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Passion and Sand; Taming the Rebel

Page 8

by Andromeda -

  "I love you...," she breathed as their bodies moved as one, her back arching to offer up her breasts. "I love you from now...until the end of time.”

  Slowly, her legs moved up to wrap around his waist to press him close, to have him deeper. Never in her life did she think she could fall in love with such a man, but she did not ever wish for this single moment, this single act of their passion to change.

  He didn’t need to hear her words, he knew every one of them was true. His lips found hers again, pulling the small woman into him fully. The great German kneeled as he held his lover, one hand at the small of her back, one at her shoulder and neck, bouncing her slowly, softly in his lap.

  Together, they were warming the cold night better than any fire, each sound they made was soft and passionate, loving and gentle. He would pull from her slowly to change their position, a smile on his lips. He took a place behind her quickly, his lips falling to her neck, a hand sitting atop hers, while his other curled around her body, pulling her into each slow thrust, palm against her belly, fingers rubbing her sensitive mound and pearl.

  Her hand reached up to hold his neck to press to her own as the air around them filled with the passionate sounds of their lovemaking. As she moved her body with him, she closed her eyes as their pace moved in its sensual rhythm. Tilting her head to the side to bare more of her neck for him, she loved it when he kissed her neck, but she soon turned her head, as best she could, to press her own lips to his own, desiring his kisses.

  His ring and index finger caressed her petals, as his hips met hers, over and over, slow and gentle. The moonlight shone down, but the air around them was still so warm. His low groans and deep grunts of pleasure fed directly into her mouth, the kiss lasting, each breathing through their noses as they held it so firm and tight. His other hand gripped hers tightly, curling his fingers into the spaces between her smaller ones, the German Chieftain claiming his African Princess. They were bound. Meant to be it seemed. Both enslaved, yet finding happiness in each other’s arms.

  Her climax was creeping closer, but she tried to hold it off as her tongue wrapped around his own, listening to his groans and grunts of pleasure, answering with her own deep moans and breathy gasps. She wanted this moment to last forever, but between his fingers and him inside her, she knew that she wasn't going to last much longer. As she felt her climax nearing, she clenched her sex around him, signaling that she was close, so very close and she wanted him to finish with her.

  His body reacted in time with hers, pushing in deep, as far as he could within her. Groaning into the kiss, breaking it to bury his face in her neck, taking in her scent, her taste, the sweat on her skin, the aroma of her body in heat, all of it. He groaned deeply as his release overtook him, and he poured his creamy passion into her body. He tried to push himself as deep as he could. The hand on her belly worked small circles like it was rubbing it into her fertile walls through the muscle and skin.

  His voice was soft, a whisper almost. “My one…and true love…”

  “My one…true love…,” she repeated, holding him close.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It did not take long for word to pass through the palace that Kaiser and Ayanna had officially laid together, and Aurora could not be prouder. She was happy that her life-long friend that finally found love and happiness, but she had to handle something.

  Ayanna had told her what Aurelia had done to Kaiser, and when she found out, she was infuriated. She had never liked Aurelia and knew how to get to her. She was going to kill her brother. Not by her own hand, of course, but by his own foolishness. Not only that, but it would handle her own ‘baby’ problem.

  One night, at a banquet, she served Aurelian a cup of wine that was laced with a drug that would make him dizzy, and give the appearance of him being drunk. Everyone knew he loved to drink, and no one would doubt her works of what she had planned.

  Towards the end of the banquet, she invited him back to her chambers, which she knew he would not refuse. He was too prideful to do so, and when she laid back on his bed, she grinned and pulled her dress up in clear invitation.

  Aurelian, drunk with the wine, the drug and the idea that the emperor’s daughter wanted him, leapt upon the bed and tried to kiss her. Aurora maneuvered herself so that she was perfectly under him, and began to scream. The sound brought the slaves and guards from all around, the latter of whom pulled an astounded Aurelian off Aurora.

