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Dragon's Curvy Concierge

Page 7

by Mychal Daniels



  “You have to go after her,” Danny said, holding Bronwyn’s purse and portfolio out to him.

  “Why? She made it clear she’s done with me. You saw, she peeled out of here so fast she left her purse.” Pointing at the practical leather pouch that swung from its strap before him, Mac grappled with the weight of defeat heavy enough for her to leave such an important item behind. She’d rushed, no, more like run, to get away from him. He wasn’t used to the pain Bronwyn had inflicted. It was new, deep, and hurt like a Mofo. “I mean, come on man, women don’t leave those behind, right? They’re like the most important thing they have, besides their shoes.” Allowing the hurt to sting him again he added, “She took the van too, without a backward glance. I need to give her time to cool off before I make another attempt.”

  “Un-huh.” Disbelief dripped heavy from the young wolf’s response. “Sounds like you need to get your courage back up after that strike out at bat.” Danny swung the little bag around in a circle, twirling the strap around his finger.

  Anger flared as Mac watched Danny fingering the purse. That was his mate’s. “Watch it, Danny,” he motioned to the purse while letting Danny know his mouth was going to get his ass beat if he kept on. “Those are my mate’s personal belongings. Show some respect.”

  Holding his hands up with the purse and portfolio dangling in surrender, he looked more like comic relief than a confidant. Danny laughed at how it looked with him holding the little purse as he let a lazy smile slide into place before saying, “Look, dude, I don’t know much about how you Dragon’s mate, but I can tell you for my kind we have to earn the right to claim our mates. From what I can tell, you ain’t done that yet.”

  “You don’t say.” Mac hated that Danny of all people was giving him advice—good advice. Their power dynamic had shifted to where he was forced to consider the wolf might know more about how to fix this situation than he did.

  “Yeah, you can’t treat this like any of your other negotiations. From what I can tell, that one is stubborn. She’s not going to come back if you give her time to get over you. Nope, I saw it in her eyes the first time we met. You have to go after her, hard and strong—now. Mac, take the pocketbook and find her.” Danny placed Bronwyn’s things on his desk before him. “Even she can’t deny she needs her wallet, keys, and identification. I checked, and her driver’s license is in there too. Go to her now before she has a night to sleep on it and get really pissed off.”

  “You make it sound so easy. She made it clear. She doesn’t want me as her mate. Bronwyn was only interested in having a hookup with me. What the hell? My mate only wanted to have an afternoon tryst and then be done with me?”

  “Oh, now it’s starting to make sense. She hurt your delicate feelings when she wasn’t all yes, I want to be your mate forever. Mac, how many times to I have to remind you that full human women, the non-gold-digging ones, aren’t like that? You have to sell them on what it means to mate. Bronwyn isn’t after your money or prestige. You have to initiate her into what it’s like to be mated to a Dragon. Have you paused to consider she might not have a clue what you are?”

  “Cut me some damn slack. Yes, I’ve thought about that and a lot more. She’s my mate, remember? It’s my first time doing this, trying to court my mate. So, sue me if I botched it up. I’ve never cared about any other woman like this. I had too much on the line, and she wasn’t interested.”

  “How do you know that? All you did was stopped yourself from bonding with her before she knew what she was about to get herself into. If anything, you did her a huge solid. Man, quit tripping and go to her. If nothing else, go check on her injury and do your magic to finish healing her foot.”

  “It’s her ankle and foot. That’s another thing, I didn’t have a chance to finish mending the hairline fracture she has. I said she had a sprain, to keep her from freaking out about the break.”

  “All the more reason for you to get your ass up and go see about your mate. Boy, I tell you, if I hadn’t had to come back over here to get my cap for tonight, you would have totally fucked this up.”

  “Don’t give yourself too much credit. I tell you, she wasn’t into me like that. It was as if she was keen to sleep with me as a novelty but not to be with me.”

  “Again, with the sad Dragon reasoning, Mac, that woman needs time to understand what you are and how you are when it comes to her. Have you stopped to consider that for her it might not be deep, unwavering love at first sight like it is with a Dragon?”

  Mac had to pause with that. Both his parents were Dragons. That’s the only way he knew how to mate—both would know it. Bronwyn was definitely human, her scent announced that the first time he got close to her. She might be strong and perfect for him, but she was still human. The same human that had him stopping before he’d gone too far.

  Hating to admit it, he relented. “You’re right, man. I need to get my ass over there.”

  “I would drive you, but this is private. You have to show her how much she means to you. Drive yourself—don’t fly—over to her place and win her back. Grovel, court her and do everything you can to explain what you are.”

  “Now? After everything that went down today?”

  “Yes, now. How else do you expect her to give you a second chance?”

  “I was going to ask her to meet me to get her check for that meeting she was hellbent on having.”

  He watched as Danny face palmed himself hard.

  “Oh my God you can’t be that fucking stupid?”

  “Watch it before I show you how stupid I can be when I kick your ass all over this house.”

  “Meant no disrespect there, but for real, you can’t be this serious about being so clueless. The last thing you want to do is dangle money in front of her as a way to get her to meet you. That’ll come off as you trying to buy her, which equals exactly what you said she kept accusing you of—being a man whore.”

