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Hidden Magic: An Ancient Magic Novel

Page 28

by Stephany Wallace

  I sighed. “Wait, did I just say he was the love of my life?” I mumbled and immediately froze. She was only a foot away from me. Although I was terrified of her and the man who swore to protect me had just left me alone with a freaking jaguar, I had to admit one thing. She was gorgeous. Her spotted yellow coat looked soft and luxurious. The light of the moon reflected on her making her seem ethereal. She moved closer and placed her head under my hand, lifting it. Did she want me to pet her? Maybe she wasn’t jealous after all. Instantly a peaceful feeling similar to the one my connection with Cyn caused, spread through me making me sigh. Her coat was as smooth as it looked. It felt like pure velvet under my skin. I allowed my fingers to caress her head slowly.

  Just an inch, I am not that brave or stupid.

  She began to saunter away, letting my hand caress her coat as she moved. Just like a cat would. I actually smiled and turned to see her go to Cyn and do the same. Then she walked into the darkness and disappeared into the jungle.

  “She blessed us.” Cyn said simply moving to my side again.

  “You left me alone. What if she had attacked me because I stole you from her or something?”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “She would never hurt you. As a matter of fact, it was she who brought me back to you that night, when you finally took my hand.”

  I frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I was at a crossroads. She urged me to choose you.”

  I smiled. I liked Tullia after all.

  I closed my eyes when the back of Cyn’s fingers caressed my cheek. His touch disappeared and I opened my eyes to see him take a step away from me. He reached for his shirt, pulling it out of his pants and taking it off. He looked straight into my eyes as my pulse raced. The image of Cyn shirtless was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The ridges between his muscles were so sensual. The way his eight-pack abs formed perfect little squares fascinated me. I wanted to lick them. He had strong shoulders and corded arms that drove me crazy. I loved tracing them with my fingers. And that “V.”

  Sweet mother of all things sexy… I couldn’t even finish the thought because I suddenly realized he was untying his pants. In the moment that it took for me to get lost in my thoughts he had removed his boots and placed them along with his shirt above the rock. My heart began to slam against my chest when he slipped his thumbs into the waistband of his pants and pushed them down.

  I stopped breathing.

  His pants joined the rest of his clothes and I just stood there admiring him. Cyn was standing completely naked in front of me.

  Sweet mother of all things Cynfull, that’s longer than my TBR list.

  He walked towards me slowly and held me in his arms.

  “You are naked,” I managed to whisper after I remembered how to breathe again.

  “I am, is that alright?” He asked looking into my soul.

  “Yes,” I answered breathless. His lips curved in a glorious smile and his flirty little dimple smiled too. I placed my arms around his neck and licked it. Cyn turned his head and crushed his lips to mine.

  Sweet mother of Love, I was completely his.

  I looked into his eyes when the kiss ended. My heart turned molten. I stepped back from him. Reached behind my back I pulled at the ties of my dress loosening them. My fingers slipped under the straps and I slowly slid them down my arms.

  The connection between us stirred inside me, demanding everything from me. And I was ready to give it.

  The dress fell on my hips and I wiggled them slightly, allowing it to continue down. Looking straight into his eyes just like he had done, I pulled at the pink lace band of my thong and slipped it down my hips. The delicate material fell. I stepped out of it once it reached the floor. My chest rose and fell sharply with my fast breaths, except I wasn’t nervous or afraid. Cyn and I belonged together. I wanted to give myself to him. His eyes caressed the length of my body slowly. Leaving an erotic warmth along every inch of me. When his gaze returned to mine he smiled and offered his hand to me. Without a second thought I took it, allowing him to wrap me in his embrace. The moment his skin touched mine a whole new set of sensations rushed through me. I could feel every single inch of him against me. It felt like paradise. His hands caressed the bare skin of my back and my eyes briefly closed. His touch was pure bliss. I forced myself to focus and looked into his eyes.

