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Big Hard Bodyguard (Dominant Protectors Book 1)

Page 10

by Jack Ellison

  “Ok, Chlo’.” I’ll be getting my stuff together.” I walked from the room, barely feeling the burn of the coffee as I drained half the cup in one gulp.


  What was that all about?

  I’d woken as Axel had left the bed, rolling into the huge dent his body had left in the mattress. My body was still aching in both pleasure and pain from the night before. It had been wonderful.

  As soon as he’d returned with a mug of coffee I’d noticed that his cold facade was back. But he looked troubled, conflicted.

  Talk to me, Axel. I’m here for you now. You don’t have to keep everything bottled up in that scarred, handsome face of yours.

  My mind flashed back to the view of his face between my legs. I groaned audibly with the memory of pleasure I’d felt as his tongue had teased me.

  After finishing my coffee I rose from the bed. I felt a slight chill on my naked body, and felt my nipples harden. I headed for the shower.

  I was ready in about twenty five minutes. I applied a little makeup, and dressed casually.

  Time to see where my bodyguard turned lover has disappeared to. I hope he hasn’t jumped off the balcony.

  I found Axel seating in the living room. He was staring at the large ornate desk, a blank expression on his face.

  “Guess they’ll charge us.” He gestured at the cracked vase, broken telephone and other various items on the floor next to the desk.

  He grunted. “It’ll be worth it, though.”

  I smiled at him, my hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry. With the amount we paid for these rooms, all I’ve got to do is kick up a stink and they’ll be offering us a discount.”

  I caressed his muscled shoulder through his black t shirt. He sighed, and then froze suddenly.

  I looked down at him. He was staring at the ornate, expensive-looking phone that had been knocked off of the desk during the heat of our passion.

  Fuck. What?

  He lifted his finger to his lips and rose to stride over to the phone, gingerly lifting the wreckage of the receiver in one huge hand.

  My eyes widened as I saw a small, circular black object that hud been crudely taped to the inside of the mouthpiece. Two wires led from it to a small device that had a watch battery attached.

  Axel didn’t look fazed. He winked at me. I smiled, my fear dissipating.

  “Guess this phone is busted, right?” He looked at me, blue eyes sparkling. “Shoulda been more careful.”

  He spoke in a measured, steady tone.

  I played along. “Looks like you broke it, you heavy handed oaf.” I giggled, trying to relax. “There’s a trash can in the kitchen. We’ll tell housekeeping when we check out.”

  He nodded, and rose to head towards the kitchen. I heard him stamping on something.

  I saw him appear in the entrance of the kitchen.

  “Well played. Probably broke when it hit the floor, but you never know.” He looked relaxed, calm and nonchalant. I wondered what was going through his mind.

  “You spoke to your Dad before we left for dinner, right? Did you tell him anything important? Think, Chlo’.” He stared at me intently.

  “I don’t know. I mean, yes. I called my Dad when my cell was charging. The guy on the desk said we got free international calls.” I glanced worriedly at Axel. He was frowning with consternation.

  “We talked about Prague, and that the girls might be coming home early. I didn’t give away any… oh, shit. We did talk about the flight. And where we were going. Shit.”

  I looked at him again, suddenly worried. I had given my Dad all the details of our impending trip to Prague over the phone.

  “I mean, it doesn’t matter, right?” My voice raised in pitch, panicked.

  “Fuck. They needed details. They didn’t know your next destination.” He walked towards me. His face was cold, calm. Professional. A strong, reassuring hand settled on my lower back.

  “Sit down. Tell me what you told your Dad.”


  She recited the conversation as best as she could remember. As she imitated her Dad her voice deepened, and took on a condescending tone. My mind brushed away the amusement I started to feel.

  I took a few seconds to think as she finished talking.

  “We need to go back. Now. We…you’re in danger.”

  If these guys could sneak into a penthouse apartment and tap a phone without getting caught, they were good. Real good. Shit. I need to beat these guys at their own game. Somehow.

  She looked up at me, shoulders slumped. Her eyes were searching mine, looking for reassurance.

  Now ain’t the time to be a pussy. This girl needs you. Fuck, you need her. Time to show these guys what it means to mess with Axel Miller.

  I took a measured, deep breath in and held it for a few long seconds. I folded my arms over my chest, muscles bulging. I exhaled slowly as my mind raced to formulate a plan.

  I looked off into the distance, a grim, hard expression on my face. I could feel Chloe still staring at me. I was doing my best to look tough, nonchalant, and in control.

  “Right. Ain’t no big deal, the way I see it. We still have a card to play.”

  I raised my hand to my chin, rubbing my sharp stubble thoughtfully.

  Chloe shifted in her seat, wiggling her perfect ass nervously.

