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The Day Will Come

Page 18

by Beryl Matthews

  ‘Five days at the most. It will be essential not to arouse any doubts about us. I don’t want you to give any indication that you understand German. We will have to put on a convincing show of being lovers, but be assured that I would never take advantage of you.’ Bill paused and sighed deeply. ‘I lie. If I thought I had the slightest chance with you I would certainly take advantage of the situation. But you already have several men waiting patiently for the right time to step in.’

  Grace stared at him in astonishment. ‘What on earth are you talking about?’

  ‘Nothing you need worry about yet. I’m going to sit back and watch to see who wins.’

  ‘You’re talking nonsense. Are you all right?’

  ‘First class. So, do you think you will be able to convince everyone we are madly in love with each other?’

  ‘I’ll put on a winning performance; one that will even convince you.’

  Bill tipped his head back and laughed. ‘I look forward to that.’

  They were both laughing when a man entered the room and walked towards them.

  ‘Good to hear laughter,’ he said, sitting next to them. ‘People are usually tense and subdued at this point. I’m Joe, your pilot. The forecast is for perfect weather and we will leave in two hours’ time.’

  ‘We’re ready. I’m Bill and my partner is Grace.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you. We should have a smooth flight and we’ll try to drop you in the right place,’ Joe joked.

  ‘That would be appreciated,’ Bill replied dryly.

  ‘See you in a couple of hours, then.’

  ‘Time to get into our kit, sweetheart.’ Bill held out his hand to pull her out of the chair. ‘Just getting in a bit of practice.’

  ‘Thank you, my love.’ Grace laughed. It was then she realised what he was doing. All this light-hearted nonsense had been to put her at her ease while they waited. He knew how to handle these situations, and her confidence grew. If anyone could make this a successful mission and keep them alive, then it was Bill.

  ‘I do have one more question.’

  He stopped walking and turned to her. ‘Now’s the time to ask.’

  ‘How do we get back?’

  ‘That is what the wireless is for. They will, hopefully, send in a Lysander for us. It all depends on the situation, and if we are in trouble we might have to scramble a bit.’ He cast her an amused glance. ‘But I understand you are quite good at that.’

  Her mouth twitched at the corners. She knew who he had been talking to. ‘By scramble I take it you mean we might have to find our own way back.’

  ‘Could happen.’ He patted his pocket. ‘I’ve got a compass with me.’

  ‘Oh, good,’ she replied, grimacing. ‘That is a comfort.’

  Too close to the trees! Grace braced herself, gasping in relief as she skimmed past them and landed with a crash. Her parachute had snagged on a branch but, fortunately, it had broken and come down with her. That had been too close to disaster. As she sat on the ground winded, a couple of men silently appeared and began to gather up her chute. Strong hands were pulling her up.

  ‘Are you injured, Grace?’

  ‘No, I’m all right, but I made a lot of noise,’ she said, relieved to see Bill. ‘Are we safe?’

  ‘Think so, but we’d better not hang around.’ Bill began to help the two men roll up the parachutes and hide them.

  They worked quickly and silently until there was no sign anyone had been there. Grace looked around anxiously and was relieved to see that the resistance men had found their precious wireless and other supplies. Bill hoisted the pack onto his back and took her arm as the men beckoned them to follow.

  It was at least a mile long walk, Grace estimated, and she was pleased when a building came into sight. Although it was dark, there was no mistaking that they were on a farm because she could just see the outline of a couple of barns. They were ushered through a door, and when the lamps were relit they were in a large kitchen filled with people.

  One man grinned. ‘Hello, Bill. What the devil are you up to this time?’

  ‘Harry! I thought you were back in England.’

  ‘Got delayed.’ Harry studied Grace for a moment, and then smiled. ‘Welcome to France.’

  ‘Thank you. My name is Grace, and I’m pleased to be here – I think.’ A deep chuckle rumbled through Harry, and she couldn’t help noticing what an attractive man he was. He was around six feet in height with black hair and deep blue eyes. She realised with a shock that she was finding this type of man very appealing. Men with physical and mental strength like Dan, James, Bill and Harry, and just the type whose chances of surviving this war were slim.

