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Marked by Death (The Godhunter, Book 4)

Page 13

by Sumida, Amy

  “Oh please,” she rolled her eyes. “Have you never seduced a man into loving you? Sex is easy but love takes time and patience, especially with Anubis.”

  “What did I do wrong?” I was grateful for her friendship and every part of me wanted to be able to trust her but it was just too good to be true. What if she had some ulterior motive? Like Aphrodite had when she set me free. Mama always said that if it’s too good to be true… grab it fast before someone else sees it, but I was a little more cynical than she.

  “You were doing so well at first,” Ma’at’s face became sweetly pensive. “I saw Anubis weakening but then you pushed him too hard, too soon, and you slid back. Don’t let the small skirmish decide the war. Strap your armor back on and fight him.”

  “I don’t know how,” I retrieved my glass. “To answer your question, no, I’ve never seduced a man into loving me. I am who I am, if they love me, great, if they don’t, I don’t want them. It baffles me that a woman could want a man who doesn't really want them.”

  “Probably a good idea under normal circumstances,” Ma’at started to smile again. “But your freedom is not all that rests on the affections of Anubis. Your lover will die if you’re away from him too long, won’t he?”

  “Yes,” my voice was small and frail. I hated it and myself in that moment. So I took another sip of wine.

  “How much longer has he got?”

  “Two weeks,” I swallowed hard, images of Trevor dying slowly filling my head, “maybe three.”

  “Then we better hurry,” Ma’at held out her hand. “Come with me.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  I stared into the mirror in shock. My long hair shown from a light application of lotus oil and was held back by a gold circlet with a jackal’s head emerging from the center of it. My eyes looked enormous with their thick lining of kohl and my skin glowed from the pearl dust Ma’at had powdered it with. The gown she’d chosen for me was red silk, held at each shoulder by gold scarabs, and clung to my breasts and stomach before flowing down to sway around my feet. My full lips were stained red, making them look even bigger, making them look ready to be kissed... and, thanks to the stain, able to be kissed without leaving marks.

  What the hell was I doing?

  “Beautiful,” Ma’at nodded, circling me. “Step one complete, step two should be here any minute.” A knock sounded on her door with perfect timing. “Aha, step two.”

  “What’s step two?” I turned as she opened the door and in walked an Egyptian Apollo.

  He was tall and perfectly muscled(a lot like Trevor), with brown hair that shifted to blonde when the light hit it. His face was all sex, from the long lashed bedroom eyes to the full, pouting lips. A crisp white shirt was open at the collar to show off a hint of cleanly defined chest, the sleeves rolled up to exhibit powerful forearms and a sprinkling of blonde hair. Taupe pants slid over his thighs like there was no place else they wanted to be and I couldn’t blame them. He was every woman’s wet dream. Oh, and then there was his skin.

  As he walked forward, holding my gaze like a professional gigolo, the candlelight reflected off his skin. Gold, it reflected gold because his skin was almost metallic. It was a dark brown but the surface was shimmering. I think I might have sighed.

  “Are you the God of Chippendales?” I asked when he stopped in front of me.

  Both he and Ma’at laughed but it was his laughter that made me want to fling him to the floor and kiss him senseless. The sound that poured from him was thick with desire, the sound lovers made when they were stealing away for romance, the laugh of a man in love… well, ok… lust. This man wasn't love, he was the idea of love, the dream of it made into reality. He was perfect, so perfect I knew it had to be a lie, but one look at him and I didn't want the truth. Lie to me, baby.

  “I thought Cupid was Greek,” I tried again to identify the mystery hottie but I was wrong.

  “Vervain, this is Re,” Ma’at was standing next to us and I hadn’t even noticed until she spoke. That’s how hot the guy was.

  “I'm Vervain,” I held out my hand in a daze and he took it, raising it slowly to his lips and kissing it just as slow. I quivered, yes quivered okay? You would too, you so would. Then I swallowed hard and tried to regain some sense of pride. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “It could be,” he brushed at my cheek lightly with his fingertips.

  I whimpered.

  “Re’s your escort tonight,” Ma’at looked hard at me. “He’s in on the plot, so he’s going to flirt outrageously with you.”

