Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)

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Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) Page 20

by Bowles, April

  My rhythmic thrusts were becoming in sync with the rhythm of the sea and caused Adele to pant, helping me take in every desired sensation. She laced her fingers around my neck and leaned back, letting the water and my steady hand keep her afloat. I marveled at her reaction for my performance as her moans and motion of her own hips begged me not to stop. She pulled herself back toward me with a kiss while I turned and slowly started bringing her back towards shore, still continuing along the way.

  The lower the water got, the lower we got until I had Adele laying with her back against the wet sand on the beach and the waves came rolling in over our bodies. We shared a passionate kiss and Adele held her arms tightly around me, only making me crave every movement pressed with the waves.

  I clenched one hand around the back of her neck, pulling her into me as I started kissing her again. Our lips continued to be locked and our tongues entwined while the waves continued to crash onto us, intensifying the moment. Things were back to the way they were supposed to be and Adele taught me never to let go of the things you love. I loved her and I sure showed it on the beach with the waves still hitting us and her moans only seeming to get stronger until she finally got what she wanted. Everything just seemed perfect.

  I stayed over her as the waves continued to come ashore and we let the sounds of the relaxing sea and our breaths ease the moment of the night.

  “Woo! You going to tell us about it?!” Ruby’s shouting voice from the grassy knoll just before the beach interrupted the sounds of nature. Adele and I stayed exactly where we were but looked up and saw her with the others reaching her sides, all smiling.

  “How did I not see that happening?”

  I laughed and kept Adele under me as Jaylyn was the first to proceed down onto the beach with two blankets. “So, worked it out, I hope.” She tossed the blankets on us while shading her eyes and we used them to cover up while we got up.

  “We shouldn’t have to tell you.” I said.

  Troy laughed as he came over with Ruby and Darius and dropped a small pile of drift wood in front of us. “We’re just glad you’re over it. I know my feelings aren’t hurt if you spare us the details.”

  Ruby laughed too as she dropped a burning torch on the pile, starting the fire. “You don’t know how glad you should be. Madam Carla would not have tolerated that attitude in her presence.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Jaylyn agreed. “You would have regretted it.”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about that.” Adele smiled. “She’ll be happy by our visit.”

  “And have you thought of what she’ll do when she senses them?” Ruby asked and looked around at us.

  “What?” Darius asked.

  “Oh, ah, she’s been kind of secluded from the world for a long time.” Adele explained. “So, I’m not really sure how long it’s been since she’s sensed a man. She references a lot of things to sex as it is but when she gets a sense of you, it’s going to be fun.”

  “Gets a sense?” I didn’t understand why they kept using that phrase.

  “Oh, she’s blind.” Jaylyn said. “But don’t think she can’t see you. She has other ways of knowing. Her powers are extensive. Never underestimate what she can do. You must always keep an open mind around her.”

  Ruby sighed. “Yeah, or she’ll open it for you and that’s a slap-in-the-face experience.”

  Jaylyn and Adele both laughed.

  “Did she do that to you?” Troy asked.

  Adele laughed again. “Yeah. Ruby was brought into this life based on logic and facts since her mother was already an Assassin. She didn’t believe in anything spiritual really. That is, until we met Madam Carla.”

  Jaylyn laughed again too. “I think she got over it. You shouldn’t have that kind of problem. You’ve already seen the things we can do so you should believe by now.”

  “Oh, there’s no doubting that.” I said, holding Adele tightly in front of me. “I don’t see there being a problem.”

  “Good but I hope you don’t mind.” Ruby got up. “This isn’t very comfortable to sit in. I have to get out of it. I don’t know why I haven’t done it yet.”

  “Oh, no. Of course not.” Darius replied. She smiled and kissed him then walked off back towards the shelter. Darius watched her and was even looking that way when she was out of sight.

  “I think maybe someone wants to follow her.” Jaylyn said playfully.

  Darius quickly turned his head. “What?”

  “You should.” Adele replied. “She’s probably naked by now. She could always get out of her clothes a lot faster than she gets in them.”

  “Thank you but no.”

  “You can’t hold off forever.” Jaylyn said. “Ruby’s not known for her patience.”

  “Yeah. I know what she’s known for. Thanks.”

  “Same as you.” Adele smiled. “And she’ll only wait so long. Same as you.”

  “Don’t!” Darius snatched. I held on to Adele a little tighter in front of me in case I had to move her to get in the way. “We’re passed that and I’m not the only one that wants to wait. She’s afraid she might still be able to kill me.”

  “Though I’m sure that if you go in there she’d be willing to take that chance. You have to get over it at some point, otherwise she will—without you.”

  Darius’s eyes narrowed and he began to get to his feet. He didn’t say a word and turned from the fire, walking back towards the shelter and Ruby. It was better for him. I was actually proud that he didn’t say anything because he really didn’t want to make things worse.

  “Do you think he will?” Jaylyn smiled.

  Troy and I looked at each other and spoke plainly as one. “No.”

  “He just wanted to get away.” I said.

  “Why is he like that?”

  “It’s a complicated story. He wouldn’t like us talking about it.”

