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Billionaire's Game

Page 22

by Summer Cooper

  “Not…like this. I want to come inside you.”

  The sight of the pleasure in her eyes made him want to pull her down onto the chair and have her right then, but he had other plans. He led her to the bed, and when she lay down, he guided her to turn over, and pulled her up onto her hands and knees.

  “Like this.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You will.” He parted her with his fingers and slipped inside, moving slowly for a few thrusts until her hips, too, began to move. He guided her up, kneeling, and turned her head for a kiss, still moving, deep and slow, inside her. It took all he had not to press her down into the mattress and ride her hard, but that would come later. Now, he was guiding her back to the peak of her pleasure, and she was responding.

  Cameron joined them, stirring back to hardness as he knelt before her and set his fingers moving between her legs. Pinioned between the two of them, the sweet pleasure of Cameron’s fingers and the feel of Liam sliding into her, Lily trembled. Her mouth was pliant under Liam’s, her fingers reaching out to wrap around Cameron’s cock, stroking him while he groaned with pleasure.

  He had wanted to take his time, but he felt her trembling on the edge again already, and he lost himself in the hot, sweet clench of her muscles around him. She cried out when she felt him come, and he poured into her as she tipped over the edge as well, one hand on his hip, the other still stroking along Cameron’s cock, bringing him toward the pleasure she was promising for later that night. They collapsed, the three of them, Liam still inside her, his fingers clenched on her hip, and she made a sleepy sound of contentment, nestling back against him.

  “Perfect,” she whispered.

  The End

  Fight to Win

  Sport Romance

  Chapter One

  I wish this dog would go number two already, Shelby Wilkes thought as she pulled on the leash, yanking her Pug, Bailey out of the street and the path of oncoming traffic. The dog had been constipated for five days and the medicine the vet had given him did not seem to be working.

  The Pug had been sniffing around and investigating every bush and every tree for almost a half hour. Just when Shelby thought he might do something, he would change his mind and go in search of another “perfect spot”. It boggled her mind how a dog’s need to mark its territory completely overrode the need to relieve itself.

  She was enjoying the beautiful day however, it was a balmy ninety-five degrees at eight A.M., but the sun was shining brightly and the sky was totally clear. July was the hottest month in Phoenix, Arizona, but it was also the wettest due to the lovely monsoons that swept through on occasion at this time of year. So far this year the season had been relatively quiet. Shelby didn’t mind the heat really, and she loved the sunshine and the dry weather.

  She had grown up in West Virginia where the summers were humid and often wet and the winters were cold and often wet. She had tired of that climate very quickly. She really didn’t miss it at all. When her family had visited the Grand Canyon when she was twelve, they had taken a drive down to the Phoenix area to visit some family. Her uncle Bob lived out here with his family and as soon as Shelby had seen the desert she knew that she wanted to live here too. Her dad would not uproot the family though; he had worked too hard to become manager in his accounting firm to pack it up and move to a new city for a new start.

  As soon as she was eighteen, Shelby had headed for Phoenix and she had never looked back.

  The Pug sniffed around a small cactus, and Shelby jerked him away from it. He was always going after the cacti. She was not about to pay another vet bill to have the thorns removed from his nose again. That had not been pleasant for either one of them the time he had chased a ball under a cactus. The poor little guy had been in excruciating pain until they were pulled out and then had been sore for a few days after. She’d thought he had learned his lesson, but apparently old Bailey was a little slow on the concept of cause and effect.

  He finally found a bush to his liking after sniffing around and raised his leg up over the bush to find the perfect angle. Shelby watched with bated breath, becoming vaguely aware of how weird it was that she was watching her dog try to poop so intently, but it had been days.

  Success! Shelby somehow felt like doing a victory dance, but she held herself together and looked away to give the Pug some modicum of privacy while he did his thing. After he was done she grabbed one of the little poop baggies from the dispenser clipped to her belt and picked up the mess. She hated it when people didn’t do that and it was becoming a huge problem. These little bags were not expensive and they lasted forever. People disgusted her.

  “Carly, no!”

  She jerked her head in time to see a Golden Lab rush up to her Pug. She immediately thought the worst and tried to pull Bailey back, but it was too late; the lab began to lick the Pug to death. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized it was a female lab and Bailey was welcoming all of the affection with open arms. He was already trying to sniff some butt.

  The owner of the Lab finally caught up to them, appearing just a little out of breath. He scooped up the leash and wrapped it several times around his wrist to make sure this didn’t happen again.

  “I’m so sorry,” the man said. He tugged on the leash pulling his lab away from Bailey. “Carly, come on. Let him alone.”

  Shelby laughed at the scene.

  “Well, I guess they like each other,” she said.

  She bent down and began petting Carly, who responded with a smile and a wide pant, taking a break from the tongue bath she was giving Bailey.

  “Well, she seems to like you too,” the man said.

  “Tell her the feeling is mutual. She is beautiful,” Shelby replied.

  “She says you are too,” the man said.

