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Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2

Page 12

by J. D. Lowrance

  “I don’t think so. Colt just said that the Hellhounds have to believe he is dead in order for this to be over and to stop the war. But he won’t say anything beyond that.”

  “So Wesson thinks this will stop the war? Do they really think Crazy Z will stop?” We all knew this was more about Logan and less about a war between the clubs.

  “I think it will stop a full-fledged war. Do I think the Hellhounds will just go quietly into the night? Probably not, but maybe it will be enough of a peace that we can get out of lockdown. But who knows? Maybe money will appease Zander.”

  “Speaking of the devil, have you heard from him again?” I inquired.

  “Hell no. Colt smashed my phone into a million and one pieces. He promised me a new one tomorrow.”

  “Is it bad that I don’t feel a thing, good or bad, about Baxter?” That was not totally true; I felt guilty that I was not more affected.

  “You can’t make yourself feel something that isn’t there,” she sighed. “My heart hurts when I think about him not being out there somewhere.”

  “I know,” I said as I hugged her again. Logan was trying to be strong but I felt her body shake slightly from the tears she was fighting. “Shhhh. It’s going to be ok.” Her head nodded against my shoulder as we held one another until she pulled herself together.

  “Ok, ok,” Logan said as she pulled away and wiped under her eyes. “Enough of this. We have a birthday to celebrate.”

  “We do?” I teased, eyeing up the present that she held out in front of her.

  “Yes. Happy Birthday Cam,” said Logan.

  “Thank you Logan,” I squealed before ripping into the present.

  “And Colt,” she added.

  “And Colt,” I parroted. “Oh. My. Goodness. It has the original tags on it. Holy shit. It’s beautiful. AND THERE’S MORE,” I shrieked. “BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!”

  “I’m glad you like it,” she laughed as I completely stripped out of my clothes and put on the gold, razor back fitted top and black satin shorts. “You look amazing Cam.” I waved my hands in front of my face to help stop any tears from falling as I had already done my make-up.

  “This is the most beautiful thing I have ever owned. Thank you so much!”

  “And you look so grown up in it. I can’t believe my baby sis is 18.” Logan giggled when I scrunched up my face and stuck out my tongue at her. Real mature Cam!

  “Real mature Cam,” teased Logan.

  “Whatever,” I sassed back. “Sooooooo. What do you plan to wear tonight?” I looked her up and down taking in her cut-off jeans and tank top. “This will not do.” I started digging through all the clothes looking for the black halter dress I knew was in there.

  “Oh, I don’t care. You look hot enough for us both.”

  “Well. Number one - no shit. And number two - You gotta do what I say because it’s my birthday. So wear this and hurry your ass up so we can get our party on.”

  “Yes slave driver!” Logan stuck her tongue out as she did a quick outfit change. Make-up took two seconds and a high pony-tail later, we were leaving Tank’s room to join the party.

  We walked down the steps hand-in-hand teasing and laughing with each other. Even with the news of Baxter hanging over us, I knew if I had Logan and Tank by my side everything would be ok. Well Logan stood on one side. It was now time to get Tank to be on my other . . . permanently.

  I looked over to Logan and saw how much she glowed since she met Colt and I wanted that. No more waiting. No more guessing what was going to happen next. I was prepared to make it happen TONIGHT.

  What I was not prepared for was the scene that was unfolding all around us as we got to the bottom of the stairs. I looked to Logan to see her mouth open in surprise at the craziness around us. Music was blaring from the speakers as sweet butts rubbed on each other and some of the brothers.

  Is that? Oh. My. God. There was a brother banging a chick in the corner IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PARTY.

  Logan must have spotted Colt because she took my hand and led me over to the couches. Colt immediately pulled Logan down on his lap, burying his nose in the crook of her neck. You could see the goose bumps break out along Logan’s skin at the contact. He was murmuring in her ear when I decided I had seen enough. I began to look around and noticed that it was not as many brothers partying as I originally thought, which would make sense since we were still in lockdown.

