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Sugar and Sin Bundle

Page 9

by Stacey Joy Netzel

  The desolation in Regan’s admission drew his gaze like a magnet.

  “She left right after my fifteenth birthday. If it makes you feel any better, I just found out last week that she married husband number four.” She averted her attention to her lap and stabbed at a chunk of potato with her fork. “The richest one so far.”

  No justice there, either. Not when Regan’s voice carried the echo of bitterness he’d lived with all these years. Considering what he remembered of Loretta, the side his father had refused to see, Tripp realized it was a good thing Regan had had his father and Nana.

  To his amazement, in that moment, a large chunk of the resentment he’d been carrying for so long slid off his shoulders. He sat forward again, his gaze intent on her face. “I’m sorry.”

  Her brows drew together. “You’re sorry? For what?”

  “That she left you.”

  “Oh.” One slim shoulder lifted. “Well, actually, I chose to stay here. She just didn’t put up a fight.”

  Like he didn’t know what that felt like, too. Their eyes met across the campfire. Instant understanding passed between them, sparking a kinship with her like he’d never felt with anyone else. His chest tightened, and his pulse sped up. Shit.

  Rising to his feet, he set his food aside with a thump and grabbed the handle of one bucket to stride to the shoreline. He needed a moment away from the dangerous connection to put the situation between them back in perspective.

  Returning with a full bucket of water, he hung it over the fire to heat, determined to keep his distance from Regan both emotionally and physically. They ate the rest of the meal in complete silence. He didn’t want to look at her, but had to keep jerking his gaze from her downcast face. He didn’t want to talk to her, yet his tongue was sore from biting off the words attempting to burst forth.

  The conflicting emotions made him uncomfortable, edgy. When she reached for the bucket with her potholders, he took them from her without a word and carried the water into the cabin. Shadows shifted inside, cast from the oil lamps she’d lit earlier; one on the table, one next to the bed. He avoided looking at the four by six feet of temptation dominating the back corner.

  “I got the dishes,” he said shortly, dumping some water into the sink and then depositing the bucket with the remaining warm water in the bathroom for her.

  “Thank you.”

  He turned around at the sound of her voice a few steps behind him. The smile in her voice was nothing more than pleasantly surprised, but the warmth in her eyes turned the smile on her lips seductive—especially when her gaze drifted down the length of his body.

  The ever-present awareness humming in the background surged forward with dizzying force, knocking him even more off-balance. This was getting too complicated. He felt like he was caught in quick-sand with no hope of rescue.

  “Rule number six,” he growled, stepping closer in hopes of scaring her off.

  Her gaze jerked up in surprise.

  “Don’t look at me like that if you’re not prepared for the consequences.”

  Color stained her cheeks, but, to his surprise and utter consternation, this time she held her ground and then proceeded to give him another all-encompassing assessment. Couldn’t she at least help him save him from himself? His jeans tightened uncomfortably.

  “It’s five,” she said. When he frowned, she explained, “You skipped a rule.”

  Had he? Oh, wait— “No, I didn’t.”

  “I don’t remember five.”

  “That’s because I didn’t tell you it.”


  “You don’t need to know number five.” Ever.

  She put her hands on her hips. “Why not?”

  Tripp had a hard time focusing past the material stretched tight over her breasts. “Just forget it, okay? Back to six—”

  “Come to think of it,” she mused, “there’s no four, either.”

  “Yes there is.”

  “I voided that rule.”

  He gave a short laugh. “You are not authorized.”

  “Well, I’m certainly not about to listen to you tell me I have to do the cooking like a good little girl.”

  “And yet you did tonight.”

  She started to protest, then snapped her mouth shut with a muttered, “Damn.”

  “Rule number four stands. As I was saying, rule number six—”

  “No.” Defiance radiated from her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Not until you tell me number five.”

  Damn if her arguing wasn’t turning him on more. “Five is for me,” he said with exasperation.

  “So? I should still get to know what it is. It’s bad enough you get to make them up out of the blue whenever the mood strikes you, the least you can do is tell me what the stupid things are.”

  He’d had enough. “Rule number seven—no arguing the rules.”

  “See, there’s another thing. I can’t argue the rule if I have no clue what it is. So, basically, that leaves four, five and seven null and void. And as such, I don’t—”

  He made a low noise deep in his throat. She’d argue it all night, wouldn’t she? Well, there was one sure way to shut her up.

  Chapter 9

  Reggie’s words deserted her when Tripp gripped her arms and pulled her close enough to feel his breath on her lips. Reflexively, she brought her hands up against his chest. Her fingers splayed over warm, hard muscle, distantly registering the rapid beat of his heart beneath her touch.

  There really was no sense continuing an argument she’d only started as nervous reaction to her recent decision that he was right; why fight the inevitable? The attraction between them certainly wasn’t dissipating—just the opposite, every moment she spent with him increased her longing for his touch and the freedom to touch him back.

  He stopped about an inch short of her lips, holding her gaze relentlessly. Anticipation swirled with nervousness as she held her breath for the long-awaited touch of his mouth on hers.

  “I want to make one thing perfectly clear.”

  Just kiss me already! “What’s that?”

