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Licking Fire_A Howls Romance_Stop Dragon My Heart Around

Page 3

by Mandy M. Roth

  Pretty sure my new mission is to jump your bones.

  She removed her knit cap and then unbuttoned her jacket. She was going to melt. What was happening to her? “Um, yes?”

  The edges of his entirely too inviting mouth curved upward. Everything about his partial smile said “bad boy” and promised sex. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m not sure of anything at the moment. Seriously, it’s like burning up out here.”

  His lips twitched. “Alondra, please stay and talk with me.”

  She locked gazes with him. “I want to. I do, but if I’m wrong, then bad things could happen. I shouldn’t have mixed you up in this.”

  She ducked under his arm and entered the elevator quickly, jabbing the button for the first floor. Rayer didn’t move from his spot, keeping the doors stuck open. She hit the button again but nothing happened. “Please. I need to go now. This was stupid.”

  He watched her for a moment before stepping back and allowing the doors to close. She let out a long breath and then squeezed her knit cap, tears threatening to fall. She’d failed. She’d chickened out on asking him what he was, and now she would need to outrun the mayor and his men.

  If they could even be called men.

  It seemed to take forever for the elevator to descend all the floors of the high-rise, but when it did, the doors opened and she took a step—only to find Rayer there, standing in the lobby.

  “What? How did you beat me down here?” she asked.

  “We did not have our talk,” he said, not bothering to answer her.

  Timothy came out from behind the desk and cast a sidelong glance at Rayer. The older man’s expression was hard to read. “Sir, how unexpected for you to arrive by other means.”

  Other means?

  Alondra had to push past Rayer to leave the elevator. He crowded her space, leaving her body pressing against his. He caught her upper arm, and while he’d not gripped her hard, it hurt because it was her injured arm.

  She whimpered and grabbed at his hand, trying to pry his fingers from her. “Ouch.”

  Timothy stepped in. “Sir, mind your strength.”

  “I did,” said Rayer, sounding confused. “I was very careful with her.”

  The look Timothy shot him said he didn’t believe the man.

  Alondra held her upper arm and felt hot tears begin to move down her cheeks. “He didn’t hurt me. I, um, bumped my arm earlier. Thank you for getting me in to see him, but it was silly of me to come here and bother him. I should be going now.”

  Timothy eased closer and offered a soft smile, reminding her a great deal of her grandfather when he did. They’d have been about the same age if her grandfather were still alive. The man before her possessed the same nurturing quality that her grandfather had had. “Miss, how about I make a cup of hot chocolate before you go back out into the weather? The tea I gave you before you went up wasn’t nearly strong enough to warm you. It’s snowing harder now than when you arrived, and you weren’t here long enough to warm up or dry out. One might think the person you went to talk to was rude or something.”

  Rayer grunted. “I was not rude. She barely spoke to me and then insisted on leaving.”

  “So you followed her by any means necessary?” asked Timothy.

  Rayer grinned mischievously. “It was faster.”

  “I’m sure it was, sir.” Timothy lifted an arm. “Please, miss, let me get something warm in you. You’re shivering.”

  She was?

  She wiped her cheeks and did her best to ignore the bite of pain in her upper arm. As warmth spread over it, she realized the gashes were torn open again.

  Rayer stiffened, sniffing the air heavily. “You’re bleeding.”

  “What? How did you know?” she asked before clearing her throat. “I’m fine. I need to go.”

  “No!” he shouted.

  She gasped.

  Timothy put his hands up and motioned at Rayer to back away from her. “Sir, you’re scaring the poor girl with all your bluster.”

  “She wishes to leave when she’s soaked to the bone and injured. She came here to speak to me, so it must be urgent, yet she says nothing and wants to run off. No. I forbid it. She will remain.”

  She took a small step back. “You forbid it?”

  Timothy rubbed his brow. “Sir, if I may.”

  “Oh, what am I doing wrong now?” demanded Rayer, tossing his hands in the air.

