Sold to the Wolf

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Sold to the Wolf Page 2

by Harmony Raines

  “That is not going to happen, Cindy, it’s not about the money.”

  She felt scared now, none of it made sense. “Then what is it about?” she asked with a shaky voice.

  “You and me, and destiny.”

  “You're crazy.”

  “Oh, no. If only it was that simple. I have been looking for you for a long time, you are my true mate, and whether you like it or not you are coming home with me.”

  She struggled against him; he held her tight and then lowered his head and kissed her. It was the first time their lips had touched; the feeling was so different to the way he had made love to her, more emotion than she thought possible, considering his words. Unbidden her arms wrapped around his neck, and she pulled him close.

  A shudder passed through him. “Please get in the car, Cindy, or else I will have to mate with you again here, and I would rather take you home and take my time.”

  “How do I know you are not some serial killer?”

  He laughed, true mirth in his voice, “Is that what you are worried about, that I am going to hurt you?”

  “Yes, you sound so angry with me.”

  “The only thing I am angry about is the fact that you were stupid enough to put yourself on display like that, because you are partly right, I could have been a serial killer.”

  “It seemed like a good way to get some money together.”

  “You must be pretty desperate if you are willing to sell something as precious as your virginity.”

  “It didn’t seem so precious; in fact it seemed the only way I was ever going to lose it. I struggle with dating.”

  “Really? With a body like yours I would have thought you would have to fight men off.”

  Now she felt angry, she had spent all her life being teased about her curves. “Don’t be so mean.”

  He looked startled at having upset her. “I wasn’t, I mean you have the perfect body for breeding, and that is exactly what I intend to do with you.”

  A look of horror passed over her face. “Of course, that's why you didn’t use protection; you want to get me pregnant.”

  “Eventually, yes. Like I said, Cindy, you are my true mate.”

  “I have no idea what you mean by that.”

  “Then come with me and I will show you.” He stepped away from her and offered her his hand.

  She stood looking at him, trying to understand what he was saying. Her head told her to run, run as fast as she could and never look back, instead she took his hand and let him escort her around to the other side of the car. He opened the door and she got in.

  He pushed the door closed behind her and before she knew it he slid into the seat next to her, he had moved impossibly fast. She put her seatbelt on as he started the engine, and then blocked the doubt from her mind and let the need she had for him take over her senses.

  There was something about him, she could feel that distinct pull, and she began to understand now why he had needed to take her so swiftly. Her body was behaving so strangely, and there was nothing she could do about it, except wait in wonderful anticipation for when he made love to her slowly like he had promised.


  Chapter Three

  He drove fast; she had to sink deep into the seat to stop herself from being thrown from side to side. The tension in the car was tremendous, like a storm about to break. Her heart beat fast and erratically, the thrill of the unknown almost too much for her to handle.

  She couldn’t follow all the twists and turns he made, if she got out the car now she would have no idea where she was, not that she thought she would be able to get out the car, her legs were too weak.

  A few more minutes passed, and he slowed down, looking out of the window she could see that they were in a more exclusive part of town. For the first time she wondered who exactly he was, this man who had been willing to bid so much money for her.

  Glancing at him out of the corner of her eye she tried to see if there was anything about him that would give her some clue. His suit was expensive, but nothing about him screamed wealth, it was more understated than that. In some ways he dressed to blend in. Although in her eyes that would be impossible, his whole presence screamed power and control. Or did that only affect her?

  He looked around at her and caught her eye; she blushed, unable to hold his gaze. She had never been a weak woman, in fact she had always made her own way in the world, but she knew she would find it hard to resist obeying anything he asked her to do for him.

  “We're here,” he said, pulling up outside a small block of apartments.

  There was no one else about, the whole place looked deserted, she was glad because she was acutely aware of her lack of underwear. Especially when he was outside her door, pulling it open and taking hold of her arm to lead her to his lair. The breeze lifted her skirt and the cool air did nothing to soothe the fever she had building inside her.

  His apartment was around the back of the building, concealed from prying eyes, no one would see her enter. Would she ever leave? The key appeared in his hand and they were in the apartment, his hands already on her body as he pulled her close and kissed her.

  His lips brushed hers, the urgency conveyed to her body setting it on fire, he had said he would go slowly, but that didn’t seem possible. With her held close to him he manoeuvred her through the large, spacious living room and then into his bedroom.

  Once in there he ripped her clothes off, she didn’t protest, because the expression on his face was one of open adoration for her voluptuous body. His eyes looked strange, almost burning into her flesh. Hungry, that was it, like a man half starved suddenly presented with steak.

  Tremors coursed through her body, she had no experience of men, but she knew this was not normal, and she felt privileged that a man such as this should want her so much. He did not take his eyes off her while he slowly began to remove his own clothes.

