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Psionics: Dagger & James

Page 3

by Amy Robyn

  “Let's get your bag.” I say as I lead her to the carousal with my hand at the small of her back . I try to get some control over my body. Yeah, like that's going to happen.

  I grab her bag and we head out to my car. I pop the trunk and put her luggage inside. I open her door for her. I give her no space so that she has to slide against me. I just can't seem to help myself. I need to touch her. I climb in the other side as she does her seat belt.

  “You know your staying with me right?” It's only fair that I lay it out for her. There is no way in hell I am dropping her off at her hotel. I will not spend another lonely night in my bed. I have found my one and I will not be parted from her. Thank goodness she is a Psion. She understands what we are to one another.

  “Of course. I just need to stop by and talk to my sister. She left me a strange voice mail last night. I could hardly understand what she was saying. She was crying.” Fucking James, I think to myself. In his defense, he has no idea how us Psions are about our Ones. He treated her the same as he has every woman he has ever dated. A Psion wants to be as special to their One as They are to them. I should have told James not to take her to his place. I was distracted with this case.

  My brother's One is out there someone having god knows what done to her. I have been a bit preoccupied. James is like a brother to me and I feel as if I have failed him.

  “Her One is my best friend. He doesn't understand what it is to be a One to a Psion. He made a mistake. I understand her being upset, but James is new to this.” I sigh. Could this day get more strange. I am so happy I found my One and I want my best friend to be just as happy.

  “What happened?” She asks.

  “He took her to his place.... lets just say it is set up for... uh..... He likes things a certain way.” Her brow raises as she looks over at me. She groans.

  “Don't tell me he took her to a place that he takes other women?” Shit.

  “He did, but like I said he doesn't understand the way a Psion thinks. Human women don't care.” She rolls her eyes at that.

  “Human women just don't say anything. Believe me, no woman likes to be treated as if she is one of many.” She has a point. I am worried about James. I have never seen him like he was last night. He cares deeply for Hope already. It just shows that our imprinting works both ways. We always thought it was one sided until our scientists recently have proven otherwise. Too bad Graham hadn't known that a couple of years ago.

  We get to the hotel and I help her out of the car. I take her hand as we walk from the car and into the lobby. I run my hand up her back, under her shirt. She hums softly as if she loves my touch. I pull her into me for a quick kiss before we go to her sister's room. Her lips are so fucking soft. I lick her lips until her lips part and her tongue tangles with mine.

  “What the fuck!” I hear a shout. I pull back and look up into a very angry face. James is looking between us. His face is red with anger and staring at our hands that are still clasped together. Fuck. He thinks Faith is Hope.

  “James, I can explain...” Before I can finish my sentence, he has pulled back his fist and punches me in the jaw. The lights blinks several times and then dims. I fall forward like a falling tree. Lights out.

  Chapter 5.

  I catch Dagger before he hits the ground and lay him down on the ground. I look over at Hope. I want to see if she even looks at me. She kneels down beside Dagger and brushes the hair away from his face. I jerk as my heart crumbles to the floor. I hit my brother and I lost the one woman I felt I could love.

  I turn and walk out the door. I pull my phone out and call Gage. I tell him Dagger needs him at the hotel and I drive around trying to calm myself for a little while. How can she do this to me? I know I fucked up. I know what I did was stupid. I really thought I had found what I had been looking for, for so long. I was happy for a moment in time. How can I be her One if she can move on this quickly? Was it all a lie?

  I pull up at the precinct. I will bury myself in work and try to forget for a while. I am almost to the front doors when I hear Dagger call out to me. Fuck. I don't want to do this here. I turn and walk toward him so we are at least out of ear shot from the front door.

  “You just couldn't wait to hop in the sack with my best friend could you?” I shout at Hope. She doesn't even flinch. Could she hurt me more?

  “Calm down James before you say more things you will regret. This is......” I interrupt what I am sure is a convincing speech to most suckers. I though am not a sucker.

