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Severance Lost (Fractal Forsaken Series Book 1)

Page 32

by Unknown

  His team had advanced ahead of his position when three Ispirtu wizards rounded the corner ahead of them, responding to the battle within the classroom. In watching the Furies, Slate left his team without a scout, confirming Villifor’s criticism. He couldn’t be counted on as part of a team. His stomach clenched in knots, but as it did so, the training of the Bellator Guardsmen came through. Lattimer’s wizards launched a series of small, disorienting pressure waves to keep the approaching wizards off-balance. Jak ordered his guardsmen forward and their work was beautiful in its efficiency. With disoriented targets, they closed quickly and struck lethally, taking longer to wipe their blades than they did to kill.

  Slate wanted to make amends for his lack of attention to his duties. The hallway ended ahead, giving way to a catwalk that ran between the classrooms and Brannon’s tower. Slate had taken it many times as a student, so he flashed ahead. As he did so, he heard Annarelle’s voice yell, “No! Look out!”

  Slate had time to turn his staff sideways, catching it on the pillars framing the catwalk entrance. Stopping his momentum at that speed jarred his shoulders, but it was worth it as his feet fell through the catwalk surface and he hung above the ground. The orbs danced around his body, making it appear to the whole world that he had been poured into the concrete of the catwalk, with his legs dangling in the air. He stared down at the battle raging below him. Soldiers and guardsmen threw themselves into battle to retake the broken Ispirtu wall while absorbing massive damage from the wizards. Beyond the scrum, Slate identified the King’s standard. Villifor and Magnus accompanied Darik, waiting for the soldiers to fulfill their duty and capture the Ispirtu wall. The distraction caused by the Furies inside Ispirtu was just enough to turn the tide in the King’s favor. Soldiers overran the Ispirtu defenses and stone canopies were hoisted above the heads of Darik, Villifor, Magnus and the rest of the King’s honor guard as they entered the Ispirtu grounds. Brannon stopped casting fireballs from his tower as the King walked through, either conserving his energy or acknowledging that the battle for Ispirtu’s walls was lost. The King and Villifor would be right on Slate’s heels. That was perfect, as long as he managed to stay ahead of them.

  Annarelle and Tommy sprinted over to help him up. “Brannon switched the pathways when he heard that Ispirtu would be attacked. The paths you used to know don’t work anymore.”

  Slate looked up and counted dozens of potential pathways to Brannon’s tower. It was a very clever tactic. Brannon could sit in his tower and defend the few entry points that only his men knew. Slate was starting to hate clever people. The look on his face must have given away his thoughts because it made Tommy and Annarelle smile.

  “Don’t worry, Slate. I’ve been taught to always know my surroundings. The second I learned that the orbs had shifted and the pathways changed, I searched through them to find the new ones.” Pride crept into Annarelle’s voice, and deservedly so. “Of course, I would have been caught if it weren’t for Tommy.”

  “There were a couple first-years that saw Annarelle snooping around. I caught them before they left and made sure they didn’t feel the need to tell anyone about it.”

  “You’ve both done well…thank you. Annarelle, will you join me in front and point us in the right direction.”

  “I was going to offer earlier, but I thought there would be time for me to tell you about the orbs. Your speed surprised me…”

  The explosions from the classroom stopped, meaning their distraction had also ended. There wasn’t time for an explanation to Tommy and Annarelle. Annarelle pointed toward a bridge one floor up from their current location. “That’s the one we need to traverse.” The wooden bridge looked unsteady compared to the ornately carved stone bridges surrounding it. It would also catch fire much easier if Brannon decided to terminate the entrance. They couldn’t be seen walking on that bridge.

  “Find a window beneath the bridge on this floor.” They sprinted ahead with the team following them. Just as the last group of guardsmen rounded the corner, four wizards emerged from the remains of the classroom. Rainier, checking the group’s rear, met the Fury’s red-eyes and his face went white. Slate and Rainier rushed to rejoin their friends before the Furies could attack, with the full knowledge that they would give chase. Slate also heard the heavier footsteps of Villifor’s men in the main hallway beneath them. If he could evade the Furies’ attention long enough, they would soon be occupied.

  Annarelle found that the window beneath the wooden bridge belonged to a small bathroom. Slate urged the group inside and shut the door. The Furies couldn’t have seen where they hid, but their safety was tenuous.

  Slate pushed his way toward the window, pressing flesh against everyone packed into the tiny bathroom. He opened the window and looked up to examine the trusses supporting the wooden bridge beneath its walkway. The crossbeams of the trusses were close enough together to swing across, but Slate doubted if the Ispirtu wizards could accomplish the task. This was the type of thing children in Pillar did for fun, but never three stories in the air with someone threatening to shoot a fireball from above if you were seen. Across the bridge was another window, but it was a full five feet below the trusses. That wouldn’t do. He called to Jak and Lattimer and filled them in on his plan.