  “I’m in love with you Cyn. I am wholeheartedly and irrevocably yours.”

  He lay me down on the soft grass, and rested his body on mine. Another wave of sensations rushed through me.

  “I have loved you since the moment I saw you dancing on the beach, Bri. I am wholeheartedly and irrevocably yours.”

  His lips claimed mine and I vanished from existence. He moved his body triggering reactions I had never felt before. He briefly lifted his body, his hands gently guided my legs to wrap around his waist and he settled again on top of me. I moaned when our bodies aligned. The hardness of him against my softness, made my head spin. He fit perfectly. The pulsing intensified in the most sensitive part of me and I could feel him pulsing against it too. He felt so right on me. His lips followed the curve of my neck towards my breasts and his lips closed over my nipple. He sucked it gently. I moaned and curled my fingers around his strands, pulling him up and bringing his eyes back to mine. His look was molten heat from the desire that stirred in its depths. I felt the same way. I looked into his eyes feeling the wave of need for him almost drown me. I had experienced unimaginable pleasure from his lips, and touch countless times before. Now I just wanted him.

  “Please Cyn, I need to feel you inside me. Make me yours once and for all.”

  He kissed me and gently moved his hips, sliding into place. A moan escaped me from the sensations his heated skin sliding on mine caused. He felt so right. This was right. His lips grazed my mine and he looked into my eyes.

  “Leig ar cridheachan chàradh mar ar cuirp ceangailte

  Dà anaman a ‘tighinn còmhla, a dh’aindeoin àite no àm

  Leig eil pian tobhta a ‘mhionaid so, aon uair i a’ fàs mhèinn.

  Airson dà anaman a ‘feitheamh gu bràth,

  Gus mu dheireadh thall bhith aon”

  “Let our hearts mend as our bodies intertwine.

  Two souls have come together, in spite of place or time.

  Let no pain ruin this moment, once she becomes mine.

  For two souls have waited forever, to finally become one.”

  He claimed my lips and moved his hips against me. I felt him slowly become part of me. He moaned in my ear as I braced for the pain, but it never came. Instead, the now familiar feeling of peace engulfed me, accompanied by raw pleasure. My body smoothly adjusted to him. Deep moans unleashed from my lips while his arms tightened around me. He erased any space that could exist between us. The tightness of his embrace intensified the sensations I was experiencing while he leisurely slid in and out of me. My moans matched the rocking of his hips. They were long, deep and soft, making me tremble while the waves of pleasure rolled in and out of me.

  “Cyn…” I called breathless.

  “I’m here, my Goddess. I’m yours,” he whispered on my lips and kissed me.

  Our moans mingled in the breaths we exchanged with each kiss. He loved me, making me his until we became undone in each other’s arms. I was wrong before. No other moment in my life would ever be as magical as this.

  I lay with half my body on top of him. His arms held me tight against him. We looked at the sight of the moon through the small spaces in the canopy of trees above us.

  “I wish I could see the full sky. Being here with you, all that’s missing are the stars.”

  He kissed me and his lips lingered on mine. Then he lifted his hand.

  “Gràs thugainn le ur solas,”—Grace us with your light.

  A soft buzzing sound began in the distance. It slowly increased in volume until I finally realized where it was coming from. I lifted my head form Cyn’s chest and a small, incredulous laugh esc
aped me. What I could only describe as, thousands of fireflies filled the air above us. Their flickering lights sparkled in the night with the fluttering of their little wings. My eyes watered at the sight and the realization that there was nothing he wouldn’t do for me. I lay my head on his chest again and his arms held me tightly to him.

  “Thank you for giving me the stars.”

  He cupped my cheek and lifted his head, looking into my eyes.

  “Please stay in my life. You have my heart and my soul as well. I shall give you everything I have and all that I am. And I swear, if that is not enough I will become anything you need me to be. Please stay.”

  The sincerity and need in his eyes undid me.

  “You already are everything I need… And so much more, Cyn.”

