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Lindsey's Rescue: A World Beyond Book 3

Page 7

by Michelle Howard

  Lindsey leaned her weight into him, debating on if she wanted a replay of last night. Except, he had to go to work and she didn’t, so it wouldn’t be fair. Shrugging she decided to enjoy the simplicity of his touch in comparison to the ravaging desire of the night they’d shared. “Enjoy your day and be safe.”

  He brushed a hand through her hair and released her. “You’re a sweet woman, Lindsey. I hate to leave on our first official day in this Triad but I must. Enjoy your day. Kimsha will be with me but Zadal left Zumei to assist you with clothing and other things you need to settle into your role.”

  Lindsey hid her grimace, securing the sheet back around her torso. She followed Baruk to the front door and waved as he rushed out, Kimsha on his heels. Silence echoed around the house, not a servant about.

  After peeking in several closed doors determined to learn how to navigate the spacious house, she raced back upstairs to her bedroom. First up, a shower in the divine bathroom connected to her room. Lindsey hurried through getting dressed. Like magic, the servants must have taken her clothes from Baruk’s room and cleaned them.

  She found her jeans and shirt folded on her bed along with her bra and panty set. After dressing, Lindsey used the monster-sized closet to put away her silky undergarments and the two nighties she’d brought. Pausing in front of the mirror, she traced the red knot forming behind her ear.

  “Perfect my baby toe. Something’s wrong with this stupid implant.”

  She fingered the tender mark, wincing at the pain from her light touch. Maybe she’d have her husbands take a look at it later. For now she would be grateful it didn’t blink out any more when people spoke.

  Downstairs, her plans to explore the house were dashed by the dark-haired man waiting at the bottom. Zumei tipped his head to the side. “Lady Lindsey.”

  Unease rippled from his intense stare. Lindsey stopped at the last step, keeping her a few inches taller than him and rubbed her hands up and down her bare arms. “Hello, Zumei.”

  “Senate Leader Zadal has tasked me with helping you today.”

  Why couldn’t she have Kimsha with his upbeat cheer?

  Straightening her shoulders, Lindsey let her hands drop to her side. Pushing back her internal disappointment at not being able to wander the house alone, she said, “I’m at your disposal. What should we do first?”

  For some reason, Zumei’s eyes darkened in the face of her pleasantry. “Welsin, the fashion designer, is here to scan your measurements. You will follow me.”

  He turned on his heels and strode down the hall, leaving Lindsey to race to catch up. She smiled at the few servants she passed and came to an abrupt halt when Zumei led her to the next room.

  “Books.” Rows of books, their spines outlined along one wall. They hadn’t been there yesterday. Clear cases filled another wall on shelves in a zig-zag pattern to the wall.

  “This is Senate Leader Baruk’s library. The learning discs belong to him but the outdated books in paper are Senate Leader Zadal’s. He collects them among other ridiculous things.”

  A throat cleared and Lindsey jumped. A man she hadn’t yet met smiled back at her from the doorway. He wore crisp, black pants and a wide lapel shirt in matching black. He offered a deep bow. “Lady Lindsey, congratulations on your Triad marriage.”

  Lindsey relaxed instantly, his friendly demeanor a welcome balm. “Hi.”

  The dark-skinned stranger chuckled. “Hi works.”

  “This,” Zumei interrupted with a sharp glare aimed at Lindsey, “is Welsin. He is one of the top designers for the upper echelon. We are lucky he had time to do a personal visit.”

  Welsin shrugged his broad shoulders and withdrew a handheld device from his pants pocket. “Baruk did me a favor once. It’s a small thing to come to his home personally. Plus,” he added with a twinkle in his dark brown eyes. “I get to see the wife everyone will be buzzing about.”

  Lindsey decided she liked him. Very much. In fact, she preferred him to Zumei, the sourpuss.

  “Do you mind?” Welsin waved at her body.

  Lindsey flushed. “Oh. No, of course not.”

