Sold to the Wolf

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Sold to the Wolf Page 1

by Harmony Raines

  Sold To The Wolf


  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the author or publisher.

  This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events or places is purely coincidental.

  © 2013 Harmony Raines

  Silver Moon Erotica

  Smashwords Edition


  Chapter One

  Adam held his phone to his ear, listening to the dialling tone. While he waited for his brother, Nat, to answer he watched the young woman walking to towards the stage.

  A mixture of emotions raged inside him, but mostly he was angry.

  He had come to the club to speak to the manager about security, which was his speciality, supplying doormen and other added security guards when needed. There was a big star due to visit the club the following Saturday night, the manager was expecting a large crowd and so needed Adam's help.

  It was the sort of club Adam hated, there was something seedy about the place, and tonight was the worst. Young women came here and auctioned themselves off to the highest bidder. Some of them did it for kicks; others did it because they needed the money.

  Tonight was a special kind of auction, women were auctioning their virginity. Adam could not imagine why any woman with an ounce of self respect would do that. He normally had a thick skin and ignored what went on around him, but tonight something had happened, and now he was having to phone his brother for help.

  The toned stopped and his brother’s voice answered. “Hello, what can I do for you Adam?” You had to love caller ID.

  “Hi, Nat,” Adam said unsure how to go on. “Look, I need to ask you a favour.”

  “Anything I can help you with, you know I will.” Nat was the alpha of the Greystone wolves, the one they all respected and obeyed, and he was also the first person anyone turned to when they were in trouble.

  There was no easy way for a proud man like Adam to ask, so he simply came out with it. “I need to borrow some money.”

  There was a pause on the other end of the line. “Are you in trouble, Adam?”

  “No, nothing like that, something’s come up, that's all.”

  “Give me your word you’re OK and I’ll have the money transferred into your account immediately,” Nat said, still concerned.

  There was no way Adam could lie to Nat. “Everything is fine, I wouldn’t ask but my money is tied up and I need the cash now.”

  “I know you’re good for it, Adam, and don’t rush to pay me back, I'll transfer it at once.”

  “Thanks, Nat.”

  “You're not going to tell me what it’s for, are you?” Nat pressed.


  “OK, just thought it was worth asking. Take care, Adam.”

  “You too.” Adam hung up, and turned back towards the stage.

  “OK, gentlemen, next up for your delight and enjoyment, Cindy.” The auctioneer said into a cheap mic that distorted his voice.

  Cindy stepped onto the stage, her lush round curves barely concealed beneath a thin wrap. Adam gripped the back of the chair in front of him and fought for control.

  “Now, Cindy, why not show us what you have hiding under there?”

  Cindy looked at the auctioneer, and then to the crowd of men in front of the stage. “Come on now don’t be shy.”

  Cindy was visibly trembling as she open the front of the wrap and revealed her voluptuous body to the eager eyes of the audience. A burst of chatter rang out, and a couple of wolf whistles. By now the whites of Adams knuckles were visible and the chair was in danger of being broken.

  “Cindy is offering two days of her time to you lucky gents, plenty of time for someone to break her in.” A ripple of eager laughter went around the room.

  Cindy looked terrified; the reality of the situation suddenly hitting her, but it was too late because the auctioneer had started the bidding. Reluctantly Adam raised his hand, there was no way he could let any of these other men win her.

  Adam prayed none of the other members of the pack would ever have to find out he'd had to buy his true mate in an auction.


  Chapter Two

  Cindy stood rooted the spot, the lights shining onto the stage made it hard to see who was bidding for her. She was terrified. What in hell was she doing there? It had seemed like such a good idea, the money was too much of a temptation, but now it seemed to be the stupidest thing she had ever done.

  The atmosphere in the room was terrible, all these men bidding for the chance to fuck a virgin, because that was what would happen. No love making, no taking it slow, these men wanted a young woman to break, literally.

  But the money, it would be worth the pain and indignity to have a few thousand dollars in her bank account. God she hoped so.

  The bidding had reached the minimum she had wanted; she was surprised, after all no man went for her curves normally. Or perhaps it was her shyness that put them off, she couldn’t really tell. That was a joke, the shyest girl in school standing naked on a stage being auctioned off.

  It seemed the bids were starting to stall; the auctioneer seemed to be looking between two people now. At least she wasn’t the cheapest girl to be sold tonight, she laughed to herself that made the whole thing so much better, not.

  “Come on guys, which one of you really wants the chance to show this lovely lady what kind of a man they are.” The auctioneer sure liked to get the men going, but then he was on a commission so it was in his best interest.

  “I’d like to have a closer look, and touch,” a rough voice said from the crowd.

  Her eyes widened in terror, that so rarely happened the manager had told her, however it was part of the contract and she would have to submit.

