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Her Godfather: A Dark Romance (With FREE Bonus Book: Trapped In His World)

Page 13

by Noir, Stella

  “I will be fine, I promise. What you can do is help me find a good job like you said, and I will take everything from there.”

  He sighs, “Fine.”

  That’s it? No further argument? I am impressed with his new efforts not to be overbearing. He pulls me into a kiss that leaves me breathless at the end. “I will see you at work tomorrow, then?” he asks.

  I nod. “Of course. Bye.” I watch him saunter out the door. I make sure it’s locked before I sag against it. A smile spreads across my face. Do I now have a— dare I say it—boyfriend? It would seem so. Jason wants to keep seeing me. There is still a little doubt in the back of my mind though. Today’s activities are still fresh in my mind, and there is no ignoring the soreness between my thighs or the bruises on my wrists and ankles. I suspect that my bottom is bruised more than anywhere else. By the time tomorrow comes, I am going to have a hard time sitting down.


  Two days later I am sitting at the desk in Jason’s office. It is my last day. Chloe will return from her honeymoon tomorrow and resume work on Monday. A feeling of loss grips me. I probably won’t get to see Jason every day after this. The past couple of days have been a pleasure for me, getting to see him walk through the door in the morning. He always gives me the once-over, I-want-you-now look, and calls me into his office, where he shows me how much he missed me the night before.

  I haven’t gotten a minute alone with him all morning. The office has been busy, with men and women coming in for various meetings. I have answered so many calls that my hand hurts from picking up the phone so often. A group of men walk into the office, ready for their meeting with Jason. “Good morning gentlemen,” I smile. “I will let Mr. Black know you are here.” They nod and smile. I get up to knock on Jason’s door. I push it open and stick my head in. “The men from Central Technologies are here. Should I send them in?”

  His eyes lower to my breasts, emphasized by yet another dress that shows off my hourglass figure. I deliberately wear them because Jason expressed that he loves to admire my curves. “Not quite yet. Come in and lock the door.” I do as I am told. “Come here.” I walk quietly to him and he reaches out and pulls me onto his lap. “I have not gotten the chance to kiss you or touch you all morning.” He pulls my head down to his, holding my lips captive with his own.

  “There are people outside waiting on you,” I murmur against his moving lips.

  “They can wait,” he whispers. “What is it about you, Navia? I can’t get enough of you. I would love to take you home right now, tie you up and fuck you until you can’t walk.”

  I stiffen at the mention of being tied up. But my panties are now wet with desire to be ravished by him. “We have to stop; your clients will suspect something if I’m in here too long.”

  He sighs and reluctantly releases me. “Fine, we’ll finish this later. Send them in.”

  I open the door and call the men inside, “Mr. Black will see you now.” I step aside to allow them entrance. One of them brushes his arm against my breast as he passes. It was obviously a deliberate move. His eyes move slowly down my frame. “Will you be staying for our meeting?”

  I fight the urge to roll my eyes, “No, I will not be staying.” I catch the feral gleam in Jason’s eyes as he glares at my admirer.

  He seethes. “My secretary is not here for your pleasure, Mr. Goldberg,” he hisses. The man is taken aback, obviously not expecting to be reprimanded. Satisfied that Jason stood up for me and put the man in his place, I send Mr. Goldberg a superior look before closing the door.

  The day drags on until the clock finally strikes five. My time here has come to an end. I begin to remove all traces of myself from Chloe’s desk. Jason walks out of his office and places a check in front of me. “Ms. Watson, it has truly been a pleasure having you here this past week.” He gives me a lascivious grin.

  I smirk. “Thank you for having me, Mr. Black. It has likewise been a pleasure working for you.” I glance down at the check, my eyes widening in shock. It is way more than the agreed amount. “Uh, you’re giving me a lot more than what was agreed upon.”

  “I am aware of that, Navia. I was very much conscious and alert when I wrote it.”

  I glare at him, “Are you by any chance compensating me for sexual favors?”