  My eyes searched and searched for MY . . . yes MY Reaper but could not find him. Unless. Hold on. Wait. A. Minute. Fuck no! There was Tank at the bar with Tricia . . . fucking Tricia hanging off of him like he was her own personal jungle gym. Her one hand was up his shirt, while the other was . . . Oh! HELL NO! . . . undoing his pants.

  Fury like I had never felt blazed through my veins. My heart beat to the rhythm of a fucking war drum as my feet closed the distance. Brothers parted like the red sea as I made my approach.

  “What are you doing?” Fucking Colt came to stand in front of me.

  “Get. Out. Of. My. Way.” I stared at his broad chest.

  “It is not worth it,” he rumbled. “If he does this, he is not worth it.”

  “You have no idea what he is worth to me.” My eyes shot holes in his chest.

  “He obviously thinks it is not worth it.” Colt was playing a word game with me.

  “Now that is where you are wrong, big brother,” I seethed, locking gazes with him. “He doesn’t think he’s worth it. Not me. Not us. Him. It is all in his head that he is not worth it. He just needs someone to show him that he is. So if you would please Get. Out. Of. My. Way. Now.” I punctuated every last word.

  “Thanks,” he uttered.

  Shocked, I looked up. “For what?” I asked confused.

  “Calling me big brother.” He graced me with his killer Colton smile. “And for saving my best friend from himself.” Colton side stepped me and walked away.

  I felt awkward in that moment, feeling as though I wasted my fight on Colton until I saw Tricia on her knees in front of Tank, getting ready to pull out his cock. Tank’s disregard for what she was about to do told me he was either extremely drunk or really just did not give a damn. Maybe it was a little from column A and a little from column B. Well I was about to find out.


  Just breathe motherfucker. Just breathe.

  All I needed was a few more minutes of this skank-ass whore touching me. I knew the minute Sunshine entered the room. I could feel her warmth on my skin even though she was across the room. It was do or die time. I was a worthless piece of shit and it was about time Campbell saw it for herself.

  I saw Colton try to intercept her from making a scene, but she talked her way out of it. A head nod from Colton and he stepped out of her way. She looked like a lost little sheep until her eyes found Tricia kneeling at my feet. My heart clenched in my chest as I felt her slimy hand take hold of my cock. It was so shriveled up, almost like it was trying to crawl away from her advances, but this bitch did not take limp dick as the HELL NO that it was. Tricia fisted it trying to pump it back to life. Next, she would probably try CPR to the damn thing to try and blow life into it.

  Yep. I was fucking wasted.

  Now my Sunshine was pissed. The lost little sheep replaced with the she-wolf I knew she could be. Her eyes glowed with rage as she closed the final distance between us.

  “Tank,” she purred at me. WOW. Not the reaction I was going for.

  “Sunshine.” Her shoulders tensed ever-so-slightly. It was a low blow to call her my nickname while another woman was pumping my penis, but I was going for maximum effect.

  “Hey Trish,” she said, acknowledging the whore at my feet. By now we had quite the audience around us. “Did you drop something? Like maybe your fucking common SENSE! Or I don’t know . . . did your fucking uterus fall out of your loose ass vag and onto the floor? Because I can’t seem to find a reason why the hell you are kneeling on the floor by MY MAN, touching shit that doesn't belong to you. I suggest you make yourself
scarce very quickly before I beat the ever-living-shit out of you.” Catcalls and whistles filled the room as Tricia tried to say something to Campbell, but the room was in such an uproar that no one could hear her. Campbell lost all of her patience and grabbed her by her hair pulling her from the spot at my feet. She leaned in and said something privately to Tricia that made her pale and bob her head up and down frantically. When Campbell stood up she turned and looked right at me before sauntering up to me.

  The swipe of her hand as she put my cock back in my pants and zipped them had me hard in an instant. I looped my arm around her waist crushing her body to mine. “I want you,” I muttered, rotating my hips so my rock hard cock pressed into her, letting her know just how much.

  “Let’s get you upstairs.” Campbell completely blew off my comment. Our whole time together I never once admitted my attraction to her, and now that I did, I felt the slice of rejection that she must have felt whenever she made her desire for me known.

