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Wild Rides: 10 Blazing Hot Alpha Bad Boy Biker and MC Romance Box Set

Page 24

by Dez Burke

  He picked up a small black canister in one hand and held it out. “Yank the pin, hold this tab on the side, and when you're ready to let loose, throw that baby right where you want it!”

  Bolt let the grenade go. I ducked for cover, grabbing the laughing idiot and flattening him to the ground.

  I held him there and waited. After thirty seconds, there was no explosion. I sat up.

  “Jesus Christ! What the fuck are you doing?”

  “It's a dummy, Throttle. A little something those Russkies gave us for demonstrative purposes when we bought the latest cache through the Canadians.”

  Bastard. I gave him a good whack in the arm. Hard enough to hurt, but not to do any serious damage.

  “Ow!” Bolt jerked away from me and rubbed his bicep. “Guess I deserved that.”

  “You're not shitting.” I helped him stand up and put some distance between myself the armory. “What else is on the agenda?”

  “We're supposed to inspect the fallback point. Ready when you are, boss.” He gave me a big shit eating grin.

  Fucking A. I need to get it together and put the baby girl on hold for a micro-second. Last thing I need is my own brothers losing respect for me over pussy...

  But she wasn't just pussy. Even as Bolt and I fixed our helmets and started our bikes, she was on the brain, reminding me she was so much more than a wet hole to fill.

  Delicate, fresh, and beautiful. Hauling her pretty ass to bed the last few days excited me like nothing else. Rach made me feel more alive in less than a week than I'd been in the last ten years.

  “Let's go,” I said over the little radio clipped to my ear.


  We peeled out the gate, tearing through Cassandra's streets and heading for the small older neighborhoods on the other side of the highway.

  Jonesy's house stood out with overgrown weeds and chipped paint. I shook my head when I pulled up. Damn it, I didn't want to tell anybody how to live, but we didn't need to draw attention to this place.

  Bolt cocked his head and looked at me, climbing off his bike.

  “What's up?”

  “Our brother still hasn't cleaned up after himself. I get that he's been taking it easy and recovering, but this is too much.”

  Shit. That was an understatement. This place was a fucking pigsty!

  The front yard was even worse. Some miscellaneous tools and an old Harley without its wheels were lined up in the tall grass.

  Bolt was at my side as I raced up the steps to his house. I started pounding on his door.

  Come on, come on! Gotta get this shit over with.

  Jonesy limped his way to the door. When he saw us through the screen, his eyes went wide. I heard oh fuck in his expression before he actually said it.

  “Fuck me, guys. I'm really, really sorry. I didn't realize we were doing this thing today.”

  I pushed my way in and slammed him to the wall. He didn't struggle. I took care not to hurt the stab wound on his side, tender and healing from the melee with the Skulls.

  “I know Pop warned you once, brother. Clean up your fucking act. This is unacceptable when we're supposed to use this place if things ever get really fucked up. You understand?”

  He shook his head.

  “Jones? What's going on?”

  My hands started to soften on his shirt the instant I heard the female voice. Fuck.

  Lannie came around the corner. She hadn't been at the clubhouse in awhile. Her belly had grown huge with their first child, peeking out underneath the thin white gown she was wearing.

  “Sorry, lady. Didn't know you were here.”

  She paused in mid-step, staring at the three of us. I took my hands off Jones. Nobody deserved to be humiliated in front of his woman, even if he hadn't properly claimed her as an old lady.

  “We're just having a discussion,” Jonesy offered. “Go back to bed, baby.”

  Lannie kept staring, her eyes narrowing. She was a homely woman around thirty, but the pregnancy gave her something extra, improving on her looks in that mysterious way only a baby can. She shook her long blond locks.

  “I don't think so. Not when these guys come rolling into our house and rough up my husband.”

  “It's club business,” Jonesy said coldly. “Besides, this time I deserved it. We're supposed to clean this shithole up.”

  “You're calling this place a shithole when I bust my ass around here?” Smoke practically shot out her mouth. “And what the hell's the hurry?”

