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Gypsy Curse (The Gypsy Medium Series Book 4)

Page 7

by Andrea Drew

  They could move interstate, overseas, to the country, somewhere, anywhere where no one would care. Aruba sounded good. Warm temperatures, relaxed Caribbean attitudes and hot willing women sounded like the sort of shit he could get used to.

  The window of the Mercedes rolled down evenly as its sole inhabitant set the car into the perfect position, enabling a conversation with limited space separating them.

  Kieran’s eyes freaked him out, eyes like pin heads, targeting him so intently that he wondered if a laser burned through his forehead, through the front and out through the back, leaving a bloodied hole.

  “Your phone.” Kieran handed over an old style black Nokia. Nothing flashy, nothing fancy, just enough to get the essentials across. Jack’s boss, he’d learned over time, focused more on earning the big bucks than spending much of it.

  “Thanks.” He took it and shoved it into the center console of the car with his left hand, slamming the lid down hard. “What’s the plan?”

  “Do you have the file for Lisa?”

  Shit. He should have taken it out of Kelly’s shit hole before today. “I’m going right there as soon as we finish our meeting.” A wave curled through his stomach, rising upward to burn his windpipe.

  “Not good enough. We need that urgently if we’re going to finish this final job. The family is desperate; they’re willing to pay 40K for this one.”

  His face flushed. “Okay, no sweat. It’s priority number one. As soon as we finish here, I’ll bring it over.”

  “Make sure you do. We need to have the tenants removed tomorrow night. Each and every one of them. I want that place wiped down, scrubbed and cleaned down to the microscopic level, no trace of anyone ever living there. Understand?”

  “Got it.”

  “Find a truck. Cash. I want Lisa out of there tomorrow night, and the rest of them on a road to nowhere with minimal fuss.”


  “I’ll leave that to you for now. Rural obviously, several hectares, out of ear shot of any living soul. They can lay low until the spotlight has moved elsewhere. At that point we’ll decide whether to relocate or terminate the operation.”

  Jack cleared his throat and licked his lips, his mouth drying up at the word ‘terminate.’ Cash runner and general checking up on the bullshit child care side of things didn’t faze him, but murdering a bunch of kids was something else, something he’d need to work out at a later date.

  “Okay, I’ll get it sorted. Anything else?”

  “That’ll be it for now. I need you to track down Camilla. The bitch has gone AWOL, which is somewhat alarming. Find her and put her out of action. The last thing we need is further interruptions. I don’t need to tell you she could be threat to the both of us.”

  “Yeah, okay, I’ll make enquiries” Jack grinned. The stuck-up whore had got up on his goat with her snobby attitude, and now he had official orders, he could let her know who was in charge. He looked forward to seeing fear on her face, instead of her smiling superior look. She looked at him like any reminder of his presence offended her, like a boil on the ass of humanity.

  The tide had turned, and while hurting children pushed the boundaries of business too far, bruising her face and breaking her legs would bring him unexpected enjoyment.

  He turned the key in the ignition and with a nod; his boss reversed his car and calmly and quietly turned it around, exiting the car park.


  Chapter 8

  Tony Vallis didn’t like the tone of the Kieran’s last text message. Something else, something unexpressed, told him that the game had changed and his services may not be needed in the not too distant future. The nest egg that he’d carefully cultivated may be needed sooner rather than later.

  Other than one last gig tomorrow night, it seemed that the supply of work had dried up. Just like that, without thanks, without acknowledgement. Just when he’d gotten into a routine, an outlet for all of his frustration, wasted opportunities, and unused knowledge would be thrown away just like that.

  He didn’t take too kindly to being tossed away like yesterday’s garbage. Kieran’s attitude reminded him far too much of the sanctimonious pricks at the medical registration board. Implacable faces, stony silences, and conversation offered on a need to know basis left him on the out, unused, unwanted, a scar on the face of their supposedly unblemished record.

