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Evocation (The Training of Eileen)

Page 16

by William Vitelli

  He whirled her around to face the throng of onlookers. She looked with horror at the strangers all staring at her, eyes glittering with lust. He tore the skirt away from her and threw it to the side, leaving her wearing nothing but the ripped scraps of her chemise. “Do you see?” he said to the gathered throng. “Do you see how much she wants it?” He pinned her wrists behind her back and held her there, exposed openly to their stares.

  Eileen’s hands gripped her breasts more tightly. The vibrator ran steadily. She gyrated her hips in the air, panting. The visuals spun on in her mind, so vivid she could almost feel his hands on her wrists.

  He pushed her back against the wall, shoving her so hard that she nearly stumbled. His hands pinned her wrists to the wall over her head. “I know you’re wet,” he whispered. One hand held her in place while the other ran down her body, over her breasts, across her mound. Blunt fingers shoved into her. She moaned. He pulled them out of her and held them up. “Do you see how wet she is?” he called.

  She tried to protest. He brought his dripping fingers to her lips to silence her. Automatically, without thought, Eileen did as she had been trained to do. She drew them into her mouth, blanching at the taste, running her tongue around them. The people behind her gasped.

  The fingers left her mouth. She felt him adjust his position, heard the sound of his zipper lowering. His powerful hands gripped her shoulders. “Don’t move,” he told her. “You want this. We both know it.” In one unstoppable thrust, he entered her hard. She threw her head back and screamed in pleasure and pain. He kept her body pinned to the wall while he raped her in front of the store’s customers. She cried out, responding to his thrusts, driving his thick erection deeper. Tears streamed down her face as she came, over and over, her cries of pleasure making it plain how much her body loved what was happening. She stared past his shoulder at the audience, gathered around to watch her be raped, and knew in a secret place inside that their stares only made her body respond that much more.

  The vibrator stopped. Eileen let out a long helpless wail. Her fingers pulled hard at her nipples. A strange electric current seemed to flow through her, from her nipples directly to her clit. She felt herself leaking around the belt. The scene played on in her head, despite the vibrator’s sudden stillness.

  In her mind, she felt his cock harden and thicken. Another orgasm shuddered through her. She longed for the sudden wet spray inside her. Instead, just as he seemed ready to burst, he pulled out of her. His big, strong hands shoved her down onto her hands and knees in front of him. Shame rose inside her; she could feel the eyes of all the watchers on her body like a physical touch.

  The head of his cock touched her lips. She reached for it automatically, mouth open. He drew away. “Look!” he called. “See how slutty she is, how she wants more!”

  She tried to explain to him that it wasn’t true; it was only the training, not her desire, that made her reach for his cock. She tried to explain how her body had been trained to do things that disgusted her, how she couldn’t help herself. Before she could finish, he grabbed her head and shoved his cock into her mouth. It felt hard and thick, about to explode…

  Eileen’s hands clenched on her breasts as tightly as they could. She grabbed her nipples and twisted desperately. It was too much; she screamed, a long squeal of torment and need. Her clit trembled and throbbed.

  And then, unexpectedly, she came. The orgasm was ferocious and uncontrollable. She tightened painfully around the motionless object inside her and cried out.

  It ended as fast as it had started. She panted for breath on the couch, skin slick with sweat. A long, shrill electronic beep came from the vibrator locked inside her, startling her. She looked around frantically. The beeping sounds continued, plainly audible. She tried to cover the belt with her hands, but it made no difference. She pulled frantically at the lock that held it in place.

  Finally, after several minutes, the sound stopped. She breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling was short-lived, though; every few minutes, it chirped, like the sound of a smoke detector whose battery has run down. She realized that when Anthony arrived home, there would be no way to prevent him from knowing about her unauthorized orgasm.

