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Whirlwind Bride

Page 21

by Debra Cowan

  After the railroad arrived in ’81, several hundred folks arrived and organized a church along with their businesses. That same year, town lots were auctioned and Abilene established. The town’s residents had voted in January to incorporate, and an election was scheduled in the fall for a vote to make the bustling town the new county seat.

  Whirlwind seemed to have almost as many businesses as Abilene, but not the constant motion or the sense of anticipation that permeated the air, as if something big were about to happen.

  Riley secured rooms for them at the Texas Crown, located on First and Cypress. The hotel was so new that the scent of fresh pine greeted them as they walked into the spacious lobby. The long, light green structure faced south to First Street, with a dining room downstairs and hotel rooms upstairs. Inside, a long gallery ran the length of the building’s south wall.

  After seeing everyone settled, he and Davis Lee left to find the magistrate and make arrangements. Riley kissed the baby and told Susannah he’d be back as soon as he had things worked out.

  She couldn’t help wishing he’d given her a little kiss or some reassurance that she was doing the right thing. Well, her uncertainty wasn’t his fault, she told herself, trying to focus on the here and now.

  Lorelai let out a cry and Susannah realized it was time for her afternoon feeding. Once the baby was satisfied, Susannah placed her on the bed and surrounded her with a soft wall of pillows. The baby’s gaze followed her mother as she washed off the dust and grime from the ride before putting on her wedding dress with Cora’s help.

  The sun had finally pushed away the clouds and now shone brightly through the tall plate glass window of their room.

  Her friend pulled her in front of a gleaming cheval mirror. “Oh, honey, you are beautiful. That dress never looked so good.”

  “Nonsense, Cora. I would love to have seen you on your wedding day.”

  The other woman hugged her tight. “Look at yourself.”

  Susannah did, her stomach churning nervously. The white satin had aged to a creamy eggshell and glowed warmly against her skin. The square, fitted bodice was cut just above her cleavage, with three-quarter-length sleeves. The full skirt made her waist seem small. Not as small as it had been before Lorelai, but nicely defined. Her eyes glowed bright blue.

  She flattened a hand against her stomach, trying to stem the flutters there. It wasn’t as if this were a real wedding, but she was nervous nonetheless. Had she done the right thing in accepting Riley’s proposal? He was certainly the man she wanted to be her baby’s father, but had she made that decision because of the desire she felt for him? Had her feelings clouded her judgment?

  She’d always imagined this day would happen in St. Louis, surrounded by her family, attended by her mother. An ache pierced her heart and she dabbed at a tear in the corner of her eye.

  “Missing your mama?” Cora asked quietly.


  “I’m sorry she isn’t here.”

  Susannah thought back to the stricken look on Ginny Phelps’s face when she’d told her parents about their grandchild. “It’s probably for the best, but I’m sorry, too.” She summoned a smile. “Thank you, Cora, for being such a dear friend.”

  “I feel the same about you.” The older woman stepped back and adjusted Susannah’s sleeves. “You really are gorgeous, honey. Riley will be speechless.”

  “I hope not. At least until the vows are said,” she said lightly.

  A knock sounded. “You ladies ready?” Davis Lee called.

  Cora hurried to the door, exchanging a few words with him before she returned to Susannah. “Let’s fix your hair.”

  “Is everything okay?” She couldn’t quite shrug off the anxiety tightening her shoulders. What if Riley had changed his mind? What if she couldn’t go through with it at the last minute?

  “Everything’s fine. Riley spoke to the magistrate and he’s coming here to perform the ceremony.”

  “Here? Oh, my.” She took in her day dress tossed across the end of the bed, her valise open with her nightdress hanging out, as well as an extra chemise.

  “Well, I meant the suite Riley reserved for y’all tonight. It has a sitting room, and Davis Lee said the ceremony would be held there. Won’t that be nice?”

  A sitting room? Riley had spared no expense. “Very.”

  Cora unpinned Susannah’s chignon and brushed out her hair. Gathering the curls into a loose fall, she secured them with Susannah’s pearl hair ornament high on the back of her head so that the heavy mass brushed her shoulders. “You look perfect.”

