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Seduced By Her Royal Dukes: A MFM Royal Menage Romance

Page 2

by Harper West

  Harry unceremoniously shoves the last festivalgoer out of the way as we reach the alley. I slip my cold eyes towards the protesting man, his mouth clamps shut immediately, and he scampers off. Good.

  At the entrance of the alley, I catch the sounds of flesh beating against flesh and yelping. My gut coils, cold flooding through me as I anticipate seeing the man beating our woman senseless. Enraged, Harry and I storm into the alley. We stop short at the scene unfolding before us, our jaws dropping.

  The woman is stepping lightly around the man, jabbing at him with her fists, connecting with his face painfully. She has perfect form and looks completely at ease. Her eyes are flashing with adrenaline, a light sheen of sweat on her forehead that makes me think of what she’ll look like when Harry and I are done making her come. The man is squealing in pain and terror, trying to avoid her blows and failing spectacularly.

  It’s all I can do to choke back a breathless laugh as I watch her pummel him. She clearly has training. And although she looks as fragile as a porcelain doll, she’s as fierce as a lion. It only makes me want her more.

  Droplets of blood fly, and suddenly she’s thrusting her knee up. She catches him in the gut, just as she intended, sending him doubling over and gasping for breath. At this, she darts a step back, her fists still poised and ready. She doesn’t retreat, doesn’t scream. She simply watches and waits.

  I have to her.

  Harry and I share a glance and I know he feels the same way. That she can carry herself with this kind of confidence, defend herself, and do it so spectacularly, has my dick pressing hard against my zipper. Control be damned.

  With her final attack, we don’t hesitate any longer. We rush forward as the man crawls away from her, towards silver glinting on the ground. A knife. The woman notices us, leaping back, still in a fighting stance, panic in her eyes. But she falters when she sees us, her cheeks coloring slightly.

  With a snarl, I kick the knife out of the man’s reach, stepping on his outstretched hand in the process, but I don’t feel particularly bad. I’d step all over this man’s body, in all the places where it would really hurt, if he had touched a hair on her head.

  Harry drags the man to his feet, shoving him roughly against the wall. The man yelps and looks at us with two swollen eyes. I join Harry, staring coldly at the woman’s attacker. My eyes are as cold as ice and twice as cruel as I scowl at him. He whimpers beneath my gaze.

  “What should we do with this fucker?” Harry asks thoughtfully.

  Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. Maybe anywhere else, away from the woman who has captured us so completely. Harry and I would have released the man from his pained, swollen body. Whether he liked it or not. Instead, I voice a more casual approach.

  “I have some ideas. Should we toss him back to the woman he attacked so she can have the pleasure of finishing him off?” I grip the man’s chin, squeezing tight enough to elicit a hiss from him. “Or should we use that knife the way he planned on using it?”

  The man blubbers in response and Harry grins ferally at me. “Should we start with his face?”

  “Or better yet, his flaccid, weak dick?” I hiss through my teeth.

  “N-no!” The woman speaks.

  We freeze at the sound of her honeyed voice. Sweet, sincere, like church bells. I shudder as she lays a hand on my arm, urging me to release my grip on the man’s jaw. She puts pressure on my arm, gripping it lightly. And suddenly I’m envisioning this woman draped over me, that same grip on my arm while we make her come harder than she’s ever come before. She’s urging me to release him. I do, with a final squeeze I drop my arm to my side, electricity pulsing from her touch.

  “He didn’t hurt me, I did more damage to him than he did to me,” the woman continues, her blue eyes soft and pleading. “Let him go.”

  “Are you sure?” Harry speaks first, his voice hoarse. I know he was taken aback by the sound of her voice. She nods desperately, her blue eyes as clear as a stream.

  Reluctantly, Harry releases his hold on the man, and we watch as he stumbles away, out of the alley and into the crowd. It takes all of my control to resist chasing after the man and punishing him further. But our woman is here. With us. And it’s all I can think of. We turn to her, and I know Harry also feels the thrum of electricity between the three of us.

  “Are you okay?” I ask as her hand drops from my arm.

  She smiles and raises her hands up, showing us her mildly bruised knuckles. “Not bad.”