  She pulled her clothes back into place. Her mind raced with the possible consequences. Anthony had punished her simply for taking too long to do what he’d told her to do; it seemed certain that he would punish her even more for this transgression. She thought about his stern voice telling her to get the key to the door. She imagined the long walk naked up the stairs to the attic. Butterflies flitted around inside her. Her pussy tingled and clenched.

  This is crazy! she thought. How can the idea of being punished turn me on? She felt horrified at the idea. Anthony told her that being treated as a sex slave was what she really wanted, and was the only thing that excited her; her body seemed to agree. The notion that she might actually be looking forward to being punished scared her even more than the thought of punishment itself did.

  Chapter 15

  She didn’t have long to wait. The crunch of gravel in the driveway signaled Anthony’s arrival less than half an hour later. She felt her heart race at the sound of his key in the door.

  Between her legs, the device let out a chirp. She rushed to the door to greet him. He had barely passed through before she wrapped her arms tightly around him. “I didn’t mean to, it just happened, I didn’t expect it or anything, it was all just so fast and I didn’t even know I could do that!” The words tumbled out of her in a pile. “Are you going to make me get the key?” She bit her lip and looked at him breathlessly.

  He blinked. “What?”

  The device chirped.

  Time froze again. In slow motion, like the clearing of the sky after a long summer rain, comprehension dawned on his face. “Oh,” he said. “Well, then.”

  He led her by the hand into the living room. “So you managed to have an orgasm, did you? How did it happen?” He gestured for her to sit on the couch. “Did your training device not stop soon enough?”

  She sat, abashed. He sat down on the edge of the coffee table facing her. She squirmed uncomfortably and shook her head. The vibrator chirped again.

  “Hmm.” Anthony took the small, flat remote from his pocket and pressed a button. “There. That should sort out the alarm. Now, tell me about this orgasm of yours.”

  Eileen took a deep breath. “I was at the store and it was running while I was in line at the checkout counter and there was this guy there, and I was thinking about him and then—”

  “Whoa, wait, a minute, slow down!” Anthony grinned. “Are you saying you had this orgasm while you were at the store?”

  “No!” Eileen felt herself redden at the thought.

  “Maybe you should start over.” He leaned back on the coffee table. “I want to hear about it. You were at the store…”

  “I was at the store, and there was this guy at the cash register. I started thinking about him. I didn’t mean to! I couldn’t help it! And then when I got home, I…I kept thinking about him.” She lowered her head, embarrassed. “And then it just sort of happened.”

  “I see.” Anthony scratched his chin thoughtfully. “So you saw someone who caught your attention, and you started having a sexual fantasy about him?”

  She bit her lip and nodded.

  “What kind of fantasy?” He pressed another button on the remote. The vibrator started running slowly inside her. Eileen jumped. Fire crept through her cheeks.

  “I…I thought about him taking me out behind the store and doing things to me.”

  “What kinds of things?”

  She fidgeted. “Things like taking off all my clothes and…and forcing himself on me. And there were other people there too. Watching.” The vibrator sped up. “Oh!”

  “You were fantasizing about this after you got home?”

  She nodded. The embarrassment grew. Being forced to admit to such a shameful thing made her feel shockingly vulnerable.

what were you doing while you were thinking about this?”

  “I—I was…” Her ears burned. “I was touching my breasts.”

  “Show me.”

  She put both feet up on the coffee table, hesitantly, one on each side of him. Her hands slipped up under her chemise. She squeezed her breasts tentatively. A ripple of pleasure flowed through her. “Like that.”

  “Keep doing it.” He leaned forward. “Tell me about your fantasy. Every single detail.”

  “I can’t!”

  “You have to.” His eyes glittered. “Now.”

  The vibrator sped up faster still. Eileen’s eyes closed. Her hands caressed and fondled her breasts. “He dragged me behind the store. I didn’t want him to, but he was so strong. I told him to stop, but he wouldn’t listen. He pushed me up against the wall and he tore off all my clothes.” The vibrator started to pulse. She moaned. “Oh!” Her fingers tightened around her nipples, sending a small shockwave directly into her clit. “The other people in the store saw him drag me out. They followed him out back. He…he showed me to them. He told them that I wanted it. Oh! Oooongh!”

