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Protecting Maya

Page 5

by Nicole Casey

  “Great!” Cara squealed, jumping to retrieve one from the kitchen as I studied Troy’s pudgy face.

  Sterling and Luke had begun making out as if they had forgotten then had company.

  I’ll deal with them tomorrow, I promised myself.

  “So how do you know the lovebirds over there?” I asked, trying to keep the suspicious note from my words but it was difficult, especially since Troy continued to keep his dark eyes cast downward.

  He did, however, maintain a boyish smile on his face.

  “Oh, uh, actually,” Troy started. “We, uh –”

  “Here you go,” Cara said brightly, depositing a bottle in my hand but I did not break my stare on Troy.

  “Thanks. You were saying?” I was not about to let him off the hook, but Troy took a swig of his own beer and shifted his gaze away, so I turned my attention to Cara.

  “How do you know these guys?” I asked loudly and pointedly, hoping to break apart the couple but I could see they were far too involved in their caress to pay me any mind.

  “Oh, Luke and Starla?” Cara asked.

  “Sterling,” I corrected, my heartrate beginning to race. “Yes.”

  Cara shrugged and gestured toward Troy.

  “We just met them tonight actually. But Troy recognized them from the studio, right, hon?”

  Hon? Are these two dating?

  Troy nodded quickly.

  “That’s right,” he answered, flashing me an unconvincing smile. “I just thought I would go and say hello and they suggested we come back here for a drink.”

  “How long have you two been dating?” I demanded, my tone much sharper than I had intended but I could not shake the mounting concern in my belly.

  Cara giggled.

  “We’ve been on and off for about three months, right Troy?”

  Again he nodded but he refused to meet my eyes.

  I swallowed any further inquiries, determined to see how the night play out organically.

  I had the feeling that I was going to learn a lot about the awkward man before dawn broke.

  “So tell me about yourselves,” I said, sitting back against the couch cushions from my spot on the floor. “What do you guys do?”

  Cara giggled, a sound which seemed to be her trademark.

  Unlike her date, I found something endearing about the round brunette, but my mind was far too occupied with Troy to pay her any special attention.

  “I’m a schoolteacher,” Cara volunteered.

  I arched an eyebrow.

  “Oh yeah? Where?” I asked.

  “In Oriental at Pineland Elementary,” she replied. “Third Grade.”

  I arched an eyebrow.

  “Our other roommate has a sister who teaches there,” I said but as soon as I said the words, Troy spoke, and my apprehension returned.

  “Who’s that? Maya?” he asked immediately, and I inhaled sharply but there was no taking back my rather foolish statement as Cara stared at me with interest.

  I shouldn’t have said that. Why did I say that? I cursed myself silently, but it was too late to recant.

  “Maya’s sister, yes,” I replied, my mind working to change the subject, but the floodgates had been opened.

  “Who is her sister?” Cara asked but Luke saved me from answering as Maya herself walked into the living room, wearing nothing but one of my extra-large yoga studio shirts, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

  “Are you guys having a party without me?” she joked, slumping against the doorway. Her expression brightened as she recognized Troy.

  “Oh hi!” she called sweetly, and my blood became ice chips as I watched Troy’s face melt into a puddle of desire.

  He licked his lips and smiled warmly at her.

  “Hey,” he murmured. “Did we wake you up?”

  She laughed and shook her head, turning to look at Cara.

  “Hi,” she said, extending her hand. “I’m Maya.”

  Cara eagerly took her hand and nodded.

  “I’m Cara. Troy has told me so much about you,” she gushed. “He says your classes are the best! He swears he lost twenty pounds because of you!”

  I noticed a shadow cross over her face as if sensing the falseness of the statement and she cast me an uneasy look.

  “Malcolm says you have a sister who works at Pineland like me,” Cara continued, and Maya maintained a smile, but I could sense her nervousness suddenly.

  She’s picking up on the weirdness too, I realized.