  “Not that I wouldn’t anyway,” Re smiled and my knees turned into some kind of jelly, grape probably.

  “Your job is to play the cowed hostage to Anubis, so that you can’t be held accountable for Re’s behavior. But be sure to let Anubis catch you sending interested glances towards Re. You need to seem just slightly embarrassed by Re’s attentions but also intrigued. Nothing sets a man’s heart afire faster than a little competition. Anubis thinks you’re his completely. We need to show him that it’s not true. Vervain, do you hear me?”

  “Uh-huh,” I couldn’t look away from those golden eyes, just a shade lighter than Trevor’s. Trevor! Sweet sun gods! I’d forgotten Trevor for a moment. I mentally slapped myself. “So we’re going to what, pretend we accidentally met in the hallway?”

  “Works for me,” Ma’at pursed her lips in thought. “Let’s just walk in together and if anyone asks, Re and I were on our way to dinner and I found you headed to the library, so I reminded you of the time.”

  “Alright, but I don’t know what you expect this to do for the cause,” I’d dealt with jealousy before and it was no fun. Actually going out and causing it on purpose sounded a little crazy to me.

  “Trust me,” Ma’at’s smile was all feminine wisdom. “Anubis is going to turn a completely new leaf.”

  “As long as its not a rotten, dead leaf with slimy things crawling under it,” I grumbled as we left the room. “I hate slimy things.”

  The hallway to the dining room seemed shorter. We were soon standing on the threshold and I was taking a deep breath. I could hear muted conversation and Anubis was definitely a part of it.

  “Smile, darling,” Ma’at gritted out from behind clenched teeth.

  I smiled brightly as Re took my arm and led me to the table, clenching my other hand tightly around my gold chain like it was lifeline… how ridiculous was that? Re’s eyes were fastened to me like I was the only thing he ever wanted to see again and I couldn’t help but think it was completely unbelievable. Anubis wasn’t stupid enough to fall for Ma’at’s plans and the whole mess was going to blow up in my…

  “Vervain!” I jolted guiltily when Anubis’ voice lashed across the room. “Where have you been?” He was at my side in an instant, pulling my arm out of Re’s grip and focusing a hard glare on the Sun God. “Re, I didn’t know you were planning on joining us tonight.”

  “Ma’at invited me,” Re smiled and raised a brow. “You’ve been holding out on me, the Godhunter is quite a prize.”

  “My prize,” Anubis growled, taking the chain from me and pulling me with him to the head of the table.

  He yanked out my chair and I sat carefully in my borrowed finery, the chain he fastened to his belt. It looked oddly appropriate with his green button down shirt and black slacks… just a casual business man and his bitch. I held in my derisive snort but just barely. When I raised my face to his, I found him staring at me with eyes covered in swirling jewel tones.

  Maybe Ma’at was right.

  “You’re exceptionally beautiful tonight,” he whispered and reached up to finger the jackal on my forehead. “Did you dress for me?”

  “Do you like it?” I tried to play the timid love-struck girl but all I could manage was a breathless nervousness. Evidently it was close enough.

  “Yes,” his hand slid over my lap and found mine. He lifted it to his mouth and bit the tip of my pointer finger lightly as his eyes heated even more. “I’d thoug
ht you were against pleasing me?”

  “Maybe I’ve decided to surrender,” I dropped my voice to a low purr and gave him what I hoped were bedroom eyes. I probably just looked high.

  His mouth fell open and his chest rose with his sudden breath. “I accept,” he took my neck in his hand and pulled my face to his, staring at me as if daring me to stop him. When our lips met, I gave in to the desire he made me feel and let it wash over me, let it drown out my anger till I groaned in need. Anubis pulled back but only an inch.

  “It’s for the best, Miw-sher,” his thumb trailed across the fluttering pulse in my throat before he let go and sat back. A flicker of irritation filled his eyes as he looked at the person who took the seat on my right.

  I looked over and wasn’t surprised to see Re.

  “Her lips look soft as silk,” Re draped his arm over the back of my chair and stroked a finger over my bottom lip.

