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Sinfully Supernatural

Page 7

by Multiple

  Chapter Seven

  Jett held back a chuckle as Corrine shifted in her seat again. When she first sat down at the table, he had to leash the need that crawled through him. Everything in him screamed to grab her and pull her close, keep her next to him. Hell, he’d like to keep her on top of him, but knew she would fight it, at least in this situation, at this particular moment in time. Sam sat across from him watching them both. The man had a keen eye, never missing anything. It’s what made him a great quarterback.

  Jett took solace in the only thing he could think to do to keep his beast at bay. ‘Accidentally’ touching her every chance he got.

  He deliberately brushed his knee against hers sending yet another wave of heat through him. As torturous as it was to his body, he couldn’t help but delight in seeing the reaction in hers.

  The first time their legs brushed she pulled away, tucking hers beneath the chair. The second and third time they touched, she sat completely still, closing her eyes as a blush slowly made its way over her face and chest. He couldn’t help but wonder how far down the blush went. Wanting to follow it with his hands and lips.

  This fourth time, not that he was keeping count; she turned her head in his direction. Eyes wide open, her lips tipped at the corners. There was no blush creeping up her skin this time. “Not finding enough room at the table Jett?”

  “I’m fine. There’s plenty of room here. Why do you ask?”

  “Oh, no reason. You just seem to keep bumping into me.”

  “No kitten, you’re the one who keeps fidgeting and bumping into me.”

  A shocked gasp escaped her lips. He realized too late that he called her by the pet name. Silence filled the air around them all.

  Sam cleared his throat drawing Jett’s attention. “Hey Jett, would you mind taking me as a roomy for a while? It’ll be easier to look for a place to live, and set up shop living in town.”

  Jett glanced at Corrine to see her reaction to her brother’s news that he didn’t want to stay with her. She clearly wasn’t surprised by Sam’s request. She just sat there quietly sipping her soda.

  “Sure man. You’re welcome for however long.”

  By the time they were done working out most of their plans, they had finished eating.

  Pushing his plate away, Jett patted his belly, “Damn that was good. Thanks for the meal. Been a while since I’ve had something home cooked.”

  “You still haven’t learned to cook?” Sam had that smirky look on his face.

  “And you have?”

  “I can grill the hell out of steaks and burgers. If it involves the kitchen, you’ll have to hit up Corrine. I was never allowed in there when she was baking or cooking.”

  “Damn right you weren’t. You either ate it all or tried to kill it by fire. You two are going to starve. I can’t wait to tell MJ and see how this plays out.” The throaty sound of Corrine laughing grabbed Jett by the balls. As casually as he could, he reached down to adjust his shorts. Things were tight enough already, and her laugh was making it worse. Whoever thought being laughed at would turn him on so damn much.

  Jett looked at Corrine, choosing to ignore his dick and its wants. “I’ve been fine on my own up to this point. As you can see I haven’t starved yet.” He cocked his eyebrow, daring her to look at his body. From the hungry looks she gave him earlier, he knew she liked what she saw. When she refused, he felt a momentary stab of disappointed.

  Sam, either oblivious to them or not that bothered by what was happening, stood. “The best thing after a great meal is a nap. Need to be rested for the run later.” He looked at his sister. “You want us to help?”

  Corrine pursed her lips, shooting a look of disbelief at her brother. “And have you in my kitchen putting things where they don’t belong? No thanks.” Getting up, she snatched up her plate, leaving them and their dishes behind.

  Shooting Sam a questioning look, the only answer he got was a shrug and a lopsided grin.

  “I guess we just need to bring in our things. Come on inside. She’s still got those huge couches in the basement. Perfect for a cat nap.”

  Jett picked his beer and plate up and followed Sam inside. Corrine was at the counter, music pumping through her ears again. Her back stiffened the moment he stepped inside. Proving, yet again, that she was just as aware of him as he was of her.

  At least she isn’t completely oblivious.

  He tossed the beer in the trash, making sure to brush against her body he set his plate on the counter next to her, and made his way downstairs after Sam.

  “Thank God she didn’t get rid of these like she was talking about. I would have had to disown her. I bet anything it was MJ’s idea anyway.” Turning the TV on, Sam threw himself down on one of the massive couches letting out a contended sigh. “MJ hates anything I like.”

  Jett chuckled plopping down on the other couch. “I think I need to hear more about this MJ. She sounds like a big part of your life.”

  “What!” Sam practically yelled. “Not my life! My sister’s life! They’re best friends.”

  Jett narrowed his eyes; something was definitely up with that. “Calm down dude. All I meant was that I’ve heard Corrine mention her, and you mention her, so she must be important to the family.”

  “Oh. Sure. Yeah, she’s been around forever. Sorry.” Sam settled back into the couch and flipped to a sports channel.

  They both settled into silence. The cool room, comfy couch, and mindless show helped relax Jett more than he’d ever been in the last few years. It was easy to get lost thinking about everything and nothing all at the same time.

  He was so lost in his thoughts that when Sam spoke; he jumped a little in his seat. “Are you feeling it too?”

