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Take Me Under (The Bratva Book 2)

Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  Chapter Ten

  Pain like nothing Alexa had ever felt encompassed her. She slowly opened her eyes, realized she was in Yvgeny’s room, and remembered everything that had happened last night.

  A wave of nausea slammed into her, and she got up, regretting the sudden movement, and ran toward the bathroom. Fortunately, the bathroom was attached to the room and easily found.

  She barely made it to the toilet and threw open the lid before whatever was in her stomach lurched out. Once the dry heaves stilled, she breathed out and wiped the tears that throwing up had caused. When she started to feel sick again she leaned over, but felt someone take hold of her hair, keeping it out of the way.

  “You’re okay,” Yvgeny said in his deep voice.

  When the tremors stopped she opened her eyes, wiped the tears away once more, and forced herself up. She went to the sink, rinsed out her mouth, and felt the pounding in her head intensify.

  Alexa felt better knowing Yvgeny was here, but the memories of what had happened were now fresh and painful in her mind.


  “She’s going to be okay.”

  Alexa had her eyes closed, but she felt the cold hardness of something press into her hand. Opening her eyes only long enough to see a glass and two pills on the counter, she didn’t even think twice about taking them.

  Once she finished off the water, she turned and saw Yvgeny’s hand on the counter. Blood, and lots of it, covered the back of his hand and his tattooed arm. His knuckles were red, which had nothing to do with the substance on his skin. And when she lifted her head and looked at his shirt.


  He was covered in it. She looked at Yvgeny’s face, and although she saw splatters of the violence covering it, his expression was one of warmth and worry.

  It was then, as she looked at the man she loved, that she knew the one who had hurt her would never touch another person again.

  She wanted to ask what happened, but nothing came out.

  “I didn’t want you to see me like this.” He turned and breathed out. “I didn’t want you to see me for the man I really am, the man who would go to any lengths to protect you.”

  So he did know she was fully aware of what had gone down. It was clear, obvious in the violence and danger that surrounded him.

  But she knew what she’d gotten into when she fell for him and stayed. And seeing this didn’t change anything.


  Yvgeny saw the shock on Alexa’s face when she looked at him. He’d meant to be clean before she woke, but when he’d walked into the room the physician had been disconnecting the IV. It had only been a few minutes after she’d been free of the needle that she’d lurched up in bed and run to the bathroom. His only focus had been Alexa and making sure she’d been okay.

  He looked at himself in the mirror, saw the grisly display of what he’d done, but when he looked at her reflection he saw she was unaffected now. She seemed numb to it.

  “I know who and what you are,” she said and took a step closer. He moved one back, looking down at his hands, which now had dried blood on them.

  “Do you really know who I am, Alexa?” he found himself asking. “Do you really know the lengths I would go to protect you?”

  She looked down at his hands, his shirt, and he knew without her saying anything, she was aware.

  “I know you’d kill for me,” she whispered. “I know you love me, that you’re dangerous, but only to others that cross you.” She moved closer, and although he could see she was still feeling unwell, she looked strong … for him. It was clear she wanted him to know she was strong.

  He turned and yelled out the bathroom door, “Ygor, leave us. I’ll call for you if Alexa needs you.” A moment later he heard the physician leave, and then it was just the two of them. Looking back at Alexa, all he wanted to do was take her into his arms and hold her, but with the grisly aftereffects of his violence, he didn’t even want her near him. If not for the fact she’d been sick, he would have left, cleaned up, made sure she didn’t see this. Hell, he’d meant to clean up, to not have what he’d done covering every part of him, but then she’d been sick, and all he’d wanted to make sure she was okay.

  He had his club, his money, and he had the Bratva running through his veins. Those had been what his world revolved around for longer than he could even remember. But now he had Alexa, and he’d make sure everything was okay for her.

  Because for him, Alexa was it.

  Alexa could bring him to his fucking knees.


  Aleczander stared down at Vasilisa. She looked fragile, almost broken on that bed, and he fucking hated it, hated that she’d been hurt right under his nose. He didn’t know what it was about her, but when he’d seen that flash of red of her hair from the distance in the club all those nights ago, something in him had become charged. It wasn’t sexual, although he found her immensely gorgeous. No, there was something else, something that was familiar, yet he didn’t know what it was.

  “She’ll be okay,” he said to the physician that had just stepped in. He didn’t ask it as a question, because there was no room for error here. She would be okay, or God help anyone that was in his path.

  The pull to her was too strong, and in all the years he’d been alive and in the Bratva, and the power and knowledge he had, Aleczander always went with his gut

  “She will.”

  Of course they’d already discussed her health before Aleczander had gone down to fuck up the bastard that did this to her, but he wanted to hear it again.

  “I can have her moved to a different room, sir—”

  “Nyet,” he said, and looked over at the doctor. “She stays here, with me, in my bed.”

  The doctor nodded and left without saying a thing. He was smart, because Bratva physician or not, if he had tried to say one fucking thing on her moving, Aleczander would have collapsed his damn throat with one punch.