  “Speaking,” answered the older man. “Stop talking, sir. You’re inserting your foot in your mouth.”

  “I will not allow her to leave when she’s clearly hurt and requires assistance.”

  “I’m fine,” she said, trying to put on a happy face. “I’m sorry to have bothered you.”

  “Prove you’re fine,” said Rayer, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

  She jerked back. He couldn’t be serious. “Huh?”

  “Show me your arm,” he stated evenly.

  “I’m not going to show you my arm.”

  “Then you shall remain here.” He planted his feet wide and gave her a look that dared her to try to get past him. She couldn’t be sure, but his expression said he’d go caveman on her and toss her over his shoulder if she didn’t listen. He looked strong enough to do it.

  “You can’t just keep me here,” she said, her voice rising.

  Timothy sighed. “Miss, please. Mr. Drackos is simply concerned for you. That in itself isn’t really normal for him. He rarely shows concern for anyone. Humor an old man, and allow us to look at your arm and get something warm in your belly. My office is right through that door, and my condo is adjacent to it. I promise you’re safe here.”

  She glanced at the large windows near the door to the building, and a choked laugh came from her. “I’m not safe anywhere in this city.”

  “I think you’ll find this building is quite safe,” said Timothy, reaching out for her. “Let me take your coat and allow us to see to your well-being. Besides, I very much want to see Mr. Drackos continue to show concern for others.”

  Rayer huffed, still standing as if he were an unmovable mountain that no one would be getting past. “I’m starting to like you less and less, old friend.”

  “A cross I’m willing to bear,” said Timothy with a smile.

  Reluctantly, Alondra began to remove her jacket, wincing in pain as she tried to get it off her bad arm. Timothy stepped closer and assisted. He went slowly, and then sucked in a large breath as he peeled the jacket downward. She looked to find the sleeve of her sweater was soaked with blood.

  “Miss?” asked Timothy, his voice low. “What happened?”

  She trembled more. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  He cast a speculative glance at Rayer. “You’d be surprised at what we’ll believe. Come on. Let’s get you into something dry and your wounds tended to.”

  Something struck one of the massive windows and Alondra screamed, instinctually launching herself at Rayer. He caught her and held her against him, his arms moving around her in a protective manner. She clung to him, her entire body filled with fear.

  “Shh, look,” he said, the timbre of his voice moving over her. “It’s only children throwing snowballs.”

  She peeked out to find snow splattered on the window and a group of adolescent children running together, throwing snowballs at one another. Closing her eyes, she kept her body pressed to Rayer’s, feeling safe for the first time in weeks. She put a hand on his chest and then raised her head, looking up at him.

  “Want me to eat them?” he asked, his expression deadpan.

  Eat them?

  Timothy sighed. “No eating children.”

  Alondra smiled at the odd conversation.

  “You take all the fun out of everything,” said Rayer to Timothy.

  Chapter Three

  Rayer strained against the urge to seize hold of the young woman’s wrists, thrust her against the wall, push up the skirt she wore, and ram his cock into her. She was stunning, an
d her scent washed over him, calling him on primal levels. Her hair, not as dark as his but dark all the same, was pulled up in a haphazard manner.

  She was scared and injured. She needed assistance and protection. Not him thinking wicked thoughts about bedding her. Still, he couldn’t shake the sinful desire. His breathing increased, and he fought to maintain his even façade. This wasn’t how he normally acted around a woman. Normally, he romanced them to a point, got them into bed, fucked them, and then moved on, not bothering to learn their names or much beyond the color of their hair.


  He wanted to shout her name as he had his way with her. What was wrong with him? His gaze snapped to her hand upon his chest. He certainly hoped wanton was something she had in her list of skills, because he was going to fuck her. There was no question about it, even if he had to rely on the gifts he’d been born with.

  Seduction was a must for his kind. Their bodies required sex, and nature had assured they had the means to always obtain it. He knew he was a good-looking male. He understood his body was above average, and he also knew if push came to shove, he could use what he’d been born with.