  The emperor was called, and Aurelian was thrown at his feet, while Aurora fell into his arms sobbing. The emperor rubbed her back, whispering comforting words as Aurora sobbed crocodile tears and began to tell the tale of Aurelian appearing in her chambers, drunk and forcing himself upon her.

  “She is lying!” Aurelian protested, though his words were slurred. “I did no such thing!”

  “Do not lie to me, boy!” the emperor spat. “You were found on top of her, her dress in your hands.”

  “She invited me to her chambers!” Aurelian insisted. “I swear before the gods!”

  “The gods will punish you for your falsehoods!” Aurora cried, burying her face in her father’s shoulder. “Please, Papa. I can’t look at him!”

  “I want his head!” the emperor ordered. “Now!”

  “No!” Aurelian yelled. “No! I am innocent! Please, I am innocent!”

  None heeded his words as he was dragged from the chambers, kicking and screaming. Aurora watched him out of the corner of her eye, a smile curving on her lips. That was one problem that had been solved. The other had to be acted to perfection. Thus, a couple months later, when her belly began to swell, she told her father that it seemed that Aurelian had assaulted her further than they had thought.

  He had gotten her with child. The emperor was furious. He wanted to have the now dead Aurelian’s family killed, but Aurora begged for their lives. He wanted her to abort the child, but Aurora was against it. She convinced him that the child was innocent in all this. It had no fault in the sins of its sire. In addition, it was a part of her, and she could not bear to kill it. But she would consider giving it to an orphanage when it was born.

  However, she knew that she wouldn’t do such a thing. At least now she could be open with her belly as it grew. There was one very important factor that she had forgotten, however: she still had not told Artemus.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Ayanna panted as Kaiser bounced her in his lap. They were in his cell, as it was the only true place that they could meet, but his cell had been moved. Barack ad assigned him to the cells closer to where Artemus’ was located. The slaves called it the ‘Cells of Champions’ as there were only five, and they were the best in the gladiatorial barracks. Artemus, of course, held the best one, but Kaiser, surprisingly, had been given the second best.

  The German had made a name for himself for being virtually undefeated in all his matches. More match winnings meant more favor with the emperor. More match winnings meant better food and lodging. More match winnings meant more intimate time with Ayanna, which was all he truly cared about.

  She groaned, her head tilting back as he pushed himself deeper and deeper into her warm depths, burying his face between her breasts as his pace increased. They normally spent every night like this, in each other’s arms or laying side by side, talking about this past.

  He suddenly tensed and then groaned deeply, pouring into her as he held still, panting heavily to catch his breath. Sweat coated both their bodies as they held each other close, though he gently laid her back, then withdrew.

  “How I love you, Bärchen,” he said gently, kissing her.

  Bärchen was his new name of affection for her. It meant ‘Little Bear’ in German, and he explained to her that he called her thus because of her ferocity in battle, but also because of the warmth and comfort she brought to others. She didn’t have a name for him, but he did not care.

  “I love you, too,” she said with a smile as she sat up. “But I must go tend to Aurora…the baby is making her irritable.”

  All of Rome knew that Aurora was pregnant by now, but they all thought the father was the man she claimed ‘assaulted’ her, Aurelian, who’s head now decorated the Hall of Traitors.

  “Must you leave so soon?” he asked, watching as she reached for her gown.

  “I will be back,” she said with a smile. “Just give me a couple of hours.”

  He grabbed her waist and pulled her down into his lap so that he could kiss her neck before he let her go. As he watched her leave, his eyes locked onto her ample swaying hips. He sighed and got up from his bed to walk to the basin to clean his face for him to get ready for the day.

  It felt strange to have a bed instead of a cot, to have a basin to clean his face, a personal slave to tend to his needs and more. It all felt so strange, so foreign after feeling oppressed by the Romans for so long. He did not know if this was the feeling of ‘freedom’, or just his leash being loosened by a notch.