  He lifted my chin and smiled looking into my soul and stealing my heart all over again. He kissed me.

  We crossed through the portal into my room. The light coming through the window told me morning was already here. My phone proudly displayed 7:05am. I wouldn’t actually have time to sleep but I didn’t care. I had spent the night with Cyn, wrapped in his arms. He had made love to me over and over again, and each time it felt more special than the last. I was finally his, and he was mine. Nothing could ever take this happiness away from me.

  Besides, I can sleep when I’m dead, right?

  “I love you, my Goddess.”

  His lips on my neck brought me back to reality. To the most amazing reality.

  “I Love you too…. Oh! I almost forgot. Grandpa wants to meet you. Would you please come tomorrow morning for breakfast?”

  He grinned and my eyes fell on his tasty dimple. I blushed just remembering the things I had done to it last night. The worst part was, I wanted to do it all again.

  Or the best part, depending on how you see it.

  “You spoke to your Grandfather about me?”

  The question caught me of guard and suddenly I was self-conscious.

  “Was I not supposed to? I mean he is my Grandfather. I only told him I had met someone I would never dare tell anyone your secret. I just thought…” He shut me up with a kiss.

  And I got to say, is the best way anyone has ever told me to shut the hell up.

  “I am sorry my Goddess. It was not my intention to scare you. I did not mean you could not inform your grandfather of us. I am pleased by it. I spoke to my brother and Eisha about you as well. They want to meet you this evening. I will come right after you get home from work to take you to my village.”

  Sweet mother of all dreams, he was taking me to his village. I smiled elated. He had told his brother and his friend about me. It was official. The most important people in our lives knew about us. My life was finally complete.

  I kissed him goodbye after he agreed to come at 10:30am tomorrow. My heart squeezed tight in my chest seeing him cross the portal. I just wanted to be in his arms. I looked at the time again 7:10am. I picked up my phone and sent a text to Lia.

  “It happened! I told him I loved him and he told me he had loved me since he first saw me. We made love. It was amazing!”

  The phone buzzed immediately with a response.

  “Omg, Omg, Omg! Congratulations Linda! Ok, you have to tell me everything, because, reasons. See you at lunch.”

  I laughed and slipped out of my dress and put my pj’s on. Then ran to the bathroom.

  “Good morning my little Bee. Someone is up early today.”

  I chuckled. “Good morning Grandpa. Yep I went to bed early. I’m fully rested. I’m going to take a shower before getting ready for work though,” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and a brief hug. Then ran into the bathroom. I couldn’t wait for the day to be over.



  I spent most of the day thinking about my Goddess. I returned to my waterfall after leaving her side and sat on my rock under the cascading water. I allowed the memories of the previous night to take over my thoughts. Everything had been unquestionably perfect. The taste of her, the feel of her naked body against mine was unlike anything I could have ever imagined. Not even my wildest dreams of her could have prepared me for the way it felt inside her. To be part of her that way had managed to mend the remaining scars of my soul. Every time I had loved her I felt anew. She was my salvation. I smiled as I remembered how my Spiorad Beathach—spirit animal, had blessed us. It had stood before her and looked into her soul then allowed my Goddess to touch her. There was no doubt in my mind that she would accept her in my life. Bri was one of the most amazing people I had ever met. Her kindness, courage, sweetness and tenacity were qualities to be admired. She was truly my other half. Two sides of one coin as a chara had prophesied.

  “Are you ready for tonight, Bro? It is almost Time.”

  Art’s voice broke my thought when he came into my hut. I turned my head to him smiling. He was wearing another one of his special outfits.

  “I am brother. I am just awaiting the time in which I can go to her.”

  “Well I will say this. I can’t wait to meet her. But please don’t be jealous if she stares at my mad muscles though. Everyone knows I have a better body than yours. She might even develop a little crush, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it Bro. I would never do that to you. Ouch!”

  I laughed just as Eisha smacked him. She had entered the hut in time for his little speech. I winked at her. “Thank you. I really did not wish to get up.”