  A natural aphrodisiac.

  The substance secreted on demand by tiny glands in his mouth. Called risbrosius by his people, it had been used since the dawn of time by the dragon shifters to make sure they had the sex they needed. The substance was unlike anything else. It merely had to make contact with the woman’s skin, and she would lose her inhibitions, finding her body in sexual overdrive, the need for sex nearly all consuming.

  He was guilty of using it in the past but had tried to do so sparingly in recent years. He enjoyed the thrill of the chase, and the substance was a form of cheating. It also left the female a mindless drone, bending to the male’s every whim. At one point in his long life, he’d found that thrilling. As he aged, he desired a bit more personality from his bed partners.

  But this woman was different. He had to have her cunt wrapped around his cock, and soon, or he might very well manage to go up in flames. A feat not at all easy for a dragon shifter to do since they were nearly impervious to heat.

  “How about some hot chocolate?” asked Timothy, yanking Rayer from his lustful thoughts. “And then we can take a look at that arm. Plus, if we occupy Mr. Drackos, he might not offer to eat anyone else.”

  As much as Rayer wanted to assure the woman was safe and well, the idea of losing her touch set his beast side on edge. Alondra remained in place, her hand to his chest. It was like she could sense his desire to maintain contact with her. Stray strands of her dark hair fell free of their binding and landed on her shoulder. The sweater she wore was cut too high, covering his view of her cleavage, though it was plain to see she lacked not in the area.

  With a hiss of breath, he found the strength to move. He could smell the torrent of cream between her thighs and knew she was wet for him. She desired him. He desired her. But he could smell something else, too—her blood and something else. Something that smelled sickly sweet…and wrong. She was far more injured than she was letting on.

  He cleared his throat. “Yes, come.”

  She eased back from him and frowned. “I got blood on your shirt.”

  Shrugging, he reached out and took her hand in his, fearful if he didn’t keep contact with her, she’d run away. He’d already broken so many of his own rules and had drawn upon his supernatural strength and speed when she’d left his floor. He’d rushed down the staircase in record time, partially shifted, beating the elevator down. He’d then quickly returned to human form and stood at the elevator doors, awaiting her.

  Whoever the young woman was, she had him behaving differently. And as Timothy had so blatantly pointed out, she had Rayer showing concern. Something he didn’t often do.

  Thankfully, Alondra permitted Rayer to guide her into Timothy’s office, which looked a great deal like Christmas had vomited all over it. Evergreen garland was strung from every spot imaginable. Mistletoe and holly were everywhere as well. There was a tiny ornamental Christmas village set up on the mantel of the fireplace. There was also a giant tree, decorated to the point the tree itself was barely visible.

  Rayer glanced at Timothy, wondering why he had so many holiday decorations. The man had never once asked about decorating the lobby of the building, and from the looks of the office, Rayer was happy he hadn’t.

  Alondra stared around and smiled wide. “This is awesome!”

  She liked the monstrosity before her?

  She went right for the fireplace. “Oh look! This is so cute. Are these houses handmade?”

  Timothy beamed as if he couldn’t be prouder that someone had noticed. “They are. I did them myself. It’s a hobby of mine.”

  “I love them.”

  Rayer’s lip curled.

  Timothy pulled a chair out near a table. “Sit here. I’ll be right back.”

  Alondra obeyed without hesitation.

  Timothy left them and headed off toward the entrance to his condo. When he returned, it was with a sweatshirt that would be much too large on Alondra. He also had several towels and some antiseptic. “Miss, if you don’t mind. Could you remove your sweater? If you’re uncomfortable doing so in front of us, I understand. I can call a female friend of mine. She’s a nurse.”

  Alondra shook her head and then pulled her sweater off gingerly. She had on a black cami beneath it, and while she looked stunning, his gaze went directly to the bandage on her upper right arm. It was coated in blood. He caught a whiff of the sickly-sweet smell once more, and it turned his stomach. He didn’t need to be told the smell was oozing from her wound. His gut told him it was, and that the situation was dire.

