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Seed of The Alpha (BBW Werewolf Pregnancy)

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by Krista Bella

  Copyright © 2014 by Krista Bella

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Julie is a plus-sized intern working for a demanding but super hot boss. Up to her eyebrows in student loan debt, Julie can't afford to lose her job.

  But things take a turn for a worse when Julie's boss, Tristan, catches her snooping around in his private things. Fearful that she is going to be fired, Julie does her best to convince Tristan that she will never betray his trust again.

  But little does Julie know that Tristan is hiding a deep secret that could change her life forever!


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight


  About the Author

  Chapter One

  You're too fat to get a good-looking guy.

  Those were her mean-spirited cousin's words that had played over in twenty-two year old Julie Love's heads since their last phone conversation. She set her sights too high, he had told her. No hot guy would want a girl with more rolls than a sweet-filled bakery rack.

  Julie wondered if he was right as she checked her makeup in the foyer mirror. She had not tried to seek out the opposite sex since finishing college. She just hadn't had the time. All she had done was complain about it, which is why Kev had the nerve to insult her.

  She did not know what his problem was, though. She was not looking for a young Brad Pitt...just someone who looked nice. Julie saw no reason to settle for less than just because she was carrying a little extra weight around.

  There were men out there that liked girls with a little meat on their bones. Their just had to be.

  "It's not like I'm asking for the world," Julie whispered as she took her index finger and smudged her smoky eye shadow. Then she turned to the side and eyed her dress, a red baby doll number that flared out to the sides but still managed to show off her curvy figure and massive cleavage, critically. "I just want a nice guy who will treat me right." She ran her fingers through her golden-blonde hair which was pulled back into a tight ponytail.

  "Wow, you look great," came her mother's, Jean's, awed voice.

  Julie whipped her head around, almost hitting her face with her golden tail. "Hey momma, I didn't hear you walk up."

  Despite being about thirty pounds lighter and about twenty-five years older, Jean Love, whom Julie had moved back in with after college, still looked good for someone of her age. She was dressed in a black, silk negligee and had a cigarette between her bony fingers as she stood staring at her plus-sized daughter.

  Jean took a long drag on her cigarette and nodded at Julie's shapely form. "I'm sure you'll definitely get a man tonight looking like that."

  That's not what Kev would say, Julie thought.

  "Thanks mom," Julie said with a slight smile. "But I'm just going to work."

  Her mother frowned in confusion as she blew out a cloud of smoke from in between her thin lips. "Work? At this hour? And on a Friday night?"

  Julie could see the questions pile up in her mother's eyes. If she was going to work, why was she dressed like a street walker?

  It's because I want to feel pretty tonight, she thought. Kev's words have really shaken my confidence. Besides, there will be no one at work to see me anyway.

  "I need to stop by the building and fill out some papers that have to be filed by Monday," Julie explained. "Or else my boss is going to kill me." Being one of many clerks for a demanding boss was one of Julie's pet peeves.

  "Oh." Jean took another drag. "I still don't know why'd you dress up if all you're going to do is go file papers."

  Julie sighed. "Because Kevin said I was too fat."

  Jean nearly choked on a cloud of her smoke. "Kev said that?"

  Julie nodded. "Said I would never get a man unless I lost a good thirty pounds."

  Jean coughed and shook her head. "Well don't believe that. You look just fine as you are." She smiled and looked pointedly at her daughter's thighs. "Honey, let me tell you, if I had had a body like that in my day, there would have been no end to the dong that would have came my way."

  Aghast, Julie's jaw dropped. "Mother!"

  Jean threw back her head and laughed at her daughter's embarrassment. "I'm just kidding."

  Julie placed her index finger in her mouth and imitated gagging. "Well, please don't do that. It grosses me out."

  Her mother walked over and tapped her cigarette out in the ash tray that sat on a stand below the mirror Julie had been checking her appearance.

  "Well you don't gross me out." Her mother took her in her arms and delivered a kiss on her cheek. Julie's nose was overcome by the smell of cigarettes. "Don't ever think that."

  Julie smiled. "I don't."

  Jean's face melted into a stern visage and then pointed at the front door. "Good. Now you go do those papers and look good while doing it." She turned away, but then stopped to add. "And make sure you lock the God damn door when you get back home." Then she sauntered off into the living room, leaving Julie all alone.

  As she grabbed her coat off the coat hanger, Julie could only smile at her mother's antics. She could always make her feel better whenever she was feeling bad.

  "I will."

  Chapter Two

  "Did you get those papers filed?" asked thirty-three year old Tristan Carver, his deep baritone rattling the depths of Julie's stomach. Propping his feet up on his polished desk next to his expensive laptop, Tristan sat back expectantly in his suede office chair and leveled his blue eyes that had specks of gold swirling in them, which Julie thought was an odd attribute, on her.

  Unsettled by the older man's penetrating gaze, Julie nervously fidgeted with a piece of her red dress as she stood before Tristan's desk and glanced out of the wall-long glass mirror behind him. Nestled at the top of a hi-rise, corporate building, Tristan's office overlooked most of Lake City. And it was a spectacular view. The skyline, which was crowded with other hi-rise buildings, all but shimmered in the background.