  “This has nothing to do with Mason or the ranch.”

  She blinked and swallowed hard as reality rushed in. In the heat of the moment, she’d forgotten about their little competition. When she was this close to him, her senses were completely overwhelmed by the smell and feel of clean, warm male—of Tripp—nothing else mattered.

  “I’m not messing with you,” he continued in that low, sensual voice. “I’m not out to even the score. It’s just you and me, understand?”

  She searched his eyes and found nothing but honesty in their blue depths. And sexy, smoldering desire. There was no stopping her hands from sliding up into his soft blond hair to pull his head down to hers.

  The moment their lips met, the rest of the world faded away. He started slow. Exploring, tasting, learning the curve of her mouth as she learned his. She had the impression he was giving her the chance to change her mind before things went too far. Not on her life when he kissed her like she was something precious to be discovered.

  The gentleness in his touch as he smoothed loose, wispy curls from her face amazed her. And she lost herself in him. His hand skimmed down the thick braid. A steady pull released the rubber band at the end, allowing his fingers to comb through the length of it until he’d spread the curls about her shoulders. And the kiss continued as if they had all the time in the world.

  But, for Reggie, the fire inside had begun to build too fast. She wanted more, could feel more vibrating in the leashed power of his body against hers.

  “Tripp,” she breathed against his mouth.


  “I want you.”

  He went completely still for a second, then his body responded. His arousal throbbed against her lower belly, answering her statement as effectively as the guttural groan that tore from his lips. In a heartbeat, she got what she asked for. His arms closed tight around her, his tongue met hers,
deepening the kiss so fast her world spun.

  While his hands splayed across her back, pressing her closer still, his touch burned through the thin material of her cotton shirt. She held nothing back, meeting every wild, passionate challenge he gave, until they both had to come up for air.

  He kissed a moist trail along the underside of her jaw to her neck. A gentle nip shot a jolt of desire deep inside her. With a soft gasp, she tilted her head, offering herself without reservation. His ragged breath against her ear sent shivers down her spine. She quivered against him, moaned softly, and he uttered another low groan.

  The mattress against the back of her legs made her knees buckle. Reggie sat on the bed with dazed surprise, holding onto Tripp with one hand while reaching the other back to keep from falling. She hadn’t even been aware of him moving her backward. He braced a hand on each side to take her mouth and lower them both until his weight pressed her into the mattress.

  She took the opportunity to slide her hands under his T-shirt. Its snug fit limited her access, so she dragged the material up and pulled it over his head. He tossed it aside and returned to the kiss.

  While she learned the muscled contours of his bared back, his palm took a slow trip along the side of her breast, down along her ribcage, over the curve of her hip, to cup the backside of her jeans. His tongue thrust deep as he pulled her leg up against his side, fitting their hips together like two matching pieces of a puzzle.

  Reggie rubbed against him, but it only intensified the ache inside. He skimmed his hand back up her body, his knuckles brushing the insides of her breasts this time. Buttons came undone, exposing skin for his warm, seeking lips. He paused at the third button to unclasp her bra, and then his fingers continued downward while his mouth took a side detour.

  When his mouth closed over a tight, budded nipple, her hand clenched in his hair. Sensation spiraled to her core with each tugging suck and swirl of his tongue. With a soft little whimper, she rocked her hips harder against his erection. Despite the warmth of the night, the air felt cool against her flushed skin as he peeled her shirt apart. His eyes burned dark blue when he lifted his head.


  He wasn’t so bad himself, but she wanted him touching, not looking. Or better yet, she could take her turn. When he leaned in to kiss her again, she reached for the button of his jeans, eager to reciprocate the pleasure he’d given her. His stomach muscles contracted against the back of her hand as she slid his zipper down. She slipped her fingers under the elastic of his briefs. As soon as she brushed his rigid length, he snatched her hand to pull it away.

  “Shit,” he muttered hoarsely.

  Confusion took hold as he groaned and buried his face in her hair.

  “What?” she asked a split second before realization dawned. “Oh. Did you…?”

  “No! Of course not.”

  She smiled with relief.

  “But I...I don’t have anything with me.”

  “For wha—ooohh.” Now she sighed with heartfelt disappointment.

  He rolled off her onto his back. Reggie pulled the edges of her shirt back together and sat up. His hand slipped under the material and caressed the line of her back. “I never imagined something like this would happen.”

  In her wildest dreams, she had. In reality, not so much, and now she wasn’t sure what to say while her body still screamed for his touch. He sat up behind her, sliding his hands around to cup her breasts in his palms while pulling her back against his chest. Her breath hitched as his thumbs and forefingers twisted gently at the same time his tongue traced her ear. She shivered, letting her head loll back on his shoulder.

  “Of course,” he said in his low raspy voice that made her stomach flutter. “It doesn’t mean we still can’t do…stuff.”

  Her heart thudded even as heat and moisture pooled between her thighs. A sudden light bulb went off in her head. She pulled free and turned around, letting her shirt hang open as she put her hands on his shoulders to push him back on the bed. She crawled up to straddle his hips with her own, smiling at his raised brows and surprised grin as she leaned over him for a quick kiss. When she pulled back, he made a sound of protest and lifted his head to prolong their contact.