  “You’re American,” Harry says matter-of-factly. We exchange a glance, we both know what that means. Tourist. She’ll be gone soon. A thought neither of us can stomach.

  “Yeah, my friends and I are backpacking across Europe,” she says, her eyes are so earnest, so beautiful. “I got lost and separated from them though, I thought that man could help me find my way back to my hotel.”

  We walk to the entrance of the alley and stand on the fringes of the crowd, back in the sunshine. My entire body is pulsing with energy and a desperate need to be near her. “What hotel?” Harry asks.

  “Blume. Do you guys know it?” She looks at us hopefully and it’s almost my undoing.

  “Yeah,” I say gruffly. “We can take you.” If I say anything further I fear I won’t be able to resist her.

  She sighs with relief. “Thank you.”

  “I’m Harry, this is Ryker,” Harry introduces us, slapping a hand on my shoulder.

  “I’m Julia,” she says, smiling.

  “You don’t think that’s a little naïve, letting two strangers walk you when you just got attacked?” Harry asks, his voice low, dangerous.

  The hunt begins. I feel a surge of excitement as Harry opens the way for our seduction. One way or another, we have to have her. We’ve never felt this desperate before.

  Julia’s cheeks flush and she bites her lips. I have to fight to stop myself from dropping a kiss to her lips. The kind of kiss that will wet her pussy. “Well, you guys already know I can beat your asses, so I don’t think you’ll try anything.”

  Harry and I exchange grins, our passion stoked further by her confident words. “You sure about that?” I ask, raising a dark brow.

  She rakes her eyes up and down my body, I grow stiff under her gaze and I have no doubt that she notices it. Her lips quirk up into a smile as she meets my gaze. She doesn’t flinch against my steel grey eyes. “No doubt,” she says, an arrogant tone to her voice that sends fire licking over my body.

  I laugh, a sound I haven’t heard in a long time. She’s refreshing, this little minx. A woman hasn’t made me laugh in ages, I don’t even know how long. They fawn over me, obsessed with my title. Boring, simpering, manipulative. Julia isn’t like that.

  Harry lays a hand against the small of her back, guiding her around a particularly rowdy group. “Backpacking across Europe, huh?” he says, turning his glittering green eyes to her.

  Julia nods. “We’ve been planning it for years. We’ve got another two weeks before we head home.”

  “All in Nordonia?” I ask, hope swelling in my chest.

  “No, unfortunately.” Her eyes dart between us, a sparkle in them. And I could swear when she says “unfortunately” her eyes seem to insist she would like a very good reason to stay in Nordonia. “We have a few more days in Nordonia and then we’re heading South towards Croatia, to the coast.”

  “Croatia is beautiful, I would even say it rivals Italy,” I say. A few more days then. A few days we can have her to claim her. “You’ll enjoy it.”

  Although I almost don’t want her to enjoy it if that means she would return to Nordonia. Stay longer. Stay with us.

  “Well, Nordonia was the highlight of the trip for me, my climax,” she says, a devilish smile on her perfect lips.

  I suppress a groan at the word, Harry and I both pick up on the implication of her words. If only she knew how much she could climax here. My cock throbs and I’m having a difficult time focusing on anything other than fantasies of Julia between us, screamin
g in ecstasy.

  “Well you can’t let an excellent…experience get in the way of enjoying the rest of your trip. I trust you’ll remember that.” His eyes settle on her lips.

  She blushes slightly, as if she’s just realized her word choice and Harry’s message to her. It’s an unspoken promise that if she spent the night with us no other adventure in Europe could compare.

  The Blume Hotel rises up ahead of us just as the sun begins to set, casting an orange glow over the ancient buildings and the festivities. I can’t let her simply go like this, I need more. Harry and I need her.

  “Would you care for a drink?” I ask, trying to sound casual. “There’s a great bar near here.”

  She stops outside the hotel, a five-story stone building with flowers outside of every window. Julia glances between the two of us, a blush creeping to her cheeks. I can see her considering the offer, the cogs turning in her head. Her breasts are peaked, and for a moment I almost think it has nothing to do with the cool air of the evening. After a moment of torturous silence, she shakes her head. “I’m sorry, I think I should head in for the night, it’s been a day.”