  Tristan quirked a golden eyebrow impatiently as he waited for a response, the light from his laptop screen bathing his face with an eerie glow and making him look more imposing. "Well?"

  Cursing her rotten luck, Julie parted her lips to speak, but stopped as she searched for a suitable explanation as to why she had not met her deadline. She hadn't expected her boss to be there when she arrived. It was well past closing time and Tristan almost never stayed for more than an hour after work.

  Figures he would be here when I call myself dressing up like an eight-o-cock prostitute, she grumbled.

  "No," she admitted finally. "I'm sorry. I was severely backed up on work and just could not find the time. That's why I came into work late to catch up."

  His eyes on her dress, Tristan rubbed the fresh stubble shading his jaw and shifted in his seat. The man looked like he was in need of sleep. His light, blonde hair, that was usually gelled and slicked back, was in wild disarray and he had heavy bags under his eyes. Still, Julie thought it added to his sexiness. With a cleft in his chin, a chiseled jaw, a large nose and full lips, Tristan could have been a model for one of those popular female magazines making big bucks rather than the head of an insurance company. And the bottom of his body, if the way his six-pack abs pressed through his dress shirts and his strong thighs and ass usually showed through his dress pants were any indication, was just as good.

  Tristan's gold-specked eyes roamed over her curves. "Yo
u could not get the job done, so you decided to come into work dressed like you were going out for a night of clubbing?"

  Julie felt her cheeks flush a tomato red. "I, um, dressed to go out and then remembered I had unfinished work to do here. I didn't think anyone would be here, so I did not bother with changing."

  Let's just not the state the real reason of my cousin telling me I was too fat to get a man, she thought.

  Tristan continued to look at her, his penetrating eyes making her want to run and jump through the window behind him. He drummed his fingers against his desk as he stared. Julie's eyes were drawn to them. They were quite large. Thick. Strong. She also noticed that they didn't have a ring on them. Funny, because she always thought he had been married.

  "You know what gets me about you, Julie?" Tristan suddenly asked, his eyes tearing away from her body. Before Julie could open her mouth to ask what, he snarled, "You don't listen."

  Oh no.

  Panic gripped Julie. It sounded like Tristan was about to lay her off. Having just gotten out of college, and still in massive debt, Julie desperately needed her job.

  "I'm sorry, boss," she said quickly. "I'll do my best to listen from here on out and I promise to meet my deadlines-"

  Tristan held up a large finger. "Don't give me bullshit excuses, Miss Love," he growled. "Just handle it."

  Julie nodded. "Yes sir."

  Tristan nodded, his eyes falling to her cleavage. "That's all."


  Holding in the surge of anger, Julie turned and left his office. It was dark in the cubicle room she worked and it took a little maneuvering to find her desk. When she found it, she quickly flipped on her computer and waited for it to boot up before she started seeing to her work.

  She was about halfway through her paperwork when she heard Tristan call her from his office.

  Oh God, she thought. What is it this time?

  Julie almost broke her neck in her haste to see what he wanted.

  "You called me?" she asked breathlessly from the office doorway. Tristan was standing behind his chair, looking out the glass into the moon-filled sky, a distant look in his eyes. Having a nice view of his backside, Julie had to grudgingly admit that Tristan had a sexy ass.

  Her cousin's words came back to haunt her in that moment. You're too fat to have a good-looking guy.

  Tristan turned and looked at her. His eyes seemed more focused now. "I'm going out to get something to eat. Do you want anything?"

  Julie settled back on her feet, unsure. The guy had just been an asshole to her, now he was offering to go get her dinner?

  Not only that, she thought. Isn't getting your employee dinner considered out of line?

  Tristan was forever making people do black flips for him and treating his workers like slaves. It hardly made any sense that he would suddenly be offering to get Julie dinner.

  "Getting me food seems awkward," said Julie. "I will go get it for you instead," she offered.

  And hopefully you will forget about my poor work ethic, she thought.

  Tristan waved a dismissive hand. "Nah," he declined. "I'll pass. I have to have my meat prepared a certain way. I wouldn't want you to mess up my order."

  Anger gripped Julie's large breasts. Tristan was really making her feel like she was incompetent and useless.

  Tristan grabbed his blazer off the back of his chair. For some reason, Julie's eyes were drawn to his crotch area. The light of the office was dim, so she couldn't be sure, but it looked like Tristan had a bulge...a large one. "Again, do you want anything?" His deep voice cut through her wandering consciousness. "I won't ask you again."

  Julie ripped her eyes away from Tristan's crotch, embarrassed. "No, I just ate before coming up here," she lied. Her stomach growled then as if to scream 'liar'.

  I hope he didn't hear that.

  Tristan shouldered on his coat, appearing to not hear her tattle-tell tummy. "Okay, then. I'll be back in about a half-hour. Think you'll have the work done by then?"

  Julie nodded quickly. "I should."

  At least I hope so.

  "Good." He walked past her, his spicy cologne settling on her nose in his wake. "Be back shortly."

