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The Prince of Warwood and The War of Kings

Page 16

by Clinton, J. Noel

  “Hi,” she whispered when he stumbled to a stop in front of her.

  “H… hi. Wow! Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

  Robbie giggled and kissed his cheek.

  “You’ve already told me that, but thanks! You look fantastic yourself,” she commented, stroking the lapel of his jacket flat.

  Suddenly, the crowd burst into thunderous cheers and applause, and the king escorted his new bride through the throngs of people crowding closer to get a good look at the royal couple. As his father approached Xavier, he grinned. “There you are, kiddo. We have the front table.”

  “Can I sit with Robbie, Dad? It’s yours and Lana’s day, not mine. You’re who everyone wants to see. Please?”

  Jeremiah hesitated, but Lana answered quickly, “I don’t see why not, honey. Go and sit with your friends and enjoy yourself.”

  Xavier grinned up at his stepmother before looking to his father for confirmation.

  The king laughed. “Far be it from me to disagree with my bride before we’ve been married for more than an hour.”

  “Thanks!” he chirped as he took Robbie’s hand, and the pair scurried through the crowd to a table their friends had confiscated for themselves.

  “Hey, X! Great wedding! Boy, did your dad lay it on Mrs. Applegate in the end!” Garrett laughed.

  “Yeah. He sure did,” Beck commented cordially before adding, “Hope the queen didn’t get knocked up from it.”

  Xavier laughed uncomfortably before shoving his friend. “Shut up, Beck.”

  “What? I’m just saying that I wouldn’t want be anywhere near the palace tonight. I doubt anyone will get much sleep with those two going at it,” he remarked crudely, nodding toward the king and queen.

  “Ew… stop Beck! Geesh. There’s something seriously wrong with you, mate. Why would you even bring up my… my… parents having sex tonight?”

  “What? I’m just saying what everyone in this room is thinking,” he responded innocently.

  “Yeah, well, would you want to hear it if you were in my shoes?”

  Beck shrugged. “Fine. I’m just saying you might want to stay with Hardcastle tonight, but I’ll stop talking about it.”

  Xavier eyed his friend dubiously. “Okay… thanks.”

  The group settled around the table.

  “Hey, Xavier. You can stay at my place if you want,” Court whispered to him.

  “Okay. Thanks, Court.”

  After a full-course meal, a few tables were quickly cleared and the lights lowered for dancing. Several couples had already made their way onto the dance floor when Xavier looked at Robbie.

  “You wanna dance?”

  “I’d love to,” she answered, smiling.

  Taking her hand, Xavier led her onto the dance floor. His heart pounded loudly in his chest, and he ached to hold her. Then he turned and she slid into his arms. She felt perfect there. He nuzzled against her, trailing small kisses up her neck. He felt her shiver against him, and he squeezed her tighter. She pulled back just enough so he could kiss her properly.

  When the kiss ended, Robbie’s large dark eyes looked up at him and he lost his breath.

  “Do you ever think about what it would be like when we get married someday?” Robbie asked.

  “All the time,” he whispered.

  She smiled. “I can’t wait until that day. I’m ready to marry you. I’d marry you tomorrow if our parents would allow it.”

  “Me too,” Xavier whispered, kissing her lightly on the lips.

  “Hey, X!” Beck’s voice interrupted their kiss, and begrudgingly, Xavier withdrew from Robbie’s sweet, soft lips.

  “What?” he asked grumpily.

  “Check it out, man,” he answered, gesturing to the king and queen dancing on the dance floor, completely oblivious to the people around them for they were kissing, really kissing. “Good thing they’re wearing clothes.”

  “Beckley Wilson! How dare you say such crude things about the king and queen! Shame on you!” Robbie spat impatiently.

  Beck had the common sense to look embarrassed before muttering, “Sorry.”

  He drifted off to dance with Melissa, and Xavier hugged Robbie close again.

  “Thanks. Beck is a great guy and friend, but he goes overboard trying to be funny sometimes.”

  “Yeah, I know. I think it’s because he doesn’t have a mom. She died in childbirth. It’s just his dad and him.”

