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Reluctantly Alpha (The Barrington Billionaires, Book 8)

Page 23

by Ruth Cardello

  The plane touched down with a bump that brought the conversation to an end.

  Just as Connor had said they would be, her family was right there waiting for them as they stepped out of the plane. There was a heavy awkwardness to the meeting when she first stood before them, but she took a leap of faith and followed Connor’s advice.

  There was something powerfully healing about a good hug. She stepped into her mother’s arms and simply held on. There was so much she wanted to say, so much pain, so many regrets, but instead of spilling them out, she held on and hoped her love came through in that hug.

  When she stepped back, there were tears in my mother’s eyes, but she was smiling. Angelina found herself doing the same. She turned to her father and gave him the hug she’d yearned to for so long. “I’m so sorry, Daddy,” she whispered.

  “We all are, baby. We all are,” he murmured. “Don’t you trouble yourself with none of that anymore.”

  Her brothers were next and her heart was bursting with love and gratitude. She turned in time to see her mother give Whitney a warm hug and Connor lift her father off his feet in a bear hug. A laugh burst out of her. She was glad his sister had never succeeded in changing him.

  “So, what now?” she asked.

  Whitney trotted over to her. “I’d tell you, but you’d never believe it.”

  Still dabbing tears from the corners of her eyes, Angelina’s mother said, “It sounded crazy when Connor first suggested it, but the whole town has come out to welcome you home and be a part of this.” She nodded toward Connor. “He’s a keeper. You could have done a lot worse.”

  With a laugh, Connor said, “I tell her the same thing.”

  Angelina slipped beneath his arm and hugged him. “Definitely a keeper.”

  Her father cleared his throat. “We should probably head over. Everyone is already there.”

  They began to make their way toward where her family had parked their trucks. Whitney chose to ride with his grandparents. Angelina and Connor climbed into the front seat of her brother Jared’s truck. She took the middle spot as she had so many times in the past. The smells were familiar. The country music was as well. For a moment it felt like no time had passed since she’d left.

  And for once, that wasn’t a bad thing.

  She looked from her brother to Connor and back. “So, which one of you is going to give me a hint about what’s going on?”

  She shouldn’t have asked because to avoid her question they both started singing along with the radio, and neither of them had much skill with it. Given no other choice, she joined in and found herself feeling younger, freer, and not at all embarrassed that she also couldn’t carry a tune.

  She wondered what Aunt Rudi would have thought of her in that moment. It might have been her imagination, but she would have bet her left scone her aunt was smiling down in approval.

  As they drove along, Angelina kept trying to guess where they were going. They didn’t take the road to her parents’ home. They weren’t headed toward downtown.

  When she saw the sign for a pond she’d spent most of her childhood swimming in, she was confused. What were they doing there that the town all wanted to be part of? A barbecue? The road leading to the pond was lined with cars. The parking lot beside the pond was full.

  And just as Whitney had said, there was a cameraman filming their arrival. When she climbed out of the truck and looked around, she swayed on her feet and clutched Connor’s hand. Everyone she loved was there.

  Aly and Joanna.

  Kimmie, Javier, and Linda.

  Clay and Lexi.


  Most of the town—so many familiar faces and all of them smiling.

  She greeted each of them, introducing Connor as she went. Some were excited to be meeting a celebrity. Some seemed more excited to simply see Angelina again. It was a better homecoming than she’d ever dared imagine.

  Connor introduced her to a few of his friends from his hometown. She couldn’t help but think he’d only gather everyone they knew for one reason. One magical reason.

  When several black SUVs pulled into the parking lot, a hush fell over the crowd as all eyes turned toward the arrivals. The first ones out looked like well-dressed, paid security. They fanned out over the area then the door of the second SUV opened and Sophie Barrington stepped out, accompanied by her husband. After that, Barringtons of all ages streamed out of the other vehicles.

  “Ready to meet more of my family?” Connor asked.

