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Exit Wounds

Page 19

by V. K. Powell

  “Those jeans are so tight I can see the outline of what I want.”

  Loane’s quad muscle tensed and trembled between Abby’s legs, and she almost collapsed. She grabbed Loane’s belt for support and yanked gently, twisting as she pulled up. “Are you wet?” This time she was rewarded with a groan.

  Loane’s excitement sent a bolt of heat down Abby’s body and a release of moisture that felt like fire when it licked her flesh. She pressed her center against Loane’s thigh and rubbed up and down, again and again. “I need you.” She heard the urgency in her voice and hated that she couldn’t contain it.

  The loud drunken crowd around them faded into the background and all she felt was Loane—her scent, her eyes clouded with desire, her skin so close and hot, and her body straining for control. How was it possible to want someone so much that everything else disappeared?

  “Abby…” Loane’s hands were on her hips, but she continued to rub against her.

  “Please, Loane. Touch me.” She guided Loane’s gloved hand to her center and squeezed, showing her what she needed. “Right there, just once.” If Loane pushed her away, she’d combust. Abby rose on her toes and closed her eyes to kiss Loane, wanting their joining when she came.


  Loane’s sharp tone startled her and she opened her eyes. Carl Torre was standing in front of them with a wicked grin. She chilled like she’d been freeze-dried. The thought that Carl had watched them in such an intimate moment sickened her. But she was even more upset that she’d allowed it to happen. She’d cheapened what she and Loane shared by putting it on display.

  “Enjoying yourself, Officer?” Carl asked. When Loane didn’t answer, he continued. “Do you like your gift?” Loane’s confusion must’ve been as apparent to Carl as it was to her. He took great pleasure in clarifying. “Abby. I asked her to give you special treatment. I’m sure there’s more where that little taste came from. Right, Abby?”

  Loane looked at Abby, her eyes full of pain, but quickly concealed it before answering Carl. “Great, thanks. But I prefer someone I know.” Her tone was as cold and biting as shark’s teeth as she directed her next comment to Abby. “I’m not into stranger fucks. But thanks for the warm-up.”

  Loane turned away from her and walked toward the woman she’d left the bar with last night. Abby felt the life being pulled out of her with each step Loane took. She started after her but stopped when Carl spoke.

  “Temperamental, isn’t she?”

  “What the hell was that about, Carl? I thought you wanted me to get close to her. How exactly did that help?”

  “I was curious how far you’d take it. Get her back.”

  “Are you crazy? She’s not a stray puppy.”

  “What’s the matter? Don’t think you can do it?”

  Resentment rose in her as she allowed Carl to push her another inch past her boundaries. No one told her what to do in her personal life, but to him this was business. She had to go after Loane to maintain her cover but, more importantly, to explain what had happened. Loane seemed all right with the role-play earlier, but knowing Carl had orchestrated the seduction was probably more than she could handle right now.

  “If you want me to do this, you have to let me do it my way.” She glanced back and forth from the vile man standing in front of her to her lover across the room, being felt up by another woman. “Think fast, Carl, she’s leaving.”

  “Do it. See if she knows anything.”

  “I won’t be back tonight. I trust you can close up.” She didn’t wait for a reply as she pushed and squeezed across the crowded dance floor toward Loane. Her vision tunneled on the brunette pawing the woman she loved. She’d never experienced jealousy, but she’d also never felt so deeply for anyone. The feeling wasn’t so much rage as a sickening dread that drained her.

  When she was finally close enough, without saying a word, she simply held out her hand and prayed Loane would take it. Time stalled and the cacophony of sounds around her disappeared as she waited. And waited. Hurt reflected in Loane’s eyes as she seemed to consider her options. The brunette rubbed her breasts against Loane’s arm and moved in for a kiss. Abby watched the woman’s lips getting closer to Loane’s, and her stomach tightened with the gut-wrenching rejection.