  Harry turned his attention back to Bill. ‘I guess you are here to have a look at the chateau. We haven’t been able to get anywhere near the place. I thought they might send you, but you usually work alone, so why have you brought Grace with you?’

  ‘She’s my French lover who is showing me the countryside of her childhood while I’m on leave. She used to visit as a child with her parents and it is one of her favourite places.’

  Frowning deeply at that news, Harry asked, ‘Are you intending to go in the front door?’

  ‘It’s the only way left. Everything else has been tried.’

  ‘That’s crazy and is going to be damned dangerous,’ Harry said, looking straight at Grace.

  ‘We know that, Harry,’ she told him.

  He nodded, and then turned his attention back to Bill. ‘If you do gain entrance and your identities are discovered, we won’t be able to help you.’

  ‘We wouldn’t want, or expect, any of you to put yourselves in danger because of us. When we leave here, we are on our own.’

  ‘I don’t like it, Bill. You could both be throwing away your lives for nothing. It might turn out to be just a glorified brothel for the officers.’

  ‘The feeling is that it is too well guarded for that, but you could be right. If that is the case then we can forget it, but we have to know, Harry. Now, will you introduce us to our hosts?’

  The sound of voices speaking softly woke Grace and she opened her eyes. In the early morning light she could see Bill and Harry leaning against a sturdy beam in the barn loft, deep in discussion. She remained quite still, listening to the various noises of the farm awakening at dawn, and savoured the smell of the fresh straw they had been sleeping on. She had spent the night with two very attractive men, and it had seemed a perfectly normal thing to do. Bill was right. They were living in extraordinary times. Never in their wildest dreams had she and Helen imagined they would be involved in anything like this. Her life with Brian had seemed so straightforward. They would both work until they had enough money to buy a small house, then there would be a couple of children, and they would grow old together. All those plans, hopes and dreams had been cruelly swept away. This was her life now – a life where there was no room for future plans or emotional attachments. The need to win this war was all that mattered, and she would do whatever was asked of her.

  ‘Are you awake, Grace?’ Bill asked softly.

  ‘Just about.’ She hauled herself up to a sitting position. ‘What time is it?’

  ‘Six o’clock. We’ll go to the house now to wash and change into our other clothes. Harry is going to get us a car, and after breakfast we’ll be on our way.’

  ‘How are you going to get a car, Harry?’ she asked.

  He gave a lopsided grin. ‘Don’t ask. See you later.’

  Harry eased through the hatch.

  ‘Be careful,’ she said.

  His head reappeared. ‘Always.’

  After breakfast, Grace had a good wash in a rather primitive outhouse, and then dressed in a plain navy blue frock. It fitted perfectly and its simplicity made it quite elegant. The grandmother of the family insisted on setting her hair in an appropriate style.

  ‘Now you look French,’ she said with satisfaction.

  Suddenly the elderly woman threw her hands up in horror, makin
g Grace spin round to see what had alarmed her. The man who had just come into the room made her gasp, and she had to look closely to reassure herself that it really was Bill. She had once accused him of being a terrible actor, but there would be no doubt that this man was a German SS officer.

  ‘Oh, Bill, you gave us a fright!’

  Harry returned at that moment, stopped when he saw Bill, and after a short pause he shook his head.

  ‘Dammit man! You’re so convincing I nearly shot you!’

  ‘You hesitated too long! If I had been the real thing you would have lost your chance. Did you get the car?’

  ‘Reprimand accepted,’ Harry told him. ‘We couldn’t get you a German one, but it’s a decent French car, and the tank is almost full of petrol. Be sparing with it because we can’t get any more. We’ve changed the number plates and the appearance of it as much as we could. It’s round the back of the barn. There is also a room booked for you at the only hotel in the village.’ Harry eyed Bill up and down. ‘Not good enough for an SS officer, of course, but you must have a base for your supposed leave.’