  He knew better, though. Members of the board weren’t perfect and the nest of vipers made him sick with their pretense. He’d heard whispers that a couple of them had a taste for young female patients themselves, but no one would mention that.

  After making himself a cup of coffee, he headed toward the medical room, as the Camilla liked to call it. He rubbed the scalpel lovingly, looking around the room with the ghost of a smile frozen on his face. He’d miss this place, his own special den, the place where he took children into the loving arms of eternity. Most of them were terrified at first, but after he’d assured them they’d simply be going off for a really long sleep, they’d calmed down a little. Their rigid muscles certainly made getting the injection of Nembutal into the crook of their arm exceptionally difficult.

  Kieran’s attitude left a lot to be desired. He’d be damned if he’d let him treat him the way the figureheads at the board did. Maybe he’d make a plane booking for the day of their last project. That would really fuck them up.

  He smiled to himself, imagining Kieran’s composure, his mask slipping off a little as realization dawned. Sure he’d want to come after him, but by then it would be too late. His suitcase already packed, he needed simply to book a flight. Firing up the laptop, he typed in the booking website details and did a quick search.

  He had heard that Antigua offered a fantastic lifestyle this time of year. He laughed and pushed himself up from the chair, pacing the room. This would be fun; finally he’d have the last laugh.


  Kelly didn’t hear the key in the lock at first, but as the door pushed open and banged back onto the wall behind it, she sat up upright in bed.

  If Jack had barged in at 1:00 a.m., something was up, and not a good something. She flung back the covers and headed toward the front door. The heavy footsteps that had barged through the hallway moved into the spare bedroom Jack had insisted be kept as a study and storage area. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she pushed the study open and it creaked.

  Jack’s back arched over the filing cabinet. Files littered the grey carpet. He kicked the bottom draw closed and pulled open the top one.

  He turned to her, eyes wild, face red and teeth gritted. Her stomach dropped.

  “Where the fuck is the file?”

  “What file?”

  “Lisa’s fucking file, you moron, the boss wanted it yesterday.”

  “What? It’s the middle of the night; do you have to do this now?”

  “Why do you think?”

  The prickle rose slowly up her back until it reached her neck. She knew why that bastard was here. She took a step toward him.

  “Lisa’s been here for so long, we never thought, never imagined, a family would want her. Apart from the fact that a family didn’t visit…”

  “They’ve seen photos, now piss off. I’m in, then out of here.”

  “Jack wait−”

  As he faced the filing cabinet, brows furrowed, he swung out his left arm, which collided with her shoulders, and she fell backwards. The loud bang as she hit the wall and slid down to the ground in a heap shocked her.

  Winded, she covered her face with her hands. She could believe this was happening. Jack stepped over her and yelled his tone coarse and rough.

  “Have the kids ready by this time tomorrow. You’re moving. You’ve had it sweet for years, but the honeymoon is over.”

  The slam of the study door combined with loud footsteps, and the bang as he swung the front door closed, ended Jack’s visit in a way she’d never imagined.

  It all seemed so surreal, happening to someone else, somewhere else. Not her.

  As she broke down in tears, she heard the shuffle of slippers on carpet.

  “Mama Kelly, what’s wrong?”

  Oh shit.

  Mark stood in the doorway, navy batman pajamas hanging over his ankles.

  She sniffed and wiped her face with the sleeve of her nightdress.

  “Nothing, it’s okay.” She gingerly pushed herself up. Her back hurt like hell, the twinge at the base of her back and further up her spine almost creaking. She straightened herself up with considerable effort, suppressing the screams of pain that ricocheted up through her spine.

  Must. Check. Kids.

  “C’mon, baby, come sleep in my bed.” She touched Mark lightly on the shoulder and he peered up at her. She headed back to her bedroom and threw back the covers, the warmth of Mark beside her a comfort. Kelly cocked her head, listening out for the padding of small feet, woken by the disturbance, but none came.

  As Marks breathing slowed, she stared at the ceiling, running through various plans on what to do next.

