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A Vampire's Thirst_Gunner

Page 3

by Elaine Barris

  “That could change for you.”

  “I don’t wanna talk about it anymore, Lee.”

  “Okay. But you know I’m right.”

  “Yeah, and I could say the same to you about your situation.” Picking up a menu, Imogen looked it over. “Hmm. Not many vegetarian choices.”

  “Thank God for that. I want a steak. Rare and bloody.”

  Reaching for a breadstick in the basket, Imogen said, “Sometimes I forget you’re a shifter.”

  Lee cocked his head to the side.

  “What is it? My fine fashion sense? Dazzling good looks? Or the way I hold my drink?”

  She snorted, and he did as well.

  “Oh, my alpha best friend… I hate to think about what you went through. The fights.”

  “Who won? The sissy?” Lee asked, as he made quotation marks with his fingers. “Or the man with the ripped muscles and the instincts of the highest wolf? Despite their ill-informed opinions on the matter, I love women, adore them. Can’t get enough. You know that I was reared by a bunch of them. My mother, doting on me, and my six sisters, acting like I was one of them instead of a boy.” His face reddened. “Painting my nails, curling my hair, all that girlie stuff. I couldn’t stop them if I tried, so I didn’t, until I started to mature. My father was never around to do anything about it most of the time. If he was there, he bullied me, telling me how much of an embarrassment I was to him. At any rate, I figure I gained the appreciation for and understanding of the female mind that other men don’t have.” His lips turned to a wicked smirk. “That comes in handy.”

  “And I don’t wanna hear about it.”

  “Really? Last week, I met a wonderful lady. So quiet and shy, but then…” He chuckled. “...did she ever have a set of lungs later! My ears were ringing for a few hours after she left.”

  “Anyway, I knew you would win, but still, it was scary to watch.”

  He shrugged and gave her a wink.

  “Remember their faces during the champagne toasts afterwards?”

  Imogen laughed and said, “Speaking of which, what time should I be at your place Sunday for brunch?

  Lee replied, “Mimosas at midday?”


  After tipping his glass to take a drink and swallowing it, he rolled his eyes.

  “Noon, of course.”

  Chapter 7

  Popping the cork from a bottle of champagne, Lee smiled at the gathering of friends and devoted members of his clan. Some of his family were also there, and he’d dodged them, running and playing, as he brought the drinks to the outside patio table.

  “Let me help, Lee,” Laura offered.

  “Thanks, sis.”

  Stopping in her tracks to avoid crashing into a giggling toddler who was chasing her big brother, Imogen said, “I’ve got the O.J.”

  After pouring the drinks, Lee passed them around and lifted his into the air. Everyone joined him in the toast.


  As he took a sip, his cellphone rang.

  He withdrew it from his pocket, looked at the number, and said, “I need to take this. I’ll be back. Keep the party going while I’m gone.” He stepped into the living room of his home, his bare feet sinking into the lush carpet. “Hello?”

  “Lee, this is Blaine. Can you speak freely?”

  Closing the sliding glass door behind him, he said, “Of course. What’s up?”

  “I’m calling on behalf of The Directive.”


  “Well, kind of.”


  “There’s something strange going on with the precinct in District 7. That’s where you live, right?”


  “My friend Gunner was framed for a crime he didn’t commit. He’s been in a cell for the past six months. I was only recently able to get him out of there.”

  “How’d you manage that?”

  “Appealed to the top.”


  “Next best thing, Jana.”

  Lee paused in thought and said, “If you were able to sway her, it must be serious.”

  “It is. Very.” A beat passed. “I don’t like doing this over the phone. When and where can we meet?”

  “Why not my place? Come join us for brunch, and then we can discuss whatever you need me to do.”


  Lee gave Blaine his address and then ended the call.

  What could possibly be going on right under my nose involving The Directive without my knowing about it?

  He started chewing his fingernails, as he thought about any rumors that were circulating. Most of what he heard about was clan issues and not much outside of that. Of course, he was a newly initiated alpha, and gaining the trust of other leaders in the area had been impossible, since he’d been banished from his lands by some of his own people.

  As he pondered that, Imogen came rushing through the back door, over to where he was.

  Reaching out and hugging him, she said, “I gotta go! Sorry!”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “One of Ms. Garner’s friends called me for an emergency appointment!”

  “What’s so important that a grooming can’t wait?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m not asking. She said she’d pay triple, so I’m taking it!” Cocking her head to the side, she said, “Wait. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. You, go ahead.”

  “Are you sure? You’re biting your nails. You only do that when you’re worried about something.”

  “I’ve got a meeting in a while. Probably nothing.”

  “I’ll call you later, then, Alpha?”

  He smiled, unspoken assurance that he could handle whatever it was.

  “Okay. You’d better get going. Drive safe!”

  “I will!”

  As Imogen dashed away to her car, Lee watched, hoping that what he’d told her was correct and that there wasn’t anything bad and dangerous looming. But when The Directive was involved, it was certain to be serious.