  Shit. Jett cringed thinking about the conversation they were about to have. He thought Sam might be a little suspicious but wasn’t sure since he hadn’t said anything. The odd looks Sam shot his way during lunch and how he seemed to study him and Corrine gave him reason to pause.

  He cleared his throat and cast a nervous glance at his friend. “Feeling what?”

  “You know. That urge or whatever you want to call it to find ‘The One’. Dewasa.”

  That wasn’t what Jett was expecting to hear, yet he could roll with it. “Dewasa? Damn. I guess I have been a bit restless going back a few months I think. Things just haven’t felt right. I thought it might be because of the move and getting settled in a new place.”

  “And now that I brought it up? Honestly, I should have expected it but shit—I don’t know.” Sam puffed out a loud breath tipping his head back.

  For some reason Jett never correlated the restlessness in his life with turning twenty-five. It should have been the first thing to pop in his head. With his lineage, his family was steeped in the traditions and customs of shifters. They made sure all of their children understood their past, present, and how to mold the future. His parents ensured their history was passed down to each generation as their forefathers had taught them. Apparently, he’d been too happy to think work was the reason.

  The natural order of things was for shifters to begin the transition from Remaja or juvenile to Dewasa or adult, before their twenty-fifth birthday. He was told he would feel antsy; recognize that there was something missing in his life. Once they celebrated their birthday that antsy feeling would turn into a burning need, a fire in the pit of his stomach that needed to be quenched. Only when they found their mate, did things calm down. Shifters of his species had until their thirtieth birthday to find a mate. He couldn’t imagine not being able to find his mate, and suffering through five years of an unrelenting burning need.

  Some shifters used the entire time looking for the one that matched them, while others already knew who the other part of them was. Luck of the draw, karma, whatever it was, it was a journey they all had to go through. Though, not everyone adhered to the traditions. Shifters didn’t really have a choice to whom they were drawn to. It could be a huma
n, another shifter like them or a shifter in the same animal class, though that was rare.

  “So what do you think?” Sam asked. “You’re the one that’s supposed to know everything. I remember you telling me how your parents pounded it into your head. Do you think Dewasa could be it?”

  “Now that you’re forcing me to think about it, yeah. Shows you how much I was paying attention.” Jett let out a snort, rolling his eyes at his stupidity.

  “My folks talked about it a lot too. Good to know I’m not the only one who’s experiencing it though. I guess we should all be going through it soon. You, me, and Corrine.” Sam said before letting out a sound of disgust. “Great. I have to deal with finding my mate and making sure Corrine doesn’t hook up with some sleaze bag or get hurt in the process. You’re so lucky you have younger sisters and they still live at home.”

  “Yeah.” Jett’s gaze drifted to the stairs. His mind wandered to the woman upstairs, setting him on edge. He didn’t want to imagine her looking for a mate. Of some strange man touching her and getting a taste of her sweet skin and hearing her throaty moans. The Tiger in him demanded he was the one for her. As much as his logical brain protested, he knew he would have to come to terms with his Tiger sooner or later.

  “Maybe things will happen quickly for her, and you won’t have to suffer too much. I’m sure she would hate for it to be hard on you while she’s the one looking for a mate.” Jett tried to chuckle and lighten the mood. It wasn’t working for him and by the look on Sam’s face; he wasn’t amused by the quip.

  “Seriously? She doesn’t date – ever. I can’t even remember the last time she was interested in a guy – human or shifter. She has to really be into a guy to even give him the time of day let alone spend time with him.”

  Jett’s mood perked up at that tidbit of information. Knowing that she was interested in him went a long way to soothing the Tiger within.

  “I swear you’re the first male shifter she’s seen in years. The last Gathering we went to was four years ago. There were guys checking her out and she didn’t even notice. I’m convinced once she hits twenty-five, they’ll be coming out of the woodwork.”

  Panic crawled through Jett’s chest at the mere suggestion. “Coming out of the woodwork? Aren’t you being a bit dramatic?”

  “No. You didn’t see the way those horny Tigers looked at her. Even in shifter form they were interested. Sniffing around and asking if she wanted to go for a run. Much to their disappointment, she laughed in their faces. She spent most of her time hanging with MJ, and when she wasn’t with her, she was with our parents.”

  Jett cringed. He knew what Gatherings were like. Some guys thought it was a free for all to run around and hump anyone on four legs. They’d chat up some female, and hope to get lucky during a run. He had acted the same way a few years ago. Something he was ashamed to admit.

  “You’re both older now. I’m sure those young cubs have grown up as well. I’m just thinking that maybe it won’t be that bad when she finds her mate. Hell, you may even like him.”

  Sam shot him a skeptical look. “Yeah right. I’m not even sure I’d let you date my sister, and I actually like you.”

  An uneasy feeling landed in the pit of his stomach. “You can’t stop the inevitable Sam.”

  “I don’t plan on stopping it. Just slowing it down as much as possible. Maybe I can convince the parents to come for an extended visit. Use my need to find a place and start a business, to get them here to help. We’d miss the next Gathering that’s coming up. Put off the mating games for at least another year.”

  The plan seemed to soothe Sam enough for Jett to see him visibly relax. Sam closed his eyes and was asleep in a matter of minutes. The snoring he remembered so well from college emanating from the man’s mouth.