  He went out to the training arena and smiled when he saw Aleron talking to his wife. The woman was slim, with pale-blond hair with two little children on her hip. She kissed him gently before the guards escorted her away and out of the arena. Jogging over, he decided to tease his friend playfully.

  “Well, she is beautiful,” he said with a smile.

  “The most beautiful woman in the world,” Aleron breathed. “I miss not being able to see them as much as I could.”

  Kaiser tilted his head. “You know, you did not tell me how you became a slave. You do not sound like one of us.”

  “I’m not…entirely a slave,” Aleron admitted.

  He took a deep breath and explained that he was what was called a ‘halfway slave’. Born in Rome, he had heavy debts when the man he had invested all his money with ran off with the money. The debtors were pressing down hard upon him, and Aleron had a choice: sell his wife and children into slavery, or sell himself as a gladiator to fight for money to pay off his debts. He chose the latter, and though he was at risk of losing his life every day, he knew he had to do it for the sake of his family.

  Kaiser listened carefully, and though he was surprised that he was in fact a Roman…, he found it did not change his opinion of him. He still viewed Aleron as his friend, and would always view him like that.

  With a smile, he patted him on the back and tossed him a practice sword. “Alright then, Roman,” he teased. “Let us see if you can match a German in battle!”

  “You…you do not think less of me?” Aleron asked.

  “No,” Kaiser said as he shook his head and then smirked playfully. “Just know that I will bear down harder on you for it. Now pick up your sword. Form one!”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Aurora panted softly as she sat down on the stone bench, her hand upon her belly. She could sense that the time was getting close for her to bring this child into the world, and she was greatly nervous. She had heard the terrible stories of women dying in childbirth, some children being born monsters, and some dying after spending no more than a couple hours in this world.

  Not only that, but she still had not told Artemus that it was his. The Greek had been refusing to see her ever since word had spread that she had become with child, and she did not know why. Yet, she could not go into childbirth with him angry at her.

  “Ayanna,” she called when she saw her friend come out with cool glasses of wine. “Can you come here for a moment?”

  Ayanna walked over and sat at her side. She listened to Aurora’s instructions and did not like them. “Aurora, it is too dangerous,” she said. “Much too dangerous. He might not see you and what if the guards—”

  “I have to try,” Aurora said firmly. “He is the love of my life, and he deserves to know that I am carrying his son.”

  “You believe it is a boy?” Ayanna asked.

  “I know it is,” Aurora answered. “What kind of man like him would give me anything but a son. Please, Aya, I am begging you.”

  Ayanna’s lips tightened, but she stood up nonetheless and walked away to do as ordered. Inwardly, she felt that this was a terrible idea, but on the other side of the coin, he did deserve to know that Aurora was carrying his child.

  The plan was simple. Aurora would sneak into Artemus’ cell and try and talk to him, but the guards were going to be a problem. She could bribe a couple of them, but not all. Hopefully, the ones she could bribe were on duty tonight.

  As she entered the barracks to figure out a plan, strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her against a hard chest. Kaiser kissed the back of her neck and nibbled gently while his right hand slipped under her skirt.

  “Hallo, Bärchen,” he whispered as he nibbled. “Why the rush?”

  Ayanna relaxed at his touch, sighing softly with a smile. “I am on a mission for Aurora…and if you keep touching me like that…, I am going to be late…”

  “You seem tense, Bärchen,” he said. “Allow me…to relax you…”

  She wasn’t sure, yet the movement of his hands and fingers was making it increasingly impossible to say no. “Alright…,” she sighed. “Maybe…I can take a little break…”


  He pressed her back against the cold wall, lifting her up slowly with a hand on her rear, her legs parting to sit on either side of his hips, his lips finding her gently. His other hand rested against the wall, taking hold of hers, intertwining his fingers against her smaller ones as he pressed his lips to hers.

