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Sinfully Supernatural

Page 10

by Multiple

  Corrine stripped down. Sinking into the hot fragrant water, she let it do its magic. It was time for things to go back to normal. Maybe if she kept repeating it, she would eventually believe it.

  Chapter Nine

  Jett popped the top on yet another beer, downing half of it before taking a breath. What an utterly shitty couple of days.

  Closing his eyes, he tipped his head back resting it on the couch. His mind went blank, blocking all of the negative shit occupying his head. Slowly a vision of Corrine filtered across his mind.

  She was standing in the kitchen just like she had been that first Saturday he was at her place, this time though, she was naked except for the apron wrapped around her waist.

  Jett groaned and adjusted his thickening cock.

  A crash from the front door had Jett lifting his head up. Sam’s scent wafted into the condo, followed by the angry stomping man.

  Jett’s burgeoning erection quickly died away, nothing like the brother of your fantasy woman to kill the mood.

  “Grab a beer. Sounds like you need one,” Jett called out. “While you’re in there grab me another one.”

  He heard a grumbling sound from the kitchen. Seemed Sam was already headed there.

  Sam emerged with the now nine-pack under his arm. “Damn women,” he growled. He set the beer on the coffee table, snatched one up, and flopped into the recliner next to the couch.

  Jett raised an eyebrow in question. “Care to elaborate?”

  “Some jackass literally screwed my sister, dumped her, and she says it isn’t any of my business. I don’t know whose neck I want to wring first. Hers for hooking up with some asshole of a guy out for a good time, or his for fucking and leaving her.” Sam shook his head and twisted the cap off his beer.

  Luckily, Jett wasn’t drinking at that moment since he would have choked. What the hell! He cleared his throat. “You mind repeating that? Your sister slept with a guy? When?”

  “You heard me right—my sister and some guy. It’s just strange beyond words, and she’s keeping it a secret from everyone. You know, I couldn’t even get his name out of MJ and I damn well know she knows.”

  Jett watched as Sam tipped back his beer guzzling it down. He let out a sound of satisfaction before putting it on the table and grabbing another.

  “MJ knows who he is?” he couldn’t help but ask as panic shot through his belly.

  “I’d bet the farm on it. Those two tell each other everything.”

  Jett’s brow furrowed at that news. How much did the other woman really know?

  “The most frustrating part is that MJ didn’t know the guy showed up at the bakery everyday this past week except for Friday I guess, which means it has to be serious. Corrine keeping secrets from MJ about a guy makes me nervous. It isn’t like her at all. Fuck! I don’t want to have to kick some dude’s ass and piss her off even more.”

  They sat in silence, each apparently lost in their thoughts.

  This whole relationship with Corrine was going to hell before it even really got off the ground. Jett knew he needed to talk to Sam about Corrine; he needed to come clean and tell his friend Corrine was his mate. Telling Sam first was one of the reasons Jett hadn’t been pushing things with her. He wanted to wait so it didn’t come as a shock to the guy. Jett also needed to talk to his own family to let them know what was going on. They would be thrilled at the fact that Jett found his mate already. Because he knew in his heart Corrine was definitely his mate.

  If he hadn’t been convinced before, he was now. Four nights of not hearing her voice before bed and he didn’t know why he bothered trying to sleep. Friday, when he missed out on seeing her in the morning, he was antsy and ready for a fight, spending most of the day pacing his office and scaring off the other employees. He would have left early to drive out to her place but he had back-to-back meetings that he couldn’t get out of.

  If he was honest with himself, he probably could have rescheduled. His biggest reason for not running to her at the first opportunity was his run-in with his ex, Macy, Thursday. He hadn’t even told Sam about that. Too afraid if he gave voice to his worries they would come true.

  He was walking to his car after work when he spotted a woman leaning against the diver’s side door. Her long blonde hair was scraped away from her face into a tight ponytail. She wore a figure hugging black dress and a pair of killer heels. She looked like the Macy he knew when they first started dating. She seemed happy, calm, and carefree; nothing like his last memory of her. The psychotic woman from his last confrontation seemed to have disappeared completely.