  Distracted as he was, he hadn’t noticed that his other guests took their leave when Imogen did. His glass of champagne remained on the table untouched.

  When the chimes of his doorbell rang, Lee’s head jerked up to see that the grandfather clock across the hall read an hour later than the last time he looked at it.

  “On my way!”

  When Lee opened the door, he saw Blaine standing there with his briefcase in his hand. His suit was disheveled, with buttons fastened in the wrong spots, leaving his lapel at an odd angle. His eyes were bloodshot, and his breaths were labored with fatigue.

  “Alpha,” Blaine said.

  “Pffft. You’re one, too. Just come in. Maybe take a nap.”

  Blaine crossed the threshold and said, “You’re going to have to learn the old ways of our forefathers, Lee. How they ruled with their beast more than man. Most shifters still respect tradition more than your generation’s leniency and acceptance of certain things that have never been considered suitable in our world, as well as your rejection of others they deem fit.”

  “I know that’s how they think, but that’s not me. I’m not wired like that. Times are changing, and they should.”

  “You’d better own them quick if you want to return as the leader of your pack and retain the position.”

  “Why? What’ve you heard?”

  “Rumblings of an unexpected, inexperienced alpha with no support system, ready to party but with no serious commitment.”

  Lee padded into the living room and dropped onto the couch.

  “Well, they’re wrong! I am the true alpha of my clan, and I’m not changing a damn thing about myself. They can learn to deal with me. Not the other way around. And what am I supposed to do for a beta? Choosing one is a big decision, especially when a large contingent in the pack would rather see me dead!”

  “Yes, but it’s one that you should’ve figured out by now, who’s loyal and who’s not.”
  “I do know. I’m trying to keep them safe with my absence.”

  Sighing and running his fingers through his hair, Lee motioned to a chaise.

  “Tell me what’s going on with your friend.”

  “Like I told you on the phone, Gunner was incarcerated on false charges. He was picked up after he was found with dozens of dead shifter bodies. The floor was coated with ash, so we can assume vampires were murdered as well. Someone testified that he’d found Gunner after he made his last kill. In actuality, Gunner was following up on some information he’d gleaned during his investigation. Unfortunately, the judge in the case weighed the facts before him and concluded that Gunner was to blame. He was sentenced to 500 years behind bars.”

  Hearing that, Lee shook his head.

  “And you’re certain that your friend isn’t guilty?”

  “I did some digging and found that Gunner’s accuser has disappeared... like off the entire planet. I can’t locate him anywhere. So, I can only assume—”

  “Somebody got rid of him to clean up loose ends.”


  “So, where do I come in?”

  “We need someone inside the District 7 offices. I spoke to Jana, and she has agreed to install you in one of the lower-level positions, where you would have access to records and, perhaps more importantly, the goings on in there.”

  “What about my responsibilities to the pack?”

  “The ones who kicked their alpha out? I doubt you’re doing much for them now. Are you?” Blaine paused, waiting for a response from Lee that didn’t come. “I shared with Jana the circumstances of your banishment. She’s going to assume leadership, and she’s currently in transit to your headquarters. You can bet that by the time we’re done with our investigation, you’ll be in your rightful place.”

  “Wow. You must’ve been sure I’d agree to this.”

  “Why wouldn’t you? With Jana, the second hand to Magno himself, backing your position over the clan, who could challenge you in the future?”

  “When you put it that way….”


  “When do I start?”


  “Good thing I picked up my dry cleaning yesterday.” Blaine opened his mouth to speak and then closed it. “What?” Lee asked.

  “We have a month to get some dirt on these guys.”

  “I can creep around in the shadows with the best of them.”

  “I was going to suggest something different.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Intensify your mannerisms and be as friendly and as outgoing as you can.”


  “Absolutely. They’ll run in the opposite direction when they see you coming their way. You know how those guys are. The prejudice runs deep. And if someone finds you where you’re not supposed to be... you had no idea. Just ask if they could point you in the right direction.”

  “Am I going to report to anyone in the office?”


  “So, I’m just supposed to act like I should be there, working on something, but nobody knows what it is? That’s a bit suspicious.”

  “They’re being told that you’re performing the annual inventory of The Directive’s office furniture, etc. That will allow you access to every spot in the building. I’m betting they’ll give you a wide berth, allowing you to focus on whatever it is they’re actually doing.”

  “What do you think it is?”

  “We believe they’re attempting a coup.”

  “Against Magno?”


  “I’ll be sure to not make any friends, since they’ll be dead soon.”

  “If they’re lucky.”

  Chapter 8

  Stretched across Lee’s bed, as he sorted through some clothes in his closet, Imogen asked, “So, what was the big meeting about?”

  “Nothing much.”


  “Drink your wine and stop asking questions I can’t answer.”

  “Oooo… top secret stuff.”

  “Right,” he said, as he withdrew a black sweater from the rack and held it in front of him. “So, don’t pester me.”

