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Dragon's Curvy Concierge

Page 14

by Mychal Daniels

  “Wait, go back. Mom, I swear, if you don’t stop making references to stuff only you know about, I’m going to scream.”

  Bronwyn gave Mac a look to behave and respect his mother. He got the hint. “Mom, I apologize. Bronwyn says I’m disrespectful to you. Please tell her this is our relationship and has been since I can remember?”

  Looking at Bronwyn, the beautiful woman gave her a wink and said, “It’s because I dropped him on his head a few too many times. When he refused to behave like the sweet little Dragonling I always wanted, his father and I gave up. This is what we got. Ornery as the day is long, but a Dragon son who makes us proud every day he breathes. Yes, I let him get away with murder, but look at that face. Isn’t he adorable?”

  Bronwyn laughed so hard she snorted. She was warming up to his mother. Yes, the woman held more power than she’d ever encountered but appeared to be genuine in her affection toward her. It was evident she loved her son fiercely too.

  “Gah, Mom go back and explain what you mean about Bronwyn having a magical lineage. She smells human, doesn’t she?”

  “Mac, this is why I begged you to study your magical history classes harder. Can’t you tell that’s a spell? Bronwyn does have a bit of human in her, but she’s a Brownie-Fairy heritage. The fact that you mated with a Brownie-Fairy speaks to how pure and good your heart is. When they are centered and in their power, both Brownies and Fairies are excellent discerners of soul and spirit. If the confidence is there, they see the true nature of everyone. I think it’s part of their defense mechanism to ward off from dangers—you know being about to see who is evil, insane, dangerous and the like? Isn’t that right, Bronwyn?”

  “Huh, what? I don’t think I have any of those gifts.”

  “Don’t you, my dear? You were able to see my Dragon side before you saw me upstairs. Something tells me you know who your customers are before they do.”

  Bronwyn found herself nodding in agreement to what the woman said. “But, that just means I have good instincts and hunches.”

  “You keep telling yourself that, dear, if it makes you feel better.” To her son, Ellie said, “For her to join with you means your Dragon has been proving your desire to her for a very long time.” To Bronwyn, she said, “How long did my son’s Dragon come to you in dreams before you two met?”

  “How did you know he did that? He didn’t even realize it when we talked about his Dragon.”

  “He’s a male Dragon, they don’t pay attention to much besides treasures, mate thirst, and winning.”

  “You know your son then,” Bronwyn said loud to speak over Mac’s protests to the contrary.

  Ellie reached out to grab Bronwyn’s hand again. The woman was affectionate like her son. Bronwyn scooted closer to her on the sofa and clasped her hand. Gone was the fear to be replaced with a maternal warmth.

  “Yes, my daughter, please accept me. I mean you no harm. You are part of my family, and I will protect you with the fierceness I would like any of my other children. I count you as my daughter.”

  A tear clung to Bronwyn’s eyelash for dear life. “I believe you,” she said, squeezing Ellie’s hand.

  “Then can I at least get you to call me Mom?”

  Mac spoke up, “Bad form Ellie. You can’t try to weasel the mom out of my mate like that.”

  “Behave, why don’t you, male child of mine!” The room laughed again. “My darling new daughter, you can call me whatever you like, no pressure.” With a wink of whimsy, she said, “Now, let me get to the stuff you want to know.”

  Bronwyn sat up, giving her full attention to the woman.

  “First, I have a bit of sad news. It’s what you want to know most about.”

  Bronwyn took in a breath and nodded for Ellie to continue.

  “Both your parents are deceased. Your father had died before you were born and your mother died soon after childbirth. Unfortunately, she fell on hard times after your father passed and tried to deliver you herself alone. They were good people, trying to live in peace.” Giving Bronwyn a moment to let this sink in, Ellie grew quiet.

  “Please, did they have any other children before me?” The desperation of that last hope bounded forward with how urgent Bronwyn asked for the information.

