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Lindsey's Rescue: A World Beyond Book 3

Page 13

by Michelle Howard

  “Since I’m the one home with the monsters, I choose to enjoy this night out with adult conversation.” Beline looped her arm through Lindsey. “Now let’s talk about your divine husbands.”

  “If you want to know about laws and city planning, I’m not the one.” Across the room, Baruk arched a brow in her direction, Lindsey waved.

  All night he and Zadal met her gaze constantly, poised to leap to her defense. Their protective behavior ran almost overboard but Lindsey didn’t care. She appreciated the extra concern. Then as if he sensed her thoughts, Zadal appeared in her peripheral vision. The woman Caris from the Triad Bridal Meet had him cornered.

  Zadal glared at the smaller women before his gaze lifted and connected with Lindsey. She wiggled her fingers, causing him to frown. The threatening facial expression didn’t bother her. In fact, Lindsey’s smile widened. He looked good tonight, his blond hair cropped close, one of Welsin’s suits hugging his bulky frame.

  Beline giggled beside her. “My goodness. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Senate Leader Zadal like this.”

  They paused alongside one wall and stared.

  “Like what?” Lindsey asked.


  Lindsey gaped. Then they both laughed.

  “Uh, oh. My husbands want me to meet someone.”

  Lindsey turned and Welsin signaled his wife while Luka looked on.

  “It’s probably about a new client. He pretends he can’t do anything without my approval.”

  Lindsey thought it was sweet. Beline squeezed her hand and went to join her husbands. Zadal had freed himself from Caris and stood next to Baruk and another gentleman she’d yet to meet.

  Caris came over, a sly look on her face. “It’s good to see you again, Lady Lindsey. I’ve been wanting to talk to you.”

  Lindsey kept her eyes on everyone. Excitement at her first, successful party bubbled forth. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get a way to contact you after we ran in to each other at the Triad Bridal Meet.”

  “You wanted to meet with me?”

  Lindsey wasn’t sure why that surprised Caris unless she didn’t have a lot of friends either. “Sure. I should admit I’m not good with conversation on politics. For that you’ll need my husbands.”

  Caris snorted on a laugh. “Umm…no, I don’t want to talk politics. I’d love to just chat with you. Girl talk. Tell me about yourself and Earth.”

  Caris seemed sincere. Thrilled that maybe she’d made another friend, Lindsey spent the next hour talking about her marriage, her happiness and life on Garulax in general. She even managed to find humor in covering some of her not so shining moments. Through it all, Caris smiled and listened.

  “I’m not sure what I expected when I came over,” Caris said at last.

  Lindsey paused in her conversation. “Because I’m from Earth?”

  Only a few here asked Lindsey questions about her world. All of it typical curiosity and Lindsey learned about Garulax in return.

  Caris shook her head. “Because you’re genuinely nice. I’ve also seen another side to the Senate Leaders today. Almost a sneak peek at what’s behind their public façade. Anyway, I’ve overstayed my welcome and Senate Leader Zadal threatened to throw me out since I snuck in.”

  She said it with such humor, Lindsey relaxed. “If it helps I can say you’re my friend and can stay.”

  Caris’ blonde brows rose. “Truly?”

  “Sure.” Lindsey shrugged. The woman had been nice to her the two times they’d met.

  Caris shook her head. “Thank you for the offer but I’m heading home. I have a big piece to work on.”

  With a sashay of her hips and a taunting look toward Zadal, Caris left. Lindsey leaned back against the wall enjoying the respite.


  “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  Lindsey spun, lips parted in surprise. Baruk slid closer and wrapped his arms around her waist. Kimsha outdid himself today in helping her prepare. Long blonde waves curled in spirals about her shoulders and down her back. Light make up gave her lips a shiny peach look and the painted gold at her eyes lit the blue spheres up with their familiar glow of happiness.

  She wore a slim fitting white dress that fell to strappy shoes. A dangerous side split flashed a glimpse of her legs all the way up to her thighs when she walked. The back sold the dress and Baruk would have paid ten times whatever the dress was worth for the design alone. Its halter style left the smooth lines of her back bare. He inched his hands up from her hips and caressed the delicate bumps of her spine just for the sheer joy of the skin to skin contact.