  The crowd before her moved, a ripple of excitement and anticipation going through them. A man made his way forward, he was middle aged and balding, something about him made her skin crawl. He was not the kind of man she had envisaged winning her, but he was typical of the kind of guys in the room.

  She wanted to run, this was stupid. She had definitely changed her mind about being sold.

  “Ten thousand.”

  There was a gasp from the crowd.

  “Ten thousand?” The auctioneer seemed a little confused.

  “Yes. Ten thousand, if no one touches her.”

  “I want my inspection,” the balding man sneered, still coming forward.

  “If you want to touch her you can match my bid, or else she is mine.” The voice sounded aggressive, almost out of control.

  She was shocked at the amount; it was one of the biggest price tags ever. Then she wondered what would be worse, balding guy or crazy guy. No guy. Gathering her wits she covered herself and turned to leave the stage as quickly as possible. She went the wrong way and got stuck behind a curtain, and had to go back before she finally found the stairs to get down. As she set foot on the ground she heard the auctioneer bang his gavel down.

  “Sold, for ten thousand.” The auctioneer sounded overjoyed. “If you go to your right someone will hand you the contract to sign. Enjoy your purchase, and have a good evening.”

  She quickly found her bag and clothes and got dressed. If she left now she would escape the buyer, and then she could try and straighten things out in the morning. Pulling on her dress she quickly shoved her feet into her shoes, and then ran for the door.

  The cool air hit her face as she raced outside; she stopped to get her
bearings, wanting to head towards somewhere busy in case she was followed. She made up her mind and went to run when a hand grabbed her arm, pulling her backwards.

  “Where do you think you are going?” an angry voice asked.

  She fell back against his hard, toned body, her arm in pain from his tight hold on it. “I’m sorry; I made a mistake, let me go, please.”

  “It’s a little too late for that, don’t you think? I paid for you fair and square, and I have the contract to prove it. So now you are coming home with me.”

  “No,” she turned and tried to push him away. Then she looked up and saw who her captor was, her heart skipped a beat and she struggled to breathe.

  Instead of a creepy old guy, as she had expected, there stood the kind of man most girls would die for. He had dark brooding looks, and a fierceness about him that made her knees go weak. She had met handsome men before, they had usually ignored her, but this guy was something else, and he wanted her.

  Her body responded to him in a way she had never known, and she became aware that his chest wasn’t the only thing that was hard. She could feel his stiff length pressing against her thigh, as far as she knew she had never had this affect on a man.

  She faltered, unsure of what she was supposed to do, go with him, or try to run. His hold on her did not loosen, running, for now, was out of the question. Relaxing a little she realised her own body was reacting to him, there was a heat filling her, brought on by his nearness.

  He was the most intense man she had ever met, and that intensity flowed into her, making her want him too. Instantly he felt the change in her and took it as acceptance. Pulling her with him he made his way to where cars were parked underneath the building, he fished in his pocket for some keys and then she heard the beep of a door being unlocked.

  She was going with him, he was going to take her home and do what he pleased with her, she had sold herself to this man for two days. All reason left her, she only wanted to know what he was going to do to her, and how much she was going to enjoy it.

  He opened the car door, and was about to help her in when he stopped. “Hell, I can’t wait.”

  Leaning her over the passenger seat he reached up her skirt and ripped her panties off her. She knew they were sopping wet, a sure give away for how aroused she was by him. He must have felt it because he lifted them to his nose and sniffed, the scent of her drove him wild.

  He pinned her down with one arm and before she could protest worked his finger inside her.

  “You are tight,” he said, moving in and out of her.

  He slowed a little, inserting another finger inside her and stretching her gently. She had never felt anything like this, her brain screamed at her to tell him to stop, they were in a public place and he was doing the most intimate things to her. But her voice would not cooperate; sense had no place in this.

  His fingers slid out of her, rubbing her juices along the length of her slit. Then he used his foot to push her feet further apart, her legs spread wide giving him better access to her. His left hand stroked her thigh, working its way around her soft plump flesh until his fingers found her clit.

  She groaned as his fingers rubbed her there, sliding into her sex and then back out to play with her until she could think of nothing else. Dimly she heard the sound of a zip, and then something pushing against the entrance to her sex. At first it didn’t register, only when the tip of his cock slid inside her did she fully understand that he was going to take her right now.

  He filled her with his thickness, sliding into her until he reached the membrane of her innocence, and then he pushed through it, making her cry out. Biting her lip to help keep silent she tried to relax, knowing the tenser she was the more it would hurt, but it was hard when the stinging persisted.

  Undeterred he thrust into her, filling her completely, only then did he pull back, before pushing into her again slowly. He repeated this action, each time the stinging eased, replaced by a wonderful feeling of pleasure. His fingers never stopped rubbing her clit; she had to grip the seat of the car in an effort not to lose control.

  His thrusts became harder, and more insistent, each one pushing her hard down onto the seat. She felt so stretched, and marvelled at the way her body yielded for him, enabling her to accommodate his thick cock.