  Jett couldn’t find that same peace to sleep. The notion that he wasn’t the only one interested in Corrine hit him hard. It never crossed his mind that there would be competition for her affections. Affections he knew he barely held in the first place. She was attracted, although that didn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of Dewasa. A feeling of dread overwhelmed his senses, tightening his chest until he couldn’t breathe. The Tiger in him was restless and panicking as well. The creature protested violently at the thought of other male Tigers around her. Wanting to head upstairs and stake his claim on his Tigress.

  Trying to argue with the animal side was bound to be a losing battle. Giving in to his dominant side, Jett propelled himself off the couch. He needed to see her. Be near her. Gather her in his arms and mark her as his own. The Tiger wouldn’t have it any other way. And frankly neither would he.

  He made his way past Sam and up the stairs with silence and speed. He heard Corrine moving around in the kitchen humming along with her music. Moving down the short hall that opened into the living room and kitchen, he leaned against the wall and took her in.

  Like earlier today; she had her back to him, hips swaying back and forth, as she stared out the window above her workspace. Her hair was still pulled back in a braid though a little bit messier now with wisps hanging down around her face. A bowl was tucked in the crook of her arm. The rich vanilla of whatever she was mixing permeated the air masking any other smell.

  His heart stopped in his chest, the feeling of home and comfort shoved his panic aside and took up residence. He knew then he would have her for his own. Forever. There would be no other man or Tiger sniffing around her thinking he had a chance. His beast had made the choice for them, and he needed to stop arguing with it. That elusive peace he couldn’t find before settled around him quieting the restlessness within, and the human on the outside.

  He stood there letting the minutes fly by wasting precious moments they could be spending within each other’s arms. But he found it didn’t bother him. There would be plenty of time later. For now he just wanted to watch her. Study her. Take everything about her into his mind. She was so different from any woman he’d been with before. Soft. Curvy. Loving. Sexy as hell without realizing it.

  Soon it was a struggle to stay where he was, not wanting to frighten her and have her drop the bowl, waking Sam up and ruining his chance to be alone with her, he stood his ground. When she finally set the bowl down he made his move.

  Walking up behind her, he slipped his arm around her waist. His body hummed in appreciation the instant it made contact with hers. She gave a startled little yelp and jumped, but he kept his grip firm–keeping her in place.

  He planted a soft kiss on her neck before plucking the ear bud from her ear. “Hey kitten.”

  Her head twisted in the direction of the hall. Worry etched on her face. He knew she didn’t want her brother catching them and he found he almost wished they would.

  “Don’t worry. He’s sound asleep downstairs. And one thing I know for a fact is that he’s dead to the world once he’s out.”

  Corrine let out a little nervous laugh, relaxing against him a fraction. “That’s true.”

  Jett smoothed his free hand over her shoulder, and down her arm linking their hands together.

  “You’ve been ignoring me Corrine, and I don’t like it.” He ran his tongue along her neck before assaulting the silky smooth column with light kisses.

  “You haven’t been here long enough for me to really ignore you,” she said in a breathless tone. “What would you have me do, Jett? Sit and stare? Maybe make goo-goo eyes at you? Completely forget about everyone else in the house – meaning my brother?”

  “I’d love your full attention on me and only me, but I understand you might want to visit with your brother.” He nipped the lobe of her ear earning him a small groan. “I’d be happy with a little conversation for now. Get to know you a bit more, like I planned last night. You do realize we let Sam do all of the talking during lunch.”

  A soft sigh left her lips as he pulled their laced fingers around her front, embracing her in a hug. “Not all of the talking. We tossed in a few words here and ther
e. Sam does love to talk though. I doubt he noticed our lack of participation in the first place. I go the impression you weren’t interested in really getting to know me. Not after the way you left. Plus, don’t you think we blasted past the get-to-know-you stage a while ago? That might have been a good place to start before we had sex.”

  Just the mention of sex had need tugging at his balls. Jett shifted to the other side of her neck, more as a distraction from the tightening of his body. Too bad for him the move started a chain reaction of shivers working down her body ending with her pushing her ass into his crotch.

  He reeled her in tighter, pressing his growing erection against her. A small groan left his lips. “Leaving you is something I greatly regret.”

  She snorted and he knew she didn’t believe him. She would though. He would make sure of it but not right now. She was scattering his brain cells with her to die for body pressed up against him.

  “Damn you feel good in my arms. You’re the perfect fit. I’d love to take you like this. Up against the counter, nice and slow. Dragging the pleasure out.” He slowly pumped his hips mimicking his words.

  “Jett, please,” she gasped. Her free hand slapped down on the counter, looking for purchase, but not finding any. “What happened to having a conversation? Getting to know one another?” She wiggled a bit and he knew she was trying to torture him.

  He was dying with her little twitchy movements. A glutton for punishment, he couldn’t let her go. “We will, right now though, I need to have you in my arms a little longer.” He placed a kiss on her cheek. “I’m sorry I didn’t stay last night. Truly sorry. I messed up and by the time I figured it out I was too late.”


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