  Angelina nodded and walked over to them with him. Sophie held out her hands in greeting. Angelina took both of them in hers.

  Sophie said, “Look at you. Absolutely stunning. I knew you would be. And you’re glowing.”

  Angelina glanced at Connor. “I have a lot to be happy about.”

  Sophie’s smile was so welcoming Angelina saw why Connor adored her. “You take good care of him, Angelina. I love that boy.”

  “I will,” Angelina promised before greeting Dale politely.

  Connor gave Sophie a hug that swung her up into the air and had her laughing. “It means a lot to me that you’re here, Sophie.”

  She laid a hand on his cheek. “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. Now, promise me none of my sons will drown today.”

  “We’re keeping to shallow ground because there are so many newbies,” Connor answered.

  “And the snakes?”

  “Ian had the area swept clean of anything that the locals say make this exciting, but it’ll still be entertaining.”

  “I’m sure it will be,” Dale said in a dry voice. “I can’t say there’s enough money on the planet to get me to put my hand in a hole for a fish to swallow.”

  “Hang on,” Angelina said with a gasp. “We’re noodling today? That’s what we’re doing here?”

  “Of course,” Connor said. “What did you think we were doing?”

  Angelina tried not to give in to the disappointment nipping at her heels. For a moment there she’d started to think Connor had gathered everyone together to propose to her. She shook her head to clear that thought out. Just because it wasn’t what she thought it was about, didn’t make it a less-amazing day.

  Connor had found a way to smooth things over between her and her parents.

  He’d done what she’d thought was impossible . . . brought her home in a way that was actually not painfully awkward. After that day, she could see herself being able to easily return to see her family. Holidays. Vacations.

  Angelina wrapped her arms around Connor and hugged him with all the love welling within her. So what if the day didn’t end in an engagement? It was already life changing in a wonderful way.

  And this man had given her that gift.

  He is definitely getting oral sex as soon as we’re alone.

  “What did you say?” Connor asked.

  Angelina’s chest clenched. “Did I just say something out loud?”

  “I think so,” he said in her ear. “But you were mumbling. Still I thought I heard the word sex.”

  Oh my God. She forced a smile and said in a loud voice, “I said six. That’s how many times I’ve gone noodling. Six times. So, watch out. I know what I’m doing.”

  If Sophie or Dale had heard differently, they didn’t say a word. Either way, the rest of their clan came over and soon Angelina was being introduced to so many Barringtons she worried she’d never remember all their names.

  A short time later, most of the people attending were gathered on the shore of the pond. Everyone who had paired up with the intention of noodling was waist deep in the water listening to Angelina’s brothers give instructions on how to not only catch a catfish, but also how to survive a possible violent underwater tussle with one.

  Grant and Andrew were the first to go. Jared led them over to a hole beside a large rock. “Andrew, stick your hand in there. Go real slow. Being that this is your first time and all, we did our best to make sure there’s no snapping turtles or poisonous snakes in th
ere, but it ain’t like any of us got X-ray vision. Anything could have swum in there while we weren’t looking. Don’t worry, most body parts can be sewn back on.”

  “Thanks for the pep talk,” Andrew said. “Let’s just get this done.”

  From the sidelines, Asher called out, “You sure trust Grant to pull you out if there’s trouble?”

  Andrew chucked a nervous looking Grant in the shoulder. “Always.”

  Only because Grant was looking a little queasy, Angelina said to Connor, “Get a little closer just in case they need you. If the catfish is big enough it can pull a man under.”

  “On it.” Connor hovered where one might have thought he just wanted to see what was happening, but close enough to dive in and help if he needed to.

  Without fanfare, Andrew bent down so the water was shoulder high and stuck his arm inside a hole. He made a face, but didn’t move. A moment later, he pulled out an impressively large catfish like he’d been doing it his whole life.

  Out of the water, it thrashed around. He called out, “Catch.” And tossed the fish to Grant.