  Her body responded instantly. Her fingers lacing with his own to hold them tight, as her legs spread wide for him, her heated sex pressing against his shaft. Her lips moved with his, slowly, sensually, in a sacred dance. Slowly, they parted, which allowed her tongue to move forth and find his own. He grinned, pressing against her fully, his hips moving back to let the tip of his shaft nudge her sex, sliding against it, and into her only a bit.

  “You know,” he said softly, “for a virgin…, your appetite seems to be limitless…”

  “That is because you are the cook,” she answered. “And I must say…, your meals are unlike any other…”

  He grinned, biting at her softly, pulling her in by the small of her back, caressing her body just above her plump, rear cheeks. Playfully, he slid himself just an inch inside her, before he withdrew and then pushed back in again, clearly teasing her to get her to beg.

  “So…, how long until Aurora will miss you…?” he asked.

  She groaned softly at him playing with her. “I…I don’t know…”

  His shaft slid into her, a nice hard thrust, all the way to the base, and then another two lighter pushes inward to make sure he was all the way inside her sex. He kissed her firmly on the lips, his tongue slipping into her mouth this time. The hand that was joined with hers moved behind her head to make sure she didn’t hit it against the stone wall. Gently, he pulled her lower end in close, her legs hanging to his sides, as he whispered for her to wrap them around his waist for a better hold.

  Her body obeyed, wrapping around his waist tightly as she held onto his shoulders for support. Pulling her lips from his, her head tilted back to bare her neck for him as she wiggled her hips a bit, showing him that she was ready.

  With a firm grip on her back, his thrusts came hard and fast. His lips fell to her neck, but went south this time, finding her bosom. Licking at her flesh, along each breast softly, tracing the underside of each, along her cleavage, before peppering each nipple with his soft touch. He'd catch one between his lips, suckling at it, biting at her nipple, giving it a playful tug with his teeth as he slammed into her sex, giving it to her much rougher than the night before. Her body had adjusted and now would feel the brunt of his lust.

  Her body bounced with his hard thrusts, her toes curling as she felt him deeper than before. Sometimes, she wondered how deep he really was inside her, not that she was complaining at all. She absolutely loved it rough, and her hands pressed his head closer to her breasts, wanting him closer. He grinned, his lips taking her nipple as they did her mouth, closing o
ver it over and over, suckling lightly, tongue running along the darker flesh, rounding out her areola each again and again.

  She was his. And she belonged to him now.

  He was hers. And he belonged to her now.

  There was just them, their love and passion within each other.

  As he moved within her, he tried to make sure that her back did not get torn by the constant sliding up and down the rough stone walls. Yet, he could soon feel his release nearing, and he buried his face in her neck to try and muffle his deep grunts and groans of pleasure that he got from her body.

  “I…I have to go soon…,” she panted. “Aurora…will need me…”

  “I…am…almost there,” he grunted in her ear. “Just give me…a couple of more minutes.”

  Holding her hips, he slammed her down upon himself faster and faster, to try and bring them both to a powerful climax. It soon crashed upon them, both letting out deep groans of satisfaction when they reached their peak. He grinned, kissing her deeply as he poured into her and then carefully withdrew.

  “I hope Aurora won’t mind you coming back to her sweaty, and smelling like my passion,” he teased.

  “I highly doubt it,” she said with a smile back as she fixed her clothes. “But now because of you, I need to go and bathe.”

  He smirked, the image of her round breasts bouncing as he took her in the bathing pool greatly appealed to him. She, however, playfully smacked his forehead to snap him back into reality.

  “I shall see you later,” she chuckled. “Goodbye, my love.”

  He watched as she walked away with a smile upon his lips, before he, too, left the spot. As he left, however, he did not see the cloaked person who lurked in the shadows. A dark hood was drawn over their heads, but they had seen everything and were beyond furious at what they had seen. This was not to be tolerated at all.


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