  Xavier knew this of course, and it was one of the reasons he felt close to Beck. “Yeah. I know,” he sighed, leaning back to look down at Robbie. “I love you, Robbie Minnows,” he whispered, kissing her. Then he pulled her into his arms and they continued to dance.

  Several couples had joined them on the dance floor, but everyone else sat at tables watching the king and queen dance. Every now and again, people would glance at the prince before whispering to those at their table. Some looked at him in reverence, whereas others looked at him apprehensively, as if he would explode at any moment. Sighing at the unnerving attention, Xavier concentrated on the girl in his arms. She felt good there, and she smelled so good too. He kissed her neck and smiled as she shivered in response. Still smiling, he looked over her shoulder at his father and Lana dancing and kissing, oblivious to everyone around them. Xavier sighed contently. Beck may have gone over the top in saying it, but he was right. Xavier needed to find somewhere else to sleep tonight.

  Chapter 17

  “Are you sure about this, Xavier?” Robbie asked.

  “Yeah, man. The king will kill us if he finds out!” Court responded.

  “Don’t be such babies,” Erica spat, rolling her eyes. “I think it’s a brilliant plan!”

  Court eyed his girlfriend before looking at his friend meaningfully. “You do realize that if your only ally in this hair-brained idea is Erica, we’re totally screwed. Right?”

  “Besides, you don’t even know how to drive!” Robbie spat.

  “Dad let me drive once on the moor between the kingdom and Razorbill Cove. Come on, guys! Won’t it be fun to get away from all the stares and whispers and just spend some time alone? I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of all the whispering behind my back. Half the kingdom looks at me like… like I’m a god or something, while the other half looks at me like I’m going to explode and kill everyone at any second.”

  Robbie took his hand and gave him a reassuring smile.

  Court groaned in defeat. “Okay, mate. We’ll go. What’s the plan?”

  Xavier grinned.

  That evening as the king entered the residence, Xavier raced to take his briefcase as he peeled off his jacket. Lana smiled warmly at the king and the couple embraced in a welcome-home kiss.

  “Dad,” Xavier prompted, waiting impatiently for the couple to come up for air. “Daaaad!” Yes, he whined like a three-year-old, but he couldn’t help it.

  Finally, the king looked down at his son with his wife held tightly in his arms. “What is it, son?”

  “Well, I was wondering… well, actually Robbie, Court, Erica, and I were wondering if we could have a picnic in the woods for dinner tonight.”

  “Son, I’m not sure that’s a good idea. With recent attacks and infiltration in the kingdom, I don’t like the idea of anyone being out after dark.”

  “We weren’t planning on being out late. I promise. I… I just need to get away from everyone staring at me… judging me. I need some time with my friends. Please? We’re only going to be gone for a couple of hours or so.”

  The king sighed and looked at Lana. “What do you think about this?”

  “If he and the other children are back before dark, I don’t see the problem. The attacks have always occurred after dark.” Lana turned to Xavier. “You are to be home by seven o’clock. Understood?”

  “Yes, ma’am!” Xavier exclaimed, hugging his parents before racing up the stairs and grabbing a bag he had already packed for the picnic. Seconds later, he was thundering down the steps with the backpack over his shoulder an
d barreling out the door.

  “See ya!” he chirped, shutting the door behind him.

  The king and queen stared after the boy in amusement.

  Xavier waited outside the palace door next to the guard on duty, who kept throwing him nervous glances. Xavier did his best to ignore the tension and uneasy thoughts radiating off the guard. He didn’t have to wait long before Robbie could be seen hurrying up the palace drive. She let out a giggle of excitement as she threw herself into Xavier’s arms and kissed him, sending a humming sensation all the way down to his toes.

  “Come up for air already!” Erica’s snide comment announced her and Court’s arrival as the palace door slammed shut behind them.

  Xavier grinned sheepishly at his friends before motioning them to follow him. “Come on. The garage door is on the other side of the palace.”

  The group slipped into the garage, shutting the door firmly behind them. Xavier flicked the light switch, revealing the rows of pristine vehicles.