  Bill inclined his head, and as Grace watched it was obvious he had completely switched to the character of the officer. There was a ruthless look about him, and when he turned to examine her appearance she wasn’t sure she liked this man with the cold eyes.

  ‘Will I do, mon amour?’ she asked, lifting her head and meeting his gaze while reminding herself that she had to act as if she was in love with him. She smiled. ‘Or would you like me to change into something else?’

  He walked round her, inspecting her from every angle, then came to stand in front of her to run his fingers down her cheek. ‘Don’t be intimidated by the role I’m playing, Grace. I just wanted to see if I am convincing enough. You look beautiful.’

  Grace actually shivered. Although Bill had smiled, there hadn’t been any warmth in his eyes.

  ‘Oh, you’re convincing, Bill, but you’re still going to have to be damned careful and not let the role drop for a second, or they’ll have you.’ Harry looked concerned. ‘I don’t like this idea at all. It isn’t just your life you’re chancing this time.’

  ‘This is something I can’t do on my own, Harry. And it wasn’t my idea.’

  ‘No, I don’t suppose it was. You take risks, but you always have an escape route. This time you haven’t. I just hope it’s going to be worth it.’

  ‘We won’t find out standing around here. Time to go,’ Bill said, shaking hands with the family who had helped them.

  The grandmother kissed Grace on the cheek, but said nothing.

  ‘Be safe,’ Harry told them as they walked out of the door. ‘And, Grace, be prepared to be scorned when the French see you on the arm of such a man. You will be looked upon as a traitor by many.’

  ‘I understand, but thank you for the warning, Harry.’

  ‘That family took a chance with us being there, and we don’t even know their names,’ Grace said as Bill drove the car out of the farm.

  ‘They have been told that what we are doing is very risky, so what we don’t know we can’t reveal if we are caught. If you are questioned, you met me at a hotel in Paris where you work as a receptionist. It is used by high-ranking German officers so you can’t give the name for security reasons. We have been lovers for almost a year, but I have never talked about myself or what I do. Whatever happens, don’t let your guard drop for a second.’

  ‘Understood. I’ll be very careful. I’d like both of us to come out of this alive.’

  ‘If I get into trouble you must try to get away. Don’t wait for me. I’ll meet up with you when I can. You are not to put yourself in danger by wondering what has happened to me. Harry is waiting at the farm, and he’ll take you to safety.’

  ‘Let’s hope that won’t be—’ Grace stopped talking abruptly. ‘There’s a roadblock up ahead!’

  ‘I’ve seen it. Smile nicely, and remember you can’t understand German.’

  They were waved down and Bill stopped. When he got out of the car the soldiers on guard snapped to attention, and while Bill was talking to one of them, the other walked towards the car. Grace smiled, pretending she didn’t understand what he was saying. Bill strode over and told her, in appalling French, that she had to show her papers. It was routine.

  Talking to Bill rapidly, she handed over her fake papers for inspection.

  Bill distracted the guard by shaking his head and saying that he couldn’t understand what she was saying when she gabbled like that, making the guard laugh. After giving her papers only a cursory glance, he handed them back.

  The other guard had been on the field telephone and Bill went over to him. Grace couldn’t hear what was being said, but when the soldiers saluted again and Bill came back to the car, relief flooded through her as the barrier was lifted to allow them to continue their journey.

  Once they were well away, Bill said, ‘The chateau is a mile away and someone will be there to meet us.’

  Tall iron gates had been erected at the entrance and barbed wire was stretched around the perimeter as far as the eye could see. There was also a tower, and on top were guards with a mounted machine gun. Not surprising the resistance hadn’t been able to get near, and the place had caught their interest back home. Her insides churned uncomfortably. Bill was taking an enormous risk, but he appeared quite relaxed about it.

  ‘Stay in the car,’ he murmured, as he got out and walked over to meet the two officers waiting for him.