  His mind drifted back to his conversation with Macy.

  “Macy?” He stopped at the trunk of the car, nervous about getting any closer.

  Macy turned her head in his direction, a stunning smile on her lips. “Jett! I wondered if you were ever going to get off work. It’s so great to see you.”

  Jett quickly glanced around to see if anyone was near. Macy did always hate having people see her when she wasn’t the picture perfect woman. With no one around, he was no doubt going to get the crazy bitch show.

  She laughed lightly. “Oh Jett. I’m not going to do anything to you. I just wanted to talk. I’ve been thinking over everything while we’ve been apart. I really did get out of control there for a while. I just want to apologize and hoped we could be friends of a sort.”

  “Oh, I see.” A whisper of relief shot through him as he tentatively took a couple of steps toward her. Still, there was a part of him that told him to watch out, looks really could be deceiving. “Things did get a bit intense between us,” he joked.

  A self-deprecating smile appeared on her lips. “Intense is one way to put it, but I want you to know I’ve moved on with my life. I just want you to be happy.”

  “Thanks. So, you’re really okay now? Are you seeing someone new?” He silently hoped so. Macy hadn’t been so bad in the beginning of their relationship. Maybe she really was back to her old self.

  “Oh, I’m not quite ready to see anyone yet, though, there is a man I’m hoping will be in my life at some point. Right now, I’m still testing out how it feels to be single, making myself more independent and taking care of things on my own. How about you? Are you seeing anyone?”

  A nagging in the back of his head told him not to say anything, but he ignored it. “Yes, actually I am.” A quick flash of irritation gleamed in her eyes so he backtracked quickly. “It isn’t really serious though. We just started seeing each other and I’m not looking for long-term commitment. It’s more of a no-strings thing, something to scratch the itch once in a while.” The words tumbled out of his mouth as an act of protection, hoping he sounded convincing. By the look on her face, he was sure she didn’t believe him.

  “Well, like I said earlier, I just wanted to so I’m sorry. Maybe we’ll see each other again sometime.”

  Macy reached out and enveloped him in a hug. Her rose perfume wrapped around him, making him choke. He swallowed down the cough that was trying to come out. She placed a kiss on his lips before stepping back and walking off. “Bye Jett.”

  He cleared his throat. “Bye Macy. Good luck with everything.” Reaching in his pocket he pulled out his keys while unlocking the car. Once inside the vehicle, he put the window down, made sure no one was behind him and backed out of his spot before tearing out of the parking lot.

  Macy’s attitude change had him on edge though, even now. He had a moments panic at the thought of not seeing Corrine. He definitely couldn’t ever imagine getting bored with her and sending her on her way. He couldn’t let Macy know that’s what he felt. The attack on his sister back in college would be nothing compared to what she would do to someone he loved and was his mate.

  Seeing Macy brought back all of the bad and painful memories from the past few years; his crazy ex-girlfriend attempting to destroy his life and anyone in it, the easy no-strings attached emotionless hook-ups that left him wanting, the depression and
loneliness that plagued him when he walked into his empty apartment after a long day at work, and no one to share his triumphs and failures with.

  He had himself convinced for the longest time that he loved his life just how it was. That he was a man living it up, free of any true responsibilities. He was wrong.

  How much did he really want to change the status quo of his life? A lot. He was unaccountably drawn to Corrine. She made him feel warmth and comfort, happiness. Made him think of home and family. He wanted it all, with her.

  Jett mulled over everything that happened in the past couple of weeks. A week spent at the bakery every day just to see her. Be near her. The late night phone calls, just so he could pretend she was next to him before he spent the night dreaming of her body writhing under him. One amazing night cut far too short.

  He was driven to see her every morning just so he could have that fresh picture of her in his mind, have her scent imprinted on his clothes and body. He had a bone deep desire to kiss her sweet lips and do nothing more.

