Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)

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Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) Page 21

by Bowles, April

  Zayden looked over at Adele and she gave him a nod and he turned his head back with the clear answer. “It is.”

  Of course he wouldn’t have refused. It was only going to make him better, not worse. I’m sure he knew that.

  “Good, Zayden. I knew you would decide it so. Come with me and we shall begin the process at once. We shall not delay your reasons for coming any longer.” She got up and we all followed her to another room where she already had everything set up for our arrival. She definitely knew we were coming.

  There were three reclined chairs sitting in a circle with a steaming pot filled with palm sized stones in the center. I remember seeing this exact set up before.

  “Please remove your shirts and shoes and have a seat with your palms up and feet on the stool.”

  They respectfully did what they were told.

  “But I remember you only had us remove our shoes.” Adele said.

  “Yes, the feet need to be exposed to circulate the energy.”

  “So, why do they need to take their shirts off?”

  Madam Carla smiled and I already knew why. Our minds were quite the same. “Why, for our viewing pleasure, of course!”

  “Oh, yeah! Genius as always!”

  “Should we leave?”

  “You can stay but don’t speak. You don’t want it to disturb the process.” We remained quiet by the door while Madam Carla walked over to the chairs. “Now you must close your eyes and become totally relaxed. You must stay in this relaxed state and not bother your mind with what I’m doing but listen to what I say. I have already chosen what to give you based on your lives and what would become most useful. Let us begin.” She walked in the middle of them to the pot containing the stones and took a few in her hands. “Now, I’m going to be placing a hot stone on various places on your bodies to help you become more relaxed. I will touch you first before I place the stone so that you are prepared.”

  Madam Carla turned to Zayden first and started placing the stones on him. One was placed on each of his wrists, another on the inside of each of his elbows, another on each shoulder and one on the center of the chest. She did the same to Muscles and Troy afterwards and let them get used to it for a moment and relax them. I remembered how it felt just by watching. It was relaxing. A bit hot at first, not enough to burn but that would eventually fade and this good feeling all over would replace it like a peaceful dream.

  Madam Carla walked over to a table next and picked up the first bottle, bringing it to Zayden. “Now, Zayden, I’m going to start with you. I’ve seen your mind and the things you wish you could undo. Perhaps if you were just a little faster to react, they wouldn’t have happened at all. Your future will be full of less disappointments after today for I’m giving you the enchantment of Hastily Response. This will allow you to react to something like a falling glass or a hidden attacker and stop it with a great amount of acceleration and speed that’s invisible to the normal eye. No more despair will be weighed on your shoulders. Now, you’ll feel a slight pinch but try to remain relaxed as you are.”

  Zayden nodded and Madam Carla placed the bottle upside down over his stomach and the spikes popped open, attaching to his skin around his bellybutton. He did very well to not move. I remember almost jumping out of my damn chair when it happened to me. I’d never forget that nor will he forget this.

  Speed. An interesting choice. I couldn’t wait to see it.

  Madam Carla left his body to do the work and walked back to the table to get another bottle. She walked over to Muscles with it and stood next to him. “Darius, your obvious strength over those both friend and foe have already proven your greatness but there is yet more greatness to be had in a strength such as this that I happily pass to you now. I’m giving you the enchantment of Infinite Might. You may think you are strong now but this will allow you be even more. You’ll be able to move any object no matter the size or weight. Even a mountain will not be able to stand in your way. Use it as a protection to those close to you and their lives may always be spared.”

  He didn’t react to the feeling at all of the bottle being stuck to him and it might have been because of the strength he already had. Now he was going to have more? I’m sure he liked hearing it. I wonder if he would be stronger than me?

  Madam Carla walked back to the table and picked up the last bottle, bringing it to Troy. “Troy, to one that is already so steady and perfect in form, there is not much else I can give but a sight beyond any other. You have already proven such a great perfection in the way of your sword but I have seen things you wish you could have but it is a distance that separated you. No more. I’m giving you the enchantment of Remote Gaze. This will allow you to see any obstacle before you even if it stands hundreds of miles away. The world cannot be hidden in your eyes as you will find this to be a great use to you even for the smallest tasks.”

  He only flinched for a second probably because I hear he’s ever been wounded by anyone besides Muscles and that was basically only broken bones. Nothing metal has ever broke his skin except for his own sword that one time but that doesn’t really count. He was too tied up to stop it or I’m sure he would have.

  “I’m leaving you alone now. You must remain still and relaxed while your body does the rest of the work. I will check back in on you in a couple of hours. If you must, falling asleep is a good form of total relaxation.” She waved her hand for us to leave and we waited for time to pass at the table.

  “Madam Carla, now that they’re not out here, can you tell us more?” Jaylyn asked.

  Madam Carla smiled as she sat with us at the head of the table. “Let me just take a quick guess. Is this about their sons?”


  Great. I tried to tune it out but it didn’t work.

  “Well, yes, I speak the truth. You are undoubtedly the ones to provide them.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “There are no others worthy enough to carry their children but you. There is love in your future after all.”

  “You really think we’ll be together forever?”