  Loosening his tie he pulled it off, dropping it to the floor, his jacket was next, one button at a time. She watched completely mesmerised, too caught up in him to feel any embarrassment about her nakedness. Once his jacket was gone he started on his shirt, each opened button revealing more and more of his tanned, toned chest.

  A light covering of hair was sprinkled over it, and more than anything she wanted to touch him, to feel it springy beneath her fingers. Before her brain registered her movement she was directly in front of him, her fingers stroking his chest.

  The feel of him was electrifying, a kind of static binding them together. The rise and fall of his chest beneath her touch became heavier. The effect she had on him giving her a sense of power, he might have bought her, yet at this moment she had some control, it was if he couldn’t pull away even if he wanted too.

  She bent her head and kissed his chest, the rise and fall stopped, he was holding his breath, fighting for control. Undeterred she moved across and licked his nipple, wondering if they were as sensitive as her own.

  He groaned, visibly shaken. “Stop, Cindy.” He lifted both his hands and gripped her wrists, pulling her away from him,

  “But you like it,” she stated.

  “Yes, but if you keep doing that I won’t be able to stop myself, and I don’t want to hurt you.” The strain evident in his voice.

  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist touching you.”

  He laughed, “I’m glad to hear it, but right now I want to take things slowly, or I will make you sore.”

  The idea of him making her sore appealed to her, she still felt a dull ache from the first time, and in a masochistic way she wanted it to be more acute, a sign of how much he wanted her.

  As though he read her mind he said, “If you are too sore I won’t be able to take you in all the ways I want to.”

  She looked him in the eye; he meant every word of it. Relaxing her body and stepping away gave him the sign he needed, he let her go, and went back to the removal of his clothes. His fingers made short work of his pants, they dropped to the floor and he stepped out of
them. She swallowed hard at the bulge hardly concealed in his shorts, his was big, no wonder he had stretched her so much.

  Then he was naked in front of her, his cock long and erect, when he moved towards her she raised her eyes to his and the look there made her shiver. He looked fierce, and strong, and she knew there was nowhere to run, he was going to do wicked things to her, and she was going to enjoy it all.

  His hands covered her breasts, cupping them, one in each hand, his turn to tease her. His thumbs rubbed over the hard peaks her nipples had become, she lowered her gaze and watched the steady repeated rhythm. Then his head obscured her view as he bent forward and placed his mouth over one of her nipples and sucked it in hard.

  She clung to him, the feel of his teeth grazing her nipple almost too much. His arm encircled her and supported her making her feel safe. Her arms cradled his head while he switched to her other breast, and then he picked her up and carried her to the bed, placing her down on it carefully.

  Easing her legs apart with his strong hands he positioned himself between them, his finger sliding along the length of her slit. She arched her back, not wanting to lose contact with his touch. He repeated the action, and she tried to relax and enjoy it but the tension in her body proved too much.

  Then his hair tickled her thigh as he leaned down and kissed her clit, his tongue sliding out to lick her there. Her orgasm built quickly, and she hated it, because as much as she needed this release, she did not want him to stop what he was doing to her, it was too exquisite, too intense.

  There was no way to contain the eruption that threatened her, she exploded in a quivering mess of emotion, sobbing while her sex contracted around his fingers which he had pushed inside her, his mouth still covered her clit, sucking and licking her.

  When it had passed she lay trembling, a need for him to make love to her overwhelming. The feel of his fingers had been wonderful, but she needed to feel the deep connection of having him inside her.

  He seemed to need it too, and with much self control held his cock and guided it into her slowly. First the head butted up against her entrance, pushing forward he entered her, holding still to let her get used to him. Then he penetrated her, pausing frequently to let her adjust to his size and girth.

  She loved the way he felt inside her, his slowness and patience giving her a chance to enjoy the feel of him. This time there was no stinging, no pain, she stretched for him, gripping him tightly. The tension in his body was visible, he was using every ounce of his self control to take it slow and make it pleasurable for her this time.

  He sunk down lower, resting gently on her body when he was completely inside her. His lips sought hers and he lay still, deep inside her, while his tongue traced along the inside of her lips. She kissed him back, her lips moving against his, which were incredibly soft and tender. For now the intense angry man had gone, replaced by a kind and patient lover.

  The spell was broken when he began to move, riding her to crest a wave of pleasure. Unlike before it as a slow build, his hands stroking her flesh, and his lips kissing her neck. She stroked his back, then down his arms, wanting to feel him moving both inside and out of her.

  His rhythm quickened, jerking hard he came inside her and she rose to a peak with him and throbbed and pulsed around him, draining him of his seed. He groaned against her, pushing hard and deep, her nails dug into his back when he strained hard against her.

  She felt her orgasm wash over her, draining her emotionally and physically, tears pricked her eyes, the whole experience of the night too much for her. It had finally hit her, he would make love to her like this for two days, get his money's worth, and then chuck her out. Where as she was falling in love with him with every second that ticked by.

