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Lindsey's Rescue: A World Beyond Book 3

Page 2

by Michelle Howard


  Zadal’s first assistant skipped to keep up with the rapid pace he set going down the hall separating his work space from his personal. Already he ran behind and Zadal had no intentions of showing late for his first Triad Bridal Meet scheduled this evening.

  “Senate Leader Zadal perhaps I can—.”

  Zadal spun on his heels and pinned the wiry man with a fierce glare. He cut Zumei off before he could finish his sentence. “No. I don’t want help on this. I’ve already made my feelings clear. Do you question my authority in the matter?”

  Zumei shoved a hand through his thinning, dark hair, gaze shifting to the side in the face of Zadal’s annoyance. “No, Senate Leader. Of course not. I only question the wisdom of attending a meet without a spouse partner selected in advance.”

  Zadal tensed, his back going up. He inhaled slowly and exhaled to regain his composure at Zumei’s attempt to gainsay him. This had been a sore subject between them yesterday and today. Crossing his arms behind his back, Zadal asked in his coldest voice, “Do you have a suggestion since you insist on encroaching where you don’t belong?”

  Zumei’s gold skin paled, blue eyes meeting his gaze. “I only meant—”

  “What did you mean?” Zadal snapped.

  Zumei took a hasty step back, fumbling his data pad in his grip. The obvious fear reassured Zadal. He couldn’t let anyone close to him get away with the smallest measure. His status as a bastard made him an open target for belittlement and his newly elected role as Senate Leader opened him to an entire wealth of doubt from those around him.

  Zadal had and would continue to negate all attempts to undermine his authority starting with Zumei, who he’d inherited from the former Senate Leader Darvis. Like a beggar cast out to accept crumbs, Zadal had to keep Zumei until he found another first assistant. Especially since the man also covered the duties of a second. Unfortunately, no one was jumping at the chance to join his household and serve under a man whose mother used to be a sex-service worker. Thus his desire for a Triad marriage.

  If Zadal could connect with a powerful spouse partner and a fitting bride, it would give his status legitimacy and shift attention from his poor birth beginnings.

  “Will that be all, Senate Leader?” Zumei asked, tone properly chastised.

  Zadal held his silence a moment longer, not missing the bitter darkness in his first assistant’s eyes. “Yes, that is all for the day.”

  “Very well.” The man bowed, back stiff as he turned to retrace his steps down the corridor to their offices.

  Zadal continued on the path toward his private rooms. Behind the closed doors, he took a deep breath and exhaled. One by one, he unclenched his fingers and flexed them. This was why he needed a bride. A woman around would help ease his frustrations. Someone soft to allow him moments to vent. Zadal’s mouth curved into a smile. The sex would be a definite plus for having a Triad marriage.

  Thinking about a Triad also meant thinking about a spouse partner. Zadal’s smile fell. His main concern now would be finding someone at the event tonight who’d yet to select a partner and who’d accept Zadal as the third. His rank and position should have assured him someone compatible but as always his birth status as a briot would be a hindrance.

  Chapter 3

  “All passengers debarking please line in an orderly fashion.”

  Lindsey ran through a last minute tally of everything she needed to do. With a lingering glance, she left behind the language disc she’d spent the week studying. She loved learning new languages and spoke several fluently back home. Garulax boasted six native languages and thanks to the discs and length of the journey, she’d mastered two, well on her way to grasping the basics of the third. Hypheti was giving her the most difficulty because it didn’t follow general English syntax and the word order initially threw her off until she figured it out. With time, Lindsey knew she’d get it.

  A small line formed in the departure bay where a silver, multi-winged craft waited on dual electric tracks glowing red. The dull roar of engines competed with the overhead speaker and the raised voices of those present. Uniformed members of the ship moved at a brisk pace, orders called out and hand signals denoting some unknown command. It appeared hectic but no one looked upset.

  “Good luck, Lindsey.”

  A smile of welcome bloomed on her face. “Hi, Rojer.”