  Susannah’s mouth was dry, her pulse thudding hard. This was the right thing, she told herself. She’d thought it out. She was following her head, not her heart. There was no better father for Lorelai.

  Cora picked up the baby and opened the door. “You ready?”

  Susannah felt as giddy and uncertain as she had the day she’d first arrived at Riley’s ranch.

  When she walked into the sitting room, richly appointed with tasteful beige settees and a burgundy floral rug, she couldn’t stop a gasp of surprise. From the polished dark wooden floors to the delicate wrought-iron miniature chandelier overhead, the room was beautiful. The heavy brocade drapes at the window had been drawn, throwing candle-soft light through the room.

  “Lordy, you’re a vision.”

  She turned toward Davis Lee’s voice, coming from a corner behind her. Riley stood beside him, his jaw slack, his gaze coveting her hungrily.

  No man had ever looked at her the way he did. A blush heated her cheeks.

  Davis Lee elbowed his brother. “Say something, you idiot.”

  Riley’s gaze tracked over her and he shook his head, but the appreciation in his eyes was clear. She admired his broad shoulders covered by the dark cloth of his dress coat, the white shirt that made his bronze skin even darker. Dark trousers fit nicely, but couldn’t disguise the massive thighs beneath, the power in his taut body.

  She searched his rugged features for any of the uncertainty she felt, but saw only heat and possessiveness. That he was here and still willing sent relief rolling through her.

  Davis Lee stepped over and took her hand, brushing a kiss atop her glove. “You’re beautiful, Susannah. Maybe I should take Riley’s place.”

  “Thank you.” She smoothed her hands down the sleek skirt. “Cora loaned me her dress.”

  “It didn’t look like that on me, I can tell ya.” The older woman switched Lorelai to her other arm and adjusted the back of Susannah’s skirt.

  “Shall we get started, folks?” the magistrate said. “I don’t mean to hurry through such a lovely occasion, but I’ve got to get to a dinner.”

  “Of course.” Susannah slid a look at Riley, wishing he would say something.

  He walked over to her, his eyes hot and gleaming like polished steel. “You ready?”


  His gaze traced her features and a smile curved his lips. “So am I.”

  He took her hand and they walked the few steps to the center of the sitting room, to stand in front of the man who would marry them.

  Cora took her place on Susannah’s left and Davis Lee on Riley’s right. The ceremony passed in a blur, with Riley’s deep voice guiding her. He kissed her, slow and sure, to seal their vows, and she refused to allow any more doubts. It was done, for better or worse.

  After congratulating them, the magistrate left. Davis Lee walked over to a heavy mahogany sideboard and opened a bottle of champagne, then offered a lovely toast. Susannah wished she could register a single one of his words, but her nerves were a jumble of anticipation and uncertainty.

  With his arm around her, Riley led them all down for a sumptuous dinner in the hotel’s grand dining room. Throughout the meal, Susannah often found his gaze on her, heated and blatantly sensual, which caused a jump in her emotions from hesitance to impatience. Soon, the meal ended.

  “I’ll say goodbye tonight.” Back upstairs, Davis Lee halted outside Riley a
nd Susannah’s suite. “I’ll be leaving first thing in the morning to get back home.”

  “Thank you so much for coming, Davis Lee,” she murmured.

  He kissed her cheek. “Welcome to the family, Susannah. I think you got the better brother.”

  She smiled at Riley, who shook his brother’s hand. Davis Lee pressed a kiss to Lorelai’s head, then to Cora’s. “Good night, ladies.”

  Riley’s hand curled on Susannah’s waist and her nerves fluttered.

  “I’ll put the baby to bed,” Cora offered. “She’ll be fine tonight.”

  Susannah bent to kiss her daughter, her heart clenching when Riley did the same. “If you need me—” she began.

  “We’ll be fine.” The older woman hugged her with her free arm. “And so will you,” she whispered.

  “Good night, Cora.” Riley kissed the woman’s cheek, then told Susannah, “Go in with them if you want. I don’t mind waiting.”