  He began to grind into her, his breathing becoming laboured and she knew he was going to come. It struck her that they hadn't used any protection, the pack of condoms, still in their wrapper, were in the pocket of her jacket.

  It would be ironic if she ended up pregnant from this, or worse, if he had an STD. Then the mundane thoughts were swept from her mind as he came inside her, the feel of his cock filling her with his seed making her sex contract around him. She was shocked by the strength of her orgasm, this time the scream that came from her mouth was one of pleasure so intense she wondered how she could have lived her life so far without feeling this.

  His fingers fluttered over her clit, like little heart beats, it was a rhythm that connected with her throbbing sex and her whole body seemed to become centred on her core, everything else forgotten. How did he know how to make everything so intense? For now she simply felt lucky that he had been the person to win her and make this so much more than it could have been.

  Gradually his rhythm slowed, his thrusts becoming less aggressive. He was done, his orgasm over and now she came back down to earth too. Her brain could not comprehend what had just happened; in fact the whole evening seemed like a bad dream, well apart from the orgasm she had experienced.

  Shaking her head she tried to pull herself together, here she was leaning over a stranger's car seat and being taken from behind where anyone could see them. There was no part of this that was right, who the hell was this guy? It was as though he had been possessed by the need to take her, and no one had ever felt that way about her. That put one thought into her head, the guy was crazy, and she had to get away from him.

  His weight shifted and he pulled out of her, leaving her with a distinct feeling of loss. Her sex ached, he had been rougher than she had thought, and now her muscles complained about the way she had been invaded. Trying to raise her body up she felt stiff and sore where the car seat had pressed against her ribs.

  She heard the zip of his pants as he did them back up and realised she would have to go home commando style because he had ripped her panties in two. It would feel strange, bit she would have to do it, even if it meant walking through the streets like this, because she had no intention of getting in this guy's car.

  However, he had other thoughts on that matter. “Are you OK, Cindy?”

  She didn’t respond, it took a second for her to realise he was talking to her, and then she managed to find her voice. “I think so; the evening is not going quite the way I expected.”

  “Oh, is that because I’m not some old seedy guy with bad breath?”

  His words cut her. “No, I meant I at least expected to be taken to somewhere with a bed, not to be forced to do this outside like a common whore.”

  “I’m sorry, that wasn’t in the contract, and what exactly do you think you are, selling yourself like that?” Every word he spoke seemed to be an insult.

  “Wow, the voice of disapproval from the man who paid ten thousand dollars. That was a lot of money, I must thank you.”

  He scoffed at her words, then mumbled, “Believe me if I had a choice I would have left you to the other guy. I can’t believe anyone could stand on a stage and let some creep touch her up like that.”

  “How dare you judge me when you were obviously there to make a purchase.”

  “No, I was there on business.”

  “Then you should have minded your own business.”

  She watched his face as his anger grew, suddenly she realised she was in a dangerous position. He was big enough and strong enough to make her do whatever he wanted, she needed to think about getting away.

  “I was minding my own business, unfortunately when I saw you I had no ch
oice but to make you mine.”

  “No, we all have choices, you could have walked away.”

  “No, I couldn’t.” He took a long shuddering breath, trying to gain control of his emotions. “I suggest we go back to my place and continue this discussion there.”

  “Oh, no, I am not going anywhere with you.” She straightened up, looking for the best way to escape.

  “Too late, I’ve got a contract that says you are mine for two days. So get in the car,” he ordered.

  “I will do no such thing.” She looked around for her bag, and bent down to get it, his hand closed around her arm.

  “Get in the car, and don’t even think of running away.”

  She wondered if he could read her mind, his hand hurt her but still she tried to pull away. “I am not going anywhere with you.”

  He swung her around to face him, her back pressed against the car. There was a heat in his eyes that was strange, and the look he gave her left her in no doubt as to what he was thinking. Unfortunately her body began to respond, her breasts were squashed against his chest and she felt her nipples hardening in a desire to be touched.

  “Get in the car now, I want to take you home and make love to you properly, Cindy.” His gaze raked her body. “And you cannot deny that is not what you want, your body betrays you.”

  She could feel the heat stir in her, what was it about him that compelled her to do whatever he wanted? This was madness, but then so was offering her virginity for auction in the first place. That was the problem, no matter how she wanted him to really want her, he was only after two days with her to fulfil some sad fantasy.

  If she went with him he would break her heart, because she already felt a strong attraction to him. “I’ll give you your money back, I’ll phone them tomorrow and tell them I didn’t go through with it.”

  “They won’t do that, they want their commission, and anyway you did go through with part of it, you're no longer a virgin, remember.”

  She couldn’t understand why he was being so cruel; if he wanted her to go with him he could at least have been nice to her. “Take their commission as payment for what you have received and I’ll give the rest back to you, please, I want to end this now.”


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