  The uniformed man hurried over to her. Rojer Mierkle worked as a crew member on the flights from Earth to other planets. He mainly kept the women aware of each stop but Lindsey always enjoyed their brief, daily exchanges. It had made them friends of a sort.

  “Any second thoughts?” He wiggled his brown brows, a mischievous grin on his tanned face.

  “None. I’m just excited.”

  Rojer offered a two finger salute and returned to whatever he needed to do. Lindsey joined the tail of the line. This crowd was much smaller than the one for the ship leaving Earth and more orderly though the same tangent of nerves filled the air.

  “Name, please.” The attendant manning the line stopped her before she could proceed.

  “Lindsey Ferra.”

  He held a handheld device up to the electronic card clipped to her shirt then nodded. “Confirmed. You can move forward.”

  Heart racing, Lindsey stepped up to the metal ramp leading into the shuttle. Another attendant greeted her before she crossed the threshold, his smile softer than his peer and warm brown eyes pleasant. Toole, his shirt read. He scanned her ID card. “Welcome to Garulax, Lindsey Ferra.”

  She’d done it. Changed the course of her life. Lindsey’s breath whooshed out to be replaced with a warm bubble in her chest. “Thanks.”

  “As soon as the shuttle lands you’ll be directed to the medical center.”

  “Oh.” This was news. She’d submitted a physical with her application.

  Toole stepped back and motioned toward the interior of the shuttle. “You’ll receive your language translator there.”

  So much for studying the language the old-fashioned way. The ride from ship to planet surface was all too short. Besides eager glances at the violet hues of the sky, no one spoke much. As soon as they landed, space-station staff directed everyone to a clear store-front window and arched doorway. The lettering running vertical down an outside pole gave her pause. Lindsey understood the word medical and assumed the second word to be center although it was represented by a symbol instead of letters.

  Going through, she and the other women were processed quickly. When her turn came, the young man read off the personal credential information on a holo screen, glanced at her ID tag and grunted. “Roll up your sleeve, please.”

  Lindsey rolled up her sleeve, ignoring her clammy palms. “I’m not good with needles.”

  “Hmm.” He pressed a tube containing clear liquid to the skin at her lower arm.

  A sharp pinch followed. “Ouch!

  Lindsey glared at the spikes of brown hair falling over his brow but he stayed focused on disposing the tube, then reached for another.

  “How many do I need?”

  Pursed lips and a harsh stare preceded his response. “All permanent residents get a standard three booster inoculation.”

  Another pinch and then the third as her eyes watered.

  “Please turn to the side for the translator.” He held up a silver-hooked tool.

  Lindsey grabbed at her tender arm and flinched as he leaned closer. “Is that necessary?”

  One more glare to make it an all around glare-fest.


  She held still, not feeling any pain. A beat or two later Lindsey thought everything was alright. While he cleaned up his supplies, her ears started to ring.

  “Your processing to Garulax is complete. You can return to the shuttle or walk around the station.” He moved away, pointing at the door.

  The background hum agitated her the moment the medical tech stepped back.

  “Is it supposed to do that?” She asked, keeping her hands dow
n to keep from poking at her ear.

  “What exactly is the implant doing, Lindsey Ferra?”

  The bored drawl snapped her spine straight. Granted, she didn’t expect all healthcare professionals to be her bestie but shouldn’t it say somewhere that if you wear the white coat you have to smile? Although the tech wore a blue tunic top and a pair of black pants, but still.

  “It’s buzzing,” she explained, reaching up to her ear where the probe had poked her. “On the spot you used to insert it.”

  Brown eyes narrowed. “The translator implementation process is seamless and was perfected by one of the greatest scientific minds ever.”

  Lindsey scratched the itch at the site. “Well, maybe I just need to adjust. On Earth I’m allergic to tomatoes and other acidic foods.”

  “This,” the tech bit out, “isn’t Earth.”