  The first involved packing up the kids and all their belongings. To where, she had no idea. Maybe she could call a couple of women’s refuges. She didn’t hold high hopes for achieving any level of success considering the refuges were at capacity with long waiting lists, combined with the fact that the children weren’t biologically hers and some long explanations would be in order.

  She didn’t have a car; otherwise she would have loaded it up and headed out to the middle of nowhere to hole up for a while until the situation died down.

  Kelly thought about the crazy woman, Gypsy Shields, the so-called psychic.

  Even though Kelly suspected she was a complete lunatic, if nothing else, she wanted to help. She couldn’t forget the message she brought from Li, the warning about Jack wanting to take Lisa, that they would be moved soon.

  Everything Gypsy had predicted had happened. Maybe she had a point. Could it be true? Had Li contacted this Gypsy woman from the afterlife? The idea of one of her babies being murdered rippled through her, ice charging up her spine despite the warmth of the bed.

  Ashamed to admit she’d never pushed the point despite her suspicions, she wondered what part she’d had to play in all of this. Sliding out of bed, she stepped softly around the house, despite her rising panic. Kelly eventually found her mobile phone resting on the coffee table in the lounge room. She checked the time. 1:50 a.m. Late in the night, or rather early in the morning, but she figured she’d send a text and Gypsy would check it in the morning.

  The mad woman was her last hope, and truthfully, the only person that seemed to care and wanted to help.

  Hands shaking, she typed out a message with her thumbs:

  Sorry to bother you so late, but you were right. Jack came by an hour ago, furious. He will be back tomorrow to collect Lisa and we all need to be ready to leave tomorrow. Can you help us?

  Kelly slid the phone back on to the table and rubbed her face with her hands. She may never hear from Gypsy again. She imagined what would happen to them if Jack not only took Lisa away, but took her and the children away. She had no idea what he would do to them.

  She wondered if maybe she’d be better off dead than at the mercy of someone like Jack Regan. Kelly grabbed her phone again and opened the internet browser. If she didn’t hear from Gypsy by morning, she’d reconsider the options.


  Connor checked his watch, again. After Camilla had left, he’d messaged Ryan to let him know. Ryan replied that he would come and see him when he finished for the day. Connor sat at his desk, opening up the template to complete an application for a search warrant. His foot bounced on the thin brown carpet tiles.

  As he clicked on the mouse and saved the file, he heard the entrance door squeak, then bang shut. It was late, after 8:00 p.m., and he’d already messaged Gypsy to let her know. Ryan strode down the corridor, his boots echoing throughout the empty station, and flung his jacket on the chair next to Connor’s desk. He ran his fingers through his short dark hair and grinned.

  “So what did you get exactly? Tell me more about this Camilla woman.”

  Connor pushed his swivel chair away from the computer and turned toward Ryan. Ryan had fallen into a chair, hair falling across his face.

  “Came in earlier today, ready to talk. She had an affair with Kieran Walkley for nearly two years, until recently. When she got pregnant, he wanted nothing to do with her or the baby, offered her a termination via his doctor, Doctor Tony Vallis.”

  Ryan sat up straighter. “Classy guy.”

  “Yeah. I looked Tony Vallis up, seems he’s a psychiatrist, deregistered a year ago for ‘inappropriate relations with a female patient’.”

  “So what’s in it for her? I mean, if she knew about what they were doing to the kids, surely she’s an accessory.” Ryan slung one arm over the back of the chair.

  “I put that to her. I suspect she’s past the point of caring. He threatened her, told her if she didn’t terminate the baby he’d terminate her.”

  “What does she know exactly? Enough for a search warrant?”

  “I think so. She did the books, the doctor’s late night visits, the children being shifted from the Kelly’s place to the clinic and then suddenly ‘disappearing.’ The parents seeking help for their children, heart defects, kidney defects, bone marrow transplants, etc. If we can get the search warrant, I’m pretty confident we have him right where we want him. I’ve started on the paperwork. I’ll go and see Jeanette in the morning to make it official.”