  “We won’t tell him.” Adele said. “We want to know. I mean, you yelled at me about it, protecting him.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  “It’s okay. We just want to know.” She looked over at Jaylyn and she nodded to agree.

  “Well, you already know part of it. It has to do with his parent’s death.”

  “But there has to be more than that.” Adele said. “How did they die?”

  “His father died in the war like most men do. He took that hard enough being just a child but his mother took it a lot harder. She couldn’t cope and it didn’t take long before she took her own life.”

  “That’s horrible.” Jaylyn muttered in a growing tone of sadness.

  “But not the worst part.” Troy said. “Darius was the one that found her. He’s never been the same since then, never wanting any woman getting close to him because they’re all evil. That’s why he doesn’t sleep with the same one twice. He doesn’t want to deal with all the baggage that comes with it. Women have never been good for anything else.”

  “Oh, that’s nice.” Jaylyn sighed, completely losing her sad moment. “Thanks for sharing.”

  “It’s not our opinion. It’s just his. He’ll get over it but we don’t really know what it would take.”

  Adele and Jaylyn looked at each other and Adele started to get up with a sigh. “All right. Come on. Since you say it won’t be tonight, we should believe you and just get some sleep. We’ll be seeing Madam Carla tomorrow and I don’t want to show up exhausted.”

  “You’re not going to tell Ruby about any of this, are you?” I asked.

  “No. I’m sure she’ll find out for herself when she gets pissed enough. Let’s just get to bed.”

  The fire was put out and we walked back over the grassy knoll and back to the shelter. Ruby and Darius were laying in their bed holding each other either sleeping or not taking notice to our return.

  Adele tiptoed passed them with one hand in mine and put her finger over her mouth. I agreed and we snuck into our bed to sleep for the night. I hope it meant that they weren’t the ones fighting now. It wasn’t
something we should be taking turns on, especially now.

  Chapter 40


  We readied ourselves for the long awaited meeting with Madam Carla. Adele nor I mentioned anything that was said the night before but watched Ruby and Darius interact with each other like there was nothing wrong.

  “Look at them.” I said while I stood with Adele a distance away. “I don’t get it.”

  “I suppose we don’t have to. As long as they’re happy.”

  “I guess. It’s just weird.”

  “Hey! Shh!” Zayden snatched. “No talking about it within range.”

  “We weren’t, per-say.” Adele said.

  “Well, you don’t have to be. He’ll sense it and that will be bad for all of us.”

  “Relax.” I whispered. “It was harmless.”

  “We should be going, shouldn’t we?”

  Adele playfully sighed and hopped up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “All right, your highness. Let’s go then.”

  “Don’t do that.”

  Adele just laughed and took down the shelter while the horses were being prepared and we soon began the ride east towards the sun.

  We stayed along the southern coastline for about an hour until we were looking out to a small island with smoke coming from it.

  “We’re here.” Ruby smiled.

  “Really? Okay, there’s something you forgot to mention.” Zayden said. “She lives on an island. How are we supposed to get there? I don’t see any boats.”

  The three of us who already knew her laughed.

  “You have to keep an open mind, remember?” I said. “Things aren’t always what they seem around here.”

  “We better get going.” Adele started to bring her horse towards the water first and Ruby and I naturally followed but the Great Seni Fighters didn’t move.

  “Come on.” I said. “It’s okay.”

  They looked even more shocked when our horses began to walk on top of the water instead of through it.

  “How are you doing that?” Troy asked.

  “There’s a bridge here no one can see unless for those who already know it’s here. Come on.”

  They still seemed hesitant but they brought their horses forward, slowly stepping onto the water which seemed more difficult to actually do. The three disguised Senian horses were unsure about proceeding but obeyed their masters, following the other three who seemed to have no problem with it because they’ve done it before.

  They rode with us to the island even more cautiously when a dark shadow began swimming around us.

  “What’s that?” Zayden asked.

  Adele looked down and didn’t seem bothered. “That’s Kiki. She’s Madam Carla’s shark. She guards the island from unwanted guests.”

  “Unwanted guests?” Troy sounded worried and I laughed.

  “Don’t worry. We’re wanted.”

  Kiki disappeared somewhere in the deep water as we got closer to land and I felt them tense like they needed to know where she was at all times.

  “Relax.” Adele said. “She’s just going home. There’s a labyrinth of caves under the island.”

  “And you know this from personal experience, I take it.” Troy said.

  “Maybe. Hurry.” She sped her horse up just a little more and we made it to shore.

  We walked along the narrow path and approached the small old house. It was leaning slightly to the right and the hay covered roof had a few holes and bare spots. A humble little shack for just a single resident who happened to be the most powerful person in the world.

  “And we’re going to be spending how long here?” Zayden asked.

  Ruby laughed as we all started getting down off our horses. “Time will go by fast, remember?”

  Zayden just sighed and we walked right up to the door. Adele opened it and led us in without announcing herself. The main room was filled with bottles of all shapes and sizes and filled with potions of every color. There was a fire going and a boiling pot sitting over it.

  Home sweet home.

