Gifted - The 5 Book Paranormal Romance Box Set

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Gifted - The 5 Book Paranormal Romance Box Set Page 48

by Amira Rain

  Knowing that Cameron was surely still watching the scene, I took the hem of my dress and slowly lifted it, revealing to him exactly what was happening beneath it, then I held the hem in place against my stomach so that he could continue to watch my naughty little show. Thoroughly gratifying me, I heard him make a quiet growl and shift in his chair, making it creak. Trying to tease him further, I moaned into Elliot's mouth again, which made him growl, still exploring my mouth with his tongue. Beneath my right rear cheek, I could feel him growing harder still, clearly enjoying what he was doing to me.

  Before long, he began sliding two fingers in and out of my slickness, and I heard Cameron's chair creak again, followed by a growl rumbling deep within his chest, the sound seeming very near me, as if maybe he'd gotten out of his chair. Not wanting to break my kiss with Elliot quite yet, I wondered exactly where Cameron was and what he was going to do, but very soon, I found out. In addition to Elliot's fingers still slowly sliding and out of me, I felt a few more fingers begin slowly stroking my most sensitive spot at the same time, telling me that Cameron was probably kneeling right in front of me.

  With the pleasure I was experiencing now far too great for me to focus on kissing any longer, I broke my kiss with Elliot and saw that Cameron was indeed kneeling in front of me, glassy-eyed and a little flushed. He was also breathing heavily, obviously very aroused. Even knowing that, what he did next, though, took me by surprise in the best possible way.

  After pulling my underwear down to my ankles, tossing them aside, and then gently spreading my legs further apart, he gruffly told Elliot to please move his hand out of the way, and Elliot did, turning his focus to again planting slow kisses along the side of my neck. Then, Cameron brought his face to my inner thighs, kissing each one of them tenderly, before moving his mouth to the source of my most urgent need.

  When I felt his tongue begin flicking over my tingling feminine bud, I cried out, throwing my head back. "Yes. Yes, Cameron, don't stop."

  He didn't, just accelerated the pace of his intimate stroking, making me cry out again. Becoming lost in pleasure, I tangled my fingers in his thick, dark hair, and he gripped my thighs, making a few quiet groans every so often, indicating that he was thoroughly enjoying what he was doing, maybe even as much as I was enjoying it, even though enjoying wasn't nearly a strong enough word.

  However, after just a minute or two, I wanted more. I could tell I was quickly heading toward a powerful orgasm, and I wanted to feel Cameron or Elliot inside of me when it happened.

  With all traces of self-consciousness having been completely obliterated by this point, I decided to just come right out and tell them what I wanted. The only problem was that the combination of Elliot kissing and nibbling my neck and throat, and Cameron giving attention to my most intimate area, seemed to have nearly robbed me of speech, and I spoke in a halting near-whisper.

  " of you. Want to of you...inside of me. Right now."

  Elliot may have displayed typical alpha behavior by abruptly pulling me onto his lap earlier, but now it was Cameron's turn to display alpha qualities. Almost as soon as I'd finished speaking, he rose to his feet, pulling me up to mine along with him. Then, with a sweep of his arm, he pushed all dinner dishes on our side of the table down to the middle. The next thing I knew, I'd been bent over the table, Cameron had lifted my dress, and suddenly he was inside of me, burying his rock-hard shaft in my depths with one slow, powerful thrust.

  With my eyes rolling back in my skull, I moaned, the sensation of being so quickly and completely filled, and by such a hard, thick member, was almost more pleasure than I could take. Things were about to get even more pleasurable, though, as Cameron began thrusting slowly and deeply while gripping my hips, making me moan each time he filled me. Adding to the erotic bliss I was experiencing, Elliot had somehow quickly lost his clothes, and he was back sitting in his chair at the head of the table, just two feet or so from Cameron and me, watching us while stroking his long, thick pole. With my head turned toward him and my cheek on the table, I watched the movement of his hand, almost mesmerized by it, as well as by the total masculine beauty of his granite-hard member, which stood so proud and erect that it was nearly flush with his chiseled abs.

