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Regale, Rhea - Wild Nights [Blood Moon Legacy 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Rhea Regale

  “Tell me about the other man.”

  Aya joined her bottle beside his and edged closer to him. She listened to that wicked voice urging her to climb over his legs, and she braced herself against his shoulders until she settled over his lap. The corners of his mouth curled, stirring her heartstrings and plucking the cords that wound tightly in her womb.

  “Your other mate is Riley Tormel.” Lenox’s gaze prowled over her like a famished creature. Aya slid closer to that wondrous bulge. What did his flesh feel like? How would it feel to be filled by this man?

  A low growl resonated within his chest. Her heart stammered. Her nipples peaked and became prominent against his shirt. If she moved a little further up, she could fit herself against that mound of caged cock…

  “Darlin’, I know your uncle taught you the ways of the wolf. Surely he mentioned the severe consequences of teasing one who’s been waiting for his mate to come along.”

  His hands dropped, grasping her waist. She gasped when he fit his dick at the apex of her thighs. Wetness coated the inside of her pants. Her clit pulsated from the brief friction. Shimmers of electricity sparked along her nerves, and she wanted more.

  “The need to claim can drive a wolf insane.” He leaned up and dipped his head to her neck. Her eyes fluttered closed as he inhaled deeply. Tingles cascaded along her throat and spread down to her nipples. “You smell so sweet.”

  “The soap,” she muttered mindlessly. His tongue flicked out and traced her racing pulse along her jugular. A soft purr escaped her lips. Her hips undulated over his clothed cock. Was she really so lost? Oh, God, yes.

  “No soap can match your delicate scent.” His lips brushed her jaw. He created a pathway of small kisses that ignited every single nerve ending to life. Vibrations flowed like water through her body, strung together along an intricate web that all derived from one tormented place.

  Lenox’s mouth lifted and slanted over hers. He took to her like a man desperate for salvation, and she thrived on it. His tongue plundered her mouth, full and complete. She plunged her hands into his thick locks, the soft strands sifting between her fingers. She pressed her swollen breasts against the concrete platform of his chest and moaned. Her nipples scraped and rubbed against the shirt, eliciting molten pleasure that brewed in her belly and made her cream.

  The waistband of her jogging pants loosened. Lenox’s strong hands slid beneath them. His fingers curled around her ass and squeezed. He thrust his hips against hers.

  “So soft.”

  His voice was gravelly with lust. The carnal heat behind his words unraveled her. Rational thoughts fled as she splayed her hands down the firm planes of his back and yanked his shirt up. She ripped the bothersome cloth over his head and hadn’t even tossed it aside before his mouth clamped down on her breast through her shirt. She hissed, arching into his mouth. He sucked hard, tugging her pearled nipple between his teeth. Her head dropped back as his hands slid over her ass, shoving the pants down to her thighs.

  She whimpered when his mouth left her. His fingers clasped over her thighs and eased them apart. Aya braced her hands on his knees and fought to lift the heavy weight of her head to look at him.

  Lenox leaned back into the sofa, his hungry gaze ravishing her pussy. The coils in her gut tightened. The throbbing pressure in her clit sliced through each breath, leaving her panting for release.

  She lifted her rear off his legs, offering herself to him. A dark grin tugged the corner of Lenox’s mouth. His hands glided up to her hips. He dipped his thumbs into her wetness, spreading her slick lips.

  “Irresistible,” he rasped. Aya whimpered, trying to sit on his teasing fingers. The pressure mounted in her pussy. Her body thrummed, needing Lenox to fill her. None of it made sense, and yet, she knew her dire passion evolved from something right. Her wolf crooned, silken fur caressing her spirit. Every nerve in her body was lit to where she felt the swirl of air over her skin. The slightest twitch of muscle beneath her plucked another needy string.

  “Lenox, I want you,” she breathed. The words tumbled from her, and again, a sense of righteousness encompassed her.

  Vibration hit the inside of her knee, followed by a shriek. It sliced through the near-palpable musk that held them in its grip. Lenox rolled his eyes. His head dropped back against the sofa.