  Her back arched. The entire story came pouring out of her—the way he pinned her against the wall, how her body responded, how he pushed her to her knees, how the gathered crowd saw her reach for him. Her fingers stroked her nipples rapidly. Tension built between her legs. When the vibrator stopped, she scarcely noticed. Her hands squeezed tightly. Her breath came in gasps. “Oh! Oh, I’m going…”


  He took her wrists and pulled her hands away from her body. She writhed on the edge of orgasm, eyes still closed. Her moans trailed off into ragged gasps. “Please!”

  “No. You’ve already got yourself in trouble that way once today. You really don’t want to do it again. Look at me.”

  Her eyes opened slowly. She looked into his calm brown eyes, panting.

  “Did the training device stop before you came?”

  She nodded.

  “So you had an orgasm just from touching your breasts.”

  “Yes.” She felt sheepish.

  “Well. That is an interesting development.”

  “Are…” She gulped. “Are you going to punish me?”

  He gave her a lopsided grin. “Do you want to be punished?”

  “I—” Her eyes found his. She quivered slightly. “I don’t know.”

  “Do you think you deserve to be punished?”

  “I—I think…” She hesitated for a moment before she nodded.

  His hands caressed her thighs. The touch made her shiver. He unlocked the belt and withdrew the vibrator slowly. She felt her pussy clench around it, unwilling to let it go.

  “Yes,” he said. “I am going to punish you. Go get your key. Meet me upstairs.”

  He was waiting for her at the end of the hallway. Her heart beat fast as she unlocked the door. She stripped self-consciously. Once bare, she climbed the stairs slowly. He followed her up into the room at the top.

  Her body trembled. Her eyes fell on the department store dummy. A quick flash of desire flickered through her, followed almost immediately by a wave of shame.

  Anthony stroked her back lightly. “Stand over here.” He led her gently into the center of the long, narrow room, where two metal rings were bolted to the floor several feet apart. She stood quietly where he put her, her heart pounding like a drum. He knelt at her feet to place a pair of thick leather cuffs around her ankles. “Spread your legs wider.”

  She did as he said, meekly. He fastened the cuffs to the rings, so that her legs were held wide apart. When he straightened, he dragged the heavy wooden stocks out of the corner. Her eyes widened. “What are you going to do to me?”

  Anthony did not reply. He flipped open the top of the stock. “Bend over. Put your wrists and neck in here.”

  Eileen, feeling nervous and awkward, leaned forward. Heavy wood closed around her, trapping her. She felt pinned there, displayed in a helpless and available position like an exhibit at a museum. The wooden stock prevented her from seeing anything behind her.

  Anthony ran his fingertips up and down along her bare back, causing a line of goose bumps to rise. “Now, let’s see here,” he said. “You had an orgasm just from playing with your breasts? We’re going to have to give them some special attention, I think.”

  Eileen tugged at the thick wooden boards securing her wrists and head. The holes fitted around her snugly enough to prevent escape. Anthony rummaged through the drawers in front of her. A quiver of fear ran through her when she saw him take out two long pieces of chain, each with a large clamp on the end.

  He moved around beside her where she couldn’t see him. “Now hold still, little whore,” he said. His hand rested lightly on the small of her back. “This won’t take long…”

  A clamp bit into her nipple. The sudden pain made her cry out.

  “Shh. Just one more to go.” Pain flared in her other nipple as the second clamp bit down. He released the chains, which dangled almost all the way to the floor. “There we go. That’s not so bad, is it?” He chuckled. “Though this might be a bit worse.” He knelt beside her. She felt a tugging, then a sense of pressure. When he stood, she realized he had connected heavy weights to the ends of the chains.

  “Now, let’s see. What would be most appropriate for your punishment this evening?” He rummaged through the drawers again. “You’re probably not ready for this one yet…oh, here we go!” He held up a round, stiff leather paddle triumphantly. “Just the thing!”