  Broad hands turned her this way and that as he ran the scanner over her body, then keyed in notes with a stylus on the small keypad. Every now and then he hummed under his breath. At one point, Welsin went to one knee and Lindsey gave in to temptation and touched his smooth brown scalp.

  He looked up with a ready smile and she jerked her hand back. “Sorry.”

  “My daughters do it all the time. I had to explain age didn’t like Papa much so I shaved the rest off.”

  Lindsey appreciated his humor. “You can’t be that old.”

  She placed him in his late thirties, maybe early forties.

  “No.” He came to his feet in a smooth contortion for a man his size. “But my Triad wife and spouse partner are each ten years younger.”

  “Do you have something to send over immediately? She can’t be seen in her current clothes.” Zumei’s harsh interjection and glare broke the friendly interaction.

  Lindsey wanted to appreciate Zumei’s efforts, she really did, but his version of help made it difficult. The castigating remarks and contemptuous glances didn’t do him any favors.

  Welsin snorted and held his device screen side up toward Lindsey. Within seconds dress selections appeared and scrolled across a colorful carousel. “What do you think, Lady Lindsey?”

  Beautiful. But she didn’t have the first clue on how to decide. Zumei peered over their shoulders. He clicked on at least twenty dresses and a few skirt and top combos without asking her approval.

  “What about pants?” Lindsey asked after Welsin lifted his arm to stop Zumei’s excessive purchases.

  “No,” Zumei snarled.

  Welsin’s explanation was gentler. “Women don’t wear trousers on Garulax.”


  Zumei’s brows lowered. “Women don’t wear trousers.” He rubbed her shoulder and his look turned smug. “You don’t want to embarrass your husbands already do you?”

  Lindsey sidled away from the oily touch, bumping Welsin. “No.”

  Welsin squeezed her hand but spoke to Zumei in a firm voice. “Enough.”

  Zumei’s mouth snapped closed.

  “I’ll have some things in your size sent over immediately along with several pair of shoes. Tell Baruk I said you’re a priority customer.” Welsin slid his electronic device back into his pocket. He kissed Lindsey on the temple and leaned back with a grin. “Anything you ever need, you call me.”

  “Thank you.” Lindsey really liked him.

  “The pleasure is all mine.” Welsin shot Zumei an ugly look on his way out.

  Chapter 11

  Baruk restrained the urge to throttle Senate Leader Maro. The man argued for the sake of arguing and High Councilor Jakil refused to interrupt the petty squabble taking place.

  Zadal slammed his fist on the circular table the twelve of them sat around. “Enough! Senate Leader Maro’s idea was vetoed last month, the month before and I’m certain it will be vetoed today. I rule we vote now and move to the next item on the agenda.”

  Baruk covered his grin by pressing two fingers over his lips as if in deep thought. When he managed to force back his humor he announced, “I second Senate Leader Zadal’s suggestion.”

  Sharp gasp followed and eyes shifted to his side of the table. Zadal glared. Baruk dropped his hand, face clear of expression. This was their first time attending a meeting as spouse partners. People would talk, gossips would question and there would be those who pondered any decision he and Zadal sided on.

  Nothing he said would change their mindset but his actions would start the ball rolling and clear the way for Zadal and his future success. Baruk only had to make a few points to set things in motion. It started with everyone in this room understanding that going against Zadal in a personal matter meant going against Baruk. And no one wanted to be on the bad side of the Laars family.

  “I’m going to have to agre
e with Zadal and Baruk on this one, gentlemen.”

  Senate Leader Pollan’s support didn’t surprise Baruk. He considered the flashy playboy a close friend. “Maro, give up this campaign and let the matter drop. In fact, can we ask you not to bring it up again?”

  Loose chuckles sprung up around the room. Jakil’s face tightened. “Apparently the consensus is to deny Senate Leader Maro’s suggestion. Let us put it to the vote. All of those against—”

  A flurry of hands went up around the table.

  Maro glared and slumped back in his seat. “No need to dawdle. Move along.”

  “This was the last item on the agenda,” the High Councilor said. “Is there anything else to discuss?”