  “Yes, Vyolet,” Maya said, folding her arms over her chest.

  “Oh! I love Vyolet!” Cara squealed. “She’s so sweet.”

  Maya nodded in agreement.

  “It runs in the family,” she laughed but her eyes continued to dart toward Troy.

  “Do you want a beer, Maya?” Troy asked suddenly, jumping from his spot for the first time since I had arrived in the room.

  Cara noticed his sudden change in demeanor also and I watched as her face grow stony.

  Okay, I thought with some absolution. It’s not just me. The atmosphere in here is weird.

  “No, thanks,” Maya said quickly. “I just came down for a drink of water and heard the voices. Nice seeing you again, Troy. Good to meet you, Cara.”

  She turned to leave, and Troy called out.

  “Wait!” he pleaded. “Stay for one drink!”

  “I really can’t. I have clients in the morning,” Maya replied, shaking her head. “Next time, okay?”

  “One drink won’t harm anything! You’re already up!”

  The desperation in his voice was apparent and Maya looked at me, her green eyes flashing.

  I knew we had a problem.

  “Good night, Maya,” I said firmly, hoping that my tone left no room for argument. To my relief, he did not speak again as Maya left the room.

  “We should go too, Troy,” Cara said abruptly and there was no mistaking the anger in her face.

  “We don’t have to work –” he started to say but Cara cut him off midsentence.

  “It’s late and we have worn out our welcome.”

  She rose and grabbed Troy’s arm, pulling him toward the door.

  “Thanks for coming,” I offered, herding them out gratefully.

  That poor bastard is going to get an earful from her all the way home, I thought but I was happy I was not the one who had to throw him out.

  He was a client after all and he wouldn’t be the first man who had done stupid things to be close to Maya.

  Maybe the first one to bring a date, I thought ruefully, waving them off from the door. I exhaled as they got in their car and drove away, but I could read Cara’s baleful expression even through the darkness.

  Hopefully that will teach him, I thought and despite the uneasy feeling in my stomach, I closed the door and walked back into the living room.

  “Was that Maya?” Luke asked, finally pulling his face away from his fiancée’s.

  I eyed them with disgust.

  “Is that what you do? Bring clients into our private home and act like a couple of porn stars while they watch?”

  Sterling gazed at me in confusion.

  “We didn’t invite them here. Maya did.”

  I stared at her.

  “What?” I demanded. “What do you mean Maya did? Cara said you guys met tonight and you invited them back.”

  The duo gaped at him.

  “No,” Luke denied. “Troy approached us and said that Maya was going to meet us at home. He only followed us back.”

  The anxiety sprung back into my bones full force and I wondered what kind of stupid game Troy Caspian was playing and what he hoped to achieve.

  I need to keep an eye on that guy, I told myself.

  Not that it was good business to threaten clients but if Troy was behaving out of line toward Maya, he had to go.

  I bid Luke and Sterling a goodnight and hurried back upstairs to my room, expecting to find Maya back asleep in my bed but she was not there.

  I padded acr
oss the hall toward hers and rapped on the door gently.

  “Come in,” she muttered, her voice a whisper.

  I realized that she had almost fallen back asleep and I instantly felt guilty.

  “It’s okay, My,” I told her, poking my head into the room. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Everything good, Mal?” she asked, raising her head slightly to look at me and I nodded quickly, forcing a smile.

  If she wasn’t worried, I wasn’t about to give her cause to worry.

  Who knows? Maybe I was overreacting too.

  A part of me wanted to crawl into bed beside her and hold her close, warding off the strange, apprehensive feelings flooding through me.

  But I didn’t.

  I knew if Maya had wanted me close, she would have stayed in my bed.

  Everything is fine. Maya is fine. I’m concerned for nothing.

  “Sweet dreams,” I told her and even through the dark, her smile gleamed brilliantly at me.