  She thought his offer kind, but wanted to walk into their room with him. The truth was she didn’t know if she could go to him alone. It seemed brazen somehow, as if she were offering herself to him out of gratitude for loving her baby. “I’ll let Cora put her down.”

  “Good night, then.” Their friend disappeared into the room where Susannah had dressed earlier, leaving her with Riley in the hall.

  His lazy half smile traveled through her with the punch of liquor, and a shiver raced up her arms. He opened their door and she started in.

  “Hold on, darlin’. We have to do this right.” He swept her up into his arms.

  She gave a surprised laugh as he stepped across the threshold. He shut the door with his foot and slid her to the floor, her body skimming against his. Their stomachs touched; her breasts pressed to his chest, making her feel winded.

  “You smell good,” he murmured into her hair as his hands stroked her back.

  Her smile was wobbly. His touch burned through the satin of her dress. She might not be pure, but she’d never experienced such a combination of anticipation and apprehension. With everything in her, she hoped Riley wasn’t put off that he wasn’t her first.

  She glanced around the room where they had married. A kerosene lamp burned low on the polished wooden table next to the settee, casting a soft light through the room. A doorway to her right opened into the bedroom, and she slid a sideways look at Riley.

  “If you’re not ready—”

  “I am.” She held his gaze. “I want to be your wife. In every way.”

  A savage light flared in his eyes and he folded his hand into hers, leading her into the bedroom. The ornate head-board and thick mattress drew her eye to the center of the large room. The decor was tasteful, in a pale green and the same beige as the settee in the next room. Bright white sheets were turned down with the thick, pale green coverlet. Fat pillows were plumped at the bed’s head.

  In here, too, an oil lamp burned. The soft amber light dipped into the creases of the heavy drapes drawn at the tall window, puddled in a warm circle on the wooden floor. A chair sat in front of a large mirror and vanity. She caught a whiff of the light rosewater scent she’d worn today, the deep musk that was Riley. Her pulse throbbed.

  “Do you like it?” he asked.

  “I love it. You didn’t have to do all this.”

  “I wanted to. It’s not every day people get married.” He tugged her to him, taking her lips in a dizzying kiss.

  Her hands gripped his shoulders as a wildness stirred her blood.

  “Mrs. Holt,” he murmured against her lips.

  “Mmm?” She opened her eyes, quivering at the raw need that drew his features taut.

  “I want to see your hair down.”

  Mesmerized by the dark desire in his eyes, she lifted her hands to accommodate him, but he stopped her.

  “Let me.” He moved to stand behind her, strong and warm against her back. Delicious heat pooled low in her belly.

  Gently, he removed her pearl ornament and her hair tumbled to the middle of her back. He gathered the curls in his hands and buried his face there. “You smell like sunshine and flowers. I’ve wanted to see you like this for a long time.”

  “You have?”

  Sliding one knuckle along her jaw, he angled her face to his, taking her mouth in an open kiss that quickly edged her from languorous to excited. Still standing behind her, he caressed her breast through the satin of her dress, making her ache to feel his hands on her bare flesh.

  She wanted to touch him, undress him, but wasn’t sure what to do. She’d never mastered any skills at lovemaking, always following or waiting passively. Urgency burned inside her now and she didn’t think she could wait with Riley.

  “Do you like that?” His hand kneaded her through the satin, his thumb grazing her nipple.

  “Yes, but—”

  “Tell me.”

  Catching her bottom lip between her teeth, she placed her hand over his and moved it across her shoulder so that he pushed her sleeve down.

  “You bet, darlin’. If I do anything you don’t like, you let me know. Deal?”


  “I want this to be good for you.”

  Her palms damp and itching to touch him, she nodded, wanting him to hurry and yet take his time.

  “And if you like something, you can let me know, too.” His voice deepened with the same desire simmering inside her.

