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Desire by Blood

Page 22

by Schroeder, Melissa

  He tried shaking his head, but she held it still.

  “You do not know what you are getting into. I’m raw. I can’t be gentle.”

  Her lips curved. “I do not think I asked you to be.”

  She whispered the words, but it did not matter. He heard them, and his body responded. A yearning he did not know how to restrain coursed through him. He stood suddenly, taking her off guard. She almost fell off the tub, but he caught her by the arm, saving her just in time.

  The moment he touched her, he knew he was in trouble. There was no going back, no stopping the demand his body craved. He stepped out of the tub and pulled her up into his arms. He thought she would object. Instead she wrapped her legs around his waist. He slammed her back against the wall.

  “You should have left,” he said as he pressed against her. “But, God help me, I can’t let you go now.”

  Cordelia kissed him then—not sweetly as he was accustomed to from her. This time she ravaged his mouth, tangling her tongue with his and then biting his lower lip before she drew back. He licked his lip as he opened his eyes and tasted blood.

  “I think I said I did not ask you to.” Her gaze was direct, passion darkening her eyes. He actually quivered in reaction as if he were some untried Born on his first feeding.

  He pulled back far enough to rip apart her bodice. She gasped, the sound of it echoing through the bathing room. It deepened his need, fed the appetite only she could quench. Her breasts moved with each gasp she took, her nipples tight with anticipation.

  There was a part of him that wanted to take his time, to savor the delectable treat she was. But the primal need to feed, to take, to lose himself in her took hold. He shoved the skirt of her nightdress up to her waist.

  He entered her in one thrust. Her quick indrawn breath was filled with pain. She was wet, but she had not been prepared for the invasion. “I’m sorry, love,” he said before kissing her.

  Her eyelashes fluttered then she opened her eyes. “Don’t worry.”

  “Only pleasure, now.”

  He started to move as he felt her need rise up to meet his. Within just a few moments she was with him, clawing at his back, begging him for some kind of relief. Hers came quickly. It was a wonder to watch her pleasure shift through her body as she convulsed with her orgasm.

  It was not enough. He wanted more, needed more. He wanted to feel her pleasure again, to take his, to take his nourishment.

  “Cordelia, look at me.” She did not respond fast enough. “Look. At. Me.”

  She did with some effort.

  “Again,” he demanded as he thrust into her fast and furiously.

  She shook her head as if to deny him.

  “Yes.” He slammed into her again and again. “Give it to me, now. Don’t hide from me.”

  She didn’t stand a chance. She screamed this time as she came, her inner muscles clamping down on him, pulling his own orgasm from him. In that last instant, he took everything he needed from her. He sunk his fangs into her neck and fed.

  Moments later he pulled his fangs out of her neck, licking it as he went. Then, with considerable effort, he carried her through the door before stumbling to the bed. She barely made a sound.


  “Yes?” She did not open her eyes, but he heard the satisfaction in her voice.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Then she did open her eyes. “Whatever are you apologizing for?”

  “I was…I shouldn’t have taken you like that.”

  “Indeed? I think you told me that several times, and I told you not to worry.”


  She set her hand against his mouth. “You needed me. I did not mind. And while I might have a few bruises on my back, I would say they were definitely worth it.”

  “I should have been more gentle.”

  She smiled weakly. “Then we would not have had so much fun.”

  For a moment, all he could do was stare at her. Any other woman would berate him for the lack of romance, but for Cordelia, it was just fun.

  “You are truly one of a kind, Cordelia.”

  Her smile widened as she slipped her hands up over his shoulders. “I like the sound of that.”

  He pulled the bed linens over both of them and fell asleep.

  Chapter Twenty

  Cordelia paced the downstairs parlor as she waited for her sister. The fact that her sister had agreed to talk to her was beyond surprising. Now, if she could just ask her what she needed to, and if her sister would actually answer.

  "I don't think you need to be this nervous," said her mother-in-law.

  "I have never had an easy relationship with Diana. She was always distant with me."

  "Distant? Always?"

  The tone in Adelaide's voice had her pausing. "Yes. Well, no. When I was young, she was around a lot."

  "Then she married."

  Cordelia walked to the window. "Yes, and in my adolescent mind, I felt betrayed. I wanted to go with her. As an adult, I know better, but then it was very painful."

  "For both of you, I am sure."

  "Lady Diana," the footman announced.

  She turned, her heart jumping. Her sister's expression was pinched. She did not look happy about being there. Cordelia had been sure this would be the case, but her heart sank when she saw it. With a sigh, she walked to her sister.

  "Thank you for seeing me today," she said with a forced smile.

  "It seemed extremely important."

  Her mother-in-law rolled her eyes. "I will get us some tea sent up. Cordelia, you need to make sure to ask Diana about your father."

  Diana frowned but said nothing until Adelaide left.

  "What is your mother-in-law talking about?"

  With another sigh, she said, "I want to know about my father."

  "Our father?"

  "No. My father."

  Diana's spine stiffened even more. "Your birth father."

