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Big Hard Bodyguard (Dominant Protectors Book 1)

Page 8

by Jack Ellison

  I saw the mother approach the young guys at the table, speaking to them. I guessed she was asking for a little peace and quiet while her family finished their meal. Some of her kids were quite young, and probably a little too sensitive to what I could guess their conversations were about.

  The guy in the V Neck said something, gesturing angrily. His four sycophants laughed at the woman.

  I barely resisted the urge to go and punch him, right in his stupid sunglasses.

  The massive doorman strode slowly up to the table, glaring at the five. He said something quietly and gestured towards the door.

  Last warning, I guess. Bet they won’t say a fucking word now.

  I was right at my measure of their character, as they suddenly turned into sheepish boys. The woman returned to her table, scolding all five young men as she did so.

  Damn, she’s got balls.

  The bouncer returned to the door, making an “I’m watching you” gesture with his hand as he turned away.

  I’m watching them too. And I guess there won’t be too much complaint if I throw one or two out. Literally.

  The family left a little while later. The guys resumed their loud banter. The pack leader gestured rudely at a passing waitress, and said something, pointing to the table the three girls were at.

  Chloe, Jess and Amber had finished their meals. The waitress returned with an expensive looking bottle of champagne. Amber and Jess beamed, winking at each other. Chloe reluctantly took a glass from the girls as they poured from the bottle.


  Jess and Amber were loving the attention. The five guys that had arrived a while ago had stared lewdly at us as they’d approached their table. They looked disgusting, pretentious and cocky. I hated them as soon as I’d seen them.

  I looked over at Axel sitting at the bar, a pleading look in my eyes. He was staring at the guys’ table to my left. I couldn’t quite make out his expression from where I was, but he didn’t look happy. At all.

  He turned to look at me, trying to read my expression from where he was. He nodded at me. I smiled, relieved.

  “Really, you two?” I looked at my friends in turn. “Haven’t you had enough male attention for a week? Also, how are you going to handle five of them?” I asked, exasperated. I hadn’t come to one of the nicest restaurants in Paris to get chatted up by some sleazy idiots.

  “Oh, we can handle five. Or four, if you want to help us out…” Amber said, her voice low.

  Jess poked me in the ribs. “You need a good seeing to. Might mean you stop staring at him.” She gestured towards Axel. I looked at him longingly.

  I sighed. “No, I’m not letting some disgusting sleazy douche put his hands all over me.”

  I wanted a man. A big, strong man who knew what he was doing. Who could look after me…

  “Whatever. We’re inviting them over.” Amber got up, adjusting her dress. She walked slowly over to their table. From where I sat, I could see her butt peeking out as she leant on the table, her head probably on her hands. Giving the boys an eyeful, no doubt. I heard boisterous laughter and a few lewd compliments.

  Get me out of here, now. This is going to be awful. If one of them so much as touches me, I hope Axel breaks his hand.

  Amber returned, the five guys in tow. “Ok so this my friend Jess…” she poked a finger at Jess.

  “And my other friend, Chloe. She hasn’t had it in a while.” One of the guys, wearing a low V neck t shirt, whispered something in another’s ears, loud enough for all his friends to hear. They all laughed.

  I frowned at them.

  “Pleased to you meet you, ladies. What a nice surprise to find three beautiful young women so near our table. Let’s get some drinks, shall we?”

  The guy in the V neck was clearly the ringleader. He had an odd accent, a mix of French, British and American. He was trying to sound like he had class, but just came across as a sleazebag.

  Amber scooched in next to me. Jess stood up to let the douche in, who slid round to sit next to me, all too close. I could smell alcohol and aftershave, which he had obviously applied liberally. I took a large gulp of champagne. I wanted to be anywhere else, and felt really uncomfortable all of a sudden.

  “Hey, Chloe. I’m Jordan.” He held out a manicured, spindly hand. I shook it as quickly as I could.

  “Hi. Look, don’t listen to my friends. I’m not looking for anything I’m afraid. I’m just here to have a quiet evening.” I said, hoping he would get the message.

  “Oh, we’ll see about that!” He winked at me. I shuddered.

  “A few more drinks and I bet she’ll be well up for it!” his equally disgusting friend said, in a strong British accent.

  So much for the stereotypical British Gentleman.

  “Excuse me?” I said, incredulous. These guys were the worst; arrogant and gross.

  “Don’t worry love. I’m just pulling yer leg.” He smiled crookedly, revealing bad nicotine stained teeth.

  I was fuming. One of the guys ordered a few more bottles of champagne. Crude conversation surrounded me. Jordan tried to chat me up. I wasn’t interested, and tried my best to ignore him. He didn’t get the message.

  A while later I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked at Jordan to find him grinning at me. His hands were small, feminine. His muscles were out of proportion to his skinny body. He had a poor attempt at a beard growing in his childish face.

