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Soul Stone Mage Complete Collection Boxed Set

Page 56

by Sarah Noffke

  “We’ll be waiting when you return, Queen Azure.”

  “Thank you. I hope to see you soon.” Azure pulled her bag onto her back and offered Monet one last glance. He wasn’t happy about this situation, but he was being compliant. That was as much as she could hope for. With a deep breath she turned to Ever, who held out his hand to her. She took it just as the bright light of the illegal portal exploded in front of them.

  Chapter Twelve

  The pair stepped through the portal onto a sidewalk. Cars passed beside them, and on the other side of the road a row of green mountains framed the blue sky. Azure released Ever’s hand right away, wiping her palm on her jeans like that would be a proper way to disinfect her skin.

  A slow smile spread on his mouth. “I see that traveling with me is just a means to an end and you haven’t forgiven me.”

  “I won’t ever forgive you,” she said, her breath hot.

  “Ever is a long time,” he said with a wink. “And a handsome man, or so I’ve heard.”

  “If you like looking at octopus brains, maybe,” Azure remarked, pinning her hands to her ears to block out the busy street’s noise.

  “I do, actually.” Ever dared to grab Azure’s arm and pull her up the road to a set of shops.

  “Where are we?” Azure asked, staring at the parking lot full of shiny cars.

  “The suburbs, but more specifically we’re in Calabasas, California. It’s a place where many celebrities choose to live to escape the congestion of the city. And it’s the home of a powerful witch.”

  Azure stared at the various shops. The straight lines and modern appearance of the buildings didn’t make it look like a place where a witch would be found. “Uhhh…okay. Where is her shop? None of these look like a potions or tarot card-reading shops. What is this witch’s specialty?”


  “Pilates? I haven’t heard of that branch of witchcraft.”

  He shook his head, hurrying to a shop with floor-to-ceiling windows. “It’s not witchcraft. She actually doesn’t practice anymore. A while ago she gave it up, after an infringement with the Silver Griffins. Now she’s a Pilates instructor at this studio. A witch still has to make a living, you know.”

  Through the windows she saw men and women stood on strange machines, moving into various positions. “What are they doing?” Azure asked.

  “Exercising. Pilates is a type of exercise that keeps the muscles of the body toned and provides all sorts of anaerobic benefits. Not to mention that it totally lifts the butt.” He winked at Azure.

  She narrowed her eyes at Ever, sensing that he was not as remorseful for his misdeed as he should be. He was trying to glaze right over it, which wasn’t going to work for her. “You forget that I want to murder you, so don’t wink at me. Actually, lose the whole ‘cool’ attitude before I turn you into a cockroach.”

  “I haven’t forgotten that you want to murder me. I’m just hoping to lessen my sentence.”

  Azure blinked at the humans in the Pilates class. “So people on Earth go to classes to exercise? What are they doing to those machines?”

  “The reformer machines are a part of resistance training. And yes, humans have gyms where they lift weights, run on treadmills or take classes like this or yoga.”

  “Wait…” Azure turned and studied the parking lot where various individuals strolled by, getting in or out of their cars. “Why don’t the people here just ditch the cars and walk for exercise? In Virgo we get exercise by doing chores or taking hikes.”

  “Earth, suffice it to say, is different. Life is set up differently,” Ever explained.

  “You mean, ‘wrong,’” Azure stated. “Life is set up wrong on Earth.”

  “No, I mean differently. It’s not what you’re used to, but that doesn’t make it wrong. Just as the way the humans of Terran live isn’t entirely wrong. They have some misguided practices, but they also have some that are simply better suited for them. Please remember that the humans on Earth don’t have magic. And the humans on Oriceran are limited with their magic. They can only cast it if they have energy to draw from and material to use.” Ever caught the attention of a woman walking around the class. Seraphina’s blonde hair was tied into a high bun, and she wore tight yoga pants and a wide smile. It had been a long time since she had laid her green eyes on the Light Elf.

  “Is that your witch?” Azure asked.

  “Yes, that’s my witch friend. However, she’s in the middle of teaching a class. Let’s go and grab some food, and we’ll meet up with her afterward.” Ever reached out and tugged on Azure’s arm. He just had to keep pushing the boundaries.