  Timothy began unwrapping the bandage slowly, and the second he had it undone, his gaze whipped to Rayer.

  When Rayer saw the long, deep gash marks, he stiffened. Those were claw marks from something very large.

  Something that wasn’t human.

  Timothy wiped away excess blood and then began blotting antiseptic on the wounds. “Miss, you need a hospital and a doctor.”

  “No,” she said quickly. “I can’t go to a hospital. He’ll find me there. His men are probably watching it, knowing I’ll need to go there. I took a big enough risk coming here. He warned me not to. When he learned I was watching the building, he sent men to handle me. To tell me I shouldn’t have dared come around here. He warned me to stay far away from Mr. Drackos.”

  Timothy bent, still cleaning the wounds, as Rayer stayed back, sensing that she wouldn’t be as open with him as she was his friend. Timothy looked like a sweet old man. He was a war hero and a natural-born witch—or warlock, depending on who you asked. He was also a man who could hold his own in most cases.

  “Who are you scared of, miss?” he asked softly, his voice laced with power.

  Rayer had seen him use the gift before, and it always made humans begin pouring their hearts out.

  “Alondra,” she said softly. “Please call me Alondra.”

  He nodded. “Alondra, who are you scared of?”

  “I shouldn’t be here. This was stupid. He’s probably got men watching the building as we speak. I’m sure the two who managed to get away during the attack have reported in that I’m not dead.”

  When she didn’t offer the name of the person she was scared of, Rayer looked to Timothy. Why hadn’t his push with his voice worked?

  Timothy stood and held two bloody towels in his hands. “I have some bandages. I’ll be right back with them. I’ll get the hot chocolate going as well. Rayer is here. He won’t allow anyone to harm you again.”

  Rayer didn’t dare move, fearing he’d scare her. She was jumpy, and from the look of her arm, with good reason. A tic in his jaw started as he stared at the damage that had been done to her. He flexed his fingers, wanting to shift forms and seek out whoever had harmed her. He wanted to find them and rip them apart, scattering their pieces over the city as a warning to others.

  No harm was to come to his woma

  My woman?

  He stiffened.

  Alondra picked then to turn and glance up at him, her brown eyes wide.

  He sensed fear radiating from her then, and realized he was exuding rage and probably looked deadly. He did his best to appear safe and innocent. Somehow, he doubted it worked.

  Timothy finally arrived again, holding bandages in one hand and a steaming mug of hot chocolate in the other. He set the mug before Alondra on the table and then went to work bandaging her arm. When he was done, he handed her the sweatshirt. “Here you go.”

  “Thank you so much,” she said, her voice shaking.

  Rayer wanted to kill things again.

  Timothy took a seat next to Alondra. “What did that to your arm? Looks like a bear had at it.”

  Rayer could sense Timothy’s magik riding the air between them. Surely it would work to get the woman to tell them what happened.

  Alondra took a sip of the hot chocolate and then touched her lip, wiping away whipped cream. “This is delicious.”

  Rayer’s eyes widened.

  Timothy winked. “You can trust us, Alondra. Despite his overbearing stance and gruff look, Rayer is a man who can protect you. I think you know that. I think that is what brought you to him. That’s what my gut says, and it’s never wrong.”

  She gripped the mug tight. “If I tell you what did this to me, you’ll have me locked up. You’ll say I’m crazy.”

  “Because it wasn’t human?” asked Timothy, pushing more magik into the air.

  Rayer stepped closer.

  She stilled…and then nodded.

  “How many of them attacked you?” asked his friend.


  Rayer had to fight to keep from growling. He wanted to kill something. Anything. Who could have dared to harm her? There was a goodness that seemed to radiate from her. Something that said she was light. She was happiness. Who had dared to try to snuff that out?

  He wanted answers, and he wanted to shift into a dragon and hand out retribution.

  “Child,” said Timothy, putting his hand on Alondra’s. “How is it you’re here with us now? Did the attackers run off?”


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