  I closed the door and returned to my room, exhaling slowly.

  Still, I couldn’t release the sense that something bad was coming.



  I arrived at Slade’s home just before seven o’clock the following morning and he threw open the door, grinning sheepishly at me.

  He was dressed in his work clothes, a white button-down shirt minus the tie and a pair of charcoal grey pants which showed off his firm frame.

  I felt an unexpected fission of excitement staring at him, but I maintained my flippant expression.

  “I passed out on you last night, didn’t I?” he said, shaking his head.

  I laughed and shrugged nonchalantly.

  “I didn’t take it personally,” I replied as Rocco jumped up to lick my face eagerly. I was almost knocked down by the weight of the friendly beast and Slade struggled to control him, but I didn’t mind.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked, staring pensively at his face. He seemed a lot more relaxed than the previous day.

  “I feel great,” he told me, leading the way inside. He gestured for me to follow him toward the kitchen where he had poured two cups of coffee and I was touched by the gesture.

  He poured me a coffee. He was looking forward to seeing me, I realized, and warmth touched my cheeks.

  I felt inexplicably shy for a moment.

  “I don’t know how you take yours,” Slade said apologetically. “But I have cream or milk if you want and sugar of course.”

  “Black is fine. Thank you.”

  I sat with him as Rocco licked my hand in excitement.

  “I feel really bad about last night,” he explained, and I laughed.

  “I don’t. I had a good time and I slept better knowing that you were more relaxed.”

  His hands closed around the coffee mug and he studied my face closely.

  “Are you really this selfless?” he asked quietly. “I don’t think I’ve ever known a woman like you.”

  I felt a slow blush form on my cheeks and I chuckled, trying to brush off the compliment.

  “It isn’t selfless to want the people around you to be healthy and happy,” I responded, taking a sip of my coffee. It was surprisingly delicious, and I nodded in approval.

  “It’s humane.”

  “Whatever it is, it makes you a rarity,” Slade insisted. “Can I take you out again tonight?”

  I peered at him nervously and inexplicably, the thought of Troy Caspian popped into my mind.

  What was he doing at the house last night?

  I didn’t want to admit that seeing him there had bothered me more than it should have.

  “You’re frowning,” Slade said, shaking his head. “You’re all put off by me falling asleep.”

  I shook my head, forcing the thought of Troy from my mind.

  “Not at all. I’m glad you felt comfortable enough with me to do that,” I replied quickly but I did feel apprehensive about agreeing to see him again that night.

  I didn’t want to give Slade false hope about us after all.

  Yet I did want to see him again.

  Was I worried about giving myself false hope?

  I raised my eyes, a response ready to spring from my lips and I started in surprise.

  He had moved from his spot while I was lost in thought and crouched at my side, his azure eyes looking up at me imploringly.

  Without a second thought, I reached out to touch his face, my palms cupping his hands as I nodded.

  “Yes,” I agreed. “I would like that.”

  His face lit up and slowly, he raised his body, his lips almost brushing against mine.

  I gnawed on my lower lip, ready to taste his mouth, my gaze on his.

  The sense which swept through me was unfamiliar yet primitive and when our skin touched, the electricity coursing through me was unlike anything I had ever felt before.

  I shoved aside the feelings of doubt I had when his tongue teasingly met mine and I exhaled, embracing the warmth flowing through my body.

  I pulled back slightly to look at him curiously.

  “Don’t you have to get to work?” I asked, a part of me hoping he said yes even though I wanted him to continue what he had started.

  I think I feared what would happen if I allowed our heated flirtation to spread beyond what it was.

  He smiled softly.

  “What work?” he asked innocently but before I could respond, his lips met mine again and I sighed.

  He rose, pulling me along with him as his arms embraced my back and pulled me to him.

  Eagerly, I felt my mouth part, closing my eyes to enjoy the pleasures I knew were about to ensue.

  Tighter his arms closed around me and I could feel the muscular curves of his body against mine.