  “That looks good on you.”

  “Yeah?” She nodded. “How so? Like a he’s a big bulky guy I could really see myself with, or he’s a strangely well-dressed, well-groomed man?”

  “The second one.”

  “Check,” Lee said, laying the sweater over the back of the chaise in the corner.

  “What pants are you gonna wear that with?”

  “My yellow skinny-fit ones.”

  “You bought those as a joke for your Halloween costume.”


  “Do you think showing that much of your bulge is a good idea in the workplace?”

  “You know what they say: If you’ve got it, flaunt it.”

  “No way to avoid it in those.”


  “And the shoes?”

  “I’m thinking my Converse, in case I need to be fleet of foot.”

  Going to his highboy dresser, Lee opened one of the drawers and took out a pair of glasses, and Imogen looked at him with her eyebrows scrunched together.

  “You have 20/20 vision.”

  “Yeah,” he replied, sliding them up the bridge of his nose, “but I think it’ll perfect the ensemble. There’s no prescription in them. They just make me look smart, don’t you think?”



  “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  “Yeah, plenty.”

  “I’m not talking about this hush-hush mission. I mean, about you. There’s nothing wrong with it, you know... if you are.”

  Flipping to face her, he said, “No! Shit! Why are you being like this? You know how I am! I like nice things! I want to be stylish! What’s the problem with that? There’re multi-million-dollar industries built on catering to men’s fashion.”

  “I know.”

  “Then, what is it? Are you turning on me, too, Immie? Do I need to fuck a woman in front of you to prove my masculinity? To show you how much I like it?” He took his phone out of his pocket and showed it to her. “I’ve got a ton of ‘em on speed dial and can have more than a few here in ten minutes or less, naked and raring to go!”

  “Of course, not!”

  “I’m just playing a role, not hiding my sexuality. Don’t get all up in arms, trying to out me. The only closet I’m in is this one.”

  “I’m sorry, Lee. They bullied you so badly when you were growing up, because you weren’t a carbon copy of them.”

  “Like you need to remind me. Why do you think it’s so hard for me to find a beta? I don’t trust any of the males my age. And why should I? Most of them challenged me for my father’s place! The only reason I left was to avoid an all-out war within the clan because of Darren! I didn’t want those loyal to me to suffer, and I couldn’t stand the thought of having their blood on my hands, when I could remove myself, regroup, and strategize another way to stake my claim.”

  “I’m not trying to upset you. You know I love you like a brother. I just want you to be happy, whatever that means.”

  “Imogen.” She froze at his calling her by her real name and the low growl coming from his chest. “I am.”


  “And you’re my seventh sister, the one I didn’t know I needed most.”

  The tension left the room, and she ventured a smile at what he’d said and took a sip of her wine.

  “So, are you gonna see her again?”


  “The noisy mouse.”

  “Maybe. If I can find a soundproof room,” he said as if nothing else had happened. “We’ve got more important things to focus on tonight. Bring your glass and come with me to the kitchen.”


  Lee’s mouth dropped open, and he looked at her in disbelief at the preposterous thing she’d said.
  “You’re giving me a manicure!”

  Chapter 9

  Lee propped his cell phone against his ear, while he peered down his nose at his nails, inspecting them.

  “That’s what I told Sven!” he yelled, waving an arm through the air. “You absolutely cannot serve that without a Chardonnay! But you know him, Mr. Know-It-All.” He flicked his eyes around the room that was emptying of all the officers and staff. Lowering the tenor of his voice to his normal tone, he said, “The reviews on his party are going to be atrocious.”

  “Are they gone now?” Blaine asked on the other end of the line.

  “Oh, yeah,” Lee murmured. “Scuttled away like rats on a sinking ship.”

  “Told ya.”

  “Time to get to work. Later.”

  After he shoved his phone into his pants pocket, he typed his password into his Directive-issued laptop. While it booted up, he popped his buds into his ears. They weren’t connected to his phone, and no music played, but the visual kept to the character he was portraying.

  His fingers flew across the keyboard, as he used particular word searches, resulting in nothing of interest.




  Typing in Directive would’ve resulted in thousands of files that would’ve taken more time than he had to research, so he continued to hunt for anything else that might get a hit.




  Echoes of voices in the hall filtered their way to him, and he snatched his phone out of his pocket, pressed the button for a pop music station, and closed the window.

  A woman’s peals of laughter arrived before she did, as did her scent. Overwhelmed by the aroma, Lee straightened in his chair. She smelled of home, safety, and chocolate chip cookies. As she walked into the room, she glanced over at him and smoothed her skirt.

  The need to grab her into his arms and run away with her propelled through his veins, and he fought to quell the sensation. To his entranced horror, she turned towards him.

  Wearing a black A-line dress, with a Burberry scarf looped around her neck, she glided over in her Marc Jacobs square heels, her legs encased in distressed beige tights. Unable to take his eyes off her, Lee swallowed hard. She licked her lips, loosening the scarf a bit.


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