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Redeemed Book 1: A Military Stepbrother Romance

Page 8

by Snow, Lucy

  I braced myself. “Yes, Harrison, of course I want to know.” More than anything, I wanted to know what drove him, what was going through his head about me.

  Harrison finally turned to look at me, a new fire burning in his eyes, like he’d finally found some wellspring of confidence deep inside himself, confidence that finally let him say things he’d been meaning to say for a long time.

  “It’s because I’m crazy about you. I have been from the start. And I’ve never been able to have you, and it’s been horrible. Having you so close to me like that, but so far away. Never being able to touch you the way I wanted to.”

  I sat back in my seat, stunned. A complete loss for words. It took me way longer than it should have to find something to say.

  “You want me?” That’s all I could manage to get out in the moment. There was no way he was telling the truth. This couldn’t be happening to me, not now of all times and of all places. I needed to know more, but I couldn’t handle it.

  I just needed to get out of there. I’d heard the words I’d secretly wanted to hear for years but right now they were the last words I needed.

  Harrison looked deep into me with those eyes of his, eyes that I’d dreamed about but always seen thrown another way. “Yes, Laurel. I want you. It’s always been you, and I haven’t been able to navigate around that. And it’s been killing me for years. It’s why I had to go away.”

  I tried to open the door but it wouldn’t budge; the handle was broken. “Let me out!” I cried, trying to force it with words, pounding on the window in a futile gesture. I wasn’t gonna get anywhere like that. “I need to get out of here!”

  Calmly, Harrison spoke. All traces of his revelatory outburst were gone. It was like it never happened. “I have to fix that handle, Laurel. It’s been like that for a while. I never got around to it. I’ll come around and open your door. Relax for a second.”

  I watched Harrison get out of the car and walk around the front toward my door. He moved slowly, but with a little more confidence than I was used to. It looked like he’d been holding back what he’d just said for a long time. He looked so relieved to have said it, to have put it out there, but I could tell he was still worried about how I’d respond.

  So was I.

  He arrived outside my door and I let the handle spring back to its resting position. Harrison reached down and opened the door and offered his hand to help me out. I took his hand in mine, feeling its warmth and steadiness; I placed one of my wobbly legs on the ground and stood up, glad to have my feet back on the ground even if I felt completely unstable.

  I stood there, in the door way of the car, my hand still covered up and held warm by Harrison’s hand, his hot breath on me as he looked down, expectantly.

  I will never know exactly what possessed me next, but it must have been mulling over what Harrison had said about wanting me all this time. All I know is that I threw my customary caution to the cold wind of the winter night, threw my arms around him, and I kissed my stepbrother as hard as I could.

  He was taken aback, I could tell, but after a second of confusion, Harrison returned the kiss and we stood like that in gap between the door and the car and Harrison wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in while our tongues danced together.

  It was perfect.

  It shouldn’t have been.

  It was wrong and it wasn’t allowed and it could get us into trouble.

  But it was perfect and I didn’t want it to stop.

  Not for anything in the world.

  I leaned against him, feeling my breasts pressing against his chest. and trusted him to keep me up. I knew he would.

  We’d figure out what would happen next some other time.

  For now I just needed him to hold me and to not stop kissing me.

  Harrison seemed only too happy to oblige. He pulled me in and for the first time I could feel his hard length pushing against me. The cock I’d seen a few hours earlier in the bathroom, bare and gorgeous, was now closer than it had ever been, but we were separated by mere millimeters of fabric. So close.

  Just the thought of him so close and so turned on, just for me, made my mouth water, and I felt myself get wet. I wanted him to pull me in even closer, I wanted him to tear off our clothing right then and there in the street.

  I wanted to do naughty and animalistic things with him. I didn’t care anymore.

  It felt like an hour later when we finally separated, both of us panting in the frigid air. “We gotta get you inside,” he said, looking me up and down, almost devouring me with his eyes. I liked it when he did it. “In that get up you must be freezing.”