  “Good luck,” said Ryan, a wry smile making its way across his face.

  Jeanette Alder, the police prosecutor, might have had a reputation as a hard ass, but she got results. Largely because she refused to take on a case without it being pretty much in the bag with every detail accounted for. He knew she’d be tough to get past, but once he had her on side, Kieran Walkley and Jack Regan would be out of action for a long time.

  Ryan stood up and grabbed his jacket. “When you planning on searching the place?”

  Connor focused on the screen, biting his lip and banging on the keyboard with ferocity. “If I can swing it, we should do it tomorrow night. Gypsy tells me they are gearing up to take another child soon, they have a buyer. If we can pay them a visit while they’re doing the deed, it can only strengthen the case.”

  Ryan took a step forward. “Right. I’m out in the morning and back around lunchtime. I’ll do what I can, just let me know.”

  Connor raised his head from the screen momentarily. “Thanks mate. See you tomorrow.” He went back to bashing the keys. He wanted this search warrant completed and submitted tonight, no matter how late. That way he could shoot of an email to Jeanette and ideally swing by her office in the morning. He planned on paying a visit to Tony Vallis tomorrow, to take a look at the type of parasite that would murder children and pull them to pieces for money.

  As Ryan’s footsteps headed back toward the back door, Connor frowned and with head down, resolved to have the warrant ready within the next thirty minutes.


  Chapter 9

  For once, I’d actually managed to get some sleep, and not just any old type of sleep. I’m talking about the deep, satisfying sleep that lulls you, embraces you and drags you down into a state so relaxing that you wake feeling better.

  So why the hell did Li decide that this night, or rather early morning, she needed to wake me up with what she deemed to be an emergency? Of all the rotten timing.

  −Wake up, wake up.

  −Who’s this?

  −It’s Li. Need help. Very bad.


  −Yes. Bad man came and will take them all away tomorrow.

  Shit. I sat up in bed and glanced at the numbers glowing beside my bed. 1:41 a.m.

  I couldn’t call Kelly in the middle of the night, could I? If, however, danger loomed close, she just might be willing to reach out and ask for my help. I threw back the covers and searched for my phone, which I found sitti
ng on the coffee table in the lounge room. Connor lay beside me, cocooned by a deep sleep. He’d gotten home late and told me about the search warrant he’d prepared that day. We were close.

  Padding toward the coffee table, I picked up my mobile phone, which glowed in its purple cover. I swiped at it and checked my messages. I figured if Kelly hadn’t called me, at least she might have sent me a text message despite the ungodly hour.

  Kelly had indeed sent me a text message just ten short minutes ago.

  Gypsy, I’m sorry to bother you, but I realize now you were right. Jack Regan came by earlier, really angry. He took Lisa’s file and said we should all be ready to moved, tomorrow night. He’d taking Lisa with him, and he won’t tell us where we’re moving to. I’m scared. Call me.

  I swiped at the screen and called her. It rang only once before she picked it up.


  “Yes, I’m here.”

  Kelly’s voice seemed quiet, muted. “Hang on; I’m just going to move so I don’t wake the kids up.” I heard her footsteps as she walked a few steps and a door closed quietly.

  “Thanks for calling me so quickly. We’re moving on, tomorrow night. I don’t know where we’re going or what Jack will do with us. I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do or where to go.”

  “I’m glad you called me. Connor is working on it, they are probably going to search the clinic really soon. In the meantime, I’ll come to see you tomorrow.”

  “Where will you take us?”

  “I’m not sure, but leave that to me. I’ll talk to Connor; I know we can work something out. There’s no way I’m leaving you to the likes of Jack Regan. You’ll all be gone before he arrives. I’ll be in touch again in the morning.”

  Kelly let out a long gush of air and her voice wobbled. “Thank you so much. You don’t know what this means to me.”

  “You’re welcome. Try to get some sleep. I’ll talk to you again in the morning.”


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