  “Sweet!” Court announced. “Are these all your dad’s?”

  Xavier puffed up with pride. “Yep. Which one should we take?”

  Court jogged down the rows of cars before skidding to a halt in front of the black Ashton Martin Vanquish. “This! This one!”

  Grinning, Xavier turned to a locked black box mounted next to the light switch. With a flick of his finger, the lock clicked loudly and the door popped open. “What’s the parking number on the wall behind the car?”

  “Twenty-five!” Court shouted.

  Xavier quickly swiped the keys from the corresponding hook and raced to where his friends stood staring at the sleek, shiny sports car. He pressed the unlock button on the keychain and the car’s headlights flashed with a quick chirp. “Well, are you going to stare at it or are we going to take this bad boy for a spin?”

  They climbed into the car and fastened their seatbelts. The group’s excitement and giddiness was so contagious that Xavier couldn’t contain his grin as he started the car and the engine roared to life.

  “Yes!” Court yelled, pumping his fist into the air.

  Laughing, Xavier shifted the car into drive and slowly crept forward toward the garage door.

  “Okay, here’s the tricky part. Robbie, you’ll need to hit the garage door button when I tell you. Then, when you see the garage start to disappear, you’ll need to press the button again.”

  “I don’t understand,” Court responded from the back seat. “I thought you were going to teleport us out of the kingdom.”

  Xavier looked at his friend in the rearview mirror. “I can’t unless the door opens. The garage, like the entire palace, is encased in lead paint and materials. So Robbie will open the door and then close it once we start to teleport.”

  “Oh. Are you sure this will work?” Court asked.

  Xavier glanced at him in the mirror again before looking at Robbie. “In theory, it should.”

  “In theory? Oh, great! And what if it doesn’t work in theory? We won’t end up stuck in the garage door or anything, will we?”

  Xavier shrugged. “I don’t think so, but we definitely won’t be able to go for a picnic next to the sea.”

  The last thing he saw was Robbie’s nervous smile as he closed his eyes to concentrate. “Erica, Court, just stay quiet. I need to concentrate. I’ve never moved anything this big before.”

  “Great! Now he tells us!” Court muttered before falling silent.

  Xavier slowly breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth for several long seconds before whispering to Robbie. “Now, Robbie.”

  He heard the moan of metal on metal as the door began to slide up. He felt his senses opening up, and he could visualize the streets of Warwood until he could see the road just outside the kingdom gates clearly. His hands pulsed with power as he felt its warmth spread through his body and beyond. He heard Robbie press the garage door button a second time, and knew his power was working. Finally, the car bounced as its tires settled back onto solid ground. His friends gasped, and he opened his eyes to see nothing but empty road in front of them. He turned and looked behind them. Sure enough, several hundred meters away the kingdom gates loomed.

  “Holy shit! You… you actually did it! Dude! You did it,” Court exclaimed loudly, thumping Xavier’s shoulders happily and letting out a loud whoop.

  Grinning from ear to ear, Xavier rolled the windows down and slammed the gear into drive again, punching the accelerator. The car roared forward, kicking gravel and dust up behind it as they sped forward.

  “Woohoo!” Court yelled out the open window as the car neared one hundred miles per hour. “This is awesome, X!”

  Robbie’s hand slipped around Xavier’s and he glanced at her elated, smiling face. His heart danced in his chest, and he flattened the accelerator to the floor. Robbie’s squeal was reward enough as laughter erupted from her. The car ate up distance, and in no time, they neared the road that would take them toward the shoreline for their picnic. Xavier slowed the car to the legal speed limit and within a half a mile turned right on Shore Road.

  “Nearly there,” he announced over his friends’ excited voices.

  “Cool! We still have nearly three hours before we’re due home. This is going to be a blast!” Court exclaimed and then planted a long kiss on Erica, who reacted atypically with a giggle.

  When the group arrived at the pebbled beach, Xavier barely shifted into park before Court was thumping on the back of his chair.

  “Come on, mate. Let me out! Let’s go! Let’s go!”