  “Which is?” she said, expectantly.

  I kept her waiting for a little while longer. I was enjoying her rapt attention. I could feel her itching to know what I was thinking.

  “Thing is, right. They don’t know.” I paused, and turned to look at her. “That we know they know. Get it?”

  She frowned, thinking. “That’s it? That’s your genius master plan?”

  “Think about it Chlo’. We start running, they know we’re on to them. They pounce hard and fast. Guns blazing.”

  “I’m tough, but I ain’t bulletproof. Well, I nearly am. Could probably take a good few flesh wounds.”

  I tapped my chin thoughtfully.

  “Other option is, be as calm as fuck. Ice cold. Carry on to Prague. Hit them when they ain’t expecting nothing. Seriously fuck them up.”

  I turned to look at her. Her eyes were wide, her cheeks red. She gaped at me, her mouth half open.

  Am I… am I turning her on…?

  “I mean, fuck them up so bad they can’t operate. Get it? Take out the fucking brains, and most of the muscle.”

  I raised my hands behind my head, biceps bulging as I posed.

  “Axel.” She spoke, mesmerised. Her voice was low. “Right now, I’ll do anything you say. Anything.”

  “Anything, you say?” I raised my eyebrows. “Get your pretty butt back on that fucking desk. Now. We’ve got fifteen minutes.”


  I was glowing as we calmly checked out fourteen minutes later. Most of the staff had changed since our entrance last night, but some were staring at us in fascination.

  I could still taste Axel in my mouth as I spoke to the guy on the main desk.

  I didn’t want him to make a mess of me before catching a flight, after all. It’s not as if we had time for a shower.

  “Hey. I’m afraid we broke your phone. And… a few other items that were on the desk.”

  Axel chimed in. “Yeah. Got a bit carried away.”

  The guy in front of me stared, incredulous. He looked up at Axel, then back at me.

  “No problem, mademoiselle. We have, uh, spares, you know. Thank you for staying with us, I hope you come again soon.”

  We left, thanking the desk staff.

  Axel and I strode confidently through the front door, arms locked. Two bell boys carried my suitcases and Axel’s pitiful duffle bag.

  I’ll get him a decent bag when we get back home. Something manly. Brown leather. Expensive.

  A valet had brought the Mercedes round to the front of the hotel. Axel gave him a hundred euro note. The valet’s eyes widened.

  “For last night. When we… were in a hurry.” Axel n
odded at him.

  He handed the bell boys a fifty euro note each, and they thanked him profusely, shaking his hands. They looked up him in awe, as if he was a movie star.

  I mean, he probably could be. He looks meaner than Vanne Damme, and harder than Stallone. Not sure about Schwarzenegger in his prime. Now that would be a fight to see.

  “What’s brought about this sudden generous streak?” I said laughing, as we got into the car.

  “What? I’m always generous,” he grunted.

  I remember his words earlier, after our brief but passionate sex. To be cool, that if they tapped the phone in a penthouse apartment, they could have bugs anywhere.

  I grabbed his thigh.

  “Just get us to the airport, you handsome thug. We’ve got a plane to catch.”

  And some bad guys to fuck up.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I noticed the same black saloon with tinted windows as we left for the airport. I made a show of pretending to ignore them as best as I could.

  The drive to the airport was uneventful, other than glimpses of the cars following us. I counted at least two. I kept an eye on them, but drove normally, even slowing down at a set of lights so I wouldn’t lose them by accident.

  Stay calm. You got this.

  I was amazed when my phone rang as we approached the airport.

  I answered hesitantly.

  “Yeah,” I barked, annoyed.

  It was Jean, my French contact. He sounded nervous.

  “What’s up, bro? Talk to me.”

  He spoke rapidly, in very vague metaphors. I got the gist of what he was saying, barely.

  “It is said, my friend,” he murmured, accentuating his French accent, “that Prague, it is very hot this time of year. No? Be careful in the heat. It can be…dangerous.”

  “Got it. Hot weather. Thanks for the tip.”

  “One more thing, mon frere. Our mutual friend in Prague. He is eager to return the favour, so I hear. I have persuaded him that it would be unwise for him to… avoid showing you hospitality, yes?”

  He continued on, rushing the words out.

  “I will be going away for a while on vacation. I have some business to attend to. If you… are able to stand the heat in Prague, I will be grateful. I will be taking care of something my end that will... help you.” The phone clicked, the call dropped his end.

  I turned my phone off and passed it to Chloe. “Take the battery and SIM out,” I mouthed at her silently. She obliged.

  “Who was that on your phone. A friend?” she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

  “Yeah. An old friend. He said it’s a bit hot in Prague. Says we gotta stay cool, OK?”

  I squeezed her thigh reassuringly.