  “Fuck.” His thumbs coasted down her inner thighs, leaving a trail of cool moisture along her flesh. He pulled one hand away, dug into his pocket, and removed his cell, connecting the call. “Mase, this better be important.”

  Aya blinked. The hunger vanished from Lenox’s expression. A sheet of ice fell over his eyes, and he straightened up. His fingers dug into her leg, his lips tightened, and at last, he met her curious gaze.

  “Yeah. Be down in ten.”

  Lenox disconnected the call. He patted her leg and tugged the jogging pants back in place. She swallowed back her frustration, squeezing the muscles of her pussy until the uncontrollable throb began to subside. Lenox cupped her head with both hands and brought her mouth to his for a deep drink.

  Every mounting desire fizzled when he lifted her off his lap and placed her on her feet beside him. “We’ll finish where we left off. For now, we need to get you some new clothes before the shops in town close up.” A menacing smile met his lips. He slid his fingers between hers. The motion of affection touched her heart deeper than she ever expected. “And it seems you’ll be meeting your other mate.”

  Chapter Five

  Riley simmered in anger and disgust. Lenox was as sharp as he remembered from pup hood. Perhaps even more so. Seldom could any wolf sense him and his pack when they approached. He was the leader of stealth, and somehow, Lenox knew just where he lay in wait.

  “Fucking bastard,” he spat before throwing back the last of his beer and slamming the bottle on the bar top. The bartender eyed him curiously, but wisely kept his tongue in check.

  Riley shoved back on the stool. He needed to get out of this stagnant room. It reeked of stale beer, old liquor, and dirty wolves. Weak, useless wolves. He stormed out of the bar into the early evening. Suppressing the growl that stirred in his chest, he smiled to the sky.

  Nocturnal insects had already begun to creep out of their daytime burrows, enhancing the subtle breeze with song and announcing the impending darkness of deep night. Riley reveled in the short hours before complete nightfall. His wolf roused and stretched within him, filling him with feral excitement. His heart sped up. His skin became so sensitive he could feel the slightest movement of the bugs flying nearby. His hearing intensified, and his desire to hunt exploded.

  There was nothing better than a wild escapade for fresh meat.

  Tonight, confronting his pup hood nemesis and slaughtering that cursed white wolf was on the agenda.

  As Riley rounded the bar toward his Escalade, he caught the rustic, wild scent of Lenox. Bitter memories flared to life. Yet, even through that poignant bitterness, he detected another fragrance. The sweeter, mouthwatering tinge of the white.

  He stilled on the sidewalk, absorbing his surroundings. The drifting breeze met his front, which meant the two must be up ahead. He filtered through pointless chatter among the town strollers, trying his damnedest to pinpoint where that soon-to-be dead man stood. People gave him wide berth as they passed him. Good. These fragile little humans should be wary. He was a blood-hungry predator, and right now, he was primed to stalk his prey.

  He tipped his head, scanning the thin crowd of townspeople. The sweet scent of the white intensified. The air pressed against his shoulders and chest. Blood rushed downward until his cock filled, biting into the metal zipper of his jeans. The muscles in his legs quivered beneath the overwhelming sexual hunger that speared through him.

  Find her. Take her. Claim her.

  Riley’s gaze halted. A woman stood on the front stoop of a store entrance no more than thirty feet away. For the briefest moment, everything disappeared. Fog unfurled through his mind. His vision failed him. His dick pulsed and str
etched. The wolf inside him—

  Yours. Take. Mate.

  The casual pink sweatpants and hooded top hugged her petite frame in a hellishly sexy way. Fuck, the woman was a beauty all cleaned up.

  And he wanted her.

  He stared, scouring her like a rare morsel. Only this meat would quell a different hunger. White wolf or not, he would fuck her until she submitted to him.

  Once he sated this powerful sexual hunger, he’d kill her.

  The muscle in his jaw twitched. He couldn’t draw an image of her dead. All he could see was her writhing in ecstasy as he pounded into her. The wispy flips of her dark hair, now so perfectly styled around her face and neck, would become wild and mussed from his fingers. The smooth, silky complexion of her skin—all except for the healing cut on her lip and a few fading bruises on her cheeks—would be rosy from multiple orgasms. Those beautiful blue eyes would darken with lust and silently beg for more.