  “You’ve kept me warm so far,” I giggled. “To your room?” I wanted him to take me there, somewhere it was warmer, somewhere we could be alone, somewhere we could do whatever we wanted.

  He gave me a stern look. “Laurel, I can’t. I want to, you know I do, but not here, not tonight, after all you’ve been through.” He was taking the responsible stance. Never in a million years would I have guessed that would come from Harrison. I was the responsible one!

  I pressed myself toward him again, my hands on his chest, flexing my fingers to grab onto his muscles and pull them toward me, my ear against his shoulder. “But what if I want to?”

  Harrison pushed me a way, ever so gently. “I want nothing more than to do terribly naughty things with you, Laurel. I’ve thought of little else for years. But we need to figure this out.” He paused. “And you need a good night’s sleep.” He pulled me in again, this time looking around us, as if to keep watch while I nuzzled against his warm embrace. I could have stayed out like this all night if it meant staying this close to him.

  Harrison was right, of course. I didn’t want to admit it, but he was right. As much as I wanted him and as much as I was overjoyed to hear that he wanted me, despite how confusing and weird that was, it would be really bad if we just jumped into bed together so quickly. Especially after what had just happened.

  “You’re…right, of course, Harrison. Good thinking.” I tried not to sound glum, but I knew I wasn’t selling it very well. I was disappointed, I didn’t want to let go and I didn’t want to stop moving in this new direction of ours. I wanted to go faster.

  He smirked. “Oh, I’m not all good. I’ll be thinking even naughtier thoughts about you from now on.” As if to emphasize is point, he took my hand in his and rubbed it over the outline of his cock, long and hard, pushing against his pants.

  “About me? Your sister?” I fluttered my eyes at him as best I could, which must have looked sexy as hell given my demolished and running makeup, a large part of which was probably deposited somewhere on Harrison’s jacket and shirt. I couldn’t care less, and apparently Harrison didn’t take offense either.

  “Stepsister. Very very different.” That was an important point and I’m glad he was the one to make it. Whatever weirdness there might be about what we were doing, I wanted to get it out of the way as soon as we could.

  More time for the fun stuff, then.

  “Of course, my mistake.” I batted my eyelashes again. I didn’t know how other girls did that, it wasn’t as easy as it looked! How did you keep from tiring out your eyes?!

  “Get inside and go right to bed. We’ll see each other tomorrow.” It sounded like an order, but despite my disappointment that we couldn’t play any further tonight, I wasn’t in any position to argue with my rescuer like that.

  “Promise?” I just wanted to see him again, spend time with him alone. We had a lot to figure out together, and I couldn’t wait to get started.

  “Yeah. It’s late, get some rest.”

  I gave him one more quick kiss, that ended up being a lot longer than I expected when Harrison growled and pulled me in again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped up. He lifted me up easily and I clung to him.

  My hero. My stepbrother.

  And maybe more?

  After Harrison finally broke the kiss, I let myself fall down off him, and we st
ood like that, smiling at each other.

  “OK, get going.”

  “You’re not coming in?”

  “I’ll be in in a few minutes, you go on.”

  “Ok. Good night, Harrison.” I stepped away from him, feeling our connection sever and wanting it back immediately.

  I could wait till tomorrow, though.

  I made my way through the snow piling up the steps toward the front door, and just before I opened it, I turned back. Harrison still stood beside his car, watching me. “Thanks again, Harrison, for what you did tonight,” I said, just loud enough for him to hear me. “I can’t thank you enough.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  In that moment, I could see a sad look take over the smile he’d been showing me till that moment. I didn’t understand what that meant, but all of a sudden I felt the weight of the last couple hours come down on me, and I could barely stand I was so tired.

  I needed to sleep, and luckily I was almost at my bed. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. I closed the door behind me after taking one last look at Harrison still outside.

  Once the door was closed, I took off my shoes, picked them up, and made my way to bed, tumbling down on it without even bothering to get undressed.