  Bolt's eyes went big next to me. He nudged Jonesy.

  “You mean you didn't tell her?”

  I had to restrain myself from smacking my forehead. Better yet, his. Dependable Jonesy had really let us down, and that sheepish smile on his face told everything.

  “I was gonna do it soon...just as soon as things got more organized.”

  Fuck. Only one way out of this.

  I stepped into their messy living room, putting myself between my brother and his baby momma. I had to be quick and I had to be straight.

  “Listen, the club's in trouble with another group. These fucks from a couple states over who've been moving in on our turf. They like to buy off politicians and use women as slaves. I know, it's none of your business, but I'm gonna make it yours.”

  Lannie's mouth dropped a little. Her lips twitched, like she didn't know what to say.

  “We need your house to regroup in case anything goes wrong. I know that's asking a lot, especially after my brother here already took a knife for the club last month. But if we don't have this place, a lot more people are gonna get hurt if the Skulls come around looking for blood. Will you help us out, Lannie?”

  She looked at Jonesy. He sucked his lip. Probably hoping she wouldn't put up a fight.

  “Alright.” Her face tightened. “Whatever! Just keep me the fuck out of it. And don't you dare bring anybody here who'll do us harm with a baby on the way...”

  “I promise you that won't happen. That's why we need your house: the Skulls won't come looking for anybody here.”

  Neither will the authorities and mercs under Mayor Fuck-face, I thought. Of course, I didn't tell her that.

  Lannie didn't answer. She stomped across the room and headed upstairs, slamming the bedroom door behind her when she reached the top.

  “Nothing's going my way today,” Jonesy said with a sigh.

  I approached slowly, letting him wonder if I was gonna throw a fist all the way until the end. Truthfully, I'd decided to cut him some slack. But this was the last fucking time.

  “You've got three days. If I come back and find this place looking like somebody turned over a garbage truck, I will clean this house out myself. Your place needs to look like all the others on the block and stop sticking out like a sore fucking thumb. Got it?”

  “Yeah, Throttle. I do.” He looked down.

  Bolt just shook his head. He was already heading for the door.

  “And take some fucking pride in yourself, man,” I said, stopping when I heard the screen slam. “I smelled the old booze on your breath the second I got in your face. The Devils are at war, Jonesy. You should know your place as a soldier better than the other guys. Straighten up and fucking act like it.”

  I was out. We hopped on our bikes and roared out of there.

  I couldn't muster the energy to check the garage and backyard like we planned. Didn't need to. I knew they'd be debris fields just like the rest of the house.

  Following Bolt back to HQ on the dusty summer road, I kept my radio switched off, preferring the sweet silence.

  I thought about Rachel's tight little body. But I thought about Lannie too. She deserved better with a baby coming, even if she was the other half of Jonesy's fuckups. And I was gonna make damned sure that she got it.

  A pregnant woman brought out every instinct I had as a man. She'd given him a child, for fuck's sake, the most precious gift a lady can give. Love didn't stop when you claimed an old lady, or just a steady girlfriend-slash-babymaker like
Jonesy had.

  Whatever Lannie was to him, he'd claimed her in a deeper way. I smiled into the sunlight reflecting on the steel handlebars in front of me.

  “Someday, baby girl, I'm gonna take you just like that too.” I whispered the words into the warm wind.

  Nobody heard them over the growl of the bikes. That prayer wasn't meant for human ears. I wanted to it to go high, straight to whoever the fuck ran things up above.

  I wanted fate to throw me a bone. I needed things to settle down so I could possess my girl in the deepest way a man could.

  “Hey! Rita, what the fuck?”

  I tugged the whore backward by the hair. The animal in me wanted to throw her right through the wall, but club men didn't do that to women.

  Even if the bitch had been in my girl's face, menacing her with those stupid long nails.

  “We were just...chatting,” Rita said, flashing me that empty smile.

  I suppressed a growl. I'd never really trusted her, but this really drove it home.

  “That true? You okay, Rach?” I turned, still holding the whore by her long hair.

