which he kept his funds, produced some Swedish gold pieces equivalent in value to one hundred roubles, and somewhat to his embarrassment, completed the formalities of Zaria’s purchase. The hitherto silent peasant kissed him on the shoulder and, through Ostermann, expressed his happiness at having found for his daughter such a rich and handsome young master; then the girl snatched awkwardly at Roger’s hands and falling on her knees kissed them, showing by her eagerness that she was a willing partner to the deal.

  Roger told Ostermann that he wished her to go out and fetch him a light supper of cold chicken and a bottle of red wine; and after much bowing and scraping they left him, all breaking into an excited chatter in Russian the second they were outside his door.

  As their voices faded down the stairs he began to pull off his clothes. Then, while he changed into a light silk chamber-robe, he considered a trifle dubiously how he could best disembarrass himself of the more private services which Zaria Feodorovna evidently expected to render him. She would, he thought, in due course make somebody an admirable wife or mistress, but he had no desire whatever for a child-concubine, and he wondered now if he had not been a little rash in allowing himself to be persuaded into buying a female slave. He had gone through with the deal mainly because he was tired out and it had seemed easier to acquiesce, and acquire a willing little maidservant than wait until the next day to find a man whom he would have to beat and bully. It occurred to him somewhat belatedly that Zaria Feodorovna might prove hurt and resentful at his indifference; so he could only hope that she would see the sense of keeping her virginity until he dispensed with her services, as an additional asset with which to catch a husband.

  A quarter of an hour later she returned with his supper, and Ostermann accompanied her to act as translator for any orders that Roger might wish to give on initiating her into his service. Having shown her where he kept his things and stated his requirements about brushing his clothes and cleaning his boots, he asked Ostermann to explain to her that he thought her too young, as yet, to be any man’s bedfellow, and that he wished her to sleep in the attic until she grew a little older.

  The result was a sudden crimsoning of the apple-hued cheeks, followed by a deluge of tears and heartrending lamentations. Ostermann translated her sobbing protests as despair at having failed to find favour in her master’s eyes. She had, it seemed, fallen in love with him on sight and believed herself to be the luckiest girl in all Russia, whereas, at his words, he had made her the most miserable.

  Roger saw that there was only one thing for it. Taking the bundle of noisy woe in his arms, he drew her on to his knees, where he petted her like the child she was and kissed the tears away. Then he made her a present of a rich silk scarf, which delighted her beyond measure, and packed her off, g
reatly consoled, with Ostermann, to her attic.

  Just as they were leaving the room the loud boom of a cannon reverberated through the city, and thinking that it might be an alarm signal of some kind, Roger called after Ostermann, asking him if he knew its cause.

  ‘ ’Tis nought but the night-gun, noble General,’ replied the Courlander. Few of the common people in Petersburg are rich enough to own a watch and many are so ignorant that they cannot read the public clocks even when they can see them; so at this season of the year when there are no hours of darkness a gun is fired from the fortress each evening to let them know that the night has begun.’

  It was still broad daylight but Roger had been up since half-past five that morning, and his experiences of the day had been so new and varied that he felt more than ready for bed. After despatching a wing of the chicken and a glass of wine he locked the door and went into the bedroom. Almost half of it was occupied by a broad divan; it had no sheets but was covered with innumerable layers of rugs. Pulling the heavy curtains across the window he settled himself on the divan, drew its topmost rug over him, and was almost instantly asleep.

  But not for very long. He woke with a start and the insensitive feeling that it was still early in the night. He knew already that a movement beside him had been the cause of his waking, and the faint light percolating between the chinks of the curtains was sufficient to show him a hump under the rug, from the edge of which protruded a tumble of crisp black curls that could only belong to Zaria Feodorovna.

  How she had got in he could not imagine, and it was not until the following morning that he learned that she had climbed up to the fanlight of the door that gave on to the landing, then succeeded in squeezing herself through. Evidently terrified that he might send her packing again if she so much as showed her face, she lay as still as a mouse buried in the rugs. Daunted at the idea of starting a fresh argument in a language that he did not understand, Roger took the path of least resistance, turned over on his other side, and went to sleep again.


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