  Lindsey shivered. “Your family is wonderful.”

  “Thank you.” Baruk dipped his head and ran his lips along her cheek. “They like you.”

  Her body leaned into him, pressing the mounds of her breasts into his chest. Baruk imagined her in the lacy things of her home world. The thought of her tiny underwear with sheer fronts, silk flowers in interesting locations and barely there strings at the sides caused his heart to skip a beat, since he usually made a habit of removing them with his teeth.

  His hands lowered until he cupped her round butt cheeks and squeezed. The bras as Lindsey called them were even better. Filmy bits of silk. Sometimes they pushed her plump globes up and other times the see through material revealed her berry colored nipples budding tight against it.

  “This means no more parties, right?” she asked with a cheeky grin, her arms draping over his shoulders as she teased the ends of his hair.

  Baruk chuckled and nipped the tip of her shell shaped ear before straightening. He tugged her closer if possible, aligning their hips. She relaxed further. When her fingers twirled around his hair, Baruk groaned his answer. “None.”

  “Thanks, Baruk.”

  She thought she’d manipulated her way but he’d promised and would not go back on his word. “Any time, wife.”

  Her gaze grew slumberous and her nipples stabbed his chest. “You’re a decent guy.”

  Those weren’t the words he wanted to hear when he held her. Baruk nudged his lips against her temple and backed her up into the wall, his weight holding her in position. He shifted his hands from the enticing flesh filling his palms and cupped her jaw. “Why does Zadal get a shortened name but you always call me Baruk?”

  Until he mentioned it, Baruk didn’t realize how much it bothered him. The two seemed to have developed a subtle connection between them. It flared when they were all in bed together. Zadal’s darker edge pulled an immediate reaction from their wife and while Lindsey responded to Baruk as passionate as ever, he’d noted the difference.

  “Zadal needs to feel as important as you in our marriage. You understand your worth but I sometimes think he doesn’t.”

  He hadn’t expected such an insightful answer and she’d nailed his spouse partner perfectly. Showing a rare sign of insecurity, Baruk asked, “Do you prefer him?”

  Baruk’s muscles tensed as he waited. He wanted her answer to be a resounding no. He wanted to be as important to her as she was to him. Zadal was right in saying she was unique. Never before had he felt this vulnerable around a woman.

  His mother and sister expressed pure delight after meeting Lindsey. There wasn’t a single person here tonight who didn’t think she was special. On top of that, Lindsey didn’t realize how unusual she was and gifted everyone with her sunny disposition.

  “No!” Lindsey clutched at his shoulder and pulled his head down low to whisper, “I care for you both equally. I don’t know how it happened but you’re important to me.”

  Each breath stroked the sensitive skin of his ear. Baruk thrust his hips against her and covered her hands with his own. “You’re important to me as well, Lindsey.”

  Her lids fluttered and Baruk kissed her. His tongue slid between her lips in a soft caress, sucking her bottom lip then releasing it.

  “Baruk,” she gasped, pulling away. “I don’t think we should be doing this at the party.”

  Verat! She was right
. As usual, Baruk lost his head whenever he had Lindsey in his arms.

  “Tonight,” he said, releasing her before he forgot where he was.

  She winked. “Tonight.”


  The night was perfection. Lindsey stared at her reflection in the mirror as she washed her hands in the restroom. Baruk’s family seemed pleasant, his friends’ way more welcoming to her and Zadal than anyone at the events attended by his professional peers. She straightened with a last check to make sure her appearance remained as put together as when Kimsha helped her prepare.

  Well, it was an almost perfect night, Lindsey corrected. Senate Leader Pollan awaited her when she came out of the bathroom.

  “Lindsey, Baruk is going all out to welcome you to his family.” He blocked the hall leading back to the ballroom with a subtle shift of his body.

  They were alone and for once not a servant in sight. Lindsey fought the discomfort his presence gave, not liking the way his lips curled when he made the announcement. “Hello, Senate Leader Pollan.”