  “Was she worth it? Probably not.” I say to Dagger.

  “She is not....”

  “She is not what? A slut. Yeah I think she is. So much for me being your One. What a bunch of bull shit.” I shout at Hope.

  “I am the slut. I saw your apartment last night. Your the slut. I never lied to you James.” I hear from behind me. What the fuck. I turn and see Hope. I look back at the other woman and do a double take. No! No no no.

  “Wait.” I take a step and grab Hope's arm as a loud crack sounds.

  Pain shoots through my leg as I take Hope to the ground. I protect her with mine as I cover her as much as I can. The pain in my leg intensifies. I moan. Hope pushes me off of her and turns me over. She pulls my belt from the loops in my pants and pulls it tight around my upper leg. Another spear of pain spikes through my legs as she cinches it tightly. I am in and out of consciousness. I hear Hope crying. I hear Dagger shouting into the phone and then I am lying on a softer surface. I hear a soft voice in my head.

  “You want to go to sleep.” It says. It sounds vaguely like Hope. Yes, I will do what ever she asks of me. I do want to go to sleep. I am so tired.

  Chapter 6.

  I would do anything to rewind time and change what happened. Seeing him fall to the ground. All of that blood seeping from the wound on his leg. I would take his place. Faith cuddles into my side. Okay maybe I wouldn't trade places because I would not want her going through what Hope is going through now.

  Thank goodness Graham showed up when he did and we were able to get him to Gage so quickly. I shudder and Faith squeezes me tighter. I kiss the top of her head.

  I watch as Gage works on James. What if he doesn't make it. The thought alone is almost enough to send me to my knees. I love James as a brother but more than most brothers. It is almost as if we have twin souls. It only makes sense that we ends up with twins as our Ones. Maybe that is the reason that we have been drawn together.

  Gage lifts his head and I lean in as Graham does also.

  “He'll be fine.” He said before passing out. Shit. I have never seen Gage pass out after healing. James must have been close to death. I shudder again.

  Graham and I carry him back to his car to a worried woman. Ashley looks pale. She and James just found out they are siblings a little over five months ago. She is also five months pregnant. I lean in and kiss her cheek as she puts Gage's head in her lap. I walk back over to James and the twins.

  “Why isn't he waking?” I ask.

  “I gave him the suggestion that he needed to sleep.” My girl has skills. I smile.

  “That's a handy gift.” Graham says. I almost laugh. If it we had been anywhere else and not in this situation, I would have.

  “Hope I don't think you or James should pick up your car today. Let's head to my place.” I tell them. I know Hope is probably not wanting to go to James's apartment. Not that I blame her. It looks like we will have house guests. It is a good thing our rooms are on opposite sides of the house. I am not waiting to claim my One. I look over at her. Hell no, I am only waiting a few more hours or until I know James is going to be alright.

  We get back to my house and it is only noon. Though it feels as if it should be dark out. I am exhausted and I know James is going to need a blood transfusion. I help Graham carry James in and into the spare bedroom. Actually I had originally had it built this way so that James could live with me. That is why they are far apart. He said no, he wouldn't want to get in the way of my One when I find h
er. I know it was a fear of his that I would put him aside for her. Now I know we were destined to share our lives closely. I bet the girls will want to be close also. I will have to talk to him about it when things settle.

  We lay him down and I run around looking for my medical supplies. I gather the needles and tubing needed to transfuse blood.

  Gage showed all of us how to do this just in case it was ever needed. I am glad he did.

  I get James set up and then slide the needle into my vein.

  “Monitor the amount going in please.” I ask Hope. She nods. She looks so pale yet strong. James has a good One.

  “You should have probably told him you are a twin. He saw me kissing Faith and thought it was you.” I tell her.

  “I never even thought about it. I am so used to all Psions knowing about us. I guess I just assumed.” She swallows hard and takes James's hand. Good. These two need to learn how to communicate.