  "Yes. Do you know anything? You would have been old enough to remember."

  Diana said nothing, but Cordelia sensed her slipping away. "Why is it important?"

  "Because I want to know the man who was my true father."

  "And mine."

  For a moment, she could not think. She blinked as she continued looking at her sister. "We shared the same father?"

  Diana nodded. "I never told you because he left, and I felt it best that you didn't know."

  “Best that I didn’t know? Why would you ever think that?”

  “What good would it have done?”


  Diana let out a long breath. “Yes, what would it have done?”

  "Do you mean to tell me that mother had a relationship with a man for close to ten years and father didn't care?"

  Diana raised one eyebrow. "This surprises you? He had a son. He could care less about anything else. As long as she did not flaunt it, it didn't matter to him."

  Disgust and loathing dripped from every word.

  "But, he left."

  "When mother was pregnant with you. He had something going on at his estate, or something to do." Diana closed her eyes as if she could see the memory.

  "And he never returned? I cannot believe you never looked for him."

  "He left. Don't you understand?" Her voice wavered, and it was so unlike Diana, Cordelia could only stare at the blue eyes filled with unshed tears. "He left us and never came back. I begged him to stay, but he said he had things to do and he left. Mother was so sick those last few months...It was not fun. And then, you were born, she was gone, and he never came back."

  "Do you remember his name?" her mother-in-law asked.

  Diana's face turned red.

  Cordelia understood how Diana felt, but she really needed her answer. "Don't be embarrassed. I asked her to help me find father."

  “I called him Gavin.”

  Cordelia looked at her mother-in-law, whose mouth hung open. “Gavin MacDonald?”

  Diana shrugged. �
�I am not sure. I just know I called him Uncle Gavin.”

  Her mother-in-law looked stunned.

  “He isn’t a Made, is he?” Cordelia asked.

  “What are you talking about?” Diana asked.

  Oh bother, she’d forgotten that her sister was there. “It’s a term…one we use.”

  Her mother cut in. “Gavin MacDonald is very powerful.”

  The look Adelaide gave her told Cordelia she meant in their world.

  “Do you think he could be our father?” Cordelia asked.

  “Our?” Adelaide looked surprised by the revelation.

  “Diana said she thinks he is her father also.”

  “Cordelia, really,” Diana said, her embarrassment easy to hear.

  “No, do not worry about such things,” Adelaide said. “Gavin is a bit of a hermit, but he is very powerful, very rich. Never married.”

  “Never married? Not even…”

  Without saying the word, she knew that her mother-in-law understood her.


  She glanced at Diana and knew she would get more information out of her if her mother-in-law was not there. “Adelaide, do you mind checking on that tea?” she asked, looking pointedly at her sister.

  “Of course.” She left them alone.

  “Diana, why did you never tell me?”

  “As I said before, what use would it have been?” Tears pooled in Diana’s eyes.

  “It would have explained why our…the earl called me his Scottish bastard.”

  Diana winced. “I did not know he did that.”

  “How could you? Once you married, I never saw you again.” She could not hide the hurt in her voice.

  “I didn’t have a choice.”

  The pain from her childhood swelled up and took over.

  “You had all the choices. You left me in that house with those two. They sickened me with their debauchery, but then, I had no choice. I was abandoned.”

  For a moment, Cordelia did not think her sister would say anything. Then she said, “I tried to take you.”


  “I wanted to take you. Father would not allow it.” Diana’s voice was barely a whisper.

  “He would not allow it? Why would he want me to stay? He didn’t want me there.” She’d spent years under her father’s roof being verbally abused by him and her brother. What reason could he have for putting her through that?

  “No, but he knew I wanted you. He said that if I took you, he would disown you, tell the world you were a bastard.”

  “Does that even matter? Everyone thinks that now.”

  Diana shook her head, tears now starting to dampen her cheeks. “Oh, it is a world of difference in society, Delia.”

  The childhood name she had not heard for years caused her throat to close up. She swallowed back the tears. “I would not have cared.”

  Diana said nothing for some time. Her hands were clasped tight in her lap.


  When Diana met her gaze, unshed tears shimmered in her eyes. “Believe me when I tell you that living with those two was better.”

  She wanted to ask her sister more. The thought that her life as a married woman was worse than the house they grew up in was shocking. But before she could say anything, Adelaide came breezing back in.

  “Tea should be here any moment. And I talked to Samuel. He said that Gavin is actually in town.”

  Cordelia frowned. “You said he was a hermit.”

  “Yes, but he had…business here,” Adelaide said.

  Meaning he was here because of the recent killings.

  Cordelia considered her options. “I cannot just walk up to him and ask him if I am his bastard child.”

  Diana made a choking sound.

  “I am sorry.”

  “You do have a point, though. We need to have some kind of dinner or something. Maybe a small soiree, but not by you.” Adelaide pursed her lips. “I will tell Grayson he must have a dinner, maybe a gathering of…” she glanced at Diana. “Of like-minded people.”