  Lindsey had a better understanding of who he was. In addition to working with both of her husbands, Pollan was a very good friend of Baruk’s family. A fact she’d discovered when she noticed him at the party earlier. Up to this point she’d managed not to be alone with him.

  “Have you thought more about our last conversation?”

  Lindsey cringed. “I think you have the wrong impression of me. I’m quite happy with the way things are with my husbands.”

  Pollan’s gaze flickered. He stepped closer, forcing Lindsey to stumble back into the wall beside the bathroom door. He braced his hands on either side of her, caging her with his frame. His gray eyes darkened to murky depths and hinted at a vein of cruelty.

  “This has nothing to do with whether either of us is happy.” He toyed with a strand of her hair. “I’m curious about a woman of your beauty. Surely you can understand my fascination. You come here from a strange world and end up with two very powerful men.”

  Lindsey swallowed, her gaze searching the hallway. She could make out the strains of music from the ballroom but they were alone. Not one single person walked by.

  “You seem fairly intelligent despite the stories Qual is spreading on the feeds.” Pollan slid his fingers deep into her hair and pulled. Lindsey gasped as her neck arched up. His fingers tightened as he leaned closer and murmured, “I have to admit, I’m extremely attracted to you.”

  Lindsey raised her hands like claws and dug into his shoulders. “You need to let me go. Now!”

  “One kiss.” His mouth lifted in a taunting smile.

  “Kick rocks!” Lindsey twisted in his hold but his grip on her hair was relentless, her every struggle pricking tears at the corner of her eyes.

  Pollan used his other hand to grab her waist and pinned her to the wall. His mouth crashed on top of hers, his lips pressing his suit as his tongue sought entrance.

  Lindsey struggled and turned her head away. Fear choked her but she continued to resist. When Pollan freed her mouth, she yelled, “Stop!”

  He released her with a painful jerk on her hair. As he moved back, he adjusted his cream colored jacket, and fixed his wrinkled, brown shirt. His gray eyes glowed with excitement as he licked the tiny drop of blood from the corner of his lip where she’d managed to nip him with her teeth. “Delicious. You’ll come around I’m sure.”

  Then he turned and strolled down the hall and into the ballroom as if he’d done nothing more than speak with her. Lindsey placed her hand on her chest, each beat drumming against her palm.

  She took a calming breath and turned, only to bump into a broad chest. Backing up a step, Lindsey came eye to eye with her husband. How much had he seen?

  Zadal glared. “Stay away from, Pollan.”

  “Not a problem since I don’t even like him.”

  Whisper soft, he murmured, “Do not mistake my gentle handling of you, Lindsey. I will not play the fool.”

  Panting, Lindsey suffered no difficulty meeting the darkened caramel eyes. “I’m not interested in Pollan.”

  She’d say it a thousand times if needed. The playboy Senate Leader curled the hair on her arms each time their paths crossed.

  “Then why did he taunt me on my way out by mentioning how soft your skin is. How moist your kisses are?”

  Lindsey paled. “He’s a liar. He kissed me but I pushed him away.”

  Zadal’s expression darkened. “He forced himself on you?”

  She curled her hands tight and bit her lip before whispering fiercely, “Let it be, Zadal.”

  He gripped her waist, fingers pinching. “Answer me, Lindsey.”

  “I didn’t want his kiss. He kept implying that’s how it is on Garulax and everyone does it.”

  If anything Zadal looked angrier. “Does what?”

  “Sleep around I guess!” Lindsey pushed at his flexing forearms. “Now let me go.”

  He released her but only to head back toward the ball room.

  Frantic Zadal would start a fight, she grabbed at him. “You can’t go after someone you work with and he’s Baruk’s friend.”

  Zadal turned back to her as if she was crazed. “Do you think Baruk won’t want to do the same? He touched you. Kissed you against your will.”

  “I know.” Lindsey gripped the folds of her skirts. “Can’t he just go on the never to come back to our house list? Please, Zadal. Everything tonight up until now has been perfect.”

  He hesitated and Lindsey wasn’t above manipulation. She reached for his hand and rubbed his palm with her thumb. “Please.”

  His fingers clenched on hers. “Fine but if he comes near you again tonight, I’m going to hurt him.”