  I nod, though my heart sinks. “Of course, make sure you ice those knuckles,” I remind her. Before I can stop myself, I’ve leaned into her to press a light kiss to her cheek. She smells of sunshine and raspberries. Keeping my kiss light, soft, and gentle is torturous. I want to ravish her.

  “I hope you enjoy your climax,” Harry says flirtatiously, a finger trailing down her arm.

  Julia smiles broadly, shuddering slightly under his touch and I wonder what else we can do to make her tremble like that. But before I can blink, she’s disappeared behind the door to the hotel and is gone.

  “Dammit,” Harry curses under his breath. “Fucking dammit.”

  Chapter 4


  I lean heavily against the door to my hotel room, my heart pounding rapidly in my chest. Ryker and Harry have left me breathless, their eyes undressing me the entire time they escorted me to the hotel. Possessive. Their gaze had felt possessive. Usually, when men looked at me like that I was incensed, irritated. But when these two did it… It felt like it was meant to be, it just felt right. And it was exciting as hell.

  I release a breath I had been holding since I left them on the street. Harry’s departing words echo in my head. “Enjoy your climax.” I wish I had taken them up on their offer for drinks, I know full well it would have led to so much more. I should have said yes, should have been brave for once. They’ve left me frazzled, blushing, and absolutely keening for them.

  My core is aching painfully, swollen with desire, and has been since they walked me out of that alley. I close my eyes, imagining Ryker’s lips pressed against my cheek, soft, subtle, sexy. Very sexy. And Harry’s hand trailing fire down my arm, leaving a row of goosebumps in its wake. That’s how badly I wanted them. My body knew it, my mind knew it.

  But it wasn’t meant to be. For starters, there were two of them. And while I got the distinct sense that they don’t mind sharing, that they might even enjoy it seeing as how they were tag teaming me the entire time, I’ve never been with two men at once. Hell, I’d only been with two men period. I was wholly inexperienced, I’d never even experienced a real orgasm during sex, forced to fake it every time I had a partner.

  But with those two, I doubt that would be an issue. They look like they could fuck me in more ways than the Kama Sutra, and they’d be good at it too. It’s too bad I’m not the type to take risks, because that would be a risk that paid off. And my body is aching for that pay-off.

  I can picture them perfectly in my head, it’s not as good as the real thing. I creep to the window and peek out the curtains, hoping to catch a glimpse of them. But they’re gone. The festival is getting wild now that the sun has set, and I know Martha and Maverick won’t be back for a while. I have time to kill. Time I should have killed with Ryker and Harry.

  I groan as my pussy throbs with desire. I wish I had invited them up, in my most sinful dreams I would have invited them up. They would have taken one look at the four-poster bed in the middle of the room and had me on it. Dirty, sexy, hot. I’m tense now, my body feels taut with anticipation. I head to the bathroom, where a clawfoot tub waits in the corner. I turn it on, filling it with hot water and locking myself in.

  I strip quickly, dropping my clothes unceremoniously, the way I imagine Harry and Ryker would if they were the ones undressing me. I pause in front of the mirror, my nipples are already stiff with desire, my cheeks flushed. My eyes are bright, the pupils dilated large. I look hornier than I ever have, and it’s all thanks to them. They didn’t even have to do anything. They’ve got me more turned on with a few casual touches and choice words than my last boyfriend did after an hour of foreplay.

  If they could see me now, they’d probably think I was crazy and maybe a little desperate. But, then again, I saw their eyes on me, saw that promise of something more in them. A promise I wish I could make them keep.

  Easing myself into the water, I settle comfortably back against the tub. I lean my head back, staring at the ceiling. I try to ignore it, but my core is pulsing, and I know what I came in here to do. Slowly, I slip my hand down my belly towards my swollen pussy.