  She ripped her arm out of his grasp and stomped forward. “No fondue or hard liquor, or any of your usual Earthly distractions.”

  “No problem. We’ll grab a bite to eat at the grocery store. You’ll like Erewhon. Their food is organic,” Ever said proudly.

  “What’s organic?” Azure asked as they neared the entrance of a store.

  “It means that it was made without using pesticides or chemicals, and in a manner that preserves the Earth,” Ever informed her.

  “As opposed to what?” Azure asked, confused.

  “Oh, you’re so sheltered, little witch.” Ever led her into a store where an automatic door slid back to welcome them. Rows of colorful fruits and vegetables were decoratively stacked and arranged on one side of the store. In the center were shelves full of boxes and bottles. And from the far end, some of the most incredibly fresh smells wafted through the air.

  “So humans come here to stock up on food and other household items?” Azure asked.

  “Yes, as well as to catch up with Jones and discuss their latest ailment with the naturopathic doctor on staff. It’s kind of a one-stop shop for some.” Ever peered down an aisle like he was looking for someone.

  Azure picked up a box off the nearby shelf. “Wait, this is food?” She shook the box, listening to the contents rattle inside.

  “Cereal, to be exact,” Ever said, strolling forward and looking down the next aisle.

  “Why would humans eat out of boxes? I don’t get it.” She remembered the pantry she’d raided in Terran. The whole kitchen was full of boxes and the refrigerator empty of fresh food.

  “It’s a matter of convenience. An idea made popular in the 1950’s by Betty Crocker, I believe.”

  After Ever had peered down another row, Azure asked, “Are you looking for something?”

  “Someone, actually.” A wide smile broke across his face, transforming his eyes in a new way.

  “Everett, is that you?” a woman asked.

  “Hey, Mom!” He sprang forward, wrapping a human in his arms. She had long black hair that matched Ever’s color. He’d also gotten his blue eyes from her, but his height, as well as his Light Elf blood, were no doubt from his father. The woman stared up at her son, a sparkle in her eyes.

  “I didn’t know you were in town,” she said with a wink, elbowing him in the side.

  “Yes. I’ve brought a friend to meet Seraphina,” Ever said to her, waving a hand in Azure’s direction. “Mom, this is Queen Azure of Virgo.”

  Azure froze, not sure it was wise for him to speak so plainly on Earth about her status. This woman might think they were insane. However, Ever’s mom curtseyed deeply in front of Azure.

  “A real queen. Oh wow, what an honor,” she said, rising again and offering her hand. “Pleased to meet you, Queen Azure. I’m Layla.”

  “Uhhh… Nice to meet you, Layla.” Azure shook the woman’s small hand. It was cold to the touch. She wore a loose cream-colored blouse and blue linen pants. The woman was undeniably beautiful, her porcelain skin glowing and eyes bright. “So, I guess you are well versed about where I come from.”

  “Oh, yes. I’ve never been there, but one day I hope to visit the planet of Oriceran. Everett has offered to take me, of course, but, well, I don’t like the idea of getting trapped on the planet like his father did,” Layla said.

s, it’s sad that he—”

  “Was trapped on Oriceran and has been unable to travel back to Earth,” Ever interrupted, giving her a meaningful look.

  “How is your father? Did you tell him that I miss him terribly?” Layla asked her son.

  “Of course. I always do. And he’s fine. Busy, but mostly fine. He misses you, and looks forward to when the enchantments don’t prevent him from traveling to Earth,” Ever said, his words a nervous rush.

  Layla shook her head. “So troublesome that the Light Elves blocked him from traveling to Earth. I worry that you’ll have something similar happen to you, dear Everett.”

  “Don’t worry, Mom. Anyway, we just popped in here to get a bite to eat. Anything you’d recommend?” he asked.

  “Let me see your tongue,” the woman said.

  At the request, he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out.

  “Oh, yes, this is so typical of you. You’re not eating enough green leafy vegetables, nor are you sleeping sufficiently.” Layla grabbed his wrist and tilted her head, counting the rhythms of his various pulses. “Oh, well, there you go. You’re having bad dreams that keep you up, aren’t you?”