  Damn, his hands itched to trace the delicious curves of her breasts, follow the indentation of her waist, and flow out along the slope of her hips. His fingers ached to grab hold of her legs and spread her wide before her cream drenched them. He wanted to explore the secret wonders of her cunt, using her juices to ease his invasion of her body.

  He took a long, deep breath and her scent grew sweeter. An aroused wolf. How inviting. And this one was more intoxicating, more delightful, than any he’d known before.

  The woman blinked before she drew her bottom lip between her teeth and nibbled on the plump flesh. A light blush touched her cheeks. She lifted a hand to her hair and curled a lock around her fingers. Her other hand splayed over her flat belly. Was she throbbing at the sight of him? Did she ache as much as he did? Her hand slid to her hip, one slow, tantalizing movement that snapped a thread of his control.

  Her eyes shifted slightly.

  Riley spun around. Something pinched his side. Heat shot into his body and spread like wildfire. He growled, lifted his hand to attack—

  His limbs were deadened.

  “Hello, old friend. It’s about time you’ve returned,” Lenox greeted. Riley blinked once, twice. His eyelids grew heavy. His vision clouded. His knees buckled. Lenox caught him under his arms.

  “W-wha…” His tongue and jaw barely moved. His voice fled him. He tried to grab Lenox’s arms, but his muscles were useless. The scene around him quickly faded until all that was left was the bittersweet memories of Lenox’s betrayal and the sweet scent of the white.

  * * * *

  Eliza stepped away from the shop window, allowing the shadows cast by the stark illumination of street lamps to swallow her behind racks of wool blankets and baubles. She kept her eyes on the events taking place at the block corner. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip, the restrained sense of empowerment at last spreading through her body. She had waited too many years for this moment, the moment she could reclaim a pack of vicious male wolves and hunt down this new threat to their kind.

  I’ll get my revenge on them. I’ll destroy them in your name, Laela. All of them.

  Lenox Carter was a magnificent species. It would be a tragedy to kill him off without having a bit of fun with him first. He motioned to a woman standing a store down from where Eliza took refuge. The frail-looking mutt hurried over to him, her slender hands pressed to her mouth.

  Eliza stepped out of the shadows and up to the window. She strained to hear any conversation that transpired, but only heard whispers between the humans walking by.

  “Do you know who you are, you little white tramp? Do you know how to use telepathy?” she murmured. It never occurred to her that the white wolf knew what she was. Rumor spread that the white discovered in HoodRiver had no idea what secrets her family’s blood held. She assumed this white would know just as little to keep her from being discovered.

  Maybe, just maybe, she was wrong this one time.

  A heavy-duty pickup flew by the store and screeched to a halt next to Lenox, her downed Riley, and the white. Two men hopped out of the cab and helped Lenox hoist Riley’s massive form into the backseat. One man urged the white into the front seat, slamming the door shut before glancing around warily. Lenox handed this man an empty syringe before clapping his shoulder and rounding the front of the truck. He disappeared on the other side. A moment later, the truck sped off, leaving a mist of smoke in wake of burnt rubber.

  Ah, yes. Everything was coming together nicely. And after this convenient haul away, she had the clear opportunity to unleash her men and finish what she and her sisters had set out to do all those years ago.

  Bloodshed would always follow in the path of the white wolf until the cursed creature was brought down.

  Chapter Six

  Nox finished leashing Riley to the bed, tightening the last knot around his wrist. He wiped his hands on his jeans and straightened up, casting a short glance toward Aya. The longer his gaze lingered on her, the more he wanted to return to what they had started before Mase interrupted. He had no shame in his deep-rooted hunger for the woman. After all, he had waited a quarter of a century for her.

  Aya had kept quiet the entire ride home, tossing a few lingering glances toward Riley’s unconscious figure in the backseat. Nox focused on the drive, trying his damnedest to ignore the potent scent of his woman’s arousal, mixed delightfully with a hint of anxiety and adrenaline.

  His carefully coiled control was about to snap, and when it did, the strings would whip hard and fast, leaving Aya at his mercy. No phone calls, no sense of urgency outside of their intimacy, would stop him this time.