  Madam Carla came out of a back room towards us with her gray frizzy hair and dressed in a long dark purple robe. “Why if it isn’t the three greatest beauties of our time coming to give me visit. I hope Kiki didn’t give you any trouble.”

  “Madam Carla.” Adele smiled. “Not at all.”

  Her white eyes stared straight ahead as she smiled and embraced each of us. “Adele. Ruby. Jaylyn. Welcome.” She paused there after hugging me last and her whole head turned. She pushed her way passed me with a gasp to get in front of the Great Seni Fighters. “Why, bless my soul. You brought them here. I didn’t think you would but I hoped.”

  Adele smiled. “Zayden. Darius. Troy. This is Madam Carla. Madam Carla, these are our friends.”

  “Oh, Adele. They’re more than that.” Madam Carla held her hand up to them and stopped it in front of Zayden. “This one has your scent all over him.” She took a breath of air through her nose and Ruby and I shared a smiling look, just waiting for her first sexual reference to come. “Ah, yes. He’s been very kind to you many times! Lucky girl!”

  “Madam Carla!”

  “Oh, come child. Don’t be disgraced. It’s not every day that a woman such as yourself wins the heart of a Prince.”

  Zayden seemed in wonderment that she even knew and he quickly looked at me for some reason. I smiled while pointing to my head to remind him to keep an open mind.

  “You have been deemed very lucky.” Madam Carla then moved her hand over to Troy, lowering it with an obvious sigh. “This one must be yours, Jaylyn. You’ve claimed him early and frequently might I add. It must be the great skill I sense of him that’s been useful for you and I don’t mean that precious sword he’s carrying.”

  I looked at Troy and silently laughed, not wanting it to be too obvious. “Without question.”

  “But Trever has not yet accepted it.”

  Smile, gone. “Like he ever will. He still won’t tell me what his gift is. He says I have to guess.”

  “The answers will soon all be clear in time and by then he will, you’ll see.” She brought her hand up to Darius next and her smile faded. “My darling Ruby, are you sick?”

  Ruby looked around at the rest of us strangely. “No. Why would you ask that?”

  “Well, I would assume this strong one to be yours but I’m detecting at distance between you.”

  Oh, no. I hoped this wasn’t the way she’d find out.

  “Wait, I see now. For once it’s not your fault. This is his doing. Your past is still lingering inside your heart. A memory of a great loss has consumed your soul for a many long years. To let it go could cause confusion as to who you are but to keep it could push away the one you love so deeply. Only by choosing the right path will lead you to your happiness.” She took Ruby’s hand, pulling her closer and joined their hands with fingers laced. “This is the right path for you, Darius. Make no mistake about that. Madam Carla knows. Keep the past in the past and don’t let the future escape through your hands. Your future in life brings many great joys if you so choose to accept it. Fate has shown me that the three great sons of Seni shall one day hold one of their own brought forth to you only by those worthy to bear such a precious gift and in giving, mold a new era of men.”

  What? Like children? I was too stunned to say anything out loud.

  “Would it be wrong to say I sort of already knew that?” Zayden asked with a smile as he glanced over at Adele.

  He was clearly talking about the dream and Madam Carla gasped and turned her head to Adele. “You told him the dream?”

  “You know about my dream?”

  “Yes, for I have seen it too. I was hoping you’d be able to decipher what it means. Clever girl!”

  “Then it’s real?” I asked. “They’re really going to have that child?”

  “Of course. You all will. It’s a necessity for the world’s future.”

  Troy and I immediately shared a look and I didn’t know what e
lse to say. He seemed unsure too but the longer it set in, the longer I liked it. A child with him? That would be the cutest child ever!

  “But I see that you are not ready for that kind of talk so come. Sit. We shall await the future in time.” We walked over and sat down around the table with her.

  I didn’t want to say it but I would have liked to hear more. Maybe I could sometime if we ever get the chance to get her alone. If it really was the future, I wanted to hear it.

  Chapter 41


  A child? Oh, no no no no. That wouldn’t be—I mean there just so much—I couldn’t even begin.

  I wish it would just go away. I couldn’t be thinking about that now. We had so many other things to worry about but I was glad when Madam Carla said we weren’t ready to hear it and chose to get away from it. “Tell me why you have come and what it is you seek.”

  “But do you not know already?” Zayden asked. “Assuming that’s one of the many things you can do.”

  She smiled. “Indeed I do but do you? Your travels brought you together and formed a bond that will remain through time as the stories of the great ones remain for longer. How do you wish to be remembered throughout history? As just another normal being with only the will to do great things or are you willing to go beyond the greatness of Kings and be idolized forever? Only I have the power to grant you that wish but you must choose wisely for what I can give you can never be taken back. You must be certain within your hearts that it’s what you want.”

  I watched the Great Seni Fighters looked at each other and like the idea as being remembered forever. It easily made the choice clear. I know I always liked it.

  “It’s what we want, Madam Carla.” Zayden said. “But would you really be able to give me that? I already have—”

  “I know but I did not give that to you. That was a gift from your father. He came to me many long years ago when he was young. Your presence is quite similar. I will be willing to give you one myself if that’s still what you wish as I only give out one.”


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