  Once we were in my room, Campbell went straight to the bathroom and started the shower. “You reek of alcohol and cheap ass perfume. Take a shower. Hopefully it will sober you up a little,” she said as she went over to my dresser and pulled out a clean pair of underwear for me.

  “You look so beautiful tonight,” I slurred; the alcohol kicking in full force. “You are the most beautiful and radiant and perfect thing in my life.” She shook her head at me as I swayed on my feet. Campbell caught me by my shirt, pulling me to her.

  “Let’s get you undressed and in the shower.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” I was naked and in the bathroom before I realized that I left Campbell in the bedroom. I walked . . . stumbled back into the room. She looked so sad standing there. Her head was down and I saw a tear slide down her cheek.

  “No tears Sunshine,” I cooed as I stood before her. I did not ask her to join me; I just started to undress her. Piece by piece her perfect body was revealed to me. Her hair was still in a ponytail, as I dragged her into the shower with me.

  The water washed over us as I lathered my hands. I looked over her wet body; my hard cock throbbed in response as I watched the water run over every inch of her body that my mouth wanted to taste. I worshiped every inch of her body with my hands, my lips as I washed her. When I was done, my lips found hers. A hunger like I had never felt before consumed me as I devoured her lips until they were red and swollen. Then Campbell took the soap and started to wash my body.

  “Amazing.” The one word spoken by Campbell had my eyes flying open. I fucking hated that word. No matter who said it, my mother’s voice always echoed in my head.

  “Just stop.” My abruptness had Campbell stepping back. “I fucking hate that word.” The alcohol in my blood made everything worse. I stormed past her, leaving her in the shower.

  “Fuck,” she screamed. “I fucking hate this!”

  “You . . . you fucking hate this,” I yelled back, pointing from me to her. “Then fucking leave!”

  “I don’t want to leave,” she cried. “Can’t you see that?”

  “I can’t fucking see anything anymore. It’s fucking darkness and hate and anger all the fucking time.” I staggered as I started to walk out of the bathroom. I turned to look at her one last time, because even in my drunken stupor I knew what I was about to say would chase her from my room, my life forever. “You were my light but now . . . I can’t even see that anymore.” Her wails followed me into the room as I nosedived right into the bed. After a moment or two of her sobbing, I prayed for the darkness to claim me. And for once God listened!



  “Shhhhh, it’s going to be okay,” Logan whispered. Another wail tore from my lips. My whole body shook as I felt my heart crumbling into a million pieces. My chest heaved as I sobbed. “Cam, honey, please calm down.” Logan rubbed circles on my back.

  “I’m going to fucking kill him.” I could hear Colt pacing back and forth at the foot of the bed. I had run straight from Tank’s room into Logan’s arms. She brought me to Colt’s room where he eventually found us. The anger rolled off him like waves as he roamed the room like a caged beast. “How could he fucking do this? God damn it.”

  “Cam, tell me what happened.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” I hiccupped air between each word. “I just want to forget about all of it,” I cried. I sat up to look at Logan. “I need to get away from here.”

  “Cam. Don’t run away. It won’t solve . . . ” I cut her off. “It’s not running Logan. It’s moving on. Tank doesn’t want me. He made it quite clear tonight between Tricia and what he said in the room.”

  “We can’t just leave,” replied Cam.

  “Shit, you aren’t going anywhere.” Colt stood at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed, looking like he could take on the entire Hellhounds MC. “So don’t even start talking like you are.”

  “Colt, can you please get Cam a glass of water from the kitchen?” My sister asked too sweetly.

  “Hell no,” responded Colt. “You two are not cooking up anything while I am gone.”

  “I would never take her away from you Colt.” My words hung in the air as I looked from Colt to Logan. They continued to stare at each other having a conversation without words. With a nod, Colt turned and left the room.

  “So you are just going to leave me?” Logan was staring intently at me. I stood, the anxiousness making me feel like the beast in a cage.