  “Right. Stay away from the pervy guy who I don’t like anyway.”

  Chapter 21

  “Can I come in?”

  Zadal stopped dictating mid-sentence when Lindsey poked her head into his office carrying a knapsack over one shoulder.

  “We’re meeting,” Zumei snapped, rising to his feet and glaring.

  Zadal closed out his holo screen. “You want to watch your tone with my wife, Zumei. You overstep.”

  He waited. Hoping, as always Zumei would give him a reason to terminate his role. But as usual, his first assistance resorted to a hasty feigned apology.

  “My apologies, Senate Leader. I only wished to stress the importance of what we worked on before she intruded.”

  “Really?” Zadal tipped his head to the side, studying the dark-haired man.

  Zumei hated him but was it possible he harbored ill feelings toward Lindsey as well? Zadal’s glance involuntarily ticked toward his wife. She hovered in the doorway as if unsure of her welcome. He might suffer doubts as to whether he deserved such a woman as his wife but Lindsey would always be welcome and know it.

  “Leave us, Zumei. We can resume later.”

  Zumei bowed low but not before Zadal caught the firming of his lips and the narrowing of his eyes. Zumei nodded at Lindsey and left.

  “I’m sorry,” she immediately apologized. “I didn’t realize you were in a meeting.”

  “It’s work.” Zadal waved his hand for her to sit. “There will always be work.”

  Lindsey dropped her bag by her feet and set a narrow package on his desk before sinking down into the chair. She pressed her hands between her legs, fingers knotted and rocked forward in her seat.

  Zadal raised a brow, not touching the box. “What’s this?”

  An anxious smile creased her lips. “Surprise!”

  “What?” A pit opened in his stomach as he stared at the brown box. Not sure what to expect, he glanced back at Lindsey. “What?”

  Zadal couldn’t help repeating himself. She’d caught him off guard as surely as if she’d come into his office and undressed. Which she’d done once before, claiming he worked too late.

  Unable to help himself, Zadal eyed the mystery box. Simple brown paper covered it, creased in the corner in neat edges and flat. He couldn’t fathom wh
y she’d placed it there.

  He pushed back from the desk, increasing the distance between him and the box.

  Lindsey’s smile fell. “It’s a present. For you.”

  His eyes slanted toward his desk to hide the emotions her words caused. No one had ever bought him presents.

  “Open it, silly.” Lindsey bounced in her seat.

  Giving in to the demand, Zadal reached for the package and swiped his fingers through the adhesive, tearing it carefully. Lindsey hummed, drawing his stare. She fluttered her hand at him. “Go on.”

  Zadal removed the paper and opened the box. His breath caught as he lifted the item out with unsteady fingers. Drums took up residence in his chest and his heart pounded out an uneven beat.

  Zadal dipped his head down and studied the gift. The fine honed edge of the blade hinted at true craftsmanship but it was the detailed hilt which held his attention. The artistry in the minute swirls and lines spoke of its age. And price. This was a costly item. One that fit his collection perfectly. When was the last time someone thought enough of him to gift him a present? His fingers clenched on the ancient war weapon. Never.

  “Do you like it?” Lindsey nibbled her lips, blue eyes lit with doubt. “It’s kinda grimy but you seem to like old stuff like this and when I saw it for sale on the site I couldn’t pass it up.”

  She stared at him, hopeful.

  “Why did you get it again?” he asked, curious to hear her answer and expecting as always to be surprised.

  Lindsey’s blonde brows spiked. “It’s your birthday. I remembered from when we signed the marriage papers.”

  Zadal closed his eyes and absorbed the simplicity of the statement. When he opened them again he set the fine half sword worth thousands of liko on his desk and accepted that she had indeed managed to surprise him again. “Thank you, Lindsey.”

  Her teeth flashed in the bright smile that always fascinated him. “Welcome, Z.”

  He grimaced unable to work up the mood to correct her on the dreadful nickname she insisted on using.

  “I got something for Baruk, too.” She dug around the large knapsack from the floor and eased out a tissue covered bundle. “Did you know you share a birthday? Different year and he’s got you by two but how funny, right?”


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