  Lindsey exhaled softly. “I know.”

  “If you’re done wasting my time there are others waiting.”

  Lindsey hopped off the exam table and gathered her duffle full of pretty underclothes. At least she understood every word he spoke now. “Thanks. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  She hoped.

  Chapter 4

  Lindsey gazed around at the fancy party in session. The governing body on Garulax hosted this type of events to help the people of their world form what they called Triad marriages. Mentally, she called it a meet and greet session. Dozens of women dressed in beautiful gowns of all styles from the truly skimpy and revealing to the classy yet seductive.

  They didn’t flirt or dance. Not that the music lent itself to getting loose and shaking hips. No, none of that here. Women just huddled in small groups of three or four, talking amongst themselves. A man in crisp formal attire would approach and separate one of the women from the herd to lead her toward another man then the three would leave the elaborately decorated ballroom never to be seen again.

  Lindsey sighed. She hadn’t met anyone yet who met with her approval. This sucked. Sure handsome men were present, some sporting obvious wealth in the clothing they wore but no one who touched her special button. No one who made her heart ping and for twenty-thousand dollars upfront money, Lindsey wanted her heart to ping all over the place.

  Another glance around showed men and women forming Triads effortlessly while she hugged the wall. For all the planning, the work and everything else to get here, she’d not agreed to contract a marriage yet. Not that she hadn’t been approached but Lindsey had ruled out all fourteen of the potential candidates before they’d gotten passed the exchange of names.

  She blew out a breath. At this rate, she could almost see her twenty thousand flying in the wind.

  “Has someone contracted you yet?”

  At the deep voice, Lindsey’s head snapped up. Wearing a simple, black suit, a man she recognized from when she first arrived, towered over her. His hip-length jacket fit snugly across a broad chest, silver buttons fastened diagonally from his right shoulder to his left side. At the waist, the jacket cut away to reveal slim fitted trousers in matching black fabric tucked firmly into black boots polished to a high shine.

  “My lady?” His voice rose in inquiry.

  “I’m sorry?” Lindsey gripped her half-finished punch tighter. Her voice came out a breathless whisper.

  The stranger offered a stiff bow from the waist only, his head never lowering, gaze steady on hers. Ocean colored eyes contrasted nicely with his neatly cut dark hair. “Pardon. My name is Baruk Laars. I wondered if you’d already contracted a Triad.”

  Brushing a hand down the side of her yellow loaner gown, Lindsey stretched her lips into a bright smile to hide her nerves. “Hi. Lindsey Ferra. From Earth. Ahem, Singles Program.”

  His mouth ticked up in the corner. “Hello Lindsey Ferra from Earth and the …Singles Program.”

  Hearing him repeat her words with the same pause had Lindsey blushing. “Right. It’s just Lindsey.”

  Baruk nodded. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  She swallowed and they stood together in awkward silence until she cleared her throat. “So ah, great party here. Are you looking for a marriage?”

  He arched a dark brow and amusement peppered his next words. “I do believe everyone here tonight is looking for a marriage.”

  Her translator buzzed in and out while karma laughed in the background. This is what Lindsey got for all the practical jokes she’d committed as a teen. Once more her cheeks heated but Lindsey persevered and increased the wattage of her smile. “Yes. Of course.”

  “You’ve not answered my question. Are you contracted?” His tone dipped lower and his lids lowered as his gaze took on a sensual cast. Her heart pinged.

  Really, literally pinged. Lindsey’s eyes widened. She pressed a palm to her chest and took a deep breath.

  “Are you alright?”

  The first man who even bleeped on her radar looked as if he wanted to walk far away as fast as possible. She needed to relax but her mouth flapped and no words came out.

  “Should I get someone?” He searched the room, head tilted at an imperious angle and raised his hand as if to summon a servant.

  “No!” Lindsey blurted, then flushed as she drew several stares their way. “I’m fine. And no I haven’t contracted with anyone.”

  “Hmm.” Baruk’s mouth twisted.