  When I felt my climax approaching, which happened after only a minute or two, I reached out a hand toward Elliot's shaft, wanting to stroke it myself, but found that my arm was just a few inches too short. Immediately, Elliot stood up from his chair and offered me his manhood with his breathing incredibly fast and ragged. I gripped it and began slowly stroking him, making his breathing become even faster and more ragged still.

  Behind me, Cameron had increased the pace of his thrusts, grunting with each slide in. Soon my climax crashed over me, and I cried out, tightening my hand around Elliot's hard pole while every muscle in my body seemed to tense and release at once. At the same time, Cameron groaned with his own climax, burying himself inside of me the deepest he had yet.

  Once our ecstasy had passed, I looked up at Elliot, who was now stroking himself again, fast and furiously. "Now you, Elliot. Now let me feel you inside of me."

  I didn't need to ask him twice. Within a blink, he'd pushed Cameron aside and had entered me with one fast, borderline rough thrust, making me cry out with a stunning, immediate second orgasm. Never in my life had I ever had back-to-back climaxes like I was experiencing now, not even close; although I'd never been with two virile, potent wolf shifters before, either.

  Elliot had his own release within seconds of mine, and afterward, he rested draped across my back, whispering near my ear how beautiful I was. A short while later, he carried me into my bedroom, where he took off my dress, and Cameron took off my bra, and the three of us climbed into my bed together to continue our activities.

  Over the next hour or so, it became clear that shifters possessed much greater stamina than the average man, which thrilled me. After Elliot had made love to me again, this time on top of me, I climbed on Cameron and began riding him, breasts bouncing, eventually having my third orgasm of the night, and my most powerful one yet. For at least ten seconds, I squeezed my eyes shut while wave after wave of total mind-shattering release washed over me, making me literally see stars.

  Afterward, as the evening sky beyond my bedroom windows darkened to a velvety navy blue, I began drifting off to sleep while being held in two sets of strong arms, feeling more sexually satisfied than I'd ever been in my entire life.


  The next week went by in a busy, happy blur of lovemaking and Gifted training sessions. Nearly every afternoon, for several hours, I led my fellow Gifteds in practice in a meadow just east of the village. Nearly every night, I shared my bed with Cameron and Elliot. The only night that we didn't sleep together was because there was some sort of Angel trouble a few miles north of the village, and they and a few of their elite pack members were gone all night dealing with it.

  As I'd suspected, once the Gifted practice sessions got underway, more and more Gifteds joined in daily, until finally, we had everyone participating. That didn't, however, mean that everyone had agreed to fight the next time the red-eyes and Angels tried to attack the village or attempt to get past it to reach the towns to the south. Many did agree to fight, though, primarily Gifteds with lots of previous experience.

  I was just glad that everyone was now practicing together, gaining confidence, and growing stronger. I figured that in time, more and more Gifteds would agree to fight, and if they didn't, that was their choice. Though the government was paying each one of us a substantial salary, it actually wasn't a requirement that a Gifted participate in battles. All that was required was that a Gifted remain at her assigned post and at least attempt to improve her power with practice. I supposed that the government figured the same as I did, that eventually most Gifteds would directly join the defense effort by fighting. And if they didn't, no good could come from forcing a person into a dangerous, gory situation that they absolutely did not want to be in
. It seemed to me that Gifteds who felt that way would honestly be better not taking part in fights.

  By the end of the week, some of the Gifteds who'd seen their power diminish after getting injured in previous fights were able to regain some of their power. Unfortunately, though, the Gifteds who were able to do this were few. Only three, to be exact. The rest, no matter how hard they tried, or how many hours of practice they put in, could only levitate for a second or two at a time, or zap with thin, barely visible streams of electricity. Unfortunately, Dana was among this group of Gifteds that weren't able to recover the level of power they'd possessed as brand-new Gifteds.

