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Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2

Page 4

by J. D. Lowrance

  I started to make my way back to the table, but was pulled back into the crowd as strong arms encircled my waist. Tank’s woodsy scent enveloped me and I let my body mold to his as I seductively swayed my hips against him, feeling him grow harder against me. Tank’s reaction to me was exhilarating. It made me bold in that moment as my fingers laced through his. I started caressing my body, leading our hands over my stomach making circles that grew bigger and bigger until he was palming my breasts and circling the crotch of my short shorts. My nipples hardened and my core throbbed. I pressed harder into his body, his cock, as his hands continued to explore my very willing body.

  As the song bled into another, I felt Tank bury his face into my neck. Thank God I opted for a high pony-tail as he ran his lips down my neck and across my shoulder. I melted into his embrace as he stopped my wandering hands and pulled me deeper into him. “You smell so good Sunshine.” And just as fast as we were molded together, we were apart with Tank leading me back to our table. The shock I felt must have been on my face because both Emma and Amber were laughing at me when I got back. This man kept me unbalanced. I knew I did not have much experience but I felt like I had whip-lash for how much he was swinging me back and forth. As soon as we were seated, Colton dragged a dazed but happy Logan over to the table announcing that they were leaving. I winked at Logan as Tank said he got me. I hoped he meant in more ways than one.


  My dick was about to explode. I raced back to the table and sat down in hopes of hiding my raging hard-on. My breath sawed in and out of my body like I had just sprinted a 50-yard dash, all because of how right Sunshine felt with her perky beasts in my hands, her tight ass on my dick, and her willing body in my arms. Fuck me. Two weeks was all I had left of my self-imposed misery. Her 18th birthday could not come fast enough. It took every last ounce of resolve for me to keep what was growing between us . . . literally. . . at a PG-13 rating.

  Every day Campbell thrived on seeing how far she could push me and today was past my limit. I needed to get some place private before I embarrassed myself. My cock was not going to deflate without a thorough rub down. The palm of my hand was too well acquainted with my dick at this point in my life.

  I looked up to find Colton stalking up to the table wearing what I was sure mirrored my own pissed off expression. He grunted, “We’re leaving,” and rag doll dragged Logan out the side door. The door had not even closed and I was up and out of my seat. Sunshine took my offered hand.

  “You ladies good?” I asked, knowing that Emma drove as well as Logan.

  “Yes,” laughed Emma and Amber in unison. Identical twins freaked me out a little; I was not going to lie.

  Campbell barely kept up as I practically ran to my truck. I was sure we were out of the parking lot before Colton and Logan even got to her car.

  “Are you okay?” Sunshine’s soft voice had me turning my eyes from the road to her. We had driven in silence for about ten minutes before her loaded question hung in the air. I grunted a noncommittal answer and looked back at the road. The click of her seat belt followed by the warmth of her leg against mine told me this conversation was far from over.

  “Please talk to me.” Sometimes I hated how right I was.

  “Not now Sunshine.”


  “Because . . .”

  “Because why?” My pause in answering only added more tension to the cramped cab of my truck. “I mean come on Tank. Talk to me. Stop pushing me away. Tonight was amazing.” She paused and I looked back at her. Sunshine was so close. I could feel the warmth of her shining down the whole right side of my body. All I had to do was lean slightly to the right and our lips would touch. Would they be as soft as I remembered? “You’re amazing.” Her breath whispered across my lips as her words danced across my mind.

  “I’m not,” was my only response as I pulled into her neighborhood. There were a lot of words to describe me and amazing was never one of them. I fucking hated that word. The one word my mother used every time she had talked about me.

  “Please talk to me,” pleaded Campbell as I turned onto her street.

  “What the fuck do you want me to say?” I threw the car in park and glared at her.

  “I don’t know.” She paused. “But something.”

  “Ok,” I yelled. “How about where were you born?” She was not expecting me to throw a question at her. Her eyes widened as she thought about whether she should answer or not.

