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Page 12

by Faith Gibson

  One day, Dane had taken his girls shopping at the mall, and they ran into Brandt. Grace was looking at something toward the back of the store while Dane and Marley waited on her. Brandt took one look at Grace and knew who she was. Stupidly, he asked, “Is that my daughter?” Marley immediately stepped in between her ex and Dane, because the rage coming from her husband was thick enough to choke a mule.

  “No, she’s my daughter,” Dane seethed. “You didn’t want her, remember?” Brandt held his hands up and backed away. Marley caught a glimpse of him outside the store, watching Dane and Grace together. She almost felt sorry for the man. Marley knew how the two of them looked together. Grace might not be Dane’s biological daughter, but he couldn’t love her any more. The two were practically inseparable.

  When they arrived at the hospital, Jonas and Caroline were waiting for them. “Joseph” was no longer Chief of Staff, so his being there was purely personal. Even though her father had come around, Marley still preferred Jonas’s kind of love – unconditional. The next half hour was hectic with getting Marley into a room, checked out, and finally getting an epidural. Her contractions were coming closer together, and she had dilated to nine centimeters. One more and it would be time to push. “I will not have this baby until Grace gets here. I promised.”

  “Sweetness, it’s not like you can squeeze your legs together to keep the baby from popping out.”

  “Watch me,” she huffed just as Grace ran into the room.

  “Is she here yet?”

  “No, but she’s on her way,” Dane said, wrapping his free arm around Grace’s shoulders, pulling her in for a hug.

  Grace clapped her hands together and said, “Okay, let’s do this!”

  The nurse had Grace scrub up so when it was time, she could help deliver her sister. She had been to every class with Marley and Dane, just in case Dane had to miss the birth for some reason. Like he would ever let that happen. After poking their heads in long enough to say hello, Marley’s parents headed to the waiting room to sit – or pace – with the rest of Marley’s family.

  After Marley was dilated to ten, the doctor had her push. Dane held her hand while Grace watched for her sister to make an appearance. At some point in the past few years, the girl had decided she wanted to be a nurse, and she insisted seeing a baby being born was the most natural thing in the world. The doctor explained everything she was doing, and Grace absorbed it all. Together, they brought the baby into the world, and Grace held her sister while Dane cut the cord. Marley’s heart was bursting at the sight of her two girls together.

  Grace passed the baby off to the nurse to get cleaned up, removed her gloves, and tossed them in the trash. Beaming, she stepped up beside Dane and leaned into his body, crying.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” Marley asked.

  “She’s so beautiful, Mom. Just like you and Dad. Thank you for letting me be part of that.”

  The nurse brought the little bundle over and handed her to Marley. “Did you ever decide on a name?” Marley asked. She had agreed to let Dane and Grace name her.

  “Amber Marie,” they said in unison. Marley couldn’t stop the sob that escaped when she heard her sister’s first name coupled with Grace’s middle name. They couldn’t have chosen better. Dane sat down beside Marley, wrapping her and the baby in an embrace, and Grace went to tell the others the good news.

  Once the nurses cleared out, Marley’s family was in and out of the room for several hours. She was glad she had them all, but she was ready to get home with just the four of them. Dane stayed overnight in the room, while Lucinda and Merrill took Grace home. Marley’s parents stayed in one of the guest bedrooms, but Lucinda had already promised they would leave once Marley got settled at home. She remembered how it was being a new mother and wanting the peace that came in those first few hours alone.

  The next day when they arrived at home, Lucinda snapped a picture of the four of them as they stood together while Dane told Amber Marie about her new home. Later while Marley was resting on the sofa with her head in Dane’s lap, her phone pinged with an incoming text. “Would you see who that is for me?” Marley asked Grace who was sitting on the other side of Dane. He had his legs stretched out and Amber Marie secured against his shoulder.

  “It’s a text from Grandma. It’s… Huh.” Grace handed the phone over, and Marley gasped.

  When she showed the picture to Dane, he shook his head. “Connor really is amazing.” The photo was an exact likeness to the one hanging over their mantel. Amber Marie grunted, but she didn’t wake up. The four of them sat together, just being, and Marley silently thanked the fates for bringing Dane to her before she sent up a little prayer to her sister, thanking Lynette for watching over Grace and promising she would return the favor.

  Coming Soon


  Stone Society Book 11

  Finding Home

  The Music Within Book 4

  Tap Dancing with an Angel

  The Ghost in the Water

  Samuel Dexter Book 2

  Would you like to be notified when the next book is coming out? Follow Faith on Amazon:

  Faith Gibson on Amazon

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  About the Author

  Faith Gibson is a multi-genre author who lives outside Nashville, Tennessee with the love of her life, and her four-legged best friend. She strongly believes that love is love, and there's not enough love in the world.

  She began writing in high school and over the years, penned many stories and poems. When her dreams continued to get crazier than the one before, she decided to keep a dream journal. Many of these night-time escapades have led to a line, a chapter, and even a complete story. You won't find her books in only one genre, but they will all have one thing in common: a happy ending.

  When asked what her purpose in life is, she will say to entertain the masses. Even if it's one person at a time. When Faith isn't hard at work on her next story, she can be found playing trivia while enjoying craft beer, reading, or riding her Harley.

  Connect with Faith via the following social media sites:

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  Other Works by Faith Gibson

  The Stone Society Series









  Jonas – A Stone Society Novella



  The Music Within Series

  Deliver Me

  Release Me

  Finding Me

  Tap Dancing with the Devil – Standalone MF Suspense

  The Samuel Dexter Books

  The Ghost in the Mirror

  The Ghost in the Desert – Prequel Short Story

  The Guardians of Truth – YA Fantasy

  (writing as Andi Copeland)





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