  Laughing, Xavier held his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. Is it okay if I turn off the car first?”

  Soon the group tumbled out of the car, laughing and grabbing their gear. As they approached the beach, Robbie grabbed Xavier’s hand and pulled him to a halt as Court and Erica continued to the beach to find an ideal place to set up for the picnic. He looked down at her questioningly, finding her grinning at him. Her eyes glistened like melted chocolate, and her cheeks were flushed with excitement. Xavier dropped his bag and the blanket he had brought for them to sit on, pulled her to him, and kissed her. It wasn’t a chaste, delicate kiss either. Nope. It was a real, honest, deep, grown-up kiss that had his toes curling and his head buzzing.

  “Crikey! Xavier, mate, you’re glowing pink!” Court blared loudly.

  With a groan, Xavier separated from Robbie and glared at his friend. “Not a word, Hardcastle, or your big toe will become your nose. Got it?”

  Court opened his mouth for a rebuttal, but he turned to Erica instead. “That’s not possible, is it? I mean, he can’t actually do that, can he?”

  Erica giggled and shrugged. “Who knows?”

  “Come on, Court. Let’s see if we can find some wood for a fire.”

  “Sure thing.”

  The boys wandered inland, picking up anything that would burn. There were scarce pickings.

  “This won’t make much of a fire,” Xavier remarked.

  Court frowned. “Nope. I remember a fallen, old tree next to the road when we turned off to come here.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Beat you there!” Xavier remarked before disappearing before Court’s eyes.

  “Show off,” Court muttered as he closed his eyes to concentrate on the log he had seen. When he arrived, Xavier already had a pile of dried wood started and was trying to snap another limb off the fallen tree.

  “Come on! Help me,” he groaned with exertion.

  Once the boys had an armful of wood each, they teleported back to the shore where the girls sat on blankets, unloading food from a basket Robbie had brought.

  “About time!” Erica called out. “We were about to start eating this without you. Hurry up and start the fire. I want to eat—I’m starving!”

  “Sorry for the inconvenience, sweetheart. You try and find wood on a moor that has nothing but weeds, dead flowers and rocks!”

  Rolling her eyes, Erica continued to help Robbie dish out the food on four separate plates while the b
oys dumped the pile of wood onto the rocky shore before stacking it for the fire. Once the wood was arranged, the boys stepped back and looked at one another.

  “Well? Do you want to do the honors?” Xavier asked, gesturing to the kindling.

  Shrugging, Court stepped toward the firewood. “Sure.”

  In no time, the warmth of the fire washed over them, and the boys settled on the blanket next to their girlfriends. Xavier gave Robbie a quick, innocent kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for dinner.”

  Robbie grinned at him. “Anytime! Here,” she remarked, handing him his plate. Cold roast beef sandwich, some sort of potato salad, fruit salad, and cheese.

  “Looks great!” he responded and took a deep bite of his sandwich. It was fantastic! He could taste the rich beefy flavor with onion and cheddar cheese. He groaned appreciatively as he took a second bite.

  “It’s hard to believe Christmas will be here in a couple of months,” Robbie commented with a shiver.

  “Are you cold?” Xavier asked, grabbing his bag and pulling out a spare blanket. He wrapped it around her shoulders before kissing her briefly.

  “Thanks. You’re so thoughtful,” she whispered with a shy grin.

  “Are you two planning any mummering pranks?” Erica asked with a sly, knowing grin.

  “Nooooooo,” Court exclaimed, shaking his head adamantly. “We learned our lesson the year before last.”

  Xavier nodded his agreement. “Isn’t that the truth! Did the rest of the guys stay out of trouble last year while I was a prisoner at King’s Mountain?”

  “Yeah. We just hung out at Garrett’s house, watching movies and playing video games all night long. Nothing too exciting.”

  With a sigh, Xavier muttered, “I hate that I missed it though.”

  The group finished the sandwiches, packed up the food containers and cuddled around the fire. Xavier scooted closer to Robbie and slid his arm around her.

  “Here,” she whispered as she opened the blanket, silently inviting him to share with her.


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