  “Campbell County, Kentucky,” she answered quietly. “And before you ask, Logan was born in Logan City, Utah.” Interesting. “Your turn.”

  “I was born here in this town.” I asked the next question quickly before she got a chance to say anything. “Why are you so vague about your life before here? I have asked so many questions that you haven’t really answered over the last two weeks.”

  Campbell took a deep breath before responding. “You know my mom died and my dad is a piece of shit with loads of baggage so Logan and I agreed to move away for a while so he could straighten his shit out. He is not my biggest fan so whatever.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know. It’s like Logan can do no wrong and I am about as wrong as they come. Nothing is ever good enough or done right or exactly how he wants it, but somehow by the grace of God Logan gets it perfect every time without even trying.” A shocked look overtook Campbell’s face as if she realized she just said all that. “Oh. My. God. I really must be drunk to have said all that out loud.”

  “You’re drunk?”

  “Not really.”

  “Let’s get you inside.” Nothing could happen tonight if she was drunk. I reached for the door handle, but her words stopped me.

  “Not yet,” she exclaimed. “Your turn.”

  I knew what was coming. “What do you want to know?”

  Without hesitation, Campbell asked, “Why do you wake up screaming almost every night when you crash on the couch?”

  Both of my hands ran through my hair as I growled in frustration. “Please,” she begged.

  “My mom and sister were killed when I was little,” I explained.

  “Oh Tank,” she said sadly. “I am so sorry.” I slammed my hands on the steering wheel.

  “Yeah well, don’t be,” I laughed humorlessly. “I was fucking there . . . and couldn’t stop it.” The sharp intake of breath told me that Campbell either pitied me or was going to try and say she understood in some fucked up kind of way. “Let’s just go inside.” I did not even wait to see if she agreed as I stormed up to her door.

  “Tank . . . I . . . uh.” Her stammering pissed me off.

  “Listen, I am leaving for a run tomorrow for a couple of days so why don’t I just stop by when I get back home.” I looked everywhere but at her.

  “Promise?” The question caught me off guard. Only one other person had ever asked me to promise anything and I let him down that horrible night when I was thirteen. My eyes swung to hers and what I found made my heart skip a beat. Acceptance, warmth and maybe love shone back at me. No pity, no attempt to understand the unthinkable, no pretending. It was exactly what I did not know I needed.

  “Promise.” And I did.

  Colton, Knox, and I were back by Thursday afternoon on a run that should have lasted until Friday night. I raced back and into the arms of the only woman I ever wanted to hold; only to find out how fast she could be ripped from them.




  The fucking ring back tone. I swore to God the person who invented it should be shot and I had the perfect glock. “Answer the fucking phone,” I gritted at my phone as I paced back and forth in our makeshift camp. Why the hell was Campbell not answering her phone? I tipped back the cup I had in my hand not even tasting the beer that slid down my throat. Where the hell was she?

  All I could think about during the run to the Hellhounds was Campbell. I could not get her off my mind and I was tired of pretending that I was
unaffected. With the decision made to take it a step further the minute my bike rested in her driveway, I sped home right behind Colton who acted as if the actual hounds of hell were chasing him back to Logan.

  The night before replayed in my mind as I adjusted my hardening cock. Campbell laid out under me; half-lidded eyes bright with desire, swollen lips reddened from my demanding kisses, her wanton moans and shuddering body as she rode out her climax at the touch of my hands on her body. God I wanted that . . . her; last night, tonight, and every night. I could not ask for anything more and in just a few more days I could finally claim what was mine. The devil himself would have to come and stop me. I could never get enough, but here I was away from her AGAIN with a FUCKING ring back tone in my ear every time I dialed her number.

  Logan was working, which meant that Campbell usually stayed in unless she and I did something. What was Emma doing tonight? I would have to ask Tru. Where was that fucker?