  As she turned to walk away, she felt the smooth glide of leather against her palm when Loane took her hand. “Thank you.” Abby cleared a path to the front exit and, once outside, guided her away from the club.

  “Where are we going?” Loane asked. Her tone echoed the emotional distance Abby felt between them.

  “My hotel room. I’ll explain when we get there.”

  “You’ve been doing a lot of that lately.” Loane’s voice held a slight edge of irritation, but she was glad it wasn’t outright anger.

  “I know, bear with me a little longer.” She wrapped her arm around Loane’s waist and sighed with gratitude when she didn’t pull away. Their chemistry felt so perfect, but the emotional bond fluctuated as their precarious circumstances ebbed and flowed.

  As Loane walked beside her in silence down Elm Street, she looked in the trendy art shops and clothing boutique windows as if seeing them for the first time. A casual observer would have thought they were just a loving couple out for an evening stroll. How Abby wished that were true. Could their lives be so normal, if they ever had a life together?

  When she closed her hotel room door behind Loane, Abby pulled in a deep breath, preparing for the next round of explanations that seemed to do nothing but hurt Loane more. “Would you like something to drink? The minibar is pretty well stocked.”


  She hated it when Loane resorted to one-word responses. It usually meant she’d run out of readily available historical references and was nearing her patience threshold. The stare from her cobalt eyes confirmed it.

  “You came on to me because Carl told you to?” Her tone was like ice.

  “Absolutely not.”

  Loane cocked her head to one side and her left eyebrow arched in obvious disbelief.

  “Well…not exactly.”

  “Jesus, Abby, I thought you loved me.”

  “If you’d listen for a second before you go off like a half-cocked brat.” Abby couldn’t believe she’d said that. The look on Loane’s face said she couldn’t either. She hurried to clarify. “I know this whole I’m-dead-I’m-not, coming-back-into-your-life thing is confusing, but for our sake, please don’t do anything else stupid until you’ve heard me out.”

  Loane hadn’t moved since she called her a brat. “You call self-preservation stupid?”

  “No, I call taking a stranger home to your bed stupid.” Abby regretted the comment immediately. “I’m sorry. That was a cheap shot. I can only imagine what a shock it was to see me last night after wondering for so long. You have a right to whatever comfort you can find.”

  Loane’s shoulders dropped slightly as she moved away from the door. “Then tell me what the hell was going on tonight? I thought you wanted me to play along because we were in the club and it would give us a chance to talk, not because your boss wanted a free peep show.”

  Abby pulled Loane to the sofa across from the bed and held on to her hands as they sat down. She always felt better discussing difficult issues when physically connected. “Carl wants me to get close to you and find out if you had anything to do with the explosion. To him that means physical intimacy, sex, if necessary. I refused, of course, but then thought it might be a perfect way for us to keep in touch without drawing suspicion. It would also help me gauge how much danger you’re in.” She checked Loane’s expression but it gave nothing away. “I didn’t want to trivialize what we have by flaunting it in public, but when I got close to you, I got a bit carried away. Sorry.” Her cheeks burned as she recalled her uncharacteristic behavior in the club.

  Loane sat quietly for a few seconds staring at their joined hands before she looked up. The heat Abby saw in her eyes made her weak. “It was difficult, all the tou
ching, when we aren’t exactly…never mind. You did what you had to. It’s part of the job.”

  She didn’t want Loane to think her behavior was only about the job. “I enjoyed every minute of being close to you. So you’re not upset?”

  “That you enjoyed making out so much that you lost control in public? Not hardly.”


  “I don’t believe you’re speechless.” Loane sat back on the settee and pulled Abby against her shoulder. The gesture was intimate in its simplicity and Abby relaxed into the embrace.

  She closed her eyes and let the steady thump of Loane’s heart fill her with a sense of peace. She’d been alone so long that she’d almost forgotten how much she needed someone, and not just anyone—Loane. “This feels so right.”

  “Abby, I don’t want to give you the wrong idea.”