  Pollan smoothed back the gold waves of his hair. “I think we all should address the bigger topic and since I’m not afraid, I’ll go first.” He winked. “Congratulations are in order for our very own Senate Leaders Zadal and Baruk.”

  A cheer went up and the atmosphere shifted to one of congeniality. The meeting dispersed and Baruk accepted the felicitations of his peers. Zadal hesitated and their gazes met across the table. The men in the room laughed and joked with Baruk while Zadal remained apart despite the Triad including him. The snide half-smile Zadal directed his way stung.

  Baruk refused to accept fault for the way these men treated his spouse partner. Not once had he ever stepped so low. Annoyance raised its ugly head but patience tempered any rash action.

  “The Triad wouldn’t be complete if not for my spouse partner, Zadal Gatar,” Baruk announced, eyes still on Zadal.

  About to make his escape, Zadal froze at the door. Maro coughed. “Well, yes. Congratulations to Zadal as well.”

  After a slight hesitation more congratulations came forth. Baruk ignored Zadal’s dark glare when the others surrounded his spouse partner and Pollan cornered Baruk for a last minute conversation based on the news Kimsha had revealed before he left the house.

  “What do you think about the sudden drop in value on funds in several of the Laars technical companies today? That must have hurt.”

  Fortunately, Baruk had made time to read the update from his second assistant on the subject and squeezed in a conference with his financial heads before arriving at work this morning. Otherwise Pollan’s question could have proved awkward. “I’m not concerned, Pollan. My mother will shore up the dip by purchases guaranteed to mitigate the loss.”

  Diversifying their corporations was how his family worked. Standard operating procedures required a family member to divert money accordingly in such situations. His mother or sister could handle it without a blip on their spending radar.

  “Well, it’s good to be a Laars I guess.” Pollan laughed and elbowed Baruk.

  He didn’t take offense. Pollan spent most of his time and family fortune chasing women and buying lavish gifts. If he didn’t pay closer attention to his own portfolio, he was in for a rude surprise. “I’ve never denied the benefits of my family connections.”

  “Do you think you can weather the storm of having someone like Zadal as your spouse partner?” Pollan winked a gray eye. “I might have fancied forming a Triad with you if I’d known you were in the market.”

  Which explained why Baruk hadn’t informed anyone. News spread fast enough on its own without others fueling the gossip. And while Baruk wanted a beneficial marriage, he didn’t want a political one.

  “My Triad marriage is an advantageous one.”

  Pollan appeared disappointed at the lack of gossip but his expression lightened. “What about your wife? Rumors are jumping that you managed to catch one of those women from Earth.”

  He didn’t catch anything. In fact, Lindsey caught him but Baruk didn’t correct him. Undue interest in his Triad was to be expected and again Baruk needed to thank Kimsha for his forethought on how to handle the comments and questions. He made a mental note to increase his assistant’s wages. “If you want to meet Lindsey, you’re invited to our announcement dinner party tomorrow night.”

  “A party?” Hyan cut in, hearing Baruk’s conversation with Pollan.

  “Yes. In honor of our Triad marriage, Zadal and I are hosting a small get together.”

  Across the room Zadal groaned.

  “An affair for one hundred guests,” Baruk continued.

  Zadal stormed from the room and Baruk broke off his speech and chased the man. He cornered him in the lobby of the senate building.


  “A party, Baruk? Really?” Zadal stopped at the door, running both hands over his short hair. “The company you keep doesn’t expect to mingle with a briot.”

  Baruk slid his hands into the deep pockets of his black robe. “It’s for our associates not my close family and friends, who by the way would accept anyone in my Triad. This is a purely political move Kimsha recommended for business reasons and if you set your pride aside for a moment, you’d see the wisdom of such action.”

  Zadal’s harsh laugh mixed with his narrowed gaze. “You think I don’t know that? I know exactly what a move like this does for me but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “It’s not for you to like.” The man defined stubborn. “It’s for Lindsey. An opportunity for her to acclimate herself to our world and those she needs to connect with.”