  “For God’s sake, get over yourself, woman. It’s nothing like that. I happen to think you did a great job, and I owe for overtime… and maybe I want you out of that crummy apartment.” I roll my eyes in exasperation. We are back on the topic of my crappy apartment again. It has been a constant subject of argument for three days now. He is relentless.

  “Thanks, but I think I will put the money to other uses. You know, like pay my bills.”

  He frowns, “Fine, it’s yours to do with as you please.”

  I smile sweetly, “Thank you so much for realizing that.”

  He arches an eyebrow, “I should put you over my knee for getting smart with me, young lady.”

  I groan, “Please don’t.”

  “Meet me in my office in five minutes. I believe we have unfinished business,” he declares before sauntering off. I hope he isn’t going to actually put me over his knee. I finish packing up and head to his office. I can predict what will happen, so I turn the lock. His piercing blue eyes never leave me as I walk slowly toward him. There is something that I have wanted to try; something I have never done before. He frowns when I reach him and spin his chair around. For once he is not the one in control. He has no idea what I intend to do. My lips curl into a seductive smile and I drop to my knees, reaching for his belt. His eyes widen as realization hits him. Lust flashes in his eyes, and he assists me with unbuckling his belt. I bring his zipper down and free his cock from the restraint of his underwear. I take him into my hand and stroke tentatively.

  I look up at him and admit, “I have never done this before.”

  Male satisfaction gleams in his eyes at the news. “I’m glad to hear it,” he says hoarsely. I lick my lips and slowly take him into my mouth. He draws in a sharp breath.

  Startled, I stop. My eyes fly to his face. “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing, keep going,” he bites out through clenched teeth.

  I lower my head again and swirl my tongue around the head of his cock. He moans and leans his head back against his chair. I take him deeper into the warmth of my mouth and slide my tongue against him in an up-and-down motion. His fingers bunch in my hair a little too tightly and he pushes my head down, forcing me to take him deeper. “That’s enough,” he growls, forcing my head up with his hands.

  I frown. “Aren’t you enjoying it? Did I do something wrong?”

  “No baby, if you continue, I will come in your pretty little mouth.”

  My eyes widen, “Oh.” That’s something I have never even thought of. When I think about it, I really am very inexperienced when it comes to sex.

  “Get up,” Jason demands. I stand on my feet. He pulls me down so that I straddle him. I slide down onto his cock with agonizing slowness. I gasp when he pushes the rest of the way into my tight passage. His jaw is clenched, “You’re so tight and warm. You feel damn good. Ride me, Navia.”

  I begin to move on him at his command, increasing the pace of my hips as I go along. He clutches my hips and surge upward, matching my every movement. His hands force me to move faster. All of a sudden he loses control. I am now standing, bent over his desk, and he is taking me from behind. He drives forcefully into me. I stifle a moan, remembering someone could come to the door at any minute. Jason takes hold of my neck and forces my back into a painful arch. “No Jason, please don’t,” I beg, alarmed. I hate when he loses control, going from gentle to cruel in a split second. My body can only take so much.

  He spills into me moments later. I stand up and straighten my dress when he pulls out of me. I rub my neck and gasp for breath. He seizes my shoulder and spins me around. I am visibly upset. The bruise around my neck from the afternoon at his house is still present. Luckily I h
ave been able to conceal it with makeup. He looks guilty. “Shit, I’m sorry Navia. I lost control.”

  “It’s OK,” I snap. “Just forget it.” I lower my lashes to hide the sadness in my eyes. I wonder if we can ever have normal sexual intercourse without him treating me so roughly.


  “You dirty little bitch,” Chloe says playfully. “You have been seeing my boss for a whole month and you never told me.”

  I look around. “Just talk a little louder, I don’t think the lady across the street heard you,” I hiss, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

  Chloe giggles, “I’m sorry. But it is a hell of a shock to me. By rights, I should be pissed at you. I’m your best friend, for crying out loud, we tell each other everything. How could you keep such a juicy tidbit from me for so long?”