  He prided himself in control, but with his mate, he found it nothing more than a whisper. She was his drug, his weakness, hence why he went to the extreme to tranquilize Riley and bring him back with them. She needed to know her other mate where he could control the situation.

  “You think that’ll hold him when he wakes?” Aya asked.

  “Probably not,” Lenox admitted smugly.

  “You’re willing to chance his outrage?”

  “I have no choice, little one. He needs to know what’s going on, whether he likes it or not.”

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Aya asked. Nox looked at her and brushed a wave from his forehead. She looked utterly pleasing nibbling on her bottom lip with her arms crossed over her chest, showcasing the swells of her breasts.

  He cleared his throat and shifted, hoping to ease the pressure in his hard cock. He wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to go before the need to claim her took possession of his spirit. As it was, his wolf paced at a disturbing rate, yelping his dissatisfaction with Nox’s stubborn resolve. This was torture of the worst kind.

  “Riley and I have history. Some of it will give you warm fuzzies. Most is fucking cold as mountain snow.” Nox crossed the bedroom until he had her pressed back against the wall. Her breath caught in her throat. He listened to the furious tempo of her heart. Resting both hands against the wall on either side of her shoulders, he dipped his head and inhaled the sweet scent of rose and wet-with-desire woman. “He’s been led astray, and it’s my job to pull him back.”

  He stole a quick glance into the shadowed encasement of her hoodie. His mouth watered with want, his jaw tightened with hunger, and his mind rolled with thoughts of passion. He turned his head, pressing his mouth to the soft underside of her chin.

  “He’ll need both of us, Ayasha.” He flicked out his tongue, drawing a slow line from her throat to the tip of her chin. The purr he received stroked his ego. “Just as much as I need you.”

  “What happened to him?”

  Why the hell did he have to bring up the past now when his blood seared his veins and his cock twitched against the tight confines of his jeans?

  Because she needs to understand completely.

  Nox snaked his arms around Aya’s waist and rolled them into the hallway. His gaze dropped to the quick rise and fall of her supple breasts. He couldn’t believe how perfect she was, a true blessing from the spirits. She mig
ht be small in his arms, but she was firm and toned, yet soft in all the right places. Her waist was narrow, her hips curvaceous. He detected the clean burn of fire within her, a fierce fighter hidden beneath the beauty of her thin figure. He yearned for those flames to engulf him. Her hair, kept in a shorter style, brushed over her eyes, her cheeks, and her chin.

  Every second he spent learning Ayasha’s figure and spirit, he knew no woman could compare to his mate.

  Her hands roamed over his pecs, her short nails scraping his peaked nipples. He adjusted his cock with his free hand, and didn’t miss the flash that struck her blue eyes.

  “Riley’s father was killed the night of the massacre. The man had been part of the rebel wolves, led by an alpha female, Laela, and her sisters. I believe he deserved what he got, but Riley took out his anger and grief on the whites.”

  Her lush lips pulled down in a small frown. “In other words, he hates me.”

  “No, he just doesn’t understand what’s happening to him because he’s as hardheaded and stubborn a jackass as I can be. Being a spiritually appointed mate to a white is going to be a hard piece of gristle for him to swallow.”

  “Why doesn’t he like you?”

  “Because I was chosen to be your mate.”

  “And so was he.” Aya trailed one finger down his chest, between the ridges of his abs, and hooked on his jeans.

  “Yeah, and he doesn’t know that. Not yet.”

  Aya whistled low and long. She craned her neck and glanced into the dim room where Riley lay unconscious. “We’re in for an adventure then, aren’t we, Lenox?”

  “You can call me Nox. Most do.”

  “I like Lenox. Nox makes you sound ob-nox-ious.” Aya quirked a brow and shrugged a shoulder. Nox heard the scrape of metal against jean before the waistline loosened. “Are you?” The teeth of the zipper raked his nerves, the very slight vibration torturous against his full cock. “Obnoxious?” Aya slipped her hand into his jeans. Her cool fingers wrapped around his engorged dick. Her cheeks flushed, and he caught the quiver that rolled over her body. He fisted his hand against the wall, bracing himself on his two feet as she pulled him out of the prison. “Maybe that’s why they gave you the nickname.”


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