  Not that the urge wasn’t there. Every day he wanted to drag her back to her house and toss her over, or on something, and have his way with her. That was a constant. He just found he was content to be with her and not expect more.

  The clanging of bottles broke through his thoughts. Sam was talking and he’d apparently missed almost all of it.

  “…guess there isn’t a problem then.”

  Jett shook his head. “What isn’t a problem?”

  Sam snorted. “I said I don’t think the guy is a problem. She said something about this guy just being out for a good time. Corrine was pretty adamant the relationship wasn’t serious on either of their parts and it was over. She said he blew her off this weekend which I’m guessing is a bad thing.” He shrugged and walked off to the kitchen. The clink of the empty bottles hitting the bottom of the trashcan propelled Jett into action.

  Jumping up quickly from the couch he swayed a bit before regaining his balance. Shit. How much did I drink?

  Thoughts of Corrine sent him to the kitchen in search of Sam. He found him sitting at the small table eating.

  “Hey can I borrow your phone?”

  Sam cocked his head in his direction. “Why?”

  He barely stopped his alcohol-drenched brain from getting him in trouble. “Uh, I don’t know where mine is and I need to talk to her about making a custom cake for one of my co-workers. I volunteered since, you know, your sister bakes.”

  “At this time of night?” Sam narrowed his eyes and glanced at his wrist. They both noticed there wasn’t a watch for him to check the time on. “Shit, must have left it out at Corrine’s. Probably in the couch. I swear that thing is a black hole.”

  “I just need to talk to her before I forget. It slipped my mind until just now.” Which was true since he spent most of his weekend holed up in his place peeking out the window looking for Macy. Not the manliest thing to do but old habits die-hard.

  Jett knew this wasn’t the wisest decision, but he couldn’t stop. How could Corrine not think things were serious and that he blew her off? Didn’t she know he didn’t do this kind of thing? Especially with shifters. He never pursued a woman this hard. Spent this much time just being around a woman without even having sex.

  Of course, how would she know? It wasn’t like they really talked about that part of his life. Every time he was around her, all he could think about was getting a taste to tide him over until next time.

  His heart lurched at the idea of them being over. The hollow, pulsing ache that followed wasn’t something he’d felt before. If it meant he couldn’t be without her, then he was determined not to feel it again.

  He rubbed his hand over his heart. A useless effort to ease the pain.

  Sam looked at him a bit confused. “Sure man. You okay?”

  Jett blinked a few times. “What? Yeah I’m fine.”

  “Whatever you say.” Sam tossed his phone to Jett.

  Jett took off to his room, scrolling through the contacts until he found Corrine’s name. He shut his bedroom door, switched on the bedside lamp, and moved to the window. He hesitated before he dialed, staring out into the night. The darkness beckoning him to shift and run.

  A movement off to the side caught his attention. As the phone rang in his ear, he narrowed his eyes searching for what it could have been. When the voicemail kicked in, he pulled his attention back to the phone, hung up, and redialed.

  After the third ring, Corrine finally picked up. Her sleepy voice washed over the line. “Whoever this is go away, don’t call back.” She hung up before he could say a word.

  Not heeding her words, he promptly called back.

  This time she was a little more awake. The rustling of sheets over the line had him picturing her lush, naked body when she spoke. “I’m sure you have the wrong number. Please don’t call back. I won’t answer.”

  He got her name out right as she hung the phone up for the second time.

  “Fuck,” he yelled. Frustration infusing his body.

  After calling a local cab company, he went out front to wait, seeing Sam asleep in the recliner on his way out the front door.

  Thirty minutes later he was walking up the drive to Corrine’s house. The buzz from drinking earlier still flowed through him. He felt warm and a little fuzzy.

  Again a small voice in his head told him this might not be the best idea. Brushing it aside, he took in the house looming in front of him.

  A thin stream of light could be seen from her bedroom window. He might have a chance at not waking MJ and seeing Corrine alone.