  Grant hugged the fish to his chest for a moment, looked hilariously horrified, then released it back into the water. “That was a squirrely one,” he said in a calm voice that was completely opposite of how he likely felt.

  Applause and laughter rang out from the shore. “It’s all good,” Angelina’s father said. “Although, when it comes to fishing, the ones you hold on to make better eating.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind for the next time,” Grant said as he made his way back to shore.

  Viviana was right there to greet him with a towel. “Will there be a next time?”

  “Hell no,” he said with a laugh. “But at least I tried it.”

  “You sure did, honey,” Viviana said in sweet support.

  Jared announced the next group should step up. This time it was Dylan Sutton and Kade Thompson-Barrington.

  Kade said, “Want me to do it, Dylan? It can’t be worse than gator hunting back home. Every once in a while one of them would try to move into a neighborhood pool. Never intentionally put my hand into any of their mouths though.”

  Dylan looked around and puffed out his chest. “I’ve been doing my own stunts. How bad can this be?”

  “Okay, I’ve got your back,” Kade said in agreement.

  Andrew lingered nearby. Without saying so, it was apparent he did as well.

  Dylan stuck a hand in, swore profusely, but stayed bent over. “Holy hell, what’s that?” he asked. Just then he was spun underwater and disappeared from view.

  There was a split second of shock then the men began to dive to retrieve him. Collectively no one above the water moved.

  Waist deep in water herself, Angelina wrung her hands as Connor dove after Dylan. No one she knew had ever died doing this, but it did happen. She sent up a prayer and scanned the crowd for her child. He was standing beside his grandparents looking just as scared as she felt.

  Dylan resurfaced with Connor holding one arm and Andrew holding the other. Andrew was the first to speak. “You are one crazy bastard, Dylan.”

  With that, Dylan raised both arms, he had a wildly thrashing catfish attached to each of his hands, one significantly larger than the other—so big, her brothers rushed in to pull it off him and hold it up for the crowd. It was the largest Angelina had personally ever seen pulled from the pond.

  Dylan was beaming as the other fish was retrieved from his hand. He called out to Sean Sutton. “Dad, did you see that shit? That is how noodling is done.”

  “I saw,” Sean called back. “Just glad you survived.”

  “Me too,” Dylan said as he made his way to shore. Joanna met him with a towel and a smile.

  Oh, she’s good.

  When the cheering died down, Connor announced, “Looks like it’s our turn.” His hair was already plastered to his head and he stunk like the bottom of the pond. God, she’d never loved him more.

  They stood before a hole Jared said they’d confirmed a good-sized catfish resided inside. “You ready?” Angelina asked.

  “I was born for this,” Connor boasted and stuck his hand in. “Holy crap, it’s a huge one. Oh, no. Are those teeth? Ow. Ow. Holy shit that hurts.” He pulled his hand out. “I can’t do it.”

  “That’s okay,” she said. Really, the whole sport was insane. That he couldn’t was actually a good sign. “You don’t have to prove anything to anyone.”

  “Oh, we’re getting that fish. I just think you should do it.”

  “Me?” Her voice came out as a squeak.

  “You’re a six-time noodler, remember? You can do this.”

  “I believe in you, Mom,” Whitney called out from the shore.

  Angelina turned to face Connor. “Hold on. That fish is too big for you to want to catch, but you think I can do it?”

  His grin was all challenge. “I believe in you too.”

  The crowd began to chant for her to do it.

  Angelina considered refusing, but this was her town—her sport. And dammit, she’d once pulled a fish out that had weighed more than her. No way was she going to back down now. “Fine,” she said, squared her shoulders, and stuck her hand inside the hole.


  No bite.

  No thud of warning.

  “You sure there was something in here? Doesn’t seem to be anything now.”

  “Try near the bottom,” Connor said.

  Catfish could hide low. Angelina ran her hand along the bottom then stopped when she came across a small box. “I found something, but not a catfish.” She straightened out of the water and held the box out. It was small like a—ring box.