  “My dear child, Madam Carla knows these things. They have given up their very way of life just to be with you. Anyone would be able to see that it was meant to be.”

  Meant to be? I couldn’t believe it. All I could think about was what she said about his past. It just made me so confused about so many things. How could we have a child if we were never to get that close again?

  “It’s complicated, Ruby.”

  I looked up from my dazed stare down at the table. “What?”

  “The traumas of his past. Has he not told you why he never sleeps with the same woman twice?”

  What?! My eyes got wide and I looked around. “Is that what the distance is from? I thought it was because either of us wanted to hurt the other. He’s never told me that.”

  “Only because he didn’t want you to know.” Jaylyn said. “He’s trying to change it.”

  “You know about this?” That didn’t make me any happier.

  “He’s been hurt, Ruby.” Adele said. “He doesn’t know what he should do.”

  “Hurt how? Like in love hurt?” I looked around to the speechless faces and just wanted to know but they all seemed hesitant. “Hello? Would someone please tell me?”

  Jaylyn and Adele looked at each other a little saddened and finally Madam Carla spoke up. “It’s not in my nature to go against someone’s wishes but you’re right. There are some things you should know to help you get through this. Darius lost his father as a boy and his mother didn’t take the loss of her husband very well and committed suicide shortly after.”

  Oh. Why did I have to ask?

  “Darius found her, Ruby and it’s changed his mind completely. That’s when he started using other women to mask what his mother had done. He loves you, I can see it but he is confused as to if it’s the right thing. He’s never let himself get close to anyone but he saw something in you that changed. A small light of hope perhaps? What you must do
now, though it may be hard, is to just sit and wait. He needs to be the one to decide that he’s ready to accept his past and move on from it.”

  Wait? Sure. I guess.

  “You got all of that by standing in front of him?” Adele asked.

  “I know how to read people, dear.”

  “Then what about Troy?” Jaylyn smiled, leaning forward against the table. “What did you get from him? I mean, we’ve seen his mother and he didn’t seem too happy about that. She said she made a mistake. Is that why he moved in with Zayden? To get away?”

  “Yes. It was after Troy lost his father when his mother went through long periods of grievance. Troy looks so much like his father, identical really, that she could no longer look at her own son without seeing him first and that tore her apart so she stopped looking at him all together. Troy was often neglected and wished that one day his mother would accept his father’s death but that day never came as long as he was around so Troy is the one that left her. He didn’t let the loss of his father destroy his life and he moved on completely from then, never to go back. She’s been cut from his life and he started a new one with Zayden and Darius.”

  “I see.” Jaylyn muttered, her voice getting low with her feelings for asking just like I had. “I’m glad I’ve never asked him about that. That must have been horrible.”

  “They’ve grown much since then. Horrible, yes but they would never be where they are today hadn’t it happened which means they’d never be with you.”

  Jaylyn looked at me and I know what that would have done to her. I cared about Muscles too. I’m not saying that I was thankful those bad things had happened to them but my life would seem meaningless hadn’t it.

  Chapter 42


  It was quiet and I was in darkness. Hours must have passed. I think I fell asleep briefly but I didn’t know how long. I woke when I heard footsteps.

  “Don’t open your eyes, Troy.” Madam Carla told me right away. She must have been able to tell I was waking. “The absorption is complete but please remain relaxed until after I remove the stones. It’s very important that we get you outside before you see anything.”

  I nodded and felt her remove the bottle from my stomach quickly so the spikes wouldn’t pull too much on my skin but I still felt it.

  Darius’s sigh was next to me. “Hope that doesn’t leave a mark.”

  “I’m sure Jaylyn will be glad to get rid of them for you if that’s what you wish.” Madam Carla went around and took off all the stones from my body, tossing them back in the pot. “Now, how do you feel?” She tied a piece of cloth around my eyes next to make sure that I wouldn’t open them.

  “The same, I guess.” Zayden said.

  “Yeah but tired.” Darius yawned.

  “Good. Good.”

  “Well, I feel blind.” I said it without thinking and had to apologize. “Ah, no offense, Madam Carla.”

  She laughed. “Of course not, my boy. We better get you outside. Zayden, would you guide him please and Darius, it’s very important that you don’t touch anything because you might risk breaking it.”


  I heard Zayden come over to me like what was instructed of him and he helped me out of the room.

  “Is he all right?” Jaylyn’s voice sounded worried but I couldn’t see her.

  “Yeah.” Zayden said. “He just can’t open his eyes until we get outside.”

  “Yes, so let’s please get there.” I said, blindly being led through the room.

  I felt Jaylyn approach my free side and take my other arm. “Don’t worry, you will.”

  I was guided carefully out the door and they led me somewhere outside.

  “Okay, Troy, listen to me.” Madam Carla said. “This is going to be a bit of a shock for you at first but I need you to remain calm and focused. Now, I’m removing your eye covering and you can open your eyes when you’re ready.”

  She removed the cloth from my eyes and I stood still, taking a deep breath. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  I felt Jaylyn pull away from me and I just wanted to get control of whatever this was so I could see her.