  Shelby looked up at him. She wasn’t sure if she should be offended or flattered. The line was bordering on silly and cute. It was tough to decide which one she preferred at the moment.

  “And the award for cheesiest line ever goes to me!” The man joked, a little embarrassed at his Freudian slip up.

  “It wasn’t that bad. I’ve heard far worse.”

  “Well, thanks. That makes me feel a little better, and bad for you. What the hell would be a worse line?” The man laughed.

  “You’d be surprised.” Shelby stood up and pulled Bailey towards her.

  “Oh, I’m Aaron by the way. Aaron Davis,” the man said holding out his hand.

  Shelby shook it. “I’m Shelby Wilkes.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you Shelby Wilkes. Are you new to the neighborhood?”

  “I just moved in a few weeks ago,” Shelby said.

  “Well, welcome. Are you from this area?”

  “I’m from West Virginia originally,” she replied. “I moved here when I was eighteen.”

  “I have lived here for a long time and I have met very few Arizona natives. Everybody here is originally from somewhere else, it seems.”

  “I’ve noticed that as well.”

  Shelby was starting to notice exactly how strikingly handsome Aaron was. He was tall with a lean, but athletic build. His hair was cropped short, in a typical bad boy style, and he had several distinct tattoos covering the upper parts of his arms. She thought tattoos were sexy and beautiful. There was something very primal about them that she had always found attractive.

  “Well, maybe I’ll see you again,” Aaron said as he began to pull his lab away.

  “Yea, that would be cool. I walk Bailey here every day about this time, so I’m sure we will run into each other.”

  Shelby wished she had shut up already. Was she sounding too obvious? It seemed to her like she was sounding too obvious.

  “Well, how about we run into each other tonight? Say, the Sky bar?”

  Shelby thought a moment. She would have loved to see him, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to end up another notch on this guy’s bed post. He was sexy for sure, and he seemed like a nice guy, but she didn’t r
eally know him. He was probably just thinking that a chubby girl like her would have nothing else going on for her tonight. Well, that was true, but she was going to make him work for her affections.

  “I’m kind of busy, but if you give me your number I’ll call you,” Shelby said.

  She handed her phone to him and he typed in his info.

  Shelby started to walk away with Bailey.

  “What? I don’t get your number?” Aaron said.

  “Nope,” Shelby replied continuing to walk away.

  She glanced back slightly as she reached the other side of the road. Aaron was still standing there watching her with a sly grin on his face. Then he laughed and began walking away with Carly.

  Chapter Two


  Shelby grunted trying to squeeze the jeans onto her chubby frame. She had fit into these jeans perfectly three months ago and now they were a size too small. Her heart sank as she took them off and threw them back in her closet.

  It was disheartening to know that she was still gaining weight. She had never really fussed about her weight too much, even though she had always been a bigger girl. She had always just been herself and did not define who she was by her size. She knew some people tried to define her that way and that they tried to make her feel bad about herself, but she had always been blessed with bulletproof confidence and she just let that stuff roll off her back.

  She found herself thinking about Aaron and how shocked he had been when she had not given him her number. He was probably someone who thought she might be an easy lay or that she would be so grateful that he’d asked her out that she would have jumped at the chance.

  She was wondering when she should call him, or if she should. Maybe she would allow them to run into each other again and then pretend that she had just been too busy. Either way she was going to have a bit of fun with him.

  Grabbing a skirt from her closet Shelby finished getting dress and adding a few finishing touches to her makeup. She grabbed a wine cooler from the fridge and continued her pre gaming for the evening. It was going to be a somewhat epic night from what her girlfriends were saying. They had all ditched responsibility for the evening and decided to go nuts and wild tonight.

  Shelby thought about how many more of these kinds of nights she and the gang had in them. They were all nearing thirty and none of them seemed remotely close to the possibility of settling down. This was a bit troubling to her at times, but she was not in any position to settle down either. She dated regularly and had even had a few serious relationships, but eventually it always went south.

  She was fiercely independent and that seemed to threaten a lot of guys, who were used to being in control of things. Shelby couldn’t change who she was and she absolutely refused to do so. It was just the way it was. Any man she ended up with for the long term was going to have to understand that and he was going to have to understand she had a life outside of him.

  She sat down in front of her computer and began some proofreading of her newest writing project, correcting typos, adding words to fill in gaps of description, and moving things around to make the overall flow more readable.

  Shelby had been a freelance writer for eight years and she could not imagine doing anything else with her life. She had started writing when she was eight years old and had never stopped. When she came to Arizona State she majored in creative writing and had continued to write her own stuff on the side, working on her own creative voice. She had been lucky enough to have several mentors during her college career that helped her get her break into the world of freelancing. And the internet had made the whole market explode with the success of the Kindle publishing model and the creation of a multitude of freelance websites that brought freelancers and clients together faster and more easily than they ever could have been before.