  Just as I turned to look for him, I saw Prez stalking towards Colton and Whistler with a look of pure anger on his face. Oh shit! I doubled my pace in their direction trying to hear what was being said between Colton and his pop.

  “Where is she?” Colton demanded. “Is she okay? We have to get her!” Who the fuck was Colton talking about?

  “Get who?” I asked. I needed to know what was going on to get Colton so worked up.

  “Fuck!” roared Colton. “This can’t be happening.”

  “What man?” I had a feeling this was only going to get worse. “What the fuck is wrong?” Colton needed to explain RIGHT NOW. My gut was telling me that Logan and Campbell, my FUCKING Sunshine, were involved.

  “The Iron Knights took Baxter’s daughters because he stole money from both the Hellhounds and us,” Prez explained, with both hands on Colton as if he was holding him in place. “But it turns out that one of those girls is Colton’s new chick, Logan Reed.”

  “Reed?” I did not know any girls with a last name Reed. Campbell and Logan were Joneses.

  “Logan and Campbell Jones,” Colton corrected him. Time stood still as his words seeped through the haze that filled my mind. The devil came to collect. Fuck no! I spun around and took off towards the other side of camp. Campbell was here. She was fucking here. Adrenaline raced through my veins as my fight or flight kicked in. I would fight to the death to get Campbell out of here.

  “No,” screamed Colton as he tackled me to the ground.

  “Tank stop.” I heard Colton trying to reason with me. My heart hammered in my chest begging my body to find and protect Sunshine. “We can’t let the Hellhounds know how important they are to us. They will use it against us.” The fight immediately left me; my head falling to the ground, as I knew what Colton was saying was true.

  “You cool?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I growled through clenched teeth.

  Colton helped to pull me up as he said, “Tell us everything.”

  Prez then told us in what seemed like excruciating detail about how the girls were in separate tents, in nothing but their bra and panties, while each MC president got a few minutes with them. Campbell was the first one he saw. From his description she was still wearing the same pink bra and panty set that she wore when I left her last night. A small grin played across my face as I listened to his retelling of how tough Campbell was being; the anger that was getting her through this horrible ordeal. She just needed to hold on for a little longer until I got to her.

  “Her eyes were so angry,” Prez said. “She never stopped glaring at me, even though she never said a word. I swear the gold sparks in her brown eyes were firing lasers at me the entire time. I asked her name but she just ignored me, shrinking into herself when I tried taking a step closer.” I saw red and started pacing back and forth.

  Prez then moved on to talk about Logan. Crazy Z had seen her first and he could tell that she was worked over a little. She was downright scared after her encounter which made me think that Campbell was probably worse off than when Prez saw her since he had her first. Fuck!

  Before I knew it Colton took off towards the camp, but I was able to stop him like he had stopped me. “We can’t!” I cried out. “The Hellhounds will know how important they are to us. They will use it against us.” Same words. Same meaning.

  “I need to get her out of this Tank.” Colton pleaded with me as if I could just wish this all away.

  “I know exactly what you mean brother,” I replied.

  After getting to his feet, Colton asked a really good question. “How did you know it was Logan?”

  “She looked right at me and told me to take her sister. She said ‘Colton will keep Cam safe.’ I then asked her who she was and she told me her name was Logan and that they lived next door to you. I put two and two together and figured out she was the new neighbor you were putting on the back of your bike like an old lady, bringing around the club, and frequenting Kilroy’s for.”

  “That’s her,” confirmed Colton.

  “And is the other yours?” If my fucking sperm donor said one fucking word he would never know what hit him.

  “Without a doubt.” I was staking my claim.

  “Hellhounds only talk in cash so we have to pick one and buy the other one,” Prez explained.

  “Pick one?” I asked. What the fuck did that mean?

  “Yeah, two daughters, two clubs. We each pick one and do what we want with them as long as we don’t kill ‘em. That was the agreement.”

  “Fuck me,” I bellowed.