  “You have no idea how lucky you are,” she said.

  He reached to cup her breasts. “No arguments here.”

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders when he teased each nipple. She smiled at him. “I know where there’s a condom. A bunch of them, actually.”

  He stilled, and his Adam’s apple jerked as he met her gaze. “You better not be messing with me, woman.”

  She let loose a husky chuckle. “Last summer, I caught one of the high school kids from The Double C up here with his girlfriend. They ran out so fast they left a whole box behind.”

  “Where are they?”

  “I stashed them in the back of the bathroom cupboard. I didn’t want Judd to find them and think they were mine.”

  He surged upright, crushing them chest to chest as he captured her mouth in a deep, intimate kiss. His erection throbbed between them where she rode his hips. She pressed down, impatient for him to be inside her. In one smooth motion, her shirt and bra were stripped from her arms, then he flipped their positions so fast, she stared up at him, dazed.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered.

  She was taking off her second boot when he stepped from the bathroom with the box held aloft like a trophy.

  “Thank God for teenage hormones.”

  Reggie laughed, unable to keep her gaze from dropping to his unsnapped, unzipped jeans. His boxer briefs did nothing to hide his arousal. By the looks of him, she was in luck, too.

  “Rule number six…” he reminded, approaching with a sexy swagger.

  She didn’t shift her gaze. “Bring it on.”

  He tossed the box on the nightstand near the oil lamp. Reggie started to shimmy her jeans over her hips, and he paused to watch. Inhibitions shed, she kicked the denim aside, slipped off her underwear, and put both palms against his chest to push him back on the bed again. He continued to observe with heavy-lidded eyes as she tugged off his first boot and let it drop behind her with a dull thud. The second followed before she helped him with his jeans and briefs.

  He lay on the bed, gloriously naked for her viewing pleasure. The light of the lamp cast intriguing shadows from the defined contours of his muscles. He did his own share of looking as she climbed up beside him. They faced each other for a quiet moment without touching, heads cushioned on their arms.

  “You know…” She traced a circle on his chest with one finger, then trailed it lower. “Just because we have the condoms doesn’t mean we still can’t do the other…stuff.”

  He leaned close to nuzzle her neck and skimmed a hand over the curve of her hip.

  “That goes without saying, Princess.”

  She went still. It took him a moment to notice her lack of response to his touch.

  He lifted his head, concern clouding his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  She closed her eyes against the heaviness settling in her chest. “Every time you call me that, it reminds me of who I used to be.”

  “I didn’t mean it that way,” he protested.

  “I know, but I can’t help it.” Propping her head on one hand, she reached to cup his rough jaw with her other palm. “Tripp, I need you to know how sorry I am for everything I’ve done to you.” Her voice caught, and she ended in a choked whisper, “I’d give anything to make it right.”

  “Shhh. I know.” He gathered her close to his side, tucking her head under his chin. He stroked her hair as she turned her face into the warmth of his neck.

  Tears stung her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She wouldn’t do that to him again. After a minute, she realized his heartbeat had increased just as a huge sigh expanded his chest.

  Softly, he repeated, “I know.”

  She moved closer, wanting to ease the turmoil she sensed in him, to show him how sorry she was. S
he pressed her lips to the base of his neck where his pulse pounded, dipping her tongue out to taste the slight saltiness of his skin. Moving up the column of his throat, she lowered her hand to his erection at the same time her mouth reached his. His body jerked in response. She smiled against his lips.

  Passion flared again, and yet his kiss held a tender note of forgiveness that made her heart ache. The two combined to consume her guilt until it lay in ashes. It was a gift she could never hope to repay. Filled with an inner peace that contradicted the fire he’d ignited, she kissed her way down his chest, across his stomach, until she took the tip of his velvet hardness in her mouth.

  He tensed, his hands digging into her hair until she felt a sensual tingle on her scalp just shy of being painful. She slid her lips down the length of him, lightly scraping her teeth on the way back up.

  It didn’t take long before he dragged her up with a groan. “I’ll go too fast.”

  Reversing positions, he took his turn, kissing along her body, caressing, sucking until she was on the brink, practically begging him to take her. Reaching over her, he fumbled a condom from the box, ripped it open and put it on fast. Then he held himself above her, his tip at her entrance as their gazes locked. Arms trembling, he slowly pushed inside. She lifted her hips until he was buried deep.

  He filled her so completely; she couldn’t contain a soft gasp. For a breathless moment, the wonder coursing through her was reflected in the depth of his eyes. She laid her palms against his face before threading her fingers through his hair. Did he feel it too? Before she could examine the amazing yet confusing emotion, he smiled and lowered his head to capture her lips.

  His hips began to move. Reggie slow danced with him, using her tongue against his to suggest when to go faster, and when to ease up. He proved a very good listener.

  Tension built, intensified almost unbearably when he broke the kiss to dip his head and suck her nipple hard. The simultaneous sensation of his mouth on her breast while he slid inside made her arch upward with pleasure. He lavished the same attention on her other side before she tugged hard on his hair, urging him up again, wanting him deeper.


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