  My eyes slowly opened. Everything seemed the same. After having your eyes closed for so long, things aren’t clear at first. Things were blurred. It’s when my sight was clear that things changed. My vision quickly flew out across the water like I was flying over it. It glistened beneath me until I reached the land and seemed to move faster. I was not prepared for it and had to shade my eyes.

  “Troy?” Jaylyn was at my side again and placed her hand on my back.

  “That was weird. Why does it do that?”

  “You’ve never used your eyes before.” Madam Carla said. “It’s like they were reborn. You need to learn to control it by focusing on one thing. To teach your eyes to do the work, they must be guided by your mind. Try again and control the motion speed. To do this properly, you must think it properly in order to achieve this such success.”

  Okay. I was ready. I opened my eyes towards the shore again. My vision speed was quick as before that gave me that feeling of falling but I did what Madam Carla told me and used my mind to slow it down. Getting a grip on how proved to be difficult. My sight just kept going and I was beginning to reach mountains, only seeming more and more anxious to get it right.

  After several more attempts, it finally worked. I was able to slow down the speed and focused my eyes on one thing. “Okay. I’ve got it. Now what? How do I get back? I don’t even know where I am.”

  “Try backing it up. Bring your sight all the way back to us and remember to let your mind guide you.”

  I nodded and tried it. It was harder to figure out how to move it backwards. It frustrated me but I kept it all to myself. I didn’t want to show it around everyone and just kept trying.

  I got it and was able to bring my sight back across the sparkling water. Things seemed better now like it was a more peaceful movement. I turned back to the others and I could see them just fine, finally seeing Jaylyn again. “This is normal.”

  She was looking right at my eyes with a wide smile but seemed hesitant to bring her hand up to them. “Oh, wow. You look—”

  “What?” I was a little nervous. This gift changed how my eyes looked? I wasn’t using it right now, how could that work?

  “It’s all right.” Madam Carla said. “Your sight is heightened so the color of your eyes is magnified.”

  “It’s like textured.” Ruby smiled.

  “Is that bad?” I really didn’t want it to be bad.

  “No.” Jaylyn said. “Look.”

  She took out one of her ring blades and let me look in the reflective metal. They were right. They did look textured, kind of like stone; a vibrant evergreen speckled with shades that would shame the color of grass sprinkled with morning dew.

  “That’s not so bad.”

  “No. I love them.”

  I looked at Jaylyn’s smile and smiled back. “Then that’s all that matters.”

  “You’ve done well.” Madam Carla said. “Your first task was brilliant and since it was, I want you to try one more thing. I feel you will master this gift quickly so let’s try the second step.”

  “You really think that’s wise?” Jaylyn asked. “This soon?”

  “Who’s the expert here?”

  Jaylyn seemed a little worried and tried to laugh it off. “You are Madam Carla.”

  “And I know what’s best. He can do it but he’ll need your help.”

  “Of course. I’ll do anything.”

  “Just place your hand on top of his and Troy, put your other hand on top of hers.” We did everything we were told. “Good. Now, Jaylyn, close your eyes. Troy, I want you to focus on showing her what you see. It’s also all in the mind to control and you’ll only know if you’re doing it right if she can see it. Try it now.”

  I nodded and looked at Jaylyn, who had her eyes closed next to me. “Ready?”


  I looked back
to the shore and quickly moved my eyesight out beyond the beach while focusing on showing her at the same time. “See anything?”

  “Nope. It’s pretty dark.”

  I didn’t let that bother me and tried focusing on what I wanted harder. “How about now?”


  Okay. Now it was starting to bother me. I gritted my teeth and put every thought I had on showing her while I squeezed her hand tighter between mine.

  “Okay! Now I see it! That’s so weird.”

  Good. I relaxed my breath and my eye sight came all the way back to normal standards.

  “Sorry if that hurt a little.” I said, removing my hands.

  “It didn’t but it worked.”

  “Good.” Madam Carla smiled. “I knew you’d be able to do it. It won’t be long now until you can transfer objects a great distance with your sight and master this gift.”

  “We’re not going to try that now, are we?” I groaned. “My head is pounding behind my eyes just from that.”

  “Oh, you poor thing.” Jaylyn put one hand on each side of my head and began to heal me.

  “No, you’ve done enough for today. Now you must rest those pretty green eyes of yours for tomorrow’s lesson. Zayden, you’re up.”

  I felt better now and tried enjoying this break.

  Chapter 43


  “Adele, would you like to do the honors?”

  She smiled and stepped forward. “Of course.”

  “Everyone should move.” Madam Carla said. “You don’t want to get hit with anything.”

  They backed all the way up to her house and Adele took a solid stance in front of me. I smiled at her with a nod and walked several paces away to get a distance between us.

  Our eyes met with a burning fire to fight and a small smirk started to appear on Adele’s face. I couldn’t wait. She used her gift to lift several rocks up off the ground around her and started out slowly.

  I stood ready, confident in my success of what she was about to do and Adele pushed one of the rocks over to me as fast as she could. I put my arm up and caught it without even seeing it move into that position. It was an incredible feeling.


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