  With a nod of understanding Ellie said, “No my dear, you were the only child of your mother and father. You should know that your mother named you as her last gift before dying. Your name means blessed. As a Brownie, she was always working for others. Her heritage was that work should be rewarded with gifts. To be named blessed meant that you’d always receive great gifts.” She continued as the tears began to flow freely down Bronwyn’s face. “Your father was a fairy. His life was spent helping humans become better. In your own life, you have a perfect balance between your parents. I saw your van in the driveway. That would be the perfect profession for a Brownie-Fairy. Your father placed the spell that you appear to be fully human on you while you were still in the womb. He wanted to protect you from those who would try to capture and enslave you for their selfish interests.” Looking over at her son, Ellie said, “I now know and understand what you were out doing. You did good son. Always protect her, she’s a unique and precious treasure indeed.”

  “Wait, I’m lost. What are you talking about?” Bronwyn said, looking back and forth between mother and son.

  “She’s referring to the fact that Scott has Troll blood. He’s a bully by nature. When I went to see him, we came to an understanding. He’s never to contact you again, try to do anything to your reputation, or sue you.”

  “How do you know he’ll keep his word? You didn’t do anything to harm him, did you?” Bronwyn didn’t want Mac to go to jail over her.

  “Didn’t have to. Dragons don’t usually have to resort to violence to get our points across. He saw the error of his ways quickly.”

  Ellie interjected, “Not sure what this Scott guy did, but if he was able to get Bronwyn to work for him, he had a strong deception spell working. Do you think he knew what Bronwyn is?”

  “Nah, he might have Troll lineage, but he appeared to be as clueless as I was about her.”

  “Yes, but still, protect our darling Bronwyn here just in case he gets a clue. Brownies and Fairies are highly sought after by those who would exploit them. She’s a double whammy, running around the city offering her services. I’m going to come right out and say it, that’s asking for trouble.”

  Bronwyn spoke up. “Ellie—I mean Mom,” the woman smiled so hard, it made Bronwyn’s heart happy, “I put my business on hold until further notice. Mac has agreed to help me restructure my business to set it up the right way.”

  “Ah, I see Dragon wisdom is beginning to work through you, daughter.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  “Stay close to Mac for now. Your joining needs to have time to grow and strengthen. As a Dragon mate coupled with your heritage, you’ll be rarer and more attractive to some of the seedier types in our world. A lot of times when you hear of people who were held against their will and forced to work for years have Brownie blood in their background. Bronwyn, even though it’s natural for you to want to provide people with a service, I would caution you to consider carefully who you ultimately work with.”

  Clear as day, the idea popped into her head. “I’m going to work with the Dragon community exclusively. Based on what I know so far, as a Dragon bond mate, none of the Dragons would dare try anything crazy with me, right?”

  “Most assuredly, especially if they knew what was good for them and whose daughter you are—that would be mine!”

  “All right Mom, settle down. No one has touched one of your precious kids.” Mac came over, scooped Bronwyn up and sat down in the oversized chair with her on his lap. She let a giggle slip when she saw Ellie making a face at her son for taking her away.

  “You make fun, but no one ever tried to double cross you or your brother and sister.

  “That’s because you could have them tried for treason and sentenced to deat

  “Well, what good is having that power if you don’t use it every once and a while?”

  Not sure what to make of this conversation, Bronwyn interjected. “Mom, do you know anything about my previous landlords? They did me wrong, and I want to know if I should try to recover my rent from them.”

  “Give me your hand again,” Ellie said reaching over. “I can try to see them through their connection to you.”

  Bronwyn waited for Ellie to do her thing. After a few minutes, Ellie made a pronouncement.

  “From this moment forward, have nothing to do with them. When they try to contact you, do not entertain them. They have sown horrible seed, and their harvest is upon them. To try to help them would be futile. What they are going through is based on their refusal to sow good seeds and deeds. They think they are winning by what they did to you and others, but every action they’ve taken against others is coming back to them exponentially. From what I can tell, they have a cursed cloud hovering over them. Must have double-crossed the wrong people.”