  “He loves you or is close to it anyway. I have never seen him as devastated as he was last night. He doesn't understand that you don't treat a Psion the way he did. Please give him another chance.” I ask her. She gives me a stiff nod. It is more than I can ask for, right now.

  When James has enough, I go back downstairs. Graham is on the phone with Gage. Faith and Kristen are talking quietly to each other. Faith smiles shyly at me when she sees me. Gods, I would love nothing more than to take her to my bedroom and fuck the shit out of her. Later. I tell myself. She is so beautiful and sweet. Fuck. Now my dick is hard. I shift uncomfortably. Graham sits his phone down and looks at me.

  “You up to coming with me and see if anyone touched that bullet?” Graham asks me. I smile.

  “Fuck yeah man. I need to do something.” I run my fingers through my hair as I breathe out my frustration. I follow Graham outside. Jesus, his backseat is a mess with blood everywhere.

  He digs into his trunk and pulls out a blanket and lays it across his seat so that he can lay down. I would have made fun of him for having a blanket in the backseat if I didn't know better, now. We all had thought he was the biggest player. We found out recently that it had been an act. He had not been with a woman in years.

  Graham says something to Kristen and then he touches the bullet. Faith watches everything in rapt fascination. I wrap my arms around her from behind for just a moment to absorb some of her heat. She feels so good.

  “I never asked you what your gift is.” She looks up at me. I smile down at her.

  “I am a pyro.” I tell her and wiggle my eyebrows. In the Psion world a pyro, or a fire starter is considered the most energetic lover. I have no idea if that is true but I do have great stamina. She gasps and then starts laughing. I kiss the top of her head and move over to Graham who is unconscious.

  “Graham.” Kristen says as she lays across him to wake him. Not a bad way to wake up in my opinion. When Graham is fully awake I lean down to see him.

  “What did you see?” I ask him. He frowns and shakes his head sadly.

  “Well, the good news is James is head over heels for Hope. The bad news, I know who Emma is to be given to.” Oh shit, it worked. He looks like he is about to faint again. Kristen places a hand on his cheek. He focuses back on me again.

  “It's the fucking Chief, man.” I am stunned for a moment.

  “Your kidding right?” He shakes his head. Holy fuck, the shit has hit the fan. Not that it wasn't crazy already. This is going to destroy James, whom always looked up to the man. I shake my head.

  Chapter 7.

  I open my eyes slowly. I feel completely hung over. I wonder what woman I am going to have to get rid of this morning. Woman.. wait a minute. There is only one woman for me. That is when the events of the day come back to me. I open my eyes and look around.

  “HOPE!” I shout as well as I can. I feel as if I swallowed a litter box, shit and all. I sit up and wince when a line in my arm catches on the bed.

  “I'm here.” She steps in next to me and takes my hand. She puts a glass of water to my lips and I take a long drink. She sets it back down on the side table. I lay back again and sigh with relief. I thought I would wake up and she would be gone. I have done nothing, but fuck things up since I have met her. She leans forward and kisses me softly on the lips. I try to pull her in to deepen the kiss. I end up hissing when the I.V gets caught in her hair this time.

  “Do I still need this in my arm?” I ask her.

  “Yes, when Jenna gets here she is going to donate some blood to you.” I smile and pull her back down for a kiss again. Someone clears their throat. Mother fucking cock block. I look over and glare at Dagger. He holds his hands up.

  “Hey, I thought you might want to know what Graham picked up from the bullet we got out of your leg.” Oh yeah, I sure do. He has my attention now. I wave my hand for him to continue.

  “It's the chief.” Hope says before Dagger even opens his mouth. He looks stunned.

  “I was reading his thoughts all day today. He was thinking of different ways to take me out. James must have gotten in the way of the shot. I was sidetracked when I saw James. I should have been more cautious.” She says, looking at me with narrowed eyes. I deserve that.

  “Why didn't you tell me you were a twin. I would never have punched my brother if I had known. I also wouldn't have doubted you.” I narrow my eyes back at her.