  My breath catches in my throat as the tips of my fingers brush against my clitoris, pleasure coursing through my legs to the tips of my toes. I move it gently, letting the sensation wash over me until I’m comfortable, relaxed, and losing myself in the fantasy. And then it’s Ryker’s hand on my clitoris, massaging it gently, careful not to put too much pressure on my sensitive clit. Gasping, my free hand squeezes my breast, thumbing my stiff nipple. But it’s not me, it’s Harry, grinning devilishly as he pinches the bud.

  Pain sparks, but its overwhelmed by the pleasure and I feel my pussy contract in response. I spread my legs apart, giving myself more room to tease myself. I pull away from my clitoris, using one finger to trace light circles around it, edging closer and closer until I can’t resist any longer.

  I tease myself the way Harry and Ryker would tease me. Dragging it out until I’m begging for relief. Panting, I rub my clitoris, creating an even rhythm for myself. I can’t falter, or I’ll lose the delicious feeling that’s building and building in my tight pussy.

  I imagine Ryker slipping into the tub with me, his hand tracing lightly up my thigh. Harry kneeling behind me, his calloused hands skimming over my shoulders down to my breasts. His fingers play against my nipples, pinching, twisting, lightly brushing them.

  I gasp as my pussy throbs even deeper, heat blooming in me. Faster, I touch myself faster now, desperately even, my breath running ragged. In my fantasy, Ryker’s hands would be near my pussy now, stroking the swollen pink lips, teasing me. His lips would lower over my clitoris, his tongue darting over it in smooth, heavy sweeps.

  A small cry escapes my lips as my orgasm builds. His fingers curl into my pussy as he licks me, but no, not just Ryker. It’s Harry now, pushing me forward so he can slip into the bath behind me, lifting me onto his lap, his cock hard and covered in precum. Ryker rises, lifting his lips from my clitoris to stare at me with those steely grey eyes. Those eyes that bore into my soul, those eyes that make me think dirty, naughty thoughts.

  My fingers hover near the entrance to my pussy. And then Harry slips me onto his cock, filling me up. I’m grateful my friends aren’t here to hear me gasp and moan as I imagine bouncing on Harry’s huge cock, water splashing around us as I ride him in reverse cow girl. Ryker’s cock comes into view, heavy and full and glistening. The sight of it sends delicious contractions through me as my pussy tightens around my own fingers, buried in it. I fuck myself hard, it’s Harry’s cock and Ryker’s hands on my breasts.

  And then I come, my orgasm sending me into breathless screams, arching my back to the ceiling. I slip my fingers from my core, relishing the deep, pleasurable throb of the orgasm. I ride it, wave after wave, sighing, panting.

  Ryker and Harry.

smile lazily, letting that warm orgasmic afterglow wash over me. The water is still hot, I couldn’t resist for more than a minute once I had settled in before my fantasies took over. I wanted them, I wanted them bad. Slowly, I reach for the shampoo bottle, my pussy still pulsing softly. It’s sensitive and the mere thought of Ryker and Harry sends my pussy swelling with heat and desire and I know I could never be satisfied with mere fantasies.

  Chapter 5


  The beer is tasteless, worse than vinegar in my mouth. But that has nothing to do with its quality and everything to do with letting Julia walk into that hotel without us. My face is sour, and I glare at anyone who approaches. Ryker isn’t faring much better, that cold look is back in his eyes as he stares moodily at the sticky table.

  Letting a woman slip through our fingers like that has never left us this pissed off. If anything, we laugh and move on from it. But with Julia that’s impossible. She’s everything that we’ve ever fantasized about. When we talked about the perfect woman when we were young, we may as well have been describing Julia. It’s a fantasy we let go of, until we saw her. Now we know she’s out there.

  “Let’s just go over there,” I propose for the thousandth time, gesturing at the hotel across the street.

  He lifts his eyes to mine, saying nothing. But I know his answer already. I sigh, slouching back in my seat. His gift for control has always been something I lacked. I grew up carefree, he grew up subdued by a controlling family.

  He nurses his beer. “I want to go over there as much as you do, Harry.”

  “Then why don’t we?” I glare at him.

  “You know why. If she wanted us up there, she would have invited us, and maybe her friends are back. Not to mention we’re dukes, we have responsibilities. We can’t get attached,” Ryker says, narrowing his eyes at me.


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