  My baby girl's face was flushed angry red. Whatever was going on, it left her shaking, and that made me want to pummel the whore like nothing else.

  It really, really did.

  “She's right. It was just a chat. Glad you showed up when you did.”

  “So then, if I let you go, are you gonna be a good girl and go back to your room?” I jerked her hair one more time for emphasis.

  The whore squealed. “Sure,” she finally said.

  “If I see you outside the Purple Room again this evening, I won't be so nice. And don't get any bright ideas about ever riding this dick. It's all going to the girl I've claimed, and that's the way it's gonna stay. Do you fucking job and mind your own business.”

  “Didn't know you'd claimed an old lady!”

  “Not your concern,” I growled again. I wasn't going to say it a third time.

  Rita swallowed. Hard and flustered. I released her, and her heels clicked loudly on the wooden floor.

  “Magus will be in shortly for some pussy. You better be warm and ready for him!” I yelled after her.

  Rachel eyed me like I'd gone too far when I turned to her. Okay, maybe I had, but seeing anybody menacing my new girl unleashed a special kind of rage. And it wasn't gender friendly either.

  “Let's go. My room.”

  Rachel's eyes widened. My hand was already on her wrist leading her forward before she spoke.

  “I'm supposed to finish up with Frannie...”

  “She'll understand. We can fill her in later.” I lowered my voice. “But first, I'm gonna give you the filling of a fucking lifetime.”

  That brought a grin to her face. A minute later, we were in my room, the first time her and I had been alone there and about to get busy.

  Really fucking busy.

  She leaned in for a kiss. Her lips were like candy, hot and sweet, so good I almost forgot what I was gonna say.

  “Hey, hold up for a second, baby girl. What the fuck was that really all about?”

  She rolled her pretty eyes and tossed her hair.

  “Bitch still wants you. So does that other one, the blonde.” Extra venom came into her voice when she mentioned Michelle, the whore I'd stupidly let onto my lap the night I took her out riding.

  “Did Rita threaten you?”

  “Yeah.” Rachel pushed her hands against my chest as I snarled.

  I had half a mind to turn and break down the door to their seedy little chamber. No, I wouldn't whip her ass bloody like I wanted to, but I'd kick her to the curb. Wouldn't even bother having Pop approve it.

  “No, Jack. Don't.” Her eyes glowed. “I'm starting to understand what becoming an old lady around here means. Frannie filled me in. If you want me, I can't look weak.”

  Fuck! The truth hurt like a taking a spill on the road.

  “I need to stand up to those whores and defend myself. I know you want to beat them or expel them or something. Let me. Please.”

  I smiled. The thought of my baby girl turning into a little spitfire was a little exciting. But I couldn't shake the worry that she'd get herself in a scrap she couldn't handle.

  “We'll try it. But anytime you go after them, you better let me know, baby. I'll let you do what you need to do. Only if someone else is here to keep you safe in case shit gets out of control.”

  “Don't worry. I'll break their stupid nails off before they stick 'em through my eyes.”

  “That's what I want to hear. Right now, I'm more interested in breaking this fucking bed, though.”

  She squealed with delight as I buried my face in her neck. I pulled her hair, only half as rough as I'd been with skank Rita, tilting her face back so I could have full access to her sensitive skin.

  Every inch of her was amazing. I breathed deep and inhaled her scent as my tongue went to work.

  She went slack against the wall, already moaning. My hand pushed apart her blouse, showing me her supple cleavage, tweaking one hard nipple on its way up.

  Fuck yeah, baby girl. Let it all out for me. I want you to come over and over again.

  All for me.

  Just teasing her skin had her tensing and whimpering beneath me. Those sounds she was making – I could only take so much!

  My free hand darted out, embracing her hard. Secure in my arms, I carried her to the bed and laid her down. I instantly got back to work on those clothes, eager to have her unwrapped in my big old bed.

  Her blouse came off, freeing access to the bra underneath. Rach's jeans went down in record time, and I ripped her panties a little when they followed, straight down her gorgeous legs.

  “Oh, Jack. Right. Fucking. There!”