  “I can’t stay . . . here . . . with him. My head is all over the place. I listened to my gut and it was wrong . . . dead wrong. I just need some time and a little space to reset everything.”

  “Where are you going to go?”

  “With Baxter.”

  “What? I don’t even know if that is possible.”

  “It has to be. Colt can make him disappear and I could disappear with him. I could do it because I know you would be safe here with Colt. The Hellhounds will never find us and once Baxter is on his feet we could go our separate ways.”

  “Cam, do you hear yourself? You can’t even stand da . . . Baxter. I was your buffer. How do you think this will work? And do you really think Baxter will stay away from the life he leads? It is just a matter of time.”

  “I will be long gone by then. Just a month or so to make sure he is okay.” My eyes bore into hers. “I can’t stay here Logan.” Her eyes filled with tears as she stared back. “One thing I did learn from Baxter was how to stay off the radar. I will do that until you tell me this has blown over or up. Whichever happens first.” I laughed but it held no humor.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Never been more sure in my life.”

  “I hate that you are running away from this. If you stay and talk to Tank, maybe he will . . .” I held up my hand.

  “Please stop,” I begged. “I have been trying since the day I met him and every time he lets me in for a split second he pushes me away. Each push is getting harder and harder to the point where I don’t think I want back in. I can’t keep doing this to myself. I see what you and Colt have and I want that. Something easy and open, but Tank obviously doesn’t. He doesn’t want anyone too close.”

  “But Colt says you are closer than anyone has ever gotten to Tank.”

  “It’s not enough for me anymore. I kept telling myself that once I was 18, everything would be different, and it was for about an hour that we made love and then he pushed me away again. Only this time it was out the door and I don’t think I want to try to get back in.”

  “But . . .”

  “Please Logan. I’m done.”

  “I don’t want you to leave. I’m being selfish I know, but I don’t remember a time I was ever without you. What am I going to do?” Logan looked lost as she explained what she was feeling.

  “You have Colt now. Put all the effort you did into raising me into him and you two will never be alone again. He loves you Logan.”

  “And Tank loves you Cam.”

thought so too but after today, I don’t know. I think he loves the idea of someone being there but doesn’t like what it takes to keep the person there. Or at least this person there by his side.”

  “I’m sorry Cam.”

  “Don’t be sorry. My first heartbreak. Something for the record books right?” I gave Logan a small smile.

  “You are a lot stronger than you look little sis.” Logan hugged me tight then led me towards the door. “Come on. Let’s see what Colt thinks of the plan we cooked up.”


  “Wake up.” What the hell? My mouth tasted like ass. Pain pierced through my skull as I rolled over. I cracked my eye lids; the little bit of light from the pulled curtain was blinding.

  Someone yelled again. “TANK. WAKE THE FUCK UP!”

  “Go away,” I called out. The ruckus needed to stop.

  “Fuck no. Open this damn door before I kick it in.”

  “Go away,” with a little more force this time.

  “Brother. It’s Cam.”

  I jumped out of bed and raced to the door, throwing it open so fast the hinges squealed in protest. “What about Sunshine?”

  Wham. I flinched just enough that Colton’s fist caught me in the side of the head instead of square on the nose. “What the fuck Colton?” I pushed him away from me and into the wall as I held him at bay. My movements were sluggish and uncoordinated, but enough to get him pinned to the wall.

  “You piece of shit. How could you do this?” Colton threw at me as he stared me down with pure rage in his eyes.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?

  “You and Cam. How could you?”

  “Jesus Christ. Tell me already.” I released him and stepped back just enough that he could not get another swing in.

  “Cam and Logan are gone. Trigger said Cam took all her shit with her.”

  “What? No way. Her shit is all . . . over . . .” I stopped talking as I looked around my room and saw that not a thing was out of place. Since Sunshine moved into my room, it was a constant mess of clothes, shoes, and whatever else Cam used at any given time. But now it was spotless. Not a trace of Cam was in this room. “No,” I said under my breath as I raked my hands through my hair. “No.” Louder this time. I stumbled into my room and sat on my bed with my head in my hands.


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