  Now Zadal’s attention sharpened. “Are you telling me this isn’t a pity party to ease the path for me?”

  Baruk smiled. “That’s a side benefit. Lucky for you.”

  Laughter snorted out. “I thought working with you was bad enough but being your spouse partner is giving me the same level of irritation.”

  “It’s only fair I get some fun out of the deal.”

  They stared at one another, for the first time taking true measure. Anyone looking at them could easily single out their obvious differences. Zadal made no apology for his brash manner. His broad body and calloused hands reflected his working-class roots. The blond hair on his head was kept ruthlessly short and on more than one occasion Baruk’s former lovers extolled the merits of Zadal’s amber colored eyes.

  Some of them probably left Baruk’s bed and went directly to the other man’s. Zadal might not be considered acceptable Triad material by many women but that didn’t stop them from fucking him.

  The differences didn’t stop at their appearance. Baruk was fully aware of his financial appeal to the opposite sex. The Laars money and family name added another layer of attractiveness to his dark good looks and fit body, while Zadal had no fortune to speak of. None of that negated the fact that together they could have a powerful Triad. The only thing potentially disastrous to their marriage was Zadal’s attitude about his upbringing.

  Zadal sighed. “I admit in this one instance the party is probably a good move.” His brow lifted. “But don’t think this changes things.”

  “On the contrary.” Baruk rocked back on his heels, wondering if Zadal could make the commitment he planned to propose. “It changes everything.”

  “Say it, Baruk.” Zadal wasn’t a fool.

  “Triad marriages exist to protect the woman at the center of the union. We’re either in this together 100% or Lindsey suffers.”

  They both had enemies. Their roles as Senate Leader assured it.

  “What are you asking, Baruk?”

  “We both know Lindsey isn’t what either of us expected. But for whatever reason we agreed to her desire to form a Triad.”

  Zadal tipped his head back toward the ceiling, exasperation evident. Baruk shared his confusion. How had one alien woman with strange ways and speaking snared two men who knew better?

  “After last night, are you prepared to commit, Zadal? Not just on the surface but to give this marriage a chance for success.”

  Would Zadal let his need for validation stand between moving forward instead of looking back?


  Zadal cursed and lowered his head. He wished he could deny the demand in Baruk’s blue eyes but then he thought of their slender wife, the woman who’d gi
ven them her passion freely last night. Lindsey had shared her pleasure with no hint of preference between Baruk or himself. No other Garulax woman would have done such.

  The night could have gone vastly different with a wife from their home world, who would have focused on Baruk, leaving Zadal bereft in the Triad in and out of the bedroom. Was he prepared to give Lindsey what she needed?

  He wasn’t sure but he’d try. “You’ve made your point. I’ll be at your fancy party and make nice with all the angry people who’d rather spit in my face.”

  “Admit it. You’ll enjoy rubbing their noses in your new position.”

  His spouse partner was getting too much enjoyment from Zadal’s predicament. Baruk knew what this marriage would do for Zadal’s status among Garulaxans if he continued to show his support openly.

  To be contrary, Zadal asked, “What new position is that exactly, Baruk?”

  The smug grin he flashed should have warned Zadal. “Why second wealthiest man on Garulax of course. Did you forget as my spouse partner you now have access to a portion of the Laars family funds and my own deeper pockets?”

  How could he when Baruk kept reminding him? If they weren’t at the senate hall, a professional place of decorum, Zadal would have thrown the punch Baruk’s gleeful face begged for.

  Chapter 12

  When Lindsey finished a mini tour on the lower level and returned to her room, undergarments and three dresses lay on what she now dubbed her princess bed. One of Baruk’s disappearing servants must have delivered them. She held each dress up and squealed. One was a rich blue with a scooped neck. Daring holes lined the sides of the skirt to play peek-a-boo with her legs.

  She practically drooled and reached for the second dress. Dark green underlining with a mint green overlay. The fabric was thin enough for the two colors to be visible while worn. It also had a revealing panel along the middle. Clearly risqué was the name of the game in clothing on Garulax.


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