  He knocked on the front door before stepping back far enough to see her window. He called her number again. Despite her threat not to answer, she picked up on the second ring.

  He did the talking before she could start in on him. “Corrine kitten, come open the door and let me in. I want to see you.”

  “What?” she whispered harshly. “Who is this? Why do you have my brother’s phone?”

  “It’s Jett, sweetheart. Look out your window.” He tipped his head back for a better look, stumbling. It was that moment she peeked through the curtain.

  “Jesus, are you drunk?” she sighed.

  “Nope. Just feeling good. Come on, honey. It’s chilly out here. Let me in. Warm me up,” he shamelessly pleaded.

  The curtain fluttered back in place. Seconds later, the front door opened. His beautiful angel stood in the doorway wrapped in her short ivory robe.

  Corrine’s mussed hair and sleepy eyes screamed for him to take hold of her and drag her to bed. He wanted to claim her in every way possible. Mark her with his scent so she would never forget whom she belonged to, then curl up around her and never let go. He had no doubt he would sleep like he had never slept ever before.

  With determination driving him on, he marched to the door. Just when she was within reach, her hand flew out stopping his forward momentum.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m going to give my girl some love.” He tried stepping around her but was blocked by her other hand coming up. “What’s wrong sugar?” he grumbled.

  He knew the alcohol was kicking in. Corrine’s face was getting fuzzier by the second. It always took longer for it to hit a shifters system. Once it did though, it hit hard and fast and it would be an hour or two before the affects would wear off.

  The warmth that before was slight and comfortable, like a nice cozy blanket, bumped up a couple of notches. Sweat was starting to pop up on his back and chest, his shirt making him unbearably uncomfortable.

  Needing to cool down, he grabbed the hem, pulling the offending garment over his head letting it dangle from his fingers. A gasp sounded from Corrine, but he was too busy focusing on his relief. He sighed as the night air caressed his overheated skin.

  “Damn you must be pretty smashed,” Corrine said. “I hope you didn’t drive.”

  He narrowed his eyes, attempting
to focus. He zeroed in on her pouting lips. “Nope. Took a cab.” He tapped his temple with his index finger. “I’m smart.”

  “Not lately,” she mumbled low, although he still heard her.

  He shifted toward her quickly, stumbling into her, breaking past the barrier of her hands. He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Please honey. Let me in. I just want to talk.” He dropped a kiss on her head.

  Damn, he had missed holding her. Her soft body molded against him, the tension that gripped his body the last few days, slowly seeped out.

  He heard her deep sigh and knew he won this round. Too bad he wasn’t in much shape to celebrate. If he could get her on a flat surface, one that didn’t move around so much, things would be a hell of a lot better.

  “Come on. Let’s get you inside. I’ll call a cab to take you home. You shouldn’t be here Jett. I’m mad at you, and this isn’t making it any better.”

  Slowly, she wrapped her arm around his waist and shifted to his side, helping him into the dark house. Once inside, she turned to the right, opening a door before pulling him into what could pass as an office/spare bedroom. A dim light came off a computer screen casting light onto the bed tucked into the corner of the room.

  Shuffling them to the bed she turned him, pushing him down, before he could pull her down with him she skittered off, reaching for the phone on the bedside table.

  He didn’t want her to call him a ride. He came here to talk to her, straighten a few things out. Now if only his brain would clear up so he could do that.

  Mustering as much clarity as he could, he grabbed her hand, simultaneously knocking the phone down.

  Using his strength, he pulled her over tumbling her onto the bed. Swiftly he covered her with his body while his head swam with dizziness, his stomach rolling uneasily. He slammed his eyes shut, squeezing them tightly until the nausea passed.

  “Damn it Jett. Let me up,” she said through gritted teeth.

  He opened his eyes, staring down into her aggravated face. Her jaw was clenched, nostrils flared. She was the most beautiful, angry creature he had ever seen. He couldn’t mess this up. He had to make her listen to reason.


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