  “Cursed cloud?” Bronwyn had to know more. The world these two had opened up for her was new and exciting.

  “Uh-uh, those are areas we don’t delve into,” Ellie said. “Focus on doing right by others and yourself, and you’ll never have to concern yourself with the darker elements. Your heritage and name alone keep you on the right side of blessing.” Looking at the couple seated comfortably in the oversized chair, Ellie stood.

  “You’re off, then?” Mac asked.

  Bronwyn waited to figure out what was about to happen next. Ellie was unpredictable, but she was growing to like her a lot.

  “Yes, I want to make it home in time to have dinner with your father.”

  “He’s back from Geneva?”

  “Yes, with all the turmoil coming so close, I’ve asked him to work from home, where I can keep him safe.”

  Bronwyn loved how much the care and concern for family oozed out of these two as they spoke. Mac stood lifting Bronwyn up with ease.

  “Tell Dad, I send my love.”

  “What about Bronwyn? When are you two going to come home for a visit? Ooh, I know. You can take her on her inaugural flight with you when you all come for a visit. Send me your Dragon measurements, and I’ll have the harness ready when you two get there.”

  “What type of flight? You mean I could ride with Mac when he’s a Dragon?”

  “Of course, my dear. Dragon mates travel alongside their Dragons all the time.” Ellie eyed her, waiting for her reaction to that bit of information.

  “My dreams make so much sense now. In them I always see us flying together.”

  Ellie’s eyes glistened with moisture. Leaning in, she kissed Bronwyn on the cheek, but not before trying to sniff her again.

  “Cool it, Mom, I know what you’re trying to do,” Mac said, chastising his mother one last time.

  “Can you blame me? I can’t wait to get my hands on those cute little babies you two are going to have. I’ve seen them.”

  “Them?” Bronwyn pulse increased as Mac began to try to get his mother out the front door.

  Turning back from the front door, Ellie said, “Don’t worry, my dear, babies always come when they're supposed to for us Dragons. Enjoy your Joining Moon. Mac, I expect to see you two before the month is out, do you understand me?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Good. Come lock the door behind me. Bye, Bronwyn!”

  Mac came to close the door, lock it and start the climb back upstairs. Bronwyn couldn’t do anything but place her head on her mate’s chest. She’d survived Tsunami Ellie and lived to tell about it.



  “No, I don’t wish to come back to the condo.”

  “Oh, Bronwyn, it was all just a misunderstanding, Sara was having a bit of a freak out when she called you,” Jonah said, trying to sound like he and his bitch of a wife hadn’t tried to ruin her life.

  “Well, I’m happy she’s over whatever she was going through. I received notice from the Condo Association and vacated that same night. So, I won’t be returning—ever.”

  “Okay, but hey, listen to this. What if I gave you the first month’s rent free? Would that work for you?”

  “Oh, you mean you’d used the money from my month of rent I paid and still keep my deposit from before? Bye Felicia,” Bronwyn said, lowering the phone to disconnect the call.

  “Wait, wait, wait!” she heard him yelling.

  “Why? I’m not moving back in. I have another place to live.”

  “Is it as nice as our place, in a great part of the city like the condo?”

  Bronwyn looked around the palatial home she and Mac were sharing, thought about some of the other properties he’d shown her pictures of that they would visit soon and said, “Yeah, I think I’m good.”

  Jonah let out a long breath. “Look, Bronwyn, don’t make me beg. We’re in a tight here. We need to get a good tenant into the condo immediately.”

  “Why, I thought you guys would be back by now. The week before last you told me I had to get out. Then you told your Condo Association I was living there as a squatter to make sure I got out. What gives and why in the hell do you think I would ever come back to all that drama?”

  “Because you’re a good person?” he was trying it, and it wasn’t working. “But, honestly, we’re having trouble with getting back into the states. My wife wasn’t born here, and with tighter security, something came back on her history that flagged her visa.