  The last thing I did before I let sleep take over was look out the window.

  Harrison still stood next to his car, focused on the house, the same sad look on his face.

  Chapter 07 - The Touching

  I don’t know how long I slept, but it couldn’t have been long. I woke up with a start, feeling something different in the room.

  “Hey, hey, I’m here,” Harrison whispered. He was in my room. That was new, and totally unexpected. After what happened a little while earlier, though, not at all unwelcome like he’d been in the past when we’d had strict no-enter zones on each of our respective rooms.

  “What’re you doing here?” I asked as I sat up, rubbing my eyes clear of the remnants of sleep. I was wearing just a tank top and panties, what I normally slept in, but with Harrison in the room I felt naked. I squinted at him and saw he wore some light sweat pants and a t shirt that didn’t leave any of his muscles to the imagination.

  I wondered if he owned any clothing that wasn’t form-fitted on him, or was he just too big for clothes to look normal?

  “You know why I’m here…”

  “I really don’t,” I replied, louder at first than I’d wanted, but then dropping my voice down low. “I thought you said we had to wait.” I glanced at the doorway and saw that Harrison had closed it behind him. Sneaky! How did he manage to get in here without me knowing?

  I must be a heavier sleeper than I though; or I must have been way more tired than I felt when I went to bed.

  Harrison’s eyes shone in the darkness like a lion’s, or how I expected a lion’s eyes to shine. “I couldn’t resist you, and I didn’t want to leave things at just a kiss.”

  And then he leaned over, rest his hands on my mattress, one on either side of me, and kissed me long and hard. I moaned, suddenly not caring about the sound and at the same time thankful that our parents bedroom was on the other end of the long hall. We could make a little noise without being caught, if we were careful.

  Thoughts of what would happen if we were caught flew from my mind with the force of Harrison’s kiss, his soft yet strong tongue pushing it’s way into my willing mouth. I wanted him inside me in every way possible and this was just the beginning.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this,” he moaned in between kisses.

  “Then show me, show me what we’ve been missing,” I whispered back, hoarsely at first, unable to process all the feelings and emotions coursing through my body like a live wire all at once.

  “Oh, I will, Laurel, I will,” he breathed on me, kissing down the side of my cheek and down my neck, causing little yelps to escape my mouth with every brush of his lips against my hot skin.

  I yearned for him. I needed my stepbrother and tonight he was there for me. He’d saved me from another guy, and now he was claiming me for his own.

  He shifted downward, supporting himself on his thick upper arms and freeing his forearm and hands to touch me, to run all over me, up and down, finding all the little places that caused me to shake and thrust my body toward him.

  Words or not quite words came out of my mouth in rapid gibberish, punctuated by sighs and moans, as Harrison continued kissing my neck and gently pressing against it with his tongue. I felt my eyes roll up in the back of my head, it was so intense. The only thing I could do was reach my hands around his strong back and neck and hold on, trying to pull him in closer to me with all my strength.

  Arcs of pleasurable energy raced throughout my body, all moving downward and toward my pussy, drenched with my juices as Harrison pushed himself on top of me, sometimes pressing hard and other times pulling back, causing me to thrust my waist out upward, trying to re-establish the contact between our bodies, even over our meager clothing.

  We thrashed about in bed like that and I lost all track of time. Just when Harrison would get me close to the edge with his touching and his kissing, all expertly done, he would feint, pull back and let me come down from the mountains of pleasure he was building inside me.

  I hated that he had this power over me, that he could play my body like a first chair symphony violinist would play the Stradivarius he’d spent years practicing and performing with, and Harrison had never touched me before tonight.

  I knew all this experience came from sleeping with all those other girls in high school and presumably in the military. I knew how girls flocked to soldiers and threw themselves, and their underwear, at them. Right now, though, with Harrison’s tattoos peaking out from the sleeves and neck of his thin t-shirt pasted onto his gorgeous and manly body, any thoughts of jealousy that would normally overwhelm me took a distinct back seat.