  The hours were long because she forced herself to work long hours. That was the thing about freelancing; you could work as much or as little as you wanted, but the world of freelancing was also very uncertain. You might get a lot of work one month or hardly any. It was fickle that way. That was one of the reasons why she pushed herself so hard, but she also loved to write. She liked to joke that she had never had a job in her life because she had always earned her keep from her passion.

  Unfortunately working sixty hour weeks as she did, left little time to devote to a mate. That was one of the reasons her relationships had always suffered. It was a bit cliché, but she was truly married to her work. It always seemed to come first and she didn’t always mean for it to. She always felt that she needed to find someone who understood that. She needed someone who loved their work as much as she loved hers.

  Her friends had all tried to talk her into settling for someone who was 'close enough'. They were all under the same assumption that she was too picky and that she put a wall up around herself.

  Shelby understood their concerns, but she was not going to change to suit anybody else. And Shelby Wilkes had never been the type to settle for anything.

  Her doorbell rang right then. She finished off the wine cooler and ran to the door, tossing it in the trash from across the room. It landed smoothly. Nothing but net. Yes, she was that good.

  She opened the door to see her two besties Michelle and Rachel standing there. They were both wearing their sluttiest dresses, so that meant they were going to party hard tonight. Shelby was with them. She needed to blow off some steam and try to forget about work for a bit.

  “Alright, loving the outfit, but do we clash now?” Rachel said.

  “Clash? Why, because I went with elegant and down to earth while you two are wearing outfits that scream 'paw me'?" Shelby asked.

  Michelle laughed, handing Rachel and Shelby both a beer from the six pack she had brought over.

  “So where are we going tonight?” Shelby asked.

  “Image bar?” Rachel suggested.

  “No, we’ve been there too many times. I always feel like I’m babysitting at that place,” Michelle said. “How about Dorben’s? Or J.P.’s?” She took a long drink of beer.

  “No one really goes to Dorben’s anymore and I heard that J.P’s was dead ever since they got busted for letting minors in.”

  “How about the Sky bar?” Michelle said.

  “Oh, yeah. That place is supposed to be cool.”

  “I haven’t heard much about it,” Shelby said. “You guy’s been there?”

  They both shook their heads.

  “Ok, then we will try it out. Somebody else suggested it to me,” Shelby said finishing her beer and feeling the buzz starting up. Pre gaming was her favorite part of the night some nights, so she was going to be damned if she was going to not do it right. Sometimes the bar sucked so bad that the pre gaming was all you had to remember.

  “Who?” Michelle asked.

  “Just some guy,” Shelby said.

  “Ooooh! You got a mystery man?”

  “No, it’s just some guy I met walking Bailey.”

  “What’s he like?”

  “He was pretty nice, and gorgeous if you have eyes in your head. He gave me his number.”

  “You didn’t give him yours?” Michelle asked.

  “No. I got to make him work for it,” Shelby said.

  “That’s awesome girl!” Rachel said. She and Shelby high fived.

  “Isn’t that kind of childish to play silly games?” Michelle asked.

  “I don’t think so. I just met the guy. How does it look if I give him my number? Besides he asked me to meet him at Sky bar tonight, but I turned him down.”

  Both Rachel and Michelle gave her that look.

  “What? I just met the guy. He might be a serial killer or something.”

  “How many gorgeous serial killers do you know of?” Rachel asked.

  Shelby looked at her. “Your logic is scary.”

  “So I guess you got a fella for tonight when we get there already picked out.”

  “I don’t know if he will be there or not since I turned
him down,” Shelby said.

  “You’re right. He is probably home waiting by the phone for your call,” Michelle said.

  Shelby slapped her playfully on the shoulder. “Shut up!”

  “Ok, so it’s settled then; we are going to Sky bar,” Michelle said.

  The girls finished their beers and headed out the door.

  Sky bar was located only about ten minutes downtown from Shelby’s neighborhood. It was ultra-hip and trendy, but it seemed to have a good mix of both college age kids and older patrons as well. This immediately made Shelby feel a bit more comfortable. It was getting to the point now that Shelby and her friends were often among the older patrons of the bars they were attending. There were some more clubs that catered to an older crowd over in Scottsdale, but she found that she dreaded travelling that far more and more, just as she dreaded being out after midnight a lot of nights. Maybe she was getting too old to do this sort of thing.

  But tonight it was on. Rachel and Michelle let out a few hollers as they entered the club and instantly headed for the bar. The dance floor was packed. The music was loud. The neon lights were bright. Everything about the place screamed out total fun. Shelby tried to loosen up a bit, but the buzz she’d had earlier was already mostly gone and she wasn’t sure that she even felt like drinking anymore. She had worked a lot that week and was starting to feel the effects of sleep deprivation. She had been crazy excited to get out of the house tonight, but now that she was out she just wanted to go home and curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and a good book.

  She grabbed a vodka tonic from the bar and began to sip it. Maybe she just needed to be re-lubricated with some alcohol. She actually hardly ever drank except for the occasional wine cooler at the end of a long day of work.


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