  “I know. You still need time to think about us, but you have to admit, it does feel good to just sit quietly and hold each other. It’s one of the things I missed most.”

  “It’s best if we stay focused on the case right now. That doesn’t mean I don’t care.”

  “Sure.” Though she agreed, she didn’t have to like it.

  Loane gave her a reassuring squeeze. “What’s our next move, Super Special ATF Agent Abigail Marconi?”

  “That just gave me serious chills. Say it again?”

  “Super Spec—”

  “Not that, the our part.” Just hearing Loane say the word gave her hope. But she was right. They needed to keep an eye on the target. “First, tell me where the guns are.”

  “A storage facility. I’ve got it under electronic surveillance.”

  Abby raised her head from Loane’s shoulder to check her expression. “You’re not kidding. How did you manage that so quickly?”

  “Wish I could take the credit, but I have an associate who was already watching the unit for another reason.”

  “Someone you can trust?”

  Loane nodded. “Vi. She’s actually a bit of a street urchin, but she’s trustworthy.”

  “Have you seen the guns?”

  Loane nodded.

  “This surveillance isn’t exactly legal, is it?”

  “No, but we can use it in the short term until we come up with something that is.”

  “Pretty smug, aren’t you, Landry?” Loane’s voice was full of the old confidence and determination Abby loved to hear. “If we can tie the money trail to the guns, we’re in business.”

  “Maybe you and I should meet with your office person to compare notes and make a plan.”

  “That sounds good. I’ll check with Kinsey in the morning and give you a call.” Almost as an afterthought, Abby added, “What about Bowman?”

  She could tell by the silence that Loane wasn’t happy about including Dan Bowman in anything. “What about him?”

  “I probably need to brief him on what I’m doing. We might need him later.”

  “If he thinks you’re making progress, he’ll want to assign another cover officer. It’s protocol. Too many people in the mix can be a problem. Why don’t you send him the financial stuff and let him play with that? It’ll keep him busy while we follow up other leads.”

  Abby nodded. “But everybody already thinks this case is over.”

  “Exactly, and it’s to our advantage to keep it that way.”

  “I can’t wait until it’s done. I want to move on…hopefully with you.”

  Loane pulled her close and they huddled together for several minutes before she spoke. “And to clarify, I didn’t ‘take a stranger home to my bed.’” She fingered air parentheses for emphasis. “I freaked out when I saw you at the club. I wanted to have sex with her, to get you out of my head, but I couldn’t. Jeez, I even called her Abby. How lame is that?”

  “It’s fantastic.” Abby struggled to contain a laugh. “At least I won’t have to take out half of Carl’s staff and clientele because they’ve slept with you.” She nuzzled against Loane’s neck and whispered her next request, unsure how it would be received. “Would it be possible for us to sleep together tonight, just sleep? I’d like to be close to you again.” She heard Loane’s heart rate increase as she waited for her response, praying she wouldn’t have to let her go yet.

  “I’ll spend the night, for appearance’s sake, but I can’t sleep with you, Abby.”

  Loane waited until Abby was ready for bed and tucked her in. Then she curled up on the sofa and snuggled under a blanket. Abby’s heart was breaking. What if this was as close as they would ever be?

  Chapter Seventeen

  Loane snuggled into the softness against her cheek and inhaled a familiar flowery fragrance. She slowly opened her eyes and the hotel room came into fuzzy focus, light streaming in through the partially shaded window. Abby was sleeping upright on the floor beside the sofa, her head leaning against the cushion close to hers. Loane sniffed the spot in front of Abby’s ear below the hairline that always held her unique scent. Her senses absorbed it like a drug. Abby’s mop of wavy brown hair fanned out across her shoulders and Loane wanted to bury her face in it, then feel it cascade across her body as she writhed beneath her. Satisfied that Abby was real, she leisurely examined the dips and curves of her body, trying to memorize each one.