  Her breath caught in her throat. She opened it with shaking hands.

  “Easy there,” Connor said, bringing his hands around hers to steady them. “Drop it now and we’ll never find it.”

  There in a wet velvet display was a round diamond set simply on a platinum band. Connor retrieved the ring and said, “I would kneel but honestly it’s disgusting down there.”

  “No need,” Angelina said in a voice just above a whisper.

  “Angelina Kroll. I have fallen in love with you over and over again since the day we met. Every time I’m with you I think I can’t possibly love you more, then you do something that shows me I can. Marry me so I can spend the rest of my life showing you how good life can be with someone who loves all the sides of you.”

  “Yes,” she said, slipping the ring on her finger before he had a chance to drop it. “Connor Sutton, you make me laugh every day. You brought back parts of me I thought I’d lost forever. You bet your ass we’re getting married.”

  He swung her up and around, then down for a deep kiss.

  When they broke the kiss off, they took a moment to simply stare into each other’s eyes. Just when she began to relax, Connor called out, “Whitney, get on in here. You and I are catching a catfish.”

  Angelina opened her mouth to say no way in hell was her son doing any such thing, but he was already hopping into the water. She didn’t need to tell anyone to spot him. Connor moved to stand beside him. Dylan, Andrew, Kade, both of her brothers, and even Bradford joined them to make a half circle behind him.

  Her eyes filled with tears when she saw her father shed his shoes and join them. Her baby was far from alone in the world and no longer a baby at all. The fish he pulled from the water wasn’t the biggest she’d ever seen, but the triumphant smile on his face was.

  From the shore Clay Landon looked on with pride, part of the moment yet also above it, as all good fairy godfathers are.


  A week later, flushed and smiling, Angelina and Connor arrived at their offices an hour late. They came to a skidding stop when they saw Kimmie standing on her desk with Linda on a crate beside the desk.

  Connor shook his head and thumbed in their direction. “Are you sure you’ll be okay with them while I film on location?”

  “I’ll be fine.” Angelina laughe
d and put her hands on her hips. “What’s going on, ladies?”

  “Hang on,” Kimmie said as if her behavior were perfectly normal. “What if you bend at the waist?”

  Linda shook her head. “Look at him, he’s even taller than I am right now and you’re too low for this to be comfortable.” She climbed off the crate. “Just have her lay across the desk.”

  “I wanted to spice the scene up a little.”

  Connor stepped closer. “What you’re not taking into account is how strong I am.” Without touching Kimmie he motioned how he’d pick her up by her waist. “I’d toss those legs right over my shoulders, lean Angelina back a little against the cabinet and take my time.”

  Angelina blushed, but put that on a mental list of what she wanted to try with him.

  “That’s perfect!” Kimmie exclaimed then jumped down from her table and wrote it on a sticky note. “Thanks, Connor.”

  Linda gave Connor a pat on the arm. “We’re going to miss you.”

  “It’s only a few weeks. The rest of the filming is happening stateside,” Connor assured her. “And you’ll have Angelina. She’s covering for me while I’m gone.”

  Kimmie returned to her seat behind her desk. “That can’t be easy—to be apart right after you get engaged.”

  Angelina walked over and linked hands with Connor. “Before I met Connor I would have agreed with you. I wasted a lot of time worrying about every way things could go wrong. Now I focus on how they’re going right. I found a man I can be myself with. My son goes to school now without complaint. I love my job. And that movie he’s making? It allows us to afford two secretaries who don’t actually get much work done, but are amazing anyway.”

  Linda took her spot behind her desk as well. “Don’t worry Angelina, we’re writing you into the next book—the one with the reluctantly alpha prince.”

  Angelina temporarily lost herself in Connor’s smiling eyes. “I don’t need a prince, I’ve already found my happy ending.”

  “Quick,” Linda said, “jot that line down. I like it.”

  Kimmie sighed audibly. “I’d rather describe how he’s looking at her. Love is a beautiful thing, isn’t it?”


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