  A while later we settled into our Business Class seats. We were sitting next to each other this time, at the back of the central aisle.

  No fucking around. I ain’t letting her out of my sight. Fuck, I’ll watch her piss if I have to.

  I shook my head to clear the mental image, picking up the drinks menu in front of me.

  Most of the other passengers were drinking soft drinks and tea. I ordered a large whiskey, pointing at what I’d guessed was probably the most expensive one. I fought better after the first few whiskies anyway.

  Chloe had relaxed somewhat now we were on the plane. She had been nervous in the lounge, pacing. I had eventually persuaded her to have something to eat. And then two glasses of champagne.

  “It’s a shame we’re not in First Class. You ever joined the mile high club?” She was grinning at me, champagne in her hand.

  “Mile high what?” I asked, incredulous.

  She looked at me blankly. “Really? You’re going to make me explain?” She pouted, eyebrows raised.

  “You join the mile high club when you have sex on a plane, idiot.” She threw a peanut at me, laughing as it bounced off my forehead. I didn’t even flinch.

  I got a large chunk of ice from my glass, and deftly slipped it down her top and into her cleavage, poking it well into her bra. I guessed it probably got her nipple. She gasped, swearing at me as she frantically removed the ice cube.

  “You bastard,” she laughed. I could see tears of delight streaming down her face.

  I pointed a finger at her. “Don’t mess with me, doll. I got shitloads more ice.”


  The plane trip had been all too short, the hour and a half trip flying by as we chatted. Or, as I chatted. Axel had returned to his gruff self for the most part. I still slaw flashes of the man that I’d seen come out of his shell last night.

  As soon as the plane grounded I saw a change come over him. He sat up straight, finishing the last of his third whiskey, swallowing the remaining half-glass with one gulp.

  He was on his feet as soon as the plane come to a stop. His eyes were cold, surveying the passengers around us. I saw him breathing deeply and regularly.

  Axel’s more than cool. He’s fucking ice cold. Eyes of a killer. Preparing. Getting in the zone.

  His pose was solid, arms slightly raised, palms face up, muscles bunched, jaw clenched.

  The sight made me scared and horny at the same time.

  I wondered if I was actually in any danger at all with Axel by my side. I almost felt sorry for anyone who tried to mess with him.

  He came round to my side of the aisle, standing protectively behind me, inches away. I could feel the presence of his huge, reassuring frame shadowing me. I would be invisible to anyone standing behind him.

  His arms circled me protectively as we moved towards the exit. Huge hands settled on my waist. We walked in time as we headed towards passport control.

  All of a sudden his pace quickened. He was at my side now, ushering us towards the gate. Crowds of people seemed to part as he strode through, subconsciously avoiding his towering frame.

  We were through in no time.

  “Ain’t got time to get the bags, Chlo’. Stick with me. We need to get the fuck outta here, right now. Stay fucking cool, OK?”

  I felt a twinge of panic in my stomach. I started looking around at the crowds of people milling here and there.

  What has he seen?

  I guessed this was why he had plied me with champagne. To ease my nerves. It had definitely helped.

  I had a few spare clothes in my holdall. They’d have to do for now, I told myself. I tried to breathe deeply, slowly in through my nose and out through my mouth, imitating Axel. I started to feel a relaxed, almost meditative calm cover over me as we reached our car.

  I didn’t know a great deal about cars, but this one was sleek. A black Mercedes coupe, smaller than the large saloon we’d had in Paris. But just as luxurious. The car looked both sleek, and mean. A vision of Axel in his suit the night before rose into my mind.

  “Gotta thank your Dad for this when we get back. AMG.” He patted the car as he opened the door to let me in, shielding me with his body. “If they keep up I’ll be amazed.”

  As soon as I was in the car Axel jumped across the hood, and was in the driver's seat in a second.

  “Was that really necessary? Show-off,” I said.

  His face was hard, expressionless. “Hold on to something, Chlo’. Not my cock this time.”

  Moments later I was stunned into silence as the car roared from the terminal, tires screaming, smoke billowing from them as we sped away at breakneck speed.

  I was left breathless at the raw power of the car as I was thrown back into the bucket sports seat. I held onto the door’s armrest for dear life.


  As we were leaving the place I’d seen a few figures following us. I recognised one of the Russians who I’d bumped into on the flight to Paris. There were at least three others, probably more lurking in the shadows.

  Fuck. They got close. This is it. Time to stop thinking.

  The sheer power of the car I was driving shocked me. I’d done getaway driving in the past, but this…this car was something else.

/>   As I accelerated out onto the main road I heard tires and loud engines revving behind me. Two cars were on my tail., swerving around shocked drivers.

  Game’s up now. Just gotta be one step ahead. Set up the first meeting so it goes in my favour.


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