  I kept telling everyone that this was okay. Despite our varying levels of power, if we all worked together, we could still be a strong group. I really believed that, but I could tell it might be a while before everyone else believed that, as well. Every day, I had not-as-strong Gifteds teaming up together, trying to get them to learn how to combine their zapping streams to make a single, more powerful stream to hit plastic targets that I launched in the air, but this was difficult for most. It was just going to take time.

  As far as the not-as-strong levitators, joining their powers wasn't an option, because it seemed to be impossible. The best they could do was just to continue practicing and trying to find ways that their diminished power could be of help in a fight. Dana and I frequently reminded them that even being able to levitate a red-eye or an Angel for even a second could save a life, and it was true. The same could also injure an enemy, just by the action of making him drop to the ground.

  To everyone's happiness, several of the shy, lacking-in-confidence young women in the group turned out to be incredibly strong, talented Gifteds, Sarah maybe most of all. During our first practice, she'd left in tears after just five minutes, and no one was every able to find out why. Later that day, Sarah just kept saying that she'd just "freaked" and just wanted to be left alone. Everyone gave her space, and she returned the next day, staying in the meadow for the whole practice this time, and without any tears. The day after that, she zapped a plastic target with such a powerful stream of electricity that she basically vaporized it, making it just kind of melt and disappear in thin air. When we examined the ground beneath, we found only hundreds of tiny, melted plastic droplets in the grass.

  I told Sarah to imagine how much damage a zap like that could do to an Angel or a red-eye wolf. "Just one zap like that could have one of them down on the ground instantly, completely knocked out cold, making it easy for one of our wolves to make a kill. You could really be a huge part of keeping this village and this whole state safe, Sarah."

  Blushing furiously, she smiled. "I'll try. I really do want to help keep everyone safe. I just feel like I need a lot more practice before I ever join in a fight, though. I just want to feel completely ready."

  I said I understood and that I felt the same way. "We'll just keep on practicing, and the next time the Angel wolves try to attack Haverwood, they'll be in for a nasty surprise when they discover that we've all been doing a little work and getting a lot stronger."

  As for my own strength as a Gifted, I was gaining more and more every day. Conversely, my tiredness after each training session was steadily decreasing. By the fourth one, I actually wasn't even tired at all, or at least no more than an ordinary person would be after a workout.

  Despite the week going extremely well in regards to the Gifted activities and also in regards to my activities with Cameron and Elliot, by the end of the week, I realized I had a pretty significant problem. I was still no closer to determining which of them was working with the Angels. I was maybe even farther away, having developed very strong feelings of affection for them both that made it so that I could hardly believe that either of them could be a traitor. I felt like there was just no way. At the same time, I realized that the government didn't just have their very strong suspicions about absolutely nothing. They had told me that they were nearly certain that one of the two alphas was working with the Angels, so I knew that they had to have their reasons, and that they were probably correct.

  I continued to hope that they weren't, though. I continued to hope that maybe it was all just a huge mistake. I hoped this desperately because I'd come to realize that I had another problem other than not being able to determine who the traitor was. I'd come to realize that my very strong feelings of affection for Cameron and Elliot were on the brink of turning into feelings of love. Knowing this, I resolved that I'd just have to start doing a better job of trying to be emotionally detached in spite of our physical closeness. I knew I simply couldn't allow myself to fall in love with either Cameron or Elliot, or both of them, until I knew which one of them secretly had a dark heart. I was beginning to feel like I wanted to learn the truth even more than the government did.

  The real problem was that I just wasn't sure what "clues" or "tells" I should be looking for. I supposed I'd just been hoping to develop a definitive gut feeling, or to have one of the two alphas slip up in some major way, saying something that would clearly indicate whose side they were really on. That had probably been wishful thinking, I was sure. Right along the lines of hoping that maybe Cameron or Elliot would start talking in their sleep one night, which of course, neither of them had.