  A rush of heat flowed through me as his mouth worked down my chin toward my throat.

  Gooseflesh exploded over my skin as he danced me back through the kitchen, but I barely noticed we were moving through the hallway until I fell onto the sofa in the neighboring living room.

  Sunlight was peeking through the bay window, casting a halo around Slade’s golden head.

  My fingers swirled through his curls, guiding his head lower across the front of my tank top while his hands fumbled to undo his shirt.

  I set him back, pulling my top over my head and yanking him down, wanting to feel the warmth of his flesh against mine.

  Sinking back into the soft cushions, I purred happily, his mouth exploring the taut skin around my nipples before taking my breast into his mouth.

  Together we managed to lose our pants and in seconds my thighs had locked around Slade’s ears and his tongue played along my skin toward my center.

  He nuzzled at my silken panties, each sniff causing me to shiver with anticipation while his long hands spread over my chest, falling tenderly over my stomach as if he meant to touch every inch of me.

  When his finger finally pushed aside my underwear, I was beyond ready for him, my own hands moving to cover my rising breasts.

  I moaned with the first long lick and Slade’s palms scooped around my buttocks, pulling himself deeper into my core.

  My own fingertips toyed with my hardened nipples, relishing the smooth strokes of Slade’s movements and I felt his fingers dig into me as my frame tensed beneath him.

  He was going to make me cum in seconds, his thumb delving between my cheeks to manipulate the tenderness between my thighs.

  I cried out, my legs tensing around his head as a long finger slipped inside me, coaxing me into the climax on which I was edging.

  I shuddered, reaching out for support as I released against him, but his licks did not slow, and he sucked on my throbbing button, pulling every drop of ecstasy from me.

  Again I exploded, my hips moving upward inadvertently as his digits thrust into me.

  “Oh my God,” I gasped, powerless to stop the seemingly endless flow of nectar.

  As I lay quivering, Slade raised his head and stared at me with vivid
blue eyes and I shook my head, my voice gone.

  Suddenly he was on top of me, his mouth at my ear.

  “You taste as sweet as I knew you would,” he whispered, and the words sent more heat coursing through me.

  I was dizzy with pleasure and when he raised my ankles around his head I could not stop staring into the cerulean irises as if they were boring into my soul.

  When he entered me, I screamed out, shocked by the sheer size of him.

  I had not been expecting such girth but when he froze, my hands clenched against his rear, drawing him further inside. I wanted to feel every inch of him, filling me to places I had never felt.

  It was difficult to breathe as his member prodded into me, slowly at first but with my encouragement, his momentum built and soon I was crying out, begging him for more as his face twisted in concentration.

  My ankles locked against him, my waist raising to feel his constricting sack against my behind.

  We were a sliding, slippery mess as I continued to cum against him, losing sense of reality until I heard him grunt, his body stiffening against me as he jerked spasmodically.

  Hot streaks spurted into me and I moaned aloud, biting on my lower lip as I stared at his face in disbelief.

  Slade was coated in sweat, breathing heavily as he looked at me through impassioned eyes as if he was trying to recapture his bearings.

  Slowly, I unhooked my legs from around his neck, realizing how firm was my grip against him.

  “Oh my God,” I muttered again as he fell back against the couch. “You are incredible.”

  Slade laughed, his eyebrows arching.

  “Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you.”

  Our eyes locked and I felt a flutter in my heart.

  This is ridiculous. You barely know this guy and he doesn’t fit into your life at all. He’s got nothing in common with you, he’s full of stress and you don’t date.

  But I couldn’t deny that the feelings I was experiencing went beyond mere attraction.

  I had to walk away before things got too serious…didn’t I?

  How would it even work? I couldn’t continue living in Mal’s house with a boyfriend. What kind of future could Slade and I have with my past? He was too normal, too vanilla.

  I shook me head as the thoughts going through my head.


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