  “How did you delay the picking?” Whistler asked.

  “I told them this was a present for Colton being elevated to Vice President and that I would let him pick.”

  “Do I get to see them?” questioned Colton.

  “No,” Prez replied. “I barely got Crazy Z to agree to wait for you. He was very eager for the brunette.”

  Thank God. I was a bastard for thinking it but at least Campbell was off his radar.

  “Who are you picking?” I needed to know where Colton’s head was at and if I needed to start formulating a plan to get Campbell out of here.

  “Logan would never forgive me if I picked her and left Campbell to those fucking perverts, but I can’t let Logan go with them either.”

  “Buy her,” commented Whistler. “Buy her outright and save yourself from starting a war over a fucking pussy.”

  Colton did not hesitate to step into his face. “You better shut the fuck up right now Whistler. You don’t talk about anyone’s old lady like that.” Old lady?

  “We all know she ain’t your old lady and you can’t claim her now as one or Crazy Z will go ape shit on her ass.” The look on Whistler’s face would have had me punching just to remove it.

  “You son-of-a-bitch.” And Colton did just that. He slugged him square in the face, effectively removing the smirk right off it. I let him get one swing in before pulling Colton back.

  “You fucking piece of shit,” Whistler shouted as he recovered hunched over, “hitting a brother over fuckin’ pussy.”

  “That’s enough Whistler,” commanded Prez. “You listen and you listen good. You do not talk to your Vice President that way. You are an enforcer, not the second in command, and you will treat him that way, regardless of what you think. His place within this club demands it.”

  Prez looked around as if trying to think of what should happen next. “We stick together on this,” he said. “We follow Colton’s lead and get both women out of here tonight. If it doesn’t work out we regroup. Now let’s go.” Prez did not wait for a response as he took off through the camp with the three of us following him.

  “About fucking time,” Crazy Z said as we approached. Crazy Z and two of his men were waiting for us with Ryder at the back of the camp. “Have you decided boy which pussy you tagging so we can get on with this? My dick is hard from feeling how wet they both are for me.”

  “Mother fucker,” I grumbled under my breath.

  “Z, that’s the thing. I heard it was so sweet that
I want both.” Colton cut right through the bull shit.

  “Excuse me?” A wild look entered Z’s eyes showing us all why he was nicknamed Crazy.

  “Yep, that’s right. I am picking the blonde and I want to buy the brunette off of you. What price do you want for her?”

  “You can’t afford her.” His stance widened as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “How much?” Colton insisted.

  “The debt paid in full.” Z said it like a question but we all knew he wanted the full amount.

  “Again, how much?”

  “100 K,” was Z’s answer. Prez leaned over and whispered in Colton’s ear. “In cash tonight or no deal,” Z continued, which everyone in that circle knew was impossible.

  “I can’t get that here tonight,” replied Colton.

  “Oh well no deal. Shooter, grab the brunette in the tent behind me.” One of the Hellhounds took keys from Ryder, right before he disappeared into the tent. “And collar her,” said Crazy Z, egging Colton on. The tension was rolling off Colton in waves. His fists clenched at his sides while his jaw twitched.

  “Give me until the morning and you will have your cash.” Colton would do anything to stop Crazy Z from taking Logan. The same would be true if I was negotiating for my Sunshine’s release.

  “Nah. That pussy is too tight to let it sit all night.” Crazy Z licked his lips in an exaggerated fashion. “Plus this way I get her and the retribution from Baxter when Ryder and his brothers flush him out.” Logan was dragged out of the tent and looked right at Colton. Her face was starting to bruise and her lip had dried blood on it.

  “There is my bitch now,” Crazy Z exclaimed as he yanked on the leash that was connected to the dog collar around Logan’s neck. She stumbled into him, causing him to loop his arm around her waist, securing her to him. The rage that filled me at seeing this small display was overwhelming. I could not even imagine what Colton was going through.


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