  I pushed his hand away in disgust, rising to my feet. “I’m going to the bathroom,” I said, annoyed.

  Jess and Amber chimed in, almost in unison. “We’ll join you. Won’t keep you waiting too long, boys.” They were having the time of their lives.

  I hurried to the bathroom, the girls behind me. I was tempted to go and get Axel, but I knew it would piss the girls off. I considered leaving them in the restaurant.

  “What’s your problem, Chloe?” Jess said as she followed me into the bathroom. “They’re just being nice. Why can’t you lighten up for once?”

  Amber had her arms folded, and looked annoyed at me. “He’s nice. And I bet he’s damn rich as well. Why don’t you give him a chance?”

  “Because he won’t take no for an answer, that's why!” I said, exasperated. “You think he’s going to let me go back to my room alone? When you’re taking one or two back with you each? You're disgusting, sometimes.”

  “Whoa. Hold on there.” Jess held her hand up. “Don't be annoyed at us because we like having fun. It’s not our fault you’re a stuck up bitch!”

  I was stunned. These two girls had shown their true colours, and I hated what I saw. I felt like I’d been wrong about them actually being decent-hearted people. I sighed, almost feeling sorry for the two shallow girls, and left the bathroom. I was going to tell Jordan in no uncertain terms where he could shove it. And then I was going to leave.


  My hand froze, my whiskey glass halfway to my mouth. A few minutes ago I’d seen the leader of the douches scoot in next to Chloe, leering at her. She looked disgusted. I’d tried to shrug of the feeling of jealousy building in my mind, only to find my heart beating faster and my hands clenching.

  She’s mine, damn you.

  I tried to calm down, fearing I would crack the whiskey glass. I took a measured gulp, my hands shaking. I drained the glass.

  “Would you like another sir?” The barman was there. I looked at him, my eyes burning with poorly controlled anger, my face hard, a visage of rage combined years of suppressed emotion rising to the surface.

  He stepped back with fear in his eyes, and went to the other end of the bar, finding an area that was in good need of a clean all of a sudden.

  I looked back at the group, tunnel vision setting in. I froze for a while, waiting for an excuse to approach the men.

  Give me a fucking reason. Now. Do it.

  A long minute later Chloe and the other girls rose, with Chloe rushing off to the bathroom. She looked pissed. Amber and Jess hurried after her, looking equally annoyed, but at Ch

  I looked back at the guys at the table. The leader of the group had a bottle of champagne in his hands, laughing. He was rummaging around in his right pocket for something. He looked around at the others and two of them leant over in a poor attempt to obscure what he was doing.

  I saw him put something into Chloe’s glass. He filled it up with champagne that fizzed a little too vigorously.

  I was on my feet in an instant, striding across the restaurant to their table. I was there in a few seconds, my long strides driven by rage.

  I got to the table, fixing the leader of the group with a cold stare.

  “We’re ok thanks, waiter. Just got some champagne, see?” He smiled at me patronisingly. He waved the half full bottle at me, leaning forward. “So you can go away now.”

  I leant over the table, smashing the bottle out of his grip with one strong backhanded slap from my left hand. The bottle flew at his friend, breaking on his chest. Sharp glass shattered. Both guys shouted in pain and surprise.

  I didn’t even feel the impact through my hand, fury and adrenaline rendering me immune to pain.

  “What the fu…” One of his friends had risen to his right, the largest of the five, in a vain attempt to confront me. I swung on my hips, sending a vicious right backhanded punch that connected with the side of his face, without even taking my gaze from the guy who’d spiked Chloe’s drink. The guy I’d hit flew backwards through the air, landing at Chloe’s feet. She stood there, shocked.

  “As for you, you piece of fucking shit!” I said, leaning across the table. “You’re fucking dead!”

  I grabbed him by his neck, my muscles bulging as I dragged him across the table. I lifted him into the air, his legs dangling like a rag doll.

  I punched him savagely in the gut with my bunched left fist as he hung there, knocking all the air out of him. Chloe was next to me all of a sudden, her hand on my arm.

  “Axel,” she said, softly. I looked down at her as she held onto my arm, which I’d drawn back for another brutal punch.

  As soon as I saw Chloe’s face my cloud of rage lifted. I relaxed my left arm. I realised I was still holding the guy by his neck. He was choking. I dropped him to the floor.

  Jess and Amber had arrived late, and looked shocked. “What the fuck are you doing!” Jess screamed. Everyone in the restaurant was staring at us.

  The two bouncers had also approached. They were standing a distance away from me, neither wanting to come near.

  “These pieces of shit,” I said, my voice calmer, “needed to be taught a lesson. A lesson in fucking pain.” I pointed to the guy on the floor in front of me. “Look in his right pocket.”

  His friend behind me had suddenly become brave, now the bouncers were here.