  Oh, the fact that she’s most likely a swindling criminal? Bronwyn shooed the thought away, deciding she wouldn’t pass judgment on them.

  “Jonah, I feel for you—not your wife—you. I can sense that she’s the one behind a lot of your problems. What I’m not going to do is spend any more time talking to you about something that I’m not going to do. I’m not the answer to your problem. Unfortunately, you’ll have to move on to the next schmuck who’s stupid enough to deal with you.”

  “Wow—that’s cold.”

  “No, that’s truth. Deal with it.”

  “So, I guess asking you to help us locate another tenant is out of the question?”

  “Boy bye! You have just stepped over into my business. I charge for that, and I’m very discriminating with whom I deal with. Sorry, but y’all don’t fit the base criteria for my services.” Looking at the time of the call and realizing she’d given him twelve minutes too many talking about his foolishness, it was time to end this. “Jonah, for your sake, I hope you turn it around. Do good, live well, and be blessed wherever you are. Have a great rest of your day, toodles,” and with that, she disconnected the call and added his number to her call reject list.

  Her call rejects list was a wondrous thing to behold. It grew daily, but she didn’t care how large it got. She’d nurture it with vigor if that meant sticking to the promise she’d made to Mac to get serious about turning her business around.

  First on the list had been Scott—all his numbers. Yes, he’d tried it, calling and begging for her to take him back. He had the nerve to say her “boyfriend” didn’t have to know. When she told Mac that he’d called, she thought she’d have to call Ellie to stop him from finding him again.

  “That bitch-ass weasel,” Mac had said, stomping around to put on clothes.

  The only reason he didn’t go find him was that Bronwyn stood in front of the door preventing him from leaving. Then there were the beggars and workers of perfected guilt. One by one, Bronwyn began to dance a jig as she added them to the call reject list. Within a week and her life was running smoother than she’d ever imagined.

  She ended the call with Jonah in time to answer the doorbell. It was time for her two weeks checkup. The little girl standing next to Colson was his mini-me. Big blue eyes stared up at her and then past her to rush into the house. Bronwyn watched as Colson’s daughter ran through the living room like a roller derby queen. The little girl had so much energy, she would put most kids her age to shame.

��Mated life is working out great for you two,” Colson said, wrapping up his examination of her ankle and foot. “You’re almost completely healed.”

  She was passing with flying colors.

  “Told you I’d be a model patient.”

  “That you were. Hey, Ava, stop jumping up and down on Miss Bronwyn like that,” he said to his daughter.

  The little girl was beyond cute. Like Mac had said, the little girl looked like her father, the Dragon, but her hair looked like a lion’s mane. He’d brought the little girl over so Bronwyn could take a stab at combing her hair. After playing with her for an hour and running her down into the ground with a game of chase, Mac had helped Bronwyn get the little girl tired enough to take a nap. That’s when Bronwyn struck, putting her hair into two neat French braids on either side of her head. Colson was so grateful for the help, he kept shaking her hand a little too vigorously as Bronwyn’s entire body shook.

  “Bye!” Bronwyn waved after the doctor and his little girl when they left.

  “That’s a Dragonling,” Mac said, giving her an eye of caution. “Say the word, and we can wait.”

  “Not on your life. Your mother said Dragon babies come when they’re supposed to. I’m going to go with the flow.”

  “The flow huh? Well, how about we start with some positions that test out how sturdy your foot is, now that you’re truly on the mend?”

  “I could see us doing that, but first you have to catch me!”

  Bronwyn took off headed outside. It had been a fantasy of hers to make love to her Dragon out in the garden. Reaching the entrance to the fragrant area teeming with blossoms and color, she waited until he could see the direction she went in.

  “Bronwyn, be careful of gopher holes. I don’t want a repeat of what happened last time,” she heard him say.

  “Stop being such a pawpaw. Come in and catch me if you can.”

  She took off, headed to the maze area of the garden. Not two minutes into her trek when he landed in front of her, changing back to human form in less than a minute.


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