  A tremor passed through her body. “No, you can’t!” she said. “Anthony, please! It—”

  He walked around behind her and smacked her ass soundly with a loud crack. Eileen jumped. She felt a hot flash of sensation, more startling than painful, that faded almost immediately into a warm glow. Her hands balled up into fists. She squirmed against the stock closed around her neck and wrists and pulled helplessly at the cuffs binding her ankles to the floor. The chains tugged on her nipples. “Anthony! No!”

  He brought the paddle down with another resounding smack. Another white-hot flare of sensation, gone almost before she was aware of it. The glow it left in its wake intensified. She felt small and helpless, held securely like this, unable to escape the humiliating paddling.

  He spanked with a steady rhythm. At each smack, she jerked slightly. The weights at the ends of the chains began to swing slowly back and forth.

  That became the most insidious part of the punishment. Anthony carefully timed each spank so that when Eileen jumped, those evil weights swung in a larger and larger arc. They moved freely beneath her like pendulums on the ends of the chains, dragging her breasts with them, tormenting her nipples with an ever-changing tapestry of pain. Tears streamed down her face. Her ass glowed with fiery heat.

  With each spank, the heat on her ass crept up farther inside her. Before long, she felt her pussy twitching with every stroke. Her clit throbbed steadily, begging to be touched. Before long, she found herself angling her hips up each time he brought the paddle down, hoping he would strike her clit directly. Soon, she was moaning through her sobs.

  “Well, well, well. You are absolutely incorrigible, you know that?” Anthony ran his palm lightly over her ass. Her skin was so sensitive the touch was almost painful. “Your body likes everything that happens to it. Is there anything I can do to you that doesn’t turn you on?”

  “No!” she cried.

  “No, there is nothing that won’t turn you on?” His voice seemed amused. He slipped his hand between her legs. Fingers probed her wet sex.

  “No!” Her face colored. “No, it’s…this is wrong!”

  “You keep saying that. Why is it wrong?” Anthony worked his fingers in and out.

  “Because! Anthony, stop! You can’t keep doing this to me!”

  “Oh?” His fingers moved faster. “Why not?”

  “Because! Because you’re…it’s…oh, God!” Eileen felt a moan escape her lips. “Because it…you’re…” Tears
of mortification streamed down her face. “Because you’re making me like it!”

  “And that’s a bad thing?”

  “Yes!” she wept. “Anthony, this is dirty! You’re degrading me!”

  “Mmm. Yes, I am.” He shoved three fingers deep into her. “And it gets you hot.”

  “No!” she cried.

  “You know what else? It kinda gets me hot, too.” The fingers slipped out of her. She heard his zipper lower. His hands grabbed her waist. A moment later, his cock rammed into her. She gasped. “Oh!”

  He took her roughly, plunging his hard cock deep, over and over. The weights bounced on the ends of the chains. Every painful jerk on her nipples was answered by a thrumming in her clit. Her sobs faded into moans. Her breathing became more ragged, and she tilted her hips back to meet his thrusts. “Oh! Oh! Oh, God! Oh, I’m going—”

  Without warning, he pulled out. She felt herself grasping for his cock and finding nothing. A long wail escaped her throat. “Please! Please!”

  “Please what?” His hand caressed her back.

  “Please, don’t leave me! I need…” Her voice broke. Shame at what she was saying rushed through her.

  “This is supposed to be a punishment, not a reward. Tell me what you need.”

  “No! I can’t! It’s too embarrassing!”

  His hand came down sharply on her burning ass. “You don’t have a choice. Tell me what you need!”

  Fresh tears flowed. “I need you to be inside me! I need to be filled! I need…” Her voice quavered. “I need to come! Please!”

  “So you admit this gets you hot?”

  “Yes!” she sobbed. “It does! I want it!” Her shoulders shook. The weights danced on their chains.


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