  I flinched, pulling back slightly, and looking to Anubis like I needed rescuing. It was the perfect play. When Anubis saw my reaction, he leveled his anger solely on Re, pushing his hand from my chair and pulling me closer to him.

  “Leave her be, Re. I already told you, she’s mine.”

  “Yeah, your prize,” Re snorted, “wearing a chain and collar like a dog. That doesn’t show much affection. I think a woman like her should be treated better.” He eyed me and I gave him a thoughtful look… again well played. Anubis exploded.

  “I treat her very well for a captive.”

  “I agree,” murmured Thoth.

  “Stay out of this,” Anubis shot the thin-necked god a vicious look before refocusing on Re.

  “But not nearly well enough for a beautiful, intelligent, strong, and beautiful woman,” Re returned to gazing at me longingly. He was really good at it. I almost believed it.

  “You said beautiful twice,” Anubis sneered.

  “I know,” Re took my hand and held it reverently. “I could take you away from death, from this jackal-filled crypt. My home is full of sunlight and pleasure. Come with me and I’ll make you feel like a Queen.”

  “Fuck off, Re,” Anubis stood, sending his chair crashing back, and stalked around to face off with the Sun God. Discreetly, a lady jackal righted the chair.

  “What’s your problem, Anubis?” Re remained seated, casually leaning back in his chair while keeping his hand on mine. “She’s just your captive, right? What do you care if I desire her? She’s beautiful, I’m surprised Thoth hasn’t… oh yeah, she’s not his… type.” Re gave Thoth a secret look and I stared over at the thin man. Hmph, normally my gay-dar was pretty good. I guess it was on hold, along with the rest of my talents.

  “My problem is that you’re trying to steal my property,” Anubis reached across me and tore Re’s hand from mine.

  “Property?” Something broke in me.

  Here he was, going on about how it was best for me to surrender, as if my life would be so much better if only I'd give in to him. When all along it was just another game, just another torment. I wasn't going to make him love me. This man cared only for himself. He'd obviously lost his capability to love centuries ago and I wasn't going to get it back for him in less than two weeks. Trevor was as good as dead and it was my fault.

  I should have never listened to Ma'at. I should have been spending every waking minute trying to figure out a real plan to get me home. It was all because of the glimpse I'd had of Anubis' soul. Ever since I saw into him, I’d hoped for more from him, hoped that his germinating affection would blossom into something… something that could set me free. It was careless and stupid of me to let a small peek change my opinion of him. I was smarter than that. He was an enemy until proven otherwise.

  “So it doesn’t bother you, that he wants me,” I lifted my cold stare to Anubis and found a spark of something that looked like regret there. “It bothers you that he didn’t ask for permission before he picked up your toy. Didn’t you tell me you were going to give me to Ares when you were through? Why not just give me to Re instead? You could ask him for payment even. Everyone insists I’m a whore, you might as well make me one in truth.”

  I could feel the tickle of tears at my eyes but I held his gaze and lifted my chin higher. They could take what they wanted from me but it didn’t change who I really was. That certainty filled me with strength. None of these men would ever really have me. None would know me as Trevor knew me, none of them would have my love.

  Anubis’ anger cooled, his shoulders drooped, and his eyes flashed color once before going back to black. He took a breath, sat back down, and as he reached for his wineglass, I saw his hand shake. He took a long drink, then placed the glass carefully on the table.

  “You’re not a whore,” he finally met my gaze again.

  “Aren’t I? Isn’t that what you want me to be?”

  “No, Miw-sher,” his voice was soft, gentle.

  “Then what?” I blinked and a tear escaped my eye to fall slowly down my cheek. I let it fall, I didn’t care anymore. “What do you want from me?”

  “I don’t know anymore,” his jaw clenched, as did his hands on the table.

  “Well,” I was barely keeping a hold on my control, “I await your pleasure, Lord Death.”

  I reached to serve myself some wine but Re stopped me.

  “Allow me, Lady Courage,” he started to serve me but his endearment broke me. It was what Fenrir called me, Little Frami, his little courage.

  I took a deep shuddering breath and covered my face with my hands. I felt a hand on my back and had no idea if it was Anubis or Re. I didn’t care; I shook it off and stood up.