  I was having too much fun being the object of Harrison’s affections to be sad I wasn’t the only one to experience this. It was just too good.

  I wanted him inside me. I wanted my stepbrother to fuck me. It felt so strange to have those thoughts running through my head, but not because I thought they were wrong, but because I’d had those thoughts before, but now it was actually a possibility. My step brother held himself above me kissing my body and making me moan with pleasure.

  This was really happening. I didn’t want to let go of him for even a moment, or I would’ve pinched myself to make sure I was still awake. The strength of the pulses rushing through me suggested that I was, But I just wanted to be sure.

  “Oh, Laurel, you don’t know what you’ve done to me all these years,” Harrison briefed on me before setting off again to explore my neck with his tongue and lips. I didn’t even respond, just lowered my hands around his strong back till they reached the scene of his T-shirt.

  “Take this off,” I whispered, needing to feel his skin against mine, only more so.

  “Yes, of course,” was all Harrison said as he sat up, still supporting himself on his knees. I dragged my hands around the front of his waist and left them there on either side, while Harrison reached down and in one fluid motion holds the T-shirt off of him and threw it on the floor.

  He stayed above me like that, striking a pose, giving me an opportunity to ogle him. And although I did. I wanted to explore every nook and cranny of his body with a magnifying glass, such was the perfection I could see on just the surface level.

  His tattoos swirled around his chest and upper arms, dark blue lines in the soft light coming into my room from the streetlight outside. They made him seem predatory, like an animal. An animal barely contained, and yearning to get out.

  Yearning to unleash itself upon the woman he was with.


  After a long moment or two Harrison bent forward again at the waist and held himself above me. Now, with just the thin cotton of my skimpy tank top between us, I could feel his chest pressing even warmer on top of me.

ur turn.” The command implied was clear - and I listened, lifting myself off the bed already damp with the results of our fooling around even though we’d just begun.

  Trying to be as graceful as Harrison was just now, I lifted my shirt off, almost as successfully. Harrison didn’t laugh, but just watched me, a look of lust mixed with a heavy dose of wonder as he saw my breasts come into full view for the second time ever.

  “You are an angel, Laurel,” Harrison let out, before lowering himself on top of me. This time with no clothing in the way our bodies pressed together like they were meant to.

  “Mmm, kiss me, Harrison,” was all I could say in response. What else was there? I wanted him inside me, badly, and he wanted it too. I could feel his hard erection pressing against me, through my panties and his sweat pants. I’d seen his cock earlier in the day, and the stories I’d heard the girls in high school talk about when he passed by, with looks of pure lust in their eyes, were all true: my stepbrother was hung like a horse.

  And soon that giant cock of his would be inside me. If I wasn’t shuddering and moaning from Harrison playing with my body like an artist before an easel already, I would be at just that thought.

  I ran my hands up his neck and to his head, feeling the roughness of his recently shaved head. I idly wondered if he’d let it grow back, or if he’d even have a choice in the matter.

  Harrison took his time now that our shirts were both off and there was nothing between us up top, but soon he couldn’t help himself and his face found its way to my breasts. I full on gasped out loud the first time his lips eased their way across my chest from left to right, deftly avoiding my nipples with his caressing tongue.

  “Mmmm, Harrison, that feels so good,” I whispered. I hadn’t told him yet, and there was no way for him to know, that my breasts were possibly my most sensitive area outside of my pussy. I’d gotten to a point where I could get myself off just from playing with them, a skill I was privately, well, very privately, very proud of.

  But when someone else, say a gorgeous combination of my stepbrother and a soldier decided to focus exclusively on playing with my tits, I was as helpless as possible, reduced almost entirely to a quivering mass of moans and yelps of pleasure. I forgot that I was using my hands to trace the outlines of the muscles on Harrison’s broad back and my arms fell to my sides, splayed out on the bed as I wriggled beneath my stepbrother.


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