  “I see.”

  Mac took a moment to try to see the situation from that side. After a few moments, he could say that he hated how he’d acted as well. As he played back his actions from their time together, it was apparent how much of an ass he’d been sending mixed signals all damn day.

  “Looks like the old Mac I know and respect is coming back online. You see what you did to that poor woman, don’t you?”

  All Mac could do was nod in agreement.

  “How did you become so astute at the ways of women?”

  “You forget I have three sisters and had to get away from all the eligible she-wolves to escape to Atlanta.”

  “You never told me the details.”

  “As an alpha, I’m what you’d call a catch.” Mac couldn’t stop rolling his eyes at Danny’s pronouncement. Ignoring him, the wolf continued. “When it looked like I wasn’t interested in making a play for the alpha role of my family’s pack, some of the stronger she-wolves got it in their mind that I’d be starting a younger stronger pack. One that they’d like to be alpha over as well. I went through almost two years of hell trying to make sure I didn’t get caught up in the politics, seductive ensnarement, and outright manipulation by them and the elders to escape being mated. With my sisters’ help, I learned how to see them coming a mile away. I also learned what I needed to do when I do find my mate. Mac, I say this with love and respect, but you messed up—bad. Fix it, or you’ll regret this for the rest of your long-ass life.”

  For all that Tennessee drawl, Danny had a great head on his shoulders. This situation proved the fact even more. Standing and snatching his mate’s things from the wolf, Mac breathed a bit of relief to have something of hers as a lifeline to win her back.

  “Good. I don’t know how you were able to stand another man touching your mate’s things for as long as I did.”

  “One more word out of you, wolf, and I’m going to give you something to ponder on—a singed ass. Now back off.”

  “Yeah, you got it bad. You only bring out the Dragon-fir
e when you’re serious.” Looking in the direction of the garage, Danny said, “Get out of here and go do your thing. I bet she’s still up.”

  Already ahead of the wolf’s suggestion, Mac was out the door. He’d taken a few steps before stopping and turning back to his office.

  “Move,” he said to Danny, pushing the wolf aside to get back into his office.

  “What now? Don’t drag this out. It’s already after seven, and she lives forty-five minutes from here.”

  “Yeah, I know, but I promised I’d pay her for her time today and I’m going to make good on that.”

  Mac opened his home safe, not caring that Danny saw it. The wolf was as honest as the day was long, plus, the bio-security on the safe would mean anyone besides him would have to have his body parts there to open it anyway. Guessing what she might make per day, he pulled out a bound band of hundreds that totaled ten-thousand dollars. Rethinking that she’d said ten times her daily fee, he pulled out another ten grand, grabbed a manila envelope, scribbled,

  Per our meeting fee agreement. Here is our agreed upon rate for your time. I’m sorry, please forgive me, Mac.

  Then placed the money inside. Opening her purse, he wedged the money inside next to her wallet.

  “Is the address on her license the correct one?”

  “Ooh, good catch, boss. No, found it was different when I checked records last night preparing for her pick up.”

  Danny synced her address from his phone to Mac’s. When Mac left again, prepared to get his mate and bring her back home, he heard Danny say, “Good luck, Dragon.”



  Stunned. That was the only way to describe the tsunami of events making everything in her life suck. Placing a stack of clothes into a garbage bag, she allowed the tears to fall. It was funny, she didn’t feel like she was crying and yet here the tears were.

  If anything, tiredness and intensifying pain in her hurting foot should have her in bed getting some rest. Despite the three extra-strength over-the-counter painkillers she’d taken, pain relief was nowhere in sight. Instead of collapsing into a heap of despair, Bronwyn did what she was good at. She hustled to get packed. She wouldn’t be caught still here, hiding from the notice when the Po-Po came in the morning.

  Her mouth had finally written a check her ass couldn’t cash. It was totally her own doing. Yeah, she’d gone all Billy-Bad-Ass on her landlords only for them to have the last strike. She talked too much, giving them the game plan to turn the tables on her. The sneaky bastards had gone to the Condo Association and lied on her.

  Based on the embarrassingly large Notice of Eviction and Possible Prosecution posting that greeted her when she made it back to her Condo, Jonah and his bitch had reported her as an unlawfully trespassing “squatter.” The notice said that the Association had been made aware of a “squatter” staying illegally in their home by the lawful tenants. The swift action of the Condo Association had been to inform her in a public posting on the front of her door with that Notice that she had twenty-four hours to vacate or she’d be forcibly removed and charges would be filed and pursued for trespassing and other crimes.

  It was too much.

  Her van had been just shy of demolished. She’d been rejected by the man of her dreams. Her foot hurt like hell and felt like it had doubled in size since getting back. She’d lost or left her purse somewhere between Mac’s house and here, and she had no keys to get in. It was sheer luck that she hadn’t locked her old van last night. Remembering she kept another full set of keys in the storage compartment, Bronwyn had made the long trip back downstairs to scrounge around until she located the extra set of keys to the Condo and van. The eyesore affectionately known as her van was old, damaged and on its last leg, but it was hers, free and clear.