  I felt like it might help if I could somehow follow them in their day-to-day activities, but being that I obviously couldn't keep up with a wolf pack, and would probably be discovered even if I could, I wished I could at least talk to them both more. During the time the three of us spent together, we were mostly just making love or briefly talking about the day's events. For some reason, they both seemed disinclined to talk much about more personal subjects when the other was around, which was nearly all the time.

  One night, while Elliot was showering, I'd asked Cameron to tell me what he'd done for a living before he'd become a shifter soon after The Takeover. He'd told me that he'd been an Army ranger, and then he'd started to tell me about how all the men in his family were military men. But at that moment, Elliot had emerged from my master bathroom, wrapped in a towel, and Cameron had yawned, said he was tired, and promptly rolled over and fell asleep.

  The following night, nearly the exact same thing had happened, but with Cameron out of the room and me asking Elliot what he'd done for a living before The Takeover. He, too, had been in the military, in the Air Force specifically, and he started to tell me about his experience the first time he'd flown a fighter jet, and what a rush it had been. However, at that time, Cameron had come back in the room with a bottle of water I'd asked for, and Elliot had seemed to cut his story short.

  Frankly, he and Cameron just didn't seem to like each other very much. And I almost got the feeling that their not liking each other was becoming more pronounced every day, though I couldn't put my finger on what exactly made me think that. It was just a vibe I got, I supposed.

  Halfway through my second week in Haverwood, Dana, Sunny, and I made a trip into Hastings to meet Ashley, Kenna, and Ashley's new home helper, who was a middle-aged woman named Mary, for lunch at Ashley and Kenna's house. It was a visit full of introductions, since numerous parties involved had never met, but soon it felt like a reunion of old friends. Mary was warm, sweet, and incredibly funny, all things I'd hoped Ashley's new home helper would be, and I loved her right away. Kenna also instantly fell in love, but with Sunny, gasping when she saw him and then proclaiming that he was the cutest dog she'd ever seen. Then, after giving him some cuddles and pets, she looked up at Ashley, asking when they could get a dog.

  Ashley shrugged, saying she wasn't sure. "I don't know, sweetie. Maybe sometime next year. We'll see."

  Before turning to say something to Dana, Ashley gave me the tiniest of winks. Kenna's birthday was in a month, and Ashley and Brian planned to take her to the animal shelter and let her pick out a dog as one of her presents, but they wanted it to be a total surprise.

  After a wonderful light summer lunch of seafood salad sandwiches, yogurt-and-berry parfaits, and cool
gazpacho soup that Ashley and Mary had made together that morning, Dana, Mary, and Kenna went to take Sunny out in the backyard to play for a bit, giving Ashley and me some sister time alone. Sitting across from her at the table with my second tall glass of raspberry iced tea, I asked her first thing to tell me how everything was going with Mary and also with her health. Summer was always a difficult time for Ashley because she hated being cooped up indoors all the time, yet it wasn't worth it to spend more than a few minutes outdoors in the heat of the day, because of the effect heat had on her MS symptoms.

  However, in response to my questions, she just shrugged with a little smile. "I really can't complain. Although it's not the same as having my very own sister for a helper, Mary is fantastic, and it's been wonderful to have her in the house. She helps with cooking, cleaning, Kenna...and she cracks me up pretty much nonstop. Now, as to your second question, about my health...I guess all I can say is that I'm holding steady. I was able to get around without my cane for a few minutes when I was fresh out of bed this morning, but then a little later, my balance got so bad that I had to sit the whole time Mary and I were fixing lunch...and that's kind of how the past week or so has been. Nothing new, though. I'm just holding my own."


  "My health is so not what I want to be discussing, though. My only sister has been off on an exciting adventure at a wolf shifter village, and I want to know details...and I don't mean the basic details about the village that you told me the last time you and Dana came to visit, or the details about the wolf fight you fought in that you told me about, even though that was incredible to hear about. What I really want to hear about is what's going on between you and the two alpha wolves you said you're sharing a house with. Is there anything romantic going on with either of them?"


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