  “I’m sorry but I seem to have lost my appetite,” I looked at Anubis and inclined my head. “I’ll be in your bedroom.” I started to walk away, hoping he wouldn’t stop me.

  “Our bedroom,” was all he said, it made me pause for a moment but I didn’t look back. I walked out the door.

  Before I reached the Hall of Two Truths, I heard Re say in a strong, clear voice, “If you don’t go after her, you’re a fool and a bastard.”

  I quickened my pace; I didn’t want Anubis to chase me. I just wanted to be alone for a few blessed minutes with my sorrow. I entered the hall, the frescoes blurring as I raced by, and headed down to Anubis’ room. If I could make it to the bathroom, I could at least shut the door against him.

  But as I entered the room, I felt his hand slide on my arm. My composure broke and I cried out violently as I tried to pull away from him. He just took my other arm and pulled me against his chest, sending an order to relax into my body. My body obeyed but my mind didn’t.

  “I hate you,” I ground out.

  “I know,” he sounded so tired, I couldn’t help looking up.

  His face was creased with worry and regret, his eyes filled with something too soft and tender for me to look at. I didn’t want to play this game anymore. I wanted to go home and hold my cat, make love to my wolf, and feel the connection with my lions again.

  “I know,” he repeated and I wondered briefly if it was in answer to my thoughts. “I can’t let you go, Miw-sher.”

  His hand wiped at my eyes, where the tracks of my tears had no doubt left black streaks. Carefully, he cleaned them away and took the circlet from my head, tossing it to the floor. He spread his fingers through my hair, stroking it with long, fluid motions that helped slow my breath, before he lowered his lips to mine and made it race again.

  “No,” I pulled my mouth from his. “Don’t ask this of me now.”

  “I’m not asking,” he pulled my face back to his and I felt my heart drop at the tenderness in what I’d expected to be a harsh kiss.

  I felt his hands at my shoulders, undoing the golden clasps, and the material fell to my waist. His shirt felt rough against my chest as he slid down me to kneel at my feet. I looked down at him in confusion; usually he wanted me on my knees. Anubis had never knelt for me.

  Keeping his rainbow obsidian eyes on me, he took the tip of one breast into his mouth, flic
king it with his tongue. I trembled and automatically clasped him to me. I wanted to scream, to deny him and everything he made me feel but I wasn’t strong enough to break his spell.

  His hands found the hooks at the back of my dress and in moments it was a puddle around my feet. He sat back on his heels so he could look over me, following his gaze with his hands, marking a path of desire over my skin.

  “You said you surrendered,” he whispered and rose up to his knees again. “Will you hold true to that or do you deny me now?”

  I gasped as his magic retreated in a rush, leaving me free to fight. My first thought was to back away, hit him, claw him, but then I remembered the prize I was fighting for and what Ma’at had claimed my best weapons were. Maybe she was right after all. Maybe the moment laid before me was a turning point in the battle and it all rested on what I did there.

  So instead of stepping back, I stepped forward. I spread my hands through his hair and held his face. I let him see the fear and the acceptance because otherwise my capitulation would ring false and I needed him to believe it without looking too closely, without searching my mind.

  “I’ll hold true to it,” I let my voice slide over him like warm rain and watched with satisfaction as his eyes closed and he groaned. “I surrender,” I bent my face to his and sealed my lies with a kiss.

  When I lifted my head it was to find him staring back at me with a look of pure bliss. His arms tightened and he pressed his face into my stomach. I held him as I stared into the full length mirror beside us. My face in the reflection was cold determination, my body nude but proudly held, and there he was, the God of Death, at my feet like an acolyte, clinging to me and worshiping me with his hands, as he knelt in a puddle of blood red silk.

  It felt like a premonition.

  Chapter Twenty

  He was having a party, a freakin’ party, and I was supposed to dress up pretty and play hostess…with my big gold chain dangling from my neck. Great, just great. What the hell was I supposed to talk about with his friends? “Hi, I’m Vervain, the Godhunter and Anubis’ captive, don’t mind the big chain, it’s just my leash. Yeah, he treats me like a dog. Canapé?”


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