  “That sounds like an excellent idea.” That would give her a chance to study her father before telling him the truth of their relationship.

  “You are just going to tell a duke to have a dinner party, and he will do it?” Diana asked.

  “Why, yes. I know his mother quite well, dear. And, as Cordelia’s sister, you need to be there. I think that would be best.”

  Diana opened her mouth, but Cordelia stopped her. “I have learned from my husband it is better to let her have her way.”

  “And, look, here is the tea,” Adelaide said. “I am going to get a note off to Grayson right now.”

  She hurried out of the room. Once they were alone, Diana shook her head. “Does she always do that?”

  “Only with the most important things. You get used to it.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Nico paced the foyer and tried to control his irritation. It was hard to do when he was being forced to go to a dinner party when he should be out investigating. Worse, he wanted to keep Cordelia at home. He knew part of it was instinctual. Every vampire wanted to keep their chosen mate away from prying eyes.

  “It would be better if you would bond with her,” his father said.

  He gave his father a sneer and went into his library. If he was going to have to deal with the elite of the bloody ton foaming at their mouths to meet his wife in a true vampire gathering, he needed a drink.

  “What is it?” Malik asked him.

  “Nothing.” Nico did not want to admit his worries.

  “No, something happened you did not tell me about.”

  Dammit. Malik knew him too well. “There is a part of me that thinks Cordelia would be better off not married to me. I have made her a target.”

  “You think it was better for her to worry about her reputation…and just how long was she going to survive on the pittance her brother sent her?”

  “She didn’t,” Nico admitted.

  “She didn’t what?”

  “Alex was sending her nothing to live on. You saw the state of the house once she had been gone a few days.” Cordelia had done quite well for herself considering her options.

  “So, what did she do?”

  This would be the hard part for Nico to admit. “She was a reporter.”

  Malik looked at him as if he had grown a second head. “What?”

  “She was a reporter for one of those gossip papers, and I was her assignment.”

  “She was investigating you?” Malik sounded incredulous.

  Nico grinned. “Yes. It seems people wonder how I made all my money.”

  “Ah,” Malik said, but he didn’t return the smile.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “You don’t think she would expose us?” Nico could see the apprehension in Malik’s eyes.

  “Well, as soon as I accused her of that, she said no one would believe her. And she is right.”

  Malik nodded, but Nico could still tell his friend was worried.

  Before he could ease his fears more, something caught Malik’s attention. Nico followed his line of vision and found his wife standing at the door.

  He forgot how to speak.

  She was dressed in deep blue, so deep that it looked almost black. It wasn’t a revealing dress, but it hugged her curves. She was stunning.

  After a few moments, Malik cleared his throat. It brought Nico out of his daze.

  He walked to her and took her hand. “You look beautiful, Cordelia.”

  The smile she gave him had his heart beating harder. He found it difficult to breath, and for a moment, he wanted to take her back upstairs.

  “I think we better go,” Malik said.

  “Yes. Your parents are accompanying Diana, so I want to get there soon.”

  “Lady Diana is coming to the dinner?” Malik asked. “No one told me.”

  She shared a smile with Nico. “I did not know that we were to gain approval from you for the
guest list.”

  Malik said nothing else, and they were on their way.

  * * * *

  Cordelia took a deep breath as the doors to Gray’s home opened. She had been to a few functions, but nothing that was a vampire gathering. She knew she would be judged tonight as she had never been judged before. Nico was not royalty in the human world, but from the little she had learned, they were considered that in the vampire world.

  “Why are you so worried?” Nico said just loud enough for her to hear.

  “Just—I don’t want to embarrass you or your family.”

  “Cordelia.” He waited until she looked at him. “You would never be able to embarrass me.”

  For a moment, the noise of the crowd faded away, and it was as if they were in their own little world.

  “Are you sure?”

  He nodded without taking his gaze from her.

  “Blackburn,” Gray said, interrupting the moment. “And Lady Cordelia.”

  She looked around and realized most of the people had been watching. She straightened her spine and smiled at Gray, who suddenly looked stunned.

  “Good evening,” she said, her smile growing stiffer the longer he stared at her.

  “Gray,” Nico said.

  Gray shook himself and pulled his attention away from her. “Yes, of course, please, come. Your parents and Lady Diana are already here.”

  Nico worked his way through the crowd. So many people stopped him to chat that it was quite some time before they were finally on their way. “What was wrong with Gray?” she asked.


  She didn’t believe that for a minute. “Nico, he was staring at me like I had something wrong with me.”

  He sighed. “You’re mated now and you sort of…glow.”


  “Glow. A mated Carrier had a very powerful pull.”

  Before she could ask him more, they reached his parents and her sister.

  “You look lovely, Cordelia,” her sister said. “The dress is a perfect color for you.”

  She felt heat rise in her cheeks. She wasn’t accustomed to so much attention.

  “I believe we can say all the women in our family are quite stunning,” Samuel said.

  “Don’t you men have something you can go do?” Adelaide asked.


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