  They talked for about ten minutes but it seemed like hours to Grace. When Bill looked across and beckoned to her she took a deep breath and got out of the car. When she reached them, one of the officers spoke good French and began to ask her about her visits to the chateau as a child. Fortunately, learning about the place had been the final part of her training so she had a clear picture of it in her mind. Smiling, she told him what she remembered and explained how she had so wanted to visit again.

  ‘Disappointing for you, ma cherie,’ Bill said, ‘but it is now a military base.’

  Grace nodded and sighed. ‘I would have liked to sample the wines. Are the vineyards still here, sir?’

  ‘They are, but wine is not being produced at the moment. There are ample supplies in the cellars, though. I cannot allow you in today, but there will be a social this evening.’ He turned to Bill. ‘Perhaps you would both like to join us?’

  ‘We would be happy to come.’

  ‘I will tell the guards to expect you, and they will escort you to the chateau.’

  ‘We will look forward to tasting some of the wines,’ Bill told him.

  As they drove away Bill said, ‘I can say you are unwell and come on my own.’

  Grace looked at him in astonishment. ‘No you won’t! We are in this together, and you need me as a distraction.’

  ‘It’s going to be very dangerous. I will be slipping away from the party to see what I can discover, and our chances of getting out of there again are not high.’

  ‘I’m coming with you, Bill! Don’t start worrying about me. That’s just what Stan was concerned about, and it’s the worst thing you can do. I’ll take my chances, just like you.’

  He reached across and squeezed her hand, but said nothing. She took this as acceptance.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  They spent the afternoon walking round the village like tourists. It was not a comfortable time. An SS officer was regarded with hostility and Grace had to ignore the looks of contempt thrown her way as she walked arm in arm with him. Even this was dangerous in case someone took the opportunity to get rid of a lone German, but he was supposed to be on leave and they had to act the part. It was a relief to get back to the hotel.

  They had brought their luggage with them, including the wireless, not wanting to put the family at the farm at risk of it being discovered. They had hidden it in the only place available – under the bed. Grace pulled out the one evening frock and hung it up to let the creases fall out. Again it was a simple style,
but elegant and a shade of blue that matched her eyes perfectly.

  By seven o’clock they were on their way. While they had been getting ready, Grace’s nerves had been jangling, but when they arrived at the chateau a strange calm settled upon her. She smiled at Bill. ‘Wonder what the wine is like?’

  ‘We shall soon find out,’ he said, laughing softly as he slipped her hand through his arm. ‘Here we go! If all goes well we could be on our way home in a couple of days.’

  Grace didn’t need to ask what would happen if it all went wrong – she knew, and so did Bill.

  The main hall was packed with soldiers of every rank and quite a few women among them. Grace scanned the crowd quickly and noted that Bill was the only SS officer present. In one way that was a relief because they could have asked too many questions, but the other thing was that this made him stand out from the crowd.

  The officer they had met earlier that day came over as soon as they entered the room. ‘Welcome to our little gathering. Please help yourself to the food and drink.’ He smiled at Grace. ‘Please allow me to let you sample the chateau wines. We have some excellent ones.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She smiled enthusiastically as he escorted her to the bar.

  He gave orders to the barman who then lined up six bottles and small glasses. He poured from the first one and handed it to Grace, asking for her opinion.

  She took only a tiny sip of each as they worked their way through the selection, knowing she had to keep a clear head. As they discussed the virtues of each wine, Grace blessed James who had taught her a lot about wines at their frequent business functions.

  ‘You are very knowledgeable about wine,’ he said, giving her an admiring glance.

  ‘I like good things.’

  ‘And your escort can give you those things?’

  Grace glanced across the room and saw Bill talking to a group of men. ‘He can – and does.’

  ‘You are the only woman here not adorned with expensive jewels. They expect such gifts.’

  ‘Trinkets mean nothing to me. I prefer a simple look.’ This officer was probing her relationship with an SS officer, and Grace knew she must be very careful.


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