  Several times during the night she’d woken and checked to make sure Abby wasn’t a mirage. Though Abby slept on the opposite side of the room, Loane felt her presence. Even fully clothed, physically exhausted, and with no suggestion of sexual intimacy, it was the closest she had ever felt to anyone. Maybe she was ready to take the next step.

  She listened to Abby’s steady breathing and, with each affirmation of her existence, felt their bond deepen. This woman represented everything she’d hoped for in a partner—courage to chase her dreams, determination to stay the course, willingness to admit mistakes, and most importantly, vulnerability to show love. Abby had opened her heart, made her want things she’d never imagined, and shared all her secrets in hopes of making a life together. Had she been as honest?

  She hadn’t even told Abby she loved her yet. She’d almost given in last night. Feeling Abby’s body against hers, she’d remained outwardly impassive while everything inside her screamed for their reunion. All she had to do was touch her, kiss her, or say those three words. But her most basic question remained: why hadn’t she been enough to make Abby stay? Would she ever mean that much to her?

  As her body awakened next to Abby, so did her desire. Heat rose like a sudden breeze of desert air. Her body tingled and a hard pulse pounded in her sex. She wanted to pull Abby closer, to explore the energy that vibrated between them. The hunger that clawed at her insides demanded attention, and she needed to satisfy or smother it. But she couldn’t reach out until her emotional commitment was as strong as her passion. Abby deserved no less. Taking a final look at Abby’s peaceful face, she forced herself to move, careful not to disturb her as she slid away. She quickly scribbled a note asking Abby to call and left.

  Her stroll up Elm Street wasn’t nearly as enjoyable as with Abby the night before. She missed Abby’s arm around her waist, the gentle sway of her hips, and their slow pace as if nothing else mattered. The brisk morning air held a hint of autumn, making the empty space beside her more noticeable. Strange how a person she’d known only a few months could change her entire perspective. Abby had a way of making the ordinary extraordinary, and she wanted that in her life.

  She stopped in the street and looked back toward the hotel. Abby was still there, warm and sexy. She could go back and give her a proper wake-up. Looking toward the small alley that led to her favorite sweet shop, she reviewed her options—fresh, flaky muffins and steaming coffee or soft, sexy buns and smoking-hot kisses. No contest. She started back.

  “Good morning, Officer.”

  Carl Torre’s voice, raspy like a pervert and full of self-importance, had become ingrained in her mind. He’d interfered with her plans for Abby twice now, and she wasn’t likely to forget. She started to pretend sh
e hadn’t heard him, but he was persistent.

  “Officer…I said good morning.”

  She turned and looked at him, forcing nonchalance. “Torre.” He held a bag from Loaf in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. It bugged her that he even knew about her favorite bakery.

  “Did you have a nice evening?”

  He had a smug look on his over-tanned face that she wanted to knock off. “Sorry?” She clenched her fists until her nails bit into her gloved palms enough to hurt.

  “With my new manager, the gorgeous Abigail Mancuso.”

  When he used Abby’s undercover name, she composed herself. He didn’t know Abby at all if he thought she’d go along with his sick scheme to seduce her for his benefit. However, it was imperative that she maintain Abby’s cover. “Absolutely, wonderful night. Thanks for that. How can I ever repay you?”

  Carl waved his hands as if she’d offered him money. “Not necessary. Come by the club occasionally and check on her. Who knows? I might need your special skills one day.”

  “And what particular skills would those be?” She tried to smile but feared it came off as a smirk.

  His gaze swept the area around and behind her, never resting on her. “You know cops, jack of all trades and master of none. I’m sure your talents extend beyond female seductions and fruitless surveillance.”

  So Ray and Tiny had reported their initial encounter on the street to him. Good. She wanted him to think she was curious, but not enough to pursue a police investigation without being paid. If he thought she was motivated by money, he’d drop his expectations and his guard. “You get what you pay for and police departments are notoriously cheap. I’m not easily bought.”

  “I’ll remember that. Well, have a good day. I’m off to Miami. When you see Abby, tell her I’ll expect a call later today.”


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