  He pulled up a chair and stared down at Vasilisa. She looked in pain while she slept, but the doctor assured him that he’d given Vasilisa pain meds to help with any discomfort. Aleczander looked at the table beside the bed, saw the bottle of narcotics that would help ease any pain she had, and looked back at the redhead. She looked vulnerable, although he sensed how strong she was. She had a warrior soul. That he could tell right away.

  It was true he’d wanted her in his bed in a purely sexual way when she’d come over to him, when he’d first noticed her, but as he looked into her eyes, spoke with her, Aleczander wanted to get to know her. He was intensely attracted to her; there was no denying it. But there was something else that made him want her, something that called to his protective and possessive side.

  Aleczander curled his hand into a fist on his leg and looked at her face. She had a bruise and swelling on the side of her face, as well as a scrape from, he assumed, when she’d fallen to the ground. He wanted to kill that fucker again, make it nice and slow, and really make it painful.

  He reached out and took her hand in his, knowing she wouldn’t be able to feel him, not with as many pain pills as the physician had given her, but he wanted her to know he was here, that he wasn’t leaving. He whispered things in Russian to her, things that he wished someone would have said to him when he was a young boy and struggling in a very cruel world. He knew all too well the horrors that life, that people, could dish out, and he promised her, whether she heard it or not, whether she accepted it or not, that he’d make sure life was good to her.

  Even if that meant having bodies at his feet and being covered in blood.

  Vasilisa was his, whether she knew it or not.

  Chapter Eleven

  Alexa’s body was sore and her head pounded fiercely, but she wanted to take care of Yvgeny the way he’d tended to her. She wanted to make him see that she was here for him, that she wanted him in her life no matter what.

  She turned and started the shower, brushing away his protests, and the fact he wanted to be the one to mak
e sure she was okay, that she was rested. Yes, she felt like shit, but a shower would do them both good. She knew it, wanted it, too.

  Turning back around, Alexa stared at him, watched as he looked at her with concern. He was covered in her would-be-rapist’s blood, the violence seething right below the surface. But she knew he’d never hurt her, and he’d never let anyone hurt her.

  “I love you,” she said softly and started getting undressed. Her body protested, her muscles screamed out for her to go slow, but she didn’t show that discomfort. She wanted to be strong for him, to show him she was powerful enough to stand by his side.

  Once she was naked, she saw the way Yvgeny focused only on her face.

  “I love you so much, Alexa.” His voice was deep, his accent thicker than normal. She could see the emotion on his face, hear it, hell, she could feel it. He started removing his bloody clothes, and she watched as the material fell to the floor. Even though he was now nude, his forearms and hands, his neck, even his face, were still splattered with blood.

  The steam started to fill the room, and he came closer. She embraced him despite the gore that covered him, despite the knowledge he’d killed for her.

  They went into the shower and he held her for long moments, his big body curling around hers as if even now he still wanted to protect her. She went to pull away, to be the one to take care of him, but he held her still.

  “Let me just hold you, just for a little longer.”

  She rested against him and closed her eyes. The water moved down Alexa’s sore body. The heat and steady pulse of the droplets stung, but also felt good, relaxing. Yvgeny had his hands on her body, soothing her, bringing immense pleasure and comfort to her, even if he didn’t know it.

  He turned her around, and she rested her head back on his chest. Yvgeny’s hard body was pressed behind her, but this moment wasn’t about sexual gratification. He was taking care of her.

  Goosebumps formed along her skin, and she sighed.

  “Let me wash you,” he said against her ear.

  “I wanted to be the one to take care of you.”

  She felt him run his hands down her arms. “Let me take care of you. I need to do this, Alexa.” He grabbed the soap, ran it between his hands, then started rubbing his fingers along her body. He moved his soapy hands down her arms, over her chest, her belly, and continued their journey down her thighs. As the water washed the bubbles away, she turned back around and rested her head on his chest again, hearing his heart beating. His skin was smooth and warm, and his heartbeat was exactly what she needed to hear at that moment.

  “I could kill him again for touching you, or even looking at you.” Yvgeny’s words were low and menacing as he spoke, but all she felt was the love he had for her. “Do I frighten you?” he asked.

  She leaned back and looked up at him. “No. I love you, and I knew what I was getting into by being here, Yvgeny.” The sound of the water beating against the tiles didn’t drown out the emotion in her voice. She rested her head on his chest again.

  His arms tightened around her. “I don’t know how to be a good man, Alexa.”

  “You are a good man.” Although he did “bad” things, the Bratva didn’t hurt women and children. They avenged them, made sure they were safe.

  “I don’t know how to be good enough for you, Alexa. I won’t ever be good enough for you. But I can’t lie and say over time I can change, be the man that you deserve.”

  “You’re good enough for me.” She hated that he said these things, that he didn’t think he was worthy of her. “This is about you and me, and it’ll work out no matter what, because we’re in this together.” She wasn’t into the whole fluff of things, the romance that came along with a happily ever after. She didn’t need any of that. She could live with the dark and gritty, could be in the middle of it, the thick of it wrapping around her like a second skin.

  As long as she had a man that loved her, a man that would do anything to make sure she was protected, and that her sister was protected, Alexa was exactly where she was supposed to be.