  Lying still in each other's arms contentment settled over them. She lay with her head on his chest listening to his strong heart beat, with his arms wrapped protectively around her she could lie in a half daze dreaming of what her life would be like if this was for real, if he had met her and dated her instead of buying her in an auction. At no other time had the mistake she had made been so enormous. How could any man take her seriously in these circumstances?

  She thought he was asleep when she finally moved. His voice in the dimming light made her jump.

  “Not planning on running away, I hope.”

  “No, I wanted to use the bathroom. I thought you were asleep.”

  “Afraid not, I don’t want to give you the chance of slipping away from me.”

  “No, I guess you haven't had your money's worth yet.” She slid from the bed; his hand snaked out and grabbed her wrist.

  “That’s not the only reason, I thought you knew that?”

  “I don’t know anything, except you paid a lot of money for me.” She yanked her hand away from him, covering herself with a sheet as she walked to the door, hoping the bathroom was where she thought it was, and she wasn’t going to make a fool of herself by trying to go into a closet.

  He let her go, settling back down onto the bed, one arm resting under his head. She could almost hear what he was thinking.

  She opened the door and was relieved to find a spacious en suite, shutting the door she leaned back against it, and took a long shuddering breath, telling herself to stop being so stupid. This was a business deal after all; it was naive of her to try to read more into it than that.

  Still, her eyes were red and her face blotchy when she came back out five minutes later. If he saw he had the decency not to comment, but his eyes never left her as she went back to the bed and sat on the edge, not willing to get back in by the side of him. She did not know how much more of this she could stand, and hoped he had had enough of her for now.

  “Can I get you anything?” he asked.

  She thought for a moment, needing a drink, but unsure of what to ask for. What did men like this have in their fridge? Then she realised what she really did want. To know his name.

  “Yes, there is. What's your name?”

  “My name?”

  “Yes, what am I supposed to call you? If you don’t want to tell me your real name that's fine, but it would be easier to call you something.”

  “Adam. Adam Greystone.”

  He was being honest, that was his real name. “Adam Greystone,” she repeated. “Anything to do with Greystone Holdings?”

  “Yes, Nat is my brother.”

  She was shocked by his honesty. “You're not afraid I’m going to sell my story to the papers? I think the press would pay a good sum for a scoop like this.”

  His body language did not change; he lay quite relaxed watching her. “Not going to happen.”

  “Really, you’re so sure of yourself? I mean you are here with a woman who sold herself to you, maybe I want a bit more money.”

  “First, my brother is a big player in the city; no one would touch the story. Secondly, you are never going to sell any part of yourself again. I’m willing to overlook what you did before you were mine, but I won’t stand for it now.”

  “What gives you the right to tell me what to do? You paid for two days with me, that's all.”

  “You honestly believe you are going to walk out of that door after two days and never see me again? I told you, I have waited a long time for you, and it’s cost me a lot of money already, I will not have you embarrass me again.” He sounded very sure of himself, as though he was some Victorian husband chastising his obedient wife.

  “What I do is none of your business, and I can assure you when these two days are up I am walking out of that door and I hope to never see you again.” She wondered if he could tell she was lying, there was no way she could willingly give him up. But she had no intention of simply going along with his wishes without a fight.

  He laughed at her, she felt her temper rising, he made her feel like a little child. She wanted to hate him, to build some barrier to keep her heart safe from him, but it wasn't happening. Why the hell did she have to fall for someone so damn arrogant?

to stand feeling like this she bent down to retrieve what was left of her clothes, her heart sank, there was no way she was going anywhere in those. Instead she leaned forward to grab his shirt, that would have to do, but Adam had other ideas. He pulled her back onto the bed, and then straddled her so she could not get away.

  “You are not leaving,” he said forcefully, his weight pressing down on her to emphasise this.

  “I am not your prisoner, let me go,” she hissed at him.

  “The contract states two days.”

  “Damn the contract.” She tried in vain to push him of, barely making him move an inch.

  “No, you have to give me two days, and then if you still want to you can leave.” He held her hands above her head with only one of his, the other began to stroke the side of her breast, circling it around her nipple and then across to the other one.

  She closed her eyes and willed herself not to react, not to give him the satisfaction of knowing his words were right, that he had already won, but her body betrayed her. Sinking his head down to lick the hard tip of her nipple her murmured, “But I think we both already know you will stay.”

  A sharp intake of breath escaped her as he took her nipple in his mouth, she writhed under him, heat building in her core and spreading through her body. He took his time, licking and sucking her breasts until she could stand it no longer. She wanted him to take her again.

  “You are so sensitive,” he said, easing his hold on her a little so he could slide a hand down her stomach, but not quite to the place she needed it the most.

  “And you are so arrogant.”

  “You will learn to see my good side.”

  She snorted in disgust, hoping she wouldn’t notice how she was trying desperately to wriggle around so his fingers touched her sex.

  “I could make you do or say whatever I wanted simply by touching your body.”

  “Like I said, so arrogant.”


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