  Lowering his head, he nibbled kisses along her collarbone and down one bare shoulder. She arched her neck, rested her head on his shoulder. His hands busily pushed aside her other sleeve, causing her bodice to pull tight across her breasts and heighten the sensations tickling her nipples. He dipped one finger into the valley between her breasts and she pressed her legs together against the wetness starting there.

  His hands moved down the back of her dress and he fumbled the buttons open, sliding the bodice completely off her arms. Her nipples, now peaked, strained at the transparent linen of her low-cut dress chemise.

  She had to touch him, tried to turn so she could undo the buttons on his crisp white shirt, feel the warmth of his skin next to hers.

  He stopped her, his eyes blazing blue fire. “One second, darlin’.”

  “You don’t want me to touch you?”

  “Oh, yes, I do. But I’m being selfish right now. I want to get my hands on you first. I haven’t forgotten how you looked that night,” he said in a hoarse whisper, “and I want to see you again. This time with nothing between us.”

  She flushed, her body aching.

  “You’re wondrous, Susannah. Wondrous.”

  Could the awe in his voice be real? And really for her? He may have seen her in the altogether when he’d delivered the baby, but she still had inhibitions.

  His hands slid around to rest under her breasts, setting off a hum in her blood that made her light-headed. “Okay?”

  “Yes.” Her breath lodged under her ribs, stoking the anticipation inside her.

  He kissed her neck and she held him to her with one hand on his thigh, the other cupping his head. His hands, callused and tender, reached up and untied the satin ribbon holding her chemise together. The garment parted and he filled his hands with her breasts. Her own hands tightened on him and she drew in a sharp breath.

  Watching his thumb graze her nipples had her going wet between her legs. She pressed into him, her hips lifting involuntarily to his arousal, throbbing hard against her bottom.

  She couldn’t take her gaze from his hands, playing with her, his bronze skin dark against the pale magnolia of hers.

  “You’re quite somethin’, Mrs. Holt.”

  A restlessness she’d never known filled her. “I want you to kiss me.”

  “There?” His voice was deep and husky.

  “Everywhere.” She turned to him, looping her arms around his neck and meeting his kiss.

  Even while he ravaged her mouth, he shoved her dress to the floor, then loosened the laces of her corset and pulled the restrictive undergarment from her. Her
chemise followed.

  Needing a breath, wanting to see all of him as he saw her, she drew back. His eyes burned into hers. Her hands went to the few buttons of his white shirt; he undid the cuffs, helping her pull the garment over his head.

  He was magnificent. His broad chest, slightly less bronzed than his hands, rippled with muscle. Golden-brown hair whorled in the center of his chest, then arrowed into a thin line to disappear beneath the waistband of his trousers.

  Amazed at the tempered strength in his chest, she touched him. His flat nipple tightened. He toed off his boots, peeled down her stockings and reached for the fastening of his trousers.

  She stepped out of her shoes, reaching for his hand. “Let me?”

  A muscle in his jaw flexed. He held her waist as she unhooked him and slid down the zipper, pushing down his clothing. His erection strained toward her and she lifted her gaze to his, asking a silent question.

  He nodded, the veins on his neck corded. He stood completely still, his muscles quivering. She took him in her hand with a firm gentleness and stroked him, amazed at the steel velvet feel of him.

  His eyes flashed and his hand moved between her legs, his finger sliding inside her silky heat. She gasped, her body going soft as she eased closer to him. She needed to touch him, feel him inside her.

  With one arm curved around her waist, he lifted her and took her breast into his mouth. She drew in a sharp breath at the pleasure that pricked her like a silken needle. He suckled her, causing a deep-reaching tension inside her to wind tight.

  “Susannah, darlin’, if we don’t move to the bed, I’m gonna fall down.”

  So was she. He carried her the short distance, laying her gently on the mattress and coming down on top of her. His hand worked her with achingly slow strokes. Pressure built low inside her and she felt the longing shift to need. Restraint quivered in Riley’s body. Her hips rose against his, his flesh supple and warm against hers. Running her hands up his oak-hewn arms, she drew him closer, kissing his lips, his jaw.

  Shadows played over their bodies. His eyes were blue-black, his features sharp with desire.


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