  “You’re mine,” Yvgeny said with possession in his voice.

  Yes, yes she was.


  “Zvyozdochka,” Yvgeny whispered and kissed Alexa on the lips. She stirred softly, but otherwise stayed asleep. He had her in his bed, her dark, damp hair spread out across the stark white pillow.

  He rose and went into the bathroom. Resting his hands on the counter, Yvgeny stared at himself in the mirror. Despite the killing he’d done, the shower to help relax him, and the fact he’d made Alexa safe from one enemy, the fact remained he was still juiced.

  I’ll always be that way when it comes to her. I’ll always worry about her safety, especially since she’s in my life.

  The fact remained that his life wasn’t safe, wasn’t ideal or perfect in any sense. He was dangerous, and the world he lived in, the people he associated with, made it so each and every day could be his last. But after tonight, knowing Alexa had been hurt right under his nose, in the same fucking building he was in, told him it didn’t matter whether he fought this or not.

  She could be hurt at any time, by anyone, and if he hadn’t been there, things would have been far worse. There was no point in fighting himself or how he felt for her, because having her in his life was safer than trying to keep her at a distance. He was a strong man, could fight off a lot of demons, but when it came to trying to bury what he felt for Alexa solely because he thought she’d be safer without him, it wasn’t the answer.

  And he wouldn’t try to stop himself anymore.

  After leaving the bathroom, he stood and watched Alexa sleep for long seconds. He could have done it all night long, just watching the rise and fall of her chest, knowing she was safe now, healing, and here to make sure she stayed that way.

  Yvgeny went over to her, slipped into bed, and pulled her close. He held her like that, the hours passing, and the peacefulness filling him.

  He’d never felt this lightness unless he was with her. She was safe … his, and anyone that got in his way of holding her close would know exactly what death tasted like.


  Three weeks later

  Alexa sat at the table in the club. It was a Wednesday evening, the club was shut down for the night, and everyone was here for dinner. This was the first time Yvgeny or any of the other Bratva had done anything like this, and Alexa couldn’t deny she liked it.

  He’ll always worry for me.

  It was true, she knew that, but he also trusted her, knew she was strong, and because of that his being overbearing wasn’t as intense as she knew it could be.

  Alexa looked over at Zoey and Sergei. He held her sister in this protective, yet gentle embrace, and she knew, for the first time in her life, what that felt like. The interior of the club was filled with Russian men and woman, and of course the employees of Yvgeny that he thought of as family. They were all one big family, and she loved that they’d been able to find this place in life.

  The feeling of someone touching her shoulder told her it was Yvgeny. She didn’t have to look at him to know he was the one close. The feeling she got when he was near was unlike anything she’d ever felt. Her belly tightened, butterflies encompassed her entire body, and the high that filled her was like a breath of fresh air moving along her exposed skin. She’d never been the sentimental type, never cared much for love or what came with it, but when it came to Yvgeny, all bets were off.

  When it came to Yvgeny, she didn’t care that she was this fool that loved unlike ever before.

  He helped her off the chair and pulled her into an embrace. “You are the light to my darkness, the meaning to my life.” He held the back of her head with his hand. “Before you, all I knew was how to survive.” He pulled back and looked down at her. “For me it’s you. Only you.”

  There had never been anything sweeter said to her.


  Several months later

  Without this, the wo
man close to him, her love surrounding him, Yvgeny would just be a shell of a man.

  He knew that as much as he knew his life was a pit of hell, one where he ruled his level, had corruption in his veins, and bathed in the blood of his enemies.

  He thrust in deeply, feeling his life fade away, as he was inside of Alexa. She was wet, tight, and so fucking hot.

  She was his.

  “Yvgeny,” she moaned, that sweet sound making his balls draw up tightly.

  He thrust into her again, withdrew, and pushed in a third time.

  “Oh, God, yes, Yvgeny.”

  He grunted in pleasure, unable to hold onto his sanity.

  “I want to hear you say my name again, Alexa.” He pumped in and out of her.

  “Yvgeny,” she gasped out, and he knew he’d hit something good and deep within her.

  “You’re mine, aren’t you? Only mine, Alexa.”

  She nodded. “I’m yours.”

  He grunted in approval.

  Yeah, she was, and there was nothing that would ever change it.

  “Lift your hips, baby. Grind that sweet pussy on me, fuck yourself, reach your pleasure for me. Fucking use me, baby.”

  Alexa lifted her hips, doing exactly what he wanted. They both groaned in unison.

  “That’s it. That’s so fucking it, baby.” Yvgeny started moving inside of her fast and hard, needing to come, needing to find that pinnacle with her. Beads of sweat trailed down his temples as he fucked, claimed, the woman he loved. “God, Alexa.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, her pleasure clear on her face.

  He rose up on his arms and pulled back just an inch to let his gaze lower to her pussy. With his cock lodged in her body, he watched himself thrust in and out of her.

  Her pussy clenched around him, and he groaned in ecstasy.

  He owned her right now, and fuck, did it feel right.

  “Christ.” His balls drew up tight with his impending orgasm.

  She slid her hands up his sides and around to his back, her nails scoring his skin.


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