  “You can’t search him, mate! You ain’t the police!” I turned to face him, poking a hard finger in his chest.

  “Sit. The. Fuck. Down.” I said, accentuating each word with a hard poke to the chest. He obeyed, his face draining of color.

  The big bouncer was rummaging around in the guy’s pocket, struggling with his massive hands. He froze, frowning.

  He removed a small bag of white powder, which looked tiny in his huge hands.

  He looked up at me, eyebrows raised. I turned around to grab Chloe’s glass, and showed it to him close up. A trace of sediment was still visible at the bottom of the champagne flute, slowly dissolving.

  The bouncer’s face set hard, angry. “You are fucking scum,” he said, in a deep low voice, heavily accented in French.

  The guy was escorted, or rather carried, out towards the back entrance of the restaurant by the big bouncer, disappearing out of sight. I suspected his punishment was not yet over.

  I turned to face his friends. “I suggest you all fuck off. Before I get angry again.”

  The other bouncer, roughly the same size as me, punched his fist into his hand. The four left swiftly, gathering their semi conscious friend from the floor as they left in a hurry.

  I looked at the bouncer. He nodded at me, escorting the foursome towards the front entrance.

  “I don’t know what that was about. You fucking psycho,” Amber spat. I grinned at her fiercely.

  “We’re leaving. You coming, Chloe?”

  Chloe was still holding onto my arm, her grip tight.

  “Just fuck off. I’ve had enough of you two. You’re nothing but trouble,” Chloe said, waving towards the front entrance.

  That’s the way, beautiful.

  I gave them both a menacing look. They huffed derisively and turned towards the door, walking away with arms locked.

  Chloe sighed at my side, leaning against my muscled shoulder. I felt her warmth seeping through my suit. I suddenly felt aroused, my fading anger swiftly turning into a burning desire for sex.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I said. I put my arm around her waist, pulling her in towards me.

  I felt her hand grab my ass through the pants of my suit.

  Well, guess I ain’t wrong. She wants me.

  Chapter Eleven


  I reluctantly let go of my grip on Axel’s strong, muscled arm as our car was brought to the front of the restaurant. He gently pushed the valet aside as he approached us, after taking the keys from him. He opened the passenger door for me, his eyes not moving from my face for an instant.

  I stepped towards the car and paused, looking up at his face. He had done what no other man had done for me before, protecting me without a moment’s hesitation. I was safe whenever Axel was near me.

  I was incredibly aroused, and could feel the heat burning through onto my inner thighs from my already wet panties.

  I want him to fuck me. Now.

  I leant up to him and kissed him deeply on his lips before ducking to get into the car.

  A few men at the restaurant entrance stared with jealousy. A simple look their way from Axel as he closed my door ensured they looked elsewhere.

  Axel swiftly got into the driver’s seat. He started the ignition and the powerful Mercedes engine kicked into life.

  Tyres squealed as Axel put the car into drive and headed off from the restaurant. I put my hand on his thigh as he drove towards our hotel. I felt his massive hand settle onto mine.

  “Thank you,” I said, my voice husky with arousal.

  “That’s ok, Chlo’. Just wanted to keep you safe.” He paused, taking a second to look into my eyes.

  “I’m sure you got a way to thank me. Right?”

  His voice was deep and rumbling, strained with emotion. I guessed he was as horny as I was.

  “Just get us back to the hotel. And I’ll thank you properly.”

  My hand slid over his thigh, grabbing his already hard cock. I squeezed it.

  Wow. As big as I expected. And then some.

  I moved my hand up and down his shaft through his pants, increasing in speed as we neared the hotel. He moaned gently.

  “Careful, Chlo’. I gotta drive.”

  I went to move my hand.

  “Keep your hand where it is. Just be gentle.”

  A smile crept onto my lips as I looked at Axel. I found myself turned on even more when he told me what to do. I was pretty sure I was so wet I’d soaked through my panties and onto my dress.

  “Whatever you say…” I whispered huskily in his ear. He groaned again.

  The five minute drive seemed to stretch agonisingly, the anticipation of finally getting Axel inside me seeming to distort time.

  Eventually we arrived back at the hotel. Axel parked the car haphazardly, and was out of the door in an instant. I saw him throw the car keys at an approaching valet.

  All of a sudden my door was wrenched open and big, rough hands grabbed me around the waist, pulling me from the car. I found myself looking up at Axel. I ground my hips against his, my sense of shame forgotten as we stood there in front of the hotel.

  I stared into his blue eyes deeply for a second, the world around me forgotten for a wonderful moment.

  I saw something light up in his eye, a mischievous glint. He smiled at me, the first time he’d managed a smile without looking menacing. He looked even more handsome.

  And then all of a sudden he was picking me up, and I was on his shoulder. He walked towards the front door of the hotel. I squealed in delight.



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