  I sit back in my chair. We are seated at an outside table at our usual coffee shop. “I just felt uncomfortable about the whole thing. I mean, he is your boss. I didn’t know how you would feel about your friend dating your boss.” I look down at my hands, “I suppose I didn’t want you thinking less of me.”

  “What? Why would I, Navia? You’re a grown woman and he is a grown man.”

  “Well, the whole thing started while I was his employee.” I still feel ashamed when I remember that I had sex with Jason on my first day working for him. I choose to leave that piece of information out. Chloe does not need to know that. For all she knows, we just started sleeping together after dating for weeks. Technically, I didn’t lie to her. She came up with that assumption on her own, and I merely chose not to correct her.

  “Oh please, that doesn’t count. You were just there the one week.” She sips her coffee and shrugs. “I guess when you hit it off with someone, you just hit it off. No control over that. So there is no way I could be mad at you, although you should receive some kind of punishment for keeping the affair from me for so long.” I wince at the word punishment. I get enough of that from Jason in the bedroom. “Are you OK, honey?” Chloe asks.

  “Uh, yeah, sure. Why?”

  She sighs, “I don’t know, you just seem sad lately, and those dark circles under your eyes are hard to miss. What’s bothering you? It can’t be the job situation that you are depressed about this time. You’ve got a great job now.”

  “It’s nothing, really. I guess I just need some rest.” The truth is I have been down lately because I have failed miserably in my attempt to bring Jason out of darkness. I thought I could change him, but he still takes pleasure in torturing me just about every night. I don’t sleep because I stay up all night crying and wondering what I’m going to do. I don’t know how much longer I can bear being hurt at the hands of the man I have somehow fallen in love with. I suppose I fell for his gentler side over the past five weeks.

  Chloe frowns, “Are you sure it’s nothing? Are you happy with Jason? You know, Navia, I can’t help but notice the bruises that you try to cover up.” She points to the fading bluish mark circling my wrists. “Does he hurt you?”

  Yes, but not in the way she thinks. “He is not abusive, if that’s what you’re thinking. We just engage in a little… rough play in the bedroom, on occasion.”

  Chloe gawks at me, “OK, you don’t need to go any further. I really don’t want to know.” She chuckles, “You crazy kids.”

  I feel the need to protect Jason and his secret because I love him. I don’t want Chloe to think any less of him. He really is a good a man. He just has a dark side. We all do. Some people’s dark sides are just darker and more dangerous than others. Now I sound like I am trying too hard to convince myself that I need to stay with Jason. I feel like I need to get away from Chloe before I break down into tears. I make a show of checking the time, “I need to run, Chloe. I have something to take care of before I go to work.” I gather my handbag and get up.

  “OK sweetie, I’ll catch you later. Love you.”

  I lean down to kiss her on the cheek. “Love you, too. Later.”

  As I step off, my phone rings. I fish it out of my bag. It’s Jason. I answer, “Hey you.”

  “Hi, how was your morning coffee?” he asks.

  “It’s always good, with great company.”

  “Hmmm. Will you be staying with me tonight?” he asks.

  I have spent almost every night at his apartment for the past three weeks. I think I need some time alone to sort through my jumbled emotions. “Um, I was actually thinking about staying home tonight.” I get ready for his protest. He gets rattled when things don’t go his way. He probably wants to punish me now, for not wanting to stay with him. He has pretty much taken over my life.

  “Why don’t you want to stay at my place?” he asks softly. I don’t let his soft tone deceive me. I know he is positively seething right now and fighting to maintain his control.

  “I just want to rest, that’s all.”

  “Oh well, you can do that at my place. I will pick you up from work.” He makes the decision for both of us and hangs up. I let out a sigh. Damn it.

  “How was your day?” I ask Jason a little too brightly. I sit across from him in an expensive restaurant near his apartment building. We are enjoying a five-course meal. I’m not feeling very hungry though, so I just push my food around on my plate.

  His eyebrows elevate at my overly chipper tone. “It was nothing special.” He studies me broodingly for a few seconds. “What about you? How is the new job?”