  “You are very welcome. It had to be done, and you know how I love taking that responsibility from your hands.”

  “Hey! I’m a lover not a fighter. All I ask is that you treat me well. Be gentle with me, a chara.” Art replied placing a kiss on her cheek and she chuckled. She was wearing a new outfit as well. Soft trousers with a long sleeve shirt of a cream color. It was fitted to her body and it made her look truly beautiful. She was an enticing woman to say the least. Her long onyx hair had been fixed similar to the way my Goddess sometimes wore it. It fell in soft waves over her shoulders and arms. It made her ice blue eyes pop with the contrast. My brother’s eyes roamed her body with adoration while she regarded me. Her face illuminated by enthusiasm.

  “You look beautiful a chara,” I said complementing her garments.

  “Thank you,” She smiled wide “I thought she might feel more comfortable if we were wearing something similar to her clothing. Everything else is so different here. You should allow Art to give you something to wear too. To make her feel more comfortable.”

  I looked down at my outfit and frowned. She seemed to like my warrior suit very much the time I had worn it for her. In fact, she had nearly ripped it off of me. I grinned at the memory. I had been more than willing to allow her to do so. I frowned. Nevertheless, I would need something to wear to breakfast with her grandfather. I lifted my head to find them both looking at me expectant. I chuckled. “Brother could you please help me with an outfit for…” Cheers and applause interrupted my statement. I rolled my eyes while my Brother and Eisha hugged.

  “High five!”

  He shouted raising his palm up in the air and Eisha slapped it with hers. They laughed. I cleared my throat breaking their party. “If you will allow me. I was not able to finish my statement.”

  “Daingead! We were so close.” Art complained and dropped his body on the chair.

  Eisha pouted crossing her arms over her chest and sitting beside me on the bed. Her shoulders slumped and her lower lip stuck out. She frowned looking at the wall.

  I had seen her do that since she was probably four years old. I smiled internally, realizing how little our friendship had changed over the years. She was a fierce warrior, a sweet, beautiful and mature woman. A powerful woman. My brother was a strong warrior, clever and highly skilled. One of my best. He was determined, funny and caring. A just, and noble man. Yet together we were still the three kids that ran around the village, spoke about being warriors one day and becoming better than our idols. We had gone through so much together. They were my family. And they were
very exceptionally melodramatic. I sighed. “Alright I shall wear the outfit.”

  Cheers erupted around me and I laughed.

  We stood in my brother’s hut as he pulled garment after garment from his tall chest. Jeans, formal trousers and shirts lay on his bed in disarray. They covered every inch and for a reason unknown to me he continued to pull things out. How long did it require, to find one shirt and a pair of trousers to wear?

  “No not that one. Do you have anything not as casual perhaps? Not those jeans, he is not a ‘ripped clothing’ type of man.” Eisha’s voice directed Art while he continued his endeavor.

  I sat at the table and let my forehead hit the wood. What had I done?

  “Ok we are ready for you. We have three options. Come on I need you to put them on so we can decide what you are going to wear.”

  I lifted my head and settled my gaze on hers. She was giddy with excitement. I chuckled and stood going towards them. It would not kill me to do this for her.

  “Ok here you go. Go to the partition change and come out here for us to see.”

  I shook my head grabbing the garments she handed me, and walked towards the back of the hut.

  I stood in front of the long mirror my brother had in his room and frowned. The garments were inadequate for me to say the least. They were tight in places where they should never be tight. The muscles of my arms and chest protested against the constriction they had been placed in. The white shirt was made of cotton, it was a ‘long sleeved v necked t-shirt’ Art had informed me yet although the material wasn’t uncomfortable it felt plastered onto my skin. The trousers were made of a light brown, thin fabric. However, they clung to my thighs and my behind in a very inappropriate way, especially in the front. I could distinctly see the outline of my…”

  “How do you like it brother?”


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