  This day was the worst. On top of all the bullshit going on, when she’d taken off Mac’s t-shirt that still smelled of him, she noticed a perfect circular bruise of the outline of the steering wheel from yesterday prominently displayed in deep purple on her chest. And, yes, it hurt too. Determined to pack and get out of the condo by the end of the night, she made a lot of slow, painful, small loads down to her old van to pack up her things. Hour after painful hour, she made trips back and forth determined to finish up before morning. Each trip brought a new level of pain to her foot, ankle, and chest.

  Managing to park the new van Mac had gotten her next to hers in the other assigned parking space for this condo, Bronwyn looked at the new vehicle with cringing embarrassment. Each time she made another trip down here to pack up and prepare to leave, it reminded her of the ass she’d made of herself with him. Shame for that part of her day would have to take a number, get in line, and wait until she had enough time to wallow in it appropriately. At the moment, she was back on the base level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, trying to survive.

  With only a few more bags of clothing, linen, shoes and what-nots to bring down, Bronwyn’s mind shifted to the stuff she needed help moving. Over the year, she’d been wooed by Ikea and bought a little desk here, a storage cabinet there and other crap that she refused to donate to those owner assholes.

  Then it hit her, how she was going to get her computer, TV, and the few other heavier items down here was anyone’s guess. Since living here, she’d kept to herself, minding her own business and being like a ghost in her coming and going. There had been no time to make friends, friends who might help her get her things down to the van tonight. That’s what she got for being so damn independent and alone. There was no way she could call any of her neighbors or clients to come and help.

  “Figure it out. You always do. You’ve got this Bron,” she said in her usual personal empowerment mantra.

  Packing the last of her refrigerated food into the old cooler she kept in the back of the van, Bronwyn turned to close the busted door when a sharp pain sent her down to the ground. Looking down at her foot, it was more than twice its normal size and turning blue. Unable to get up on her own, she sat there and had a deep, body-shaking cry. Understanding the difference between being alone and loneliness, the latter had always been a foe she never entertained—until now.

  Loneliness swallowed her up as Bronwyn sat on the dirty cement floor of the parking garage. She had no more fight left. She’d allow herself a two minute at most mini breakdown session. Then she'd come back with a vengeance, she promised herself. Closing her eyes and laying back to get a little relief from the hardness of the ground, she wasn’t ready for when she was lifted up with ease. It was his scent that greeted her first. When she managed to get her swollen, tear-filled eyes open, gray-blue eyes full of anger stared down at her.

  “Who did this to you?” he asked.

  “Did what?” She startled at the hiccup that accompanied her tear-laced question.

  “Who pushed you down on the ground like this. And look at your foot. What happened to make it swell like this? Didn’t I ask you to stay off of it until it could finish mending?”

  “Mac, what are you doing here?” She was glad to see him, but why was he here, at night, acting like she’d kicked his dog and stolen his cat? “How did you know where to find me?”

  “That’s not important. Why are you down here on the ground?”

  “I fell.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Trying to finish packing.”

  “Packing?” Heat suffused anger bloomed and deepened across his face and neck. For a brief moment, fear rose up within her at seeing how fearsome he could appear. “Why were you packing? Were you trying to leave me?”

  “Leave you? Mac, what are you talking about?” She didn’t have time for this line of talk again. It had gotten her nowhere with him earlier. Everything hurt, and she wanted a little peace. “You know what? Put me down. I got down here, I can get back up to that Condo.”

  “Nah, not going to happen. Answer me, woman.”

  “Answer you what?”

  “Why were you trying to leave me?” Again, sincerity accompanied his q
uestion. This man really believed she was trying to leave with his van.

  “I wasn’t leaving or taking your van. If you don’t believe me, look inside my van. I’m packing my own van to leave.”

  “I don’t give a shit about that van. Why are you packing if you weren’t leaving me and where were you going to go?”

  “You ask a lot of questions to not have any right to them, don’t you?”

  “Answer me, Bronwyn.”

  “Fine. I was doing as instructed by the Condo Association. They’ve given me twenty-four hours from notice to vacate the premises or be arrested for trespassing.”

  “Trespassing? This is where you live, right?”

  “Yes, and before you ask, I’m not behind on the rent. I was subleasing from the couple who lives here ‘legally’ as they pointed out to me. Stupid as I was, I forgot to get a subleasing agreement from them when I moved in.”

  “Oh, I see. That agreement wouldn’t have mattered. It’s against most Condo Associations’ covenants to have a sub-leaser without prior approval.”

  “Yeah. How would you know that?”

  “Because I have some condos here and there.”

  “Well, good for you.” She knew it was snippy, but they were having this personal conversation in the parking garage where their voices echoed, and people were still coming and going. “Hate to be, oh I don’t know, the rational one here, but can’t we finish this somewhere more private?”

  Hoisting her up higher in his arms, he said, a little too chipper for her taste, “Glad you suggested it.”

  Instead of going back toward the elevator to her Condo, he turned and headed for a sleek, exotic sports car.

  “Where do you think you’re taking me?”



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