  Ever tugged his arm away. “It’s true. Sounds like I need coffee and a salad.” Reading the confused look on Azure’s face, a smile broke out on the Light Elf’s mouth. “Oh, right. My mom is a naturopathic doctor.”

  “Meaning I use conventional as well as unconventional methods to heal. My discipline merges Western and Eastern medicine to find holistic solutions,” Layla informed Azure.

  “Think, a mix of witch’s magic and human logic,” Ever stated.

  “Oh, that makes sense,” Azure said, a weak smile on her face.

  “Mom, we’d better be off. I’ll stop by and visit you as soon as I can.” Ever gave his mother one last hug, pulling her in tightly and not relinquishing her until several moments later.

  “I hope you do. It’s lonely here without you and your father. At the least, I’d like to have you around more,” she said.

  He gave her a tender smile and nodded. “Of course.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” Azure asked after they exited the store, small plastic containers that held premade salads in hand.

  “My mom doesn’t know that my father is a statue.”

  “I gathered as much. Keep going,” Azure prompted.

  “I couldn’t bear to tell her that I was the reason the love of her life wouldn’t return to her in this lifetime. You see, my father’s sentence is at least another fifty years, which far exceeds how long my mother will live as a human on Earth,” Ever said, pulling open his salad and digging into it as they strolled down the sidewalk.

  “So you made up a garbage lie about how he’s trapped on Oriceran,” Azure guessed.

  “Well, he only spent half his time on Earth anyway. He’s gone back and forth all my life. Mom always worried he’d get caught, so I just drew on the concern she had constructed.”

  “And you want to free your father not only so you can wash away your own guilt, but also to reunite your parents?” Azure asked, her insides suddenly burning.

  “If you could arrange a ‘happily ever after’ for your parents, wouldn’t you want to?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure how that looks in my world. My parents haven’t been together in my lifetime,” Azure said, thinking of the strangeness of it all.

  “Yeah, every family is full of secrets, it would seem. I’m keeping something from my mom, and your mother kept your father from you.” Ever held the door to the Pilates studio open for a few women inside to exit. Their brows were wet with sweat and their faces flushed red. However, each blushed redder upon setting eyes on the tall Light Elf, disguised to look purely human with his rounded ears.

  Reformer machines with a soft bed in the middle and small platforms and adjustable bars lined the studio’s workout room.

  “Everett! I thought my eyes were deceiving me at first.” Seraphina strolled forward and threw her arms around Ever’s shoulders, hugging him tightly. Many of the women turned, surprise written on their faces.

  “Who’s your friend, Seraphina?” one of the women asked.

  Ever turned to the woman, offering her a wink and a flirtatious smile. “Actually, Seraphina, we’re in a hurry,” he said, motioning to Azure. “Can we speak with you?” The words “in private” were implied.

  Seraphina gave Azure a quizzical look and nodded. “Yes, join me in the back. You’ll have to watch me slurp down a vegan burger before my next class starts.”

  The Pilates instructor trotted through the thicket of women crowding the lobby of the studio, smiling at them as she made her way to the back. She led them to the room next to a spin class. The wall shook from the loud music on the other side. “I know you want to quit. That’s not an option! Come on! Push it!” a microphone-amplified voice said from the other side of wall.

  Azure eyed the wall with quiet speculation before shaking off the weirdness. “Hi, Seraphina,” she said extending a hand. “I’m—”

  “Azure Vladar.” Seraphina cut her off with a clever grin. “The rumors are true, aren’t they?” She eyed the blue soul stone hanging around Azure’s neck.

  “Rumors?” Azure asked.

  “That the kingdom of Virgo has a half-witch, half-human queen ruling it,” Seraphina supplied.

  “Well, yes. How did you know?” she asked.

  “The Silver Griffins pride themselves on knowing everything of importance on Oriceran. I heard the rumor from one of them who visited me recently,” the other witch said.

  “Oh, well, I hope you won’t be reporting my presence on Earth to one of the Silver Griffins. I really couldn’t risk it,” Azure stated at once.