  Lindsey could almost hear his thoughts. How fast can I run from the demented lady? Heart still pounding, she counted to ten in her head and eased out a breath. “Sorry. Not sure what came over me. I guess this is all new to me. Leaving Earth, exploring a strange world with different cultures.”

  His broad shoulders relaxed as he angled his body closer to hers. “Tell me of Earth. It’s not a planet I’ve had the pleasure of visiting and no one from there is represented on any of the political planetary committees.”

  Every other word came through translated the rest in foreign words she didn’t quite catch. Politics? At least she thought he’d said that. Lindsey handed her drink off to a topless male servant in black pants holding a tray. Initially, she’d been surprised at the bare chests on display but she’d heard a few of the women giggling about how it was supposed to excite them in preparation for the Triad Bridal Meet.

  Unfortunately, nerves froze her tongue again and Lindsey was unable to think of a single thing interesting to say to hold his interest.

  “Perhaps I was mistaken in your interest,” Baruk interrupted. “I shouldn’t have bothered you. Enjoy your evening.”

  Lindsey’s mouth dropped open and the handsome man walked off without another word, his back view as enticing as the front.

  People stared at her. Men and women. The men wore expressions ranging from appalled to pleased. Her conscious twinged. She may or may not have refused more than a few of them. The women appeared triumphant and the talk in the ballroom increased in volume, avid gazes following Baruk as he crossed the polished floor to speak with two men talking, shoulders propped on the wall.

  “No,” she belatedly whispered, shoulders drooping.

  Worse day ever, she decided and headed off in search of another drink. Or maybe some of the oddly shaped cakes at the buffet table. Cake made everybody feel better.


  “Baruk, dear friend.”

  Baruk gritted his teeth in annoyance at the nerve of the woman even as he managed to smile at the greeting from his best friend Riun. “Greetings, Riun.”

  “Looks like the lovely Earthling turned you down too, I suppose.”

  Baruk focused on one word. “Too?”

  Riun and Sefon both wore expressions of chagrin. “She’s rebuffed all who approached her, including us. Not sure what she’s looking for if she had the audacity to turn you down.”

  Baruk slid his hands in the pockets of his pants, destroying the tailored line his second assistant had made such a fuss about. “I’m no different than anyone else here looking for a Triad marriage.”

  Sefon’s mouth twisted to the side. “Come now, Senate Leader. Of
the fifty women present here tonight at least forty-nine would jump if you but motioned in their direction.”

  “Yes,” Riun added. “Let’s not pretend your wealth and position aren’t a powerful motivator.”

  Which was why Baruk hadn’t approached the other forty-nine women in the room. He’d hoped the blonde woman with the downcast blue eyes could be the one he wanted. She had the potential to be a looker though the yellow dress she wore was awful. It clashed with her hair and did nothing for her creamy skin tones. His second assistant, Kimsha, would have a fit if he saw her.

  “You’ve a bit of wealth as well, Riun,” Baruk said as he shot him a quick look before turning back.

  Riun snorted. “Not on your scale friend. Not on your scale.”

  Baruk dragged his gaze from the Earth woman and faced his friends. “Well, apparently that’s not good enough tonight. She practically ignored me.”

  And he’d gone out of his way to initiate the conversation and express an interest in her home world. Surely it provided an excellent opportunity for her to talk about herself. Women from his experience loved to talk about themselves. Instead, her eyes had glazed over and the brief conversation fell into its second noticeable silence.

  “Maybe Zadal will have better luck. Stars know the women seem drawn to his rough appeal despite his birth status as a briot.” Riun tipped his head for them to follow.

  The Earth woman, Lindsey, walked with determined strides toward his nemesis on the Senate panel. Zadal broke off his conversation with a community activist by the name of Caris, who shouldn’t have been allowed anywhere close to the Triad party this evening. Caris loved to take to the news vid channel she ran to extol the evils of the Senate Leaders and the decisions they made.


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