  Hearing her talk dirty made my cock rage like nothing else. I buried my face between her legs, teasing her clit with my tongue, stopping only to reach lower and shove it up her sweet cunt.

  She loved it when I threw that corkscrew twist into my lips. It always drew her swollen nub deep between my teeth, all the better for lashing it in long, relentless strokes.

  I paid close attention to her squirming and panting. When she sounded like a runaway train going off its rails, I sucked her clit harder, shifting my face so I could shove two eager fingers inside her.

  Oh, fuck. Oh, hell yeah, baby girl.

  She was hot and wet and ready. Her sweet puss gushed all over my hands. I knew I'd be tasting her rich cream on my fingers and face for a long, long time.

  I couldn't take it anymore. The instant she stopped screaming and settled into a breathless pause, I rose, tearing my shirt off over my head and tossing it behind me.

  Rach barely had her eyes open before my jeans and boxers were gone. I gripped my cock in one hand, halfway tempted to jerk it off and shoot my come on her pretty pale skin.

  But spending my nut without sinking inside her would've been a crime. I'd gotten her hot, wet, and so fucking ready for me, and I wasn't gonna let that sweet pussy go to waste.

  Hell no.

  I leaned across her and reached for the drawer to my nightstand. Fuck, where were those condoms?

  For a second, I hesitated. I knew I could've gotten away with going in her bare with both us on fucking fire like this.

  Yeah, in the bedroom I was a wild man, a beast with a growing ache to plant my seed in her womb. But I wasn't reckless either.

  Soon, baby girl. Just not today.

  I rolled that latex on my cock and yanked her hair. “Turn over and get on all fours for me, baby. Hands on the headboard. I'm gonna watch your beautiful ass shake while you scream my name and grind all over this cock.”


  I smiled as she shifted into place. Could this crazy, beautiful thing we had get any more perfect?

  My baby girl. My obedient little slut. My old lady.

  I hadn't laid public claim to her yet with the club, but I think half the guys knew. It was coming, just as soon as we settled this bullshit with the S

  Rachel shifted against me, rubbing her delicate ass cheeks on my rock hard shaft. She knew exactly how to get my attention whenever I let my mind wander, and now I was gonna give it back in spades.

  “You need this, baby girl?” I leaned down and whispered into her ear, my breath hot and ragged and ready.

  My cock was burning so bad it hurt, but still I wanted to tease her. Playing with her was half the fun. Taking her like a buck in rut was the rest of it.

  “Yeah. Yeah!” She whined, a little more desperate the second time. “Fuck me, Jack. I need you in me bad. It hurts!”

  Oh, I understood that fucking pain. Satisfied, I latched onto her hips, pressing my fingers into her supple curves as I threw myself forward.

  She arched her spine and yowled like a cat when we fused together. I loved it, but I wasn't gonna stop to admire the scenery either.

  My hips rolled, thrusting hard and deep, each time throwing a little more energy into my strokes. Fire leaped all the way to my balls and burst up my brain. I watched her writhing, grunting, screaming beneath me, and knowing I was gonna bring her off again just turned that fire into molten white waves.

  The old bed hadn't had this kind of assault for awhile. No, make that never.

  I'd been rough with my hookups in the past to blow off serious steam. But I hadn't felt anything like I did for the baby girl quivering and groaning beneath me.

  I fucked hard to show her how much I loved her, what her sweet body did to me. I wanted every thrust to remind her that she was mine, and only mine forever.

  She hissed her pleasure, struggling even harder for breath. If I could've seen her face, I would've seen her doing that thing where she sucked at her bottom lip, that criminally cute expression that never failed to set me off.

  I knew it. Just like I knew I was gonna burn her down with the next orgasm.

  “Come. Come on, baby girl!” I lifted one palm and smacked her ass.

  She yelped, jumping deliciously on my cock when the sensation hit her. The heat around my cock increased, telling me how close she was.

  Another spank. Another sweet yelp. And a whole hell of a lot more savage thrusts.

  One more knee shaking push and she came. I reached for her thighs, lifted her clean off the mattress and hooked her legs to me.


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