  “Actually if you hadn't knocked me out Gage wouldn't have been close enough to save your life. So we can all beat ourselves up or move on.” Dagger says. I growl, I hate it when he's right. I look over at him.

  “I am sorry I hit you man.” He cocks his head to the side.

  “I would have done the same to you if the situation was reversed.” He shrugs. That's my brother. Always the bigger man. I love him. I love my entire adopted family. That thought reminds me of the situation we are in. I can't believe the chief would do this. It seems like just yesterday he was helping find my feet on the police force.

  “The Chief has been a roll model to me for years. How can he do this?” Dagger steps up to the bed.

  “It gets worse. I don't know if Hope picked this up but he is the one Emma is to be given to, in exchange for looking the other way. He is the one who requested a virgin.” Dagger finishes and I feel sick. What the hell is happening around here.

  “His wife is his high school sweetheart. They have been in love for over twenty years.” I say. I feel like I have fallen down a rabbit hole. His wife is the sweetest woman I know. She loves to bake me brownies. She doesn't deserve this shit.

  “Oh, that is all an act. He has been sleeping with Penny the dispatcher for years.” Hope says and pauses for a moment.

  “I assumed he was thinking of her, but now it makes more sense. He was talking about her being.... I am not repeating his disgusting monologue. It's happening tomorrow. He was thinking about what needed to be done before he can have her.” I sit back up. Damn line got caught again. I am about to yank the damn thing out, when Jenna walks in.

  “I missed all the fun.” She pouts as she comes over and hugs Hope. She walks over and flops down in the chair on the other side of the bed near the hand with the I.V.

  “Alright, let's get this party started.” She says as she rolls up her sleeve. I know she is making light of the situation for me. I always adored Jenna as if she were my sister before I knew I had a sister. She can always put a smile on my face when no one else could. I am grateful she is helping alleviate some tension in the room.

  Kristen, Graham and Faith come into the room also. Dagger starts the transfusion again. I lay back and look at everyone but two keep drawing my eye back to them. Now that I know they are twins I can tell them apart. I just wish I had known that this morning. I feel all kinds of foolish right now.

  “I am sorry about this morning.” I smile at Faith. She smiles back and I relax a little more.

  “I think my sister was a little swept off her feet if she forgot to mention us being twins. We are kind of famous within the Psion community so we assumed all
of you would know.” She shrugs. I look over at my brothers. They look stymied.

  “I have never heard anything.” Graham says.

  “I haven't either.” Dagger says.

  “We are the only female twins born in hundreds of years and we are born to a father Psion and a mother who is human.” Jenna gasps in shock.

  “Wow, I had no idea. I thought it was strange that you are twin girls. That is so cool.” Jenna says in awe. All of the Psions are looking at the girls strangely now. I shrug it off.

  As soon as the transfusion is finished, Dagger removes the line. I sigh in relief. I have always hated those fuckers. It reminds me of all the times I had visited the hospital as a child. Thank fuck I didn't wake up in the hospital. It has been nearly ten years since I had a panic attack. I would like to keep it that way.

  “I have to get going. They are dropping Forest off with us tonight.” Graham says as he walks out of the room with Kristen hand and hand. I am so glad he was able to work things out with her.

  “Oh fuck! We need to call the others and tell them what we have found out. Forest needs to have the chief followed by a hawk or something. He will lead us to Emma. At least we will be giving him hope now.” Dagger says as he pulls his phone out and dials Talon. I hear them talking but I end up zoning them out when Hope sits down next to me.

  I pull her down to where she is lying beside me. She snuggles into me turning my cock into a steel pike. I grab her pony-tale in my fist and pull. Her eyes glaze over with lust and she moans softly. I kiss the moan from her mouth. I hear the door closing and look up to see everyone has left the room. I pull her hair a little tighter and dip my tongue into her mouth. I allow myself a moment to enjoy her sweet flavor before pulling back and looking into her eyes.

  “I am sorry about this morning and last night. I am new to this. Your going to have to grade me on a curve.” She smiles down at me.


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