  Seraphina opened a white package that sat on the countertop. The studio was bright and clean, and the surfaces were all straight lines. She pulled a sandwich that had mushroom caps in place of a bun and sprouts spilling around its edges from the box. “Vegan burger?” she offered, holding it out. “I have a knife and can cut you off a piece.”

  “No, thanks. I couldn’t.” Azure waved her hand, holding up her own plastic container. “I just had this salad, and I’m stuffed.”

  Ever flicked his eyes at her, offering a sly smile. She tossed her hardly eaten salad into a trash bin against one wall. The salad had been more of a curiosity than a fulfilling experience. Who the fuck puts quinoa in a salad? she’d wondered. That was grain they fed to their chickens on Oriceran. Earthlings ate the strangest things.

  “So, Everett, what brings you to me in the company of royalty?” Seraphina asked as she chewed.

  Ever held his hand out to Azure. Knowing what he wanted, she set her pack down and pulled the crystal ball from inside.

  “Shut up!” Seraphina said, dropping her burger into the white container and sliding her hand across her mouth. “That’s not…”

  “It’s definitely not a crappy souvenir I picked up in Topanga Canyon, no,” Ever said, suppressing a grin.

  “Shush it, Ever. You know what I mean.” Seraphina extended her hand, waiting for Ever to place the crystal ball in it. When he did, her eyes dropped closed and a brilliant smile lit her face. The purple amethyst illuminated, smoke swirling inside the orb. Her eyes sprang open again. “I can’t believe it. This is Mage Lenore’s crystal ball.”

  “Oh, that’s what you were referring to,” Ever joked.

  “How did you get this?” Seraphina asked, testing the balance in her hand.

  “My gran, Sari Vladar, gave it to me,” Azure informed her, now realizing how strange it was that her gran had had it in her possession.

  “Well, well, well, Queen Azure, you’re just full of surprises. The rumors about you might actually be true.” Seraphina stared deep into the crystal ball.

  “What other rumors?” Ever asked the burning question first, beating Azure to it.

  “Oh, it’s not polite to gossip, but suffice it to say, there are many pro
phecies that involve this young witch. I guess I didn’t want to believe them because they also involved one of my favorite Light Elves.” Seraphina held the crystal ball up to the light, eyeing it with her head tilted to the side.

  “No. Would you be serious?” Ever said, shaking his head at the witch.

  “I am being serious. It’s no secret that I still pine for your affection.” Seraphina darted her eyes to Ever, batting her eyelashes.

  “I have no idea what this is all about, but it’s definitely off topic.” Azure pulled the long stick of Howling Willow from her bag. It had made the organization of the pack quite clumsy. “We are here to ask you if you’ll forge the crystal ball into a staff, using this.”

  A gasp fell from Seraphina’s mouth. “Queen Azure, if you pull another remarkable object from that bag I’ll faint.”

  Azure stared down at the bag at her feet, her face screwed up in thought. “Unless an Orc knife will make you pass out, I think I’m out of surprises.”

  “Orc knife, sure, sure. Good one,” Seraphina said, shaking her head in disbelief. She handed the crystal ball to Ever and reached for the stick of Howling Willow wood. “How did you get this?” She ran her eyes over the notches on the stick, which was a golden-brownish color like Azure’s wand.

  “Mage Lenore gave it to us—” Ever lied.

  “Actually, this prevaricating jerk fucking stole it from the Howling Willow,” Azure cut in.

  Seraphina raised an eyebrow at the Light Elf. “You know she’d kill you for less than that.”

  “I was prepared for that to happen in order to help my friend,” Ever said, his pink lips pursing and a dimple surfacing on his cheek.

  Azure, knowing he’d stolen the stick for his own selfish purposes, shook her head but remained tightlipped.

  “So you want me to forge a staff using these?” Seraphina held the Howling Willow stick out and peered at it with one eye. “Yeah, I can do that. It’s going to hold incredible power, like more than almost any staff I’ve ever heard of.” She lowered the stick and looked at Azure. “May I ask you what you want such a staff for?”


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