  “My day was fine, and the job is great so far, thanks again.” He helped me to get a permanent position as a personal assistant for one of his many high-powered friends. He made sure that the job was with an elderly married man, of course. God forbid I work in close proximity with anyone young enough to be interested in me.

  He grins, “You are very welcome. You look magnificent, by the way.” Of course I do. I am wearing a very costly dress that he picked out, one that stretches over my silhouette perfectly. His eyes rove over me appreciatively. I blush. No matter how much he gives me that look, I flush from head to toes every time. It’s the intensity of his smoldering eyes that gets me flustered. I still wonder sometimes if he can somehow see through my garments. I fall silent for a while. I’m not looking at him but I know he is watching me, studying my every move. I feel his eyes burning into me. “What is the matter, Navia?”

  I look up and reply, “Nothing is wrong. Why do you ask?”

  “You’ve barely touched your food. Are you not feeling well?”

  “I’m fine, really. I just don’t have much of an appetite tonight, that’s all. Besides, it’s not every day I can pig out. A girl has got to watch her weight, you know,” I joke weakly.

  “You don’t need to watch anything. You’re perfect,” he states, still holding my gaze. There is genuine concern on his face.

  I smile. One of the things I love about him is how he always makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. Until we reach the bedroom and he brings out the ropes and whip. During that time I just feel like a cheap whore that he can use and throw away. “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.”

  “Are you ready?” he asks ten minutes later.

  “Sure,” I answer. We might as well leave since I’m not eating.

  Chapter Seven

  Jason drives in the direction of his home. I don’t bother to remind him that I said I wanted to go to my place tonight. My guess is that he does remember, but chooses to disregard my wish. I’m really not in the mood for an argument with him at the moment, so I remain silent. I rest my head against the seat and relax. I close my eyes, in hopes of thwarting the headache that I have felt building up all day. He glances at me from time to time, but I continue to pretend not to notice.

  “Navia, we are here.” I jump awake at the sound of his voice. We are in the underground parking lot of his building. I must have dozed off. Wow, I guess I’m more tired than I thought. I really need to start sleeping at night. “I can see that you were serious about needing to rest,” Jason says, glancing at me. It’s like I thought, he did
remember that I wanted to go home.

  I glare daggers at him. “Of course I was serious. So, why didn’t you take me home, Jason?” I ask, feeling irate.

  He grins sheepishly, “I really wanted you with me. I’m sorry.”

  I roll my eyes, “It doesn’t matter now. I’m here already, so let’s just go in.”

  We wait for the elevator to reach his floor. “You are angry with me,” he observes.

  “No, I’m over it, really.” I avoid his gaze. I am still a bit miffed that he just so easily ignored my wishes. But I really am calming down a little. Before the elevator reaches the top floor, Jason pulls me to him. I shriek and stumble into him.

  “Let me take your mind off of going home,” he whispers. He covers my lips, kissing me passionately. I quickly melt into him, forgetting about my initial anger. I wound my arms around his neck, pressing my body into his. He places his hands on my bottom and lifts me to him. The elevator comes to a stop, forcing us to pull apart and exit.

  My chest heaves as I puff out uneven breaths. “Let’s hurry and get inside,” Jason says roughly. “I want you now.”

  Before he even gets the door open, he lifts me onto him and I instantly wrap my legs around his waist. I‘m grateful for the long split in the side of my dress that gives me the freedom to move my legs.

  He takes long strides to the bedroom. Once inside, he lowers me to my feet and unzips my dress. It falls in a puddle around my feet. He pulls back to look at me, clad in only my underwear. “Absolutely magnificent,” he breathes. I smile slightly, reveling in his male appreciation. “Lay down,” he commands. I move hesitantly to lie on his king-sized bed. I pray that he does not take out the rope and the whip. To my disappointment, he walks to his closet. My heart drops, and the desire I felt quickly dissipates. I catch sight of his weapons of torture and I bolt out of the bed. “No!” I shout.

  His startled gaze lands on my face. “What is the matter, Navia?”

  I motion to the restraints in his hands. “I can’t anymore, Jason.”


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