  Julie let out a breath when he was gone, savoring his scent. The smell was really woodsy, masculine. She found that she liked it a lot. It would have turned her on if not for her being completely humiliated.

  He's so handsome and hot, she thought. Too bad he's such a douche. You could give me twenty guys like him that wanted me and I would not stand a day being with them.

  She turned to leave Tristan's office but stopped when something caught her eye. Half-closed, it was the blue glow of his laptop screen. Remembering the bulge she had thought she saw, Julie became overcome with curiosity.

  What had Tristan been looking at before she walked in his office?

  Probably nothing, she thought to herself. It's none of my business anyway.

  Then why was she rooted to the floor, staring at his computer? Because she was dying to know what he had been looking at, that's why. She glanced out of the office into the darkened cubicle room. No sound.

  Tristan was probably down in the parking garage by now. Surely, she could take a quick look.

  Her body moving on its own accord, she went over and sat down on his chair and lifted the laptop screen. Julie did not know what she had expected to see when she lifted the screen, but she was disappointed to when it just revealed Microsoft Office and a bunch of sales graphs.

  "See?" she growled out loud to herself. "He was just handling business, and here I am with my mind in the gutter."

  If I deserved to be fired before, I definitely deserve it now, she thought. Invading your boss's privacy is clearly a no-no.

  She was about to close the computer screen down when something caught her eye for the second time. This time, it was a web browser page that was minimized in the bottom right of the task bar.

  What's this?

  She could see the words BBW on the title, but could not read the rest of the sentence. Moving the mouse, she brought up the webpage. She gasped.

  The website Tristan had been looking at was a big girl porn site. There were pictures of big women everywhere, some with enough rolls to make Pillsbury Dough Ban jealous, some who were alright.

  Julie could hardly believe it. Her boss, hot and sexy Tristan Carver was into big women? It did not seem possible. He had always struck her as the top to have a skinny little trophy wife at home, with several spoiled brat kids.

  What makes you think he doesn't? she asked herself.

  Well, for one he did not have a ring on his finger, and for two, he had never brought a Mrs. Carver up to the building. Still, that did not mean she did not exist and that maybe this wasn't some side-fetish that Tristan enjoyed when he was at work.

  Or maybe it's just curiosity? she wondered. After seeing me in this sexy dress, maybe he was just curious how it would be with a fat girl.

  Whatever the case, Julie needed to get out of his office before...

  "What the hell do you think you're doing, Miss Love?"

  Julie nearly let out a startled shriek and fell out of Tristan's seat as she looked up into a furious visage.

  Okay, now I'm really fired.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as she searched for words, her face a dark shade of red from embarrassment. "I was just-"

  "I leave for just a minute and come back to find you digging through my shit." Tristan stalked forward and slammed his laptop down, causing Julie to jump in statement. Julie thought for sure he had just shattered the screen. "You have always been one of my best workers, Miss Love. It's a damn shame I can't trust you."

  Shame settled on Julie's shoulders at the disappointment in his voice. But she couldn't understand why he had returned so quickly. Why say he was going to dinner, when he wasn't?

  Baring his teeth in a feral scowl, Tristan crossed his arms as he stood over her. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

  Julie was
surprised at how sharp his teeth looked...almost fang-like. "I, uh, you had left the laptop screen open and I was just closing it."

  Tristan snorted in disbelief. "Bullshit."


  Tristan raised a hand and Julie turned away from his anger. "You know what, Miss Love? I don't even want to fucking hear it. Save your bullshit-ass excuses."

  Here goes, Julie thought with despair. I've gone and got myself fired.

  Now she was going to have to find another job that probably did not pay half as good.

  And what am I going to tell mom?

  She could just hear her mother now when she returned with the bad news, 'you shouldn't have gone back into work dressed like a fat hooker'.

  "Go home, Miss Love," Tristan growled suddenly, surprising her. "Now."

  That's it? she wondered. She thought for sure he would fire her.

  Smoothing the ends of her dress, she stood up, her breasts almost touching his chest. She walked over to the office door, but turned around before exiting.

  "I'm Sorry, Mr. Carver," she apologized.

  "Now, Miss Love," he reiterated. He flopped down at his seat and opened the screen of his laptop. Anger showed on his face.

  Thinking that screen was probably shattered and he was about to go into a fit of rage, Julie hurried from the room. She quickly gathered her things from her cubicle and then returned home.

  Surprisingly, her mom was still awake when she stepped into the living room.

  "Did you get your work done, honey?" her mother asked as she sat in her favorite recliner watching some insipid infomercial, her voice hoarse from her cigarette smoke.

  What could she tell her mom? No, mom I just about got fired by snooping on my boss's laptop?

  I can't tell her.

  Julie set her purse and belongings down on the couch. "Yes, I did."

  "That's good." Her mother looked at the TV screen then back at her. "Oh, by the way, your cousin Kevin called."

  Julie groaned. She just got through dealing with one bastard; she damn sure did not want to hear about another one. "What he want?"

  "He just said he wanted you to call him when you're not busy."


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