  “I need to cross first, and we were spotted in the main hallway. If anything comes through that door, I need the two of you to organize a defense.” Slate paused, trying to figure out the best way of telling them what they’d be fighting. In the end he settled on, “Whoever comes through that door, use killing blows. Do not hold anything back until they are decapitated or your sword goes through their heart. Do you understand?”

  Their grave nods convinced Slate that he had sufficiently communicated the gravity of the situation. Jak spoke next. “My guardsmen will help those across that can’t make it on their own. Lattimer, will you stay with me on this side until everyone else makes it across. You are the strongest wizard and it sounds like we’ll need it.”

  Lattimer showed the fortitude that often remained hidden beneath the entitlement he wore as a cloak. “I’ll stay here…let’s get these people across this bridge.”

  Slate slid through the window and grabbed the truss above him. He quickly swung from one crossbeam to the next, spanning the distance with ease. Upon reaching the other side, he held onto one rung with his left hand and punched the wall with his right, breaking into the smooth stone wall. Creating handholds was a purpose in which his stonehand excelled. He then dropped down to the handhold and punched a new one, sculpting a rough ladder into the wall. Slate kicked through the closed window and looked around the empty room. Two wizards mistakenly came to investigate the sound of the broken glass. Slate flashed and extended his staff through the opening door to find the throat of one wizard. The second wizard started concentrating, but Slate used his stonehand for the other purpose in which it excelled. Neither wizard had the chance to make a sound. He dragged the bodies into the room and returned to the window.

  His team slowly worked their way across the network of trusses, with the Ispirtu wizards clung to the backs of the Bellator Guardsmen. Slate wished he could capture the looks of embarrassment written on the faces of the proud group of wizards.

  The shattering of glass coincided with a particularly large guardsman squeezing through the small bathroom window. The noise was loud enough to draw the attention of the Furies and Tommy, Annarelle, Rainier, Jak, and Lattimer were still stuck in the bathroom.

  He watched helplessly as the group took up defensive positions, with Lattimer in the lead. The door opened and Lattimer unleashed a well-timed concussion wave, sending four Furies flying backwards. …1 Jak was the first one through the door, his broadsword severing red-eyes from body. Rainier was just as quick and plunged his short swords into the chest and neck of a second Fury. Tommy had enough experience patrolling the halls of Ispirtu to know where to stick a knife, and he did so without hesitation. Annarelle rushed forward to get the last Fury, but her forte wa
s not battle and the Fury threw her to the ground. …2 A fireball started to form in the Fury’s hand as he stood over Annarelle. Jak and Rainier were too far away to help. Tommy dove toward the Fury, but he wouldn’t make it in time. He would miss her by a swords length. Slate’s heart dropped. He knew what the outcome would be and he felt responsibility for it. …3 Tommy erupted in flames that emitted in all directions from his body. It was a weak spell by wizard’s standards, with the flames only reaching a sword’s length, but the intensity was sufficient to char the Fury where he stood. Tommy prepared the spell in anticipation of the battle and released it at the perfect distance to engulf the Fury while leaving Annarelle untouched. Slate dropped to his knees in relief. Tommy and Annarelle embraced, but it was cut short by more approaching footsteps…Villifor and Darik had arrived.

  Jak, Lattimer, Rainier, Tommy, and Annarelle crossed the network of trusses with urgency, joining Slate and the rest of the team in Brannon’s tower. “Brannon’s office is at the top of this tower with a guild’s worth of Ispirtu wizards stationed between here and there. We can either fight our way through or let someone else do it for us…” Slate smiled and the rest of the team caught on to his next plan. “Jak, leave one of your guardsman behind and show Villifor and Darik how to cross the bridge when they investigate the dead Furies?”

  “Of course, Slate.”

  “Annarelle, can you lead the group up one flight of stairs and wait for me? Stay hidden and I’ll meet up with you after I check on something…”

  Concern crept across Rainier’s face at the ambiguous nature of Slate’s request, but he held his questions. Annarelle didn’t know him well enough to decipher when he was up to trouble. “We’ll meet you in the alcove next to the back stairwell in five minutes.”

  Slate ascended the nearest stairs, counting on his Ispirtu robes and Sicarius mask to let him pass by any Ispirtu wizards. He second-guessed that decision when he found a host of wizards attentively watching the wooden bridge and lying in wait for any intruders. Slate’s pulse rose, but no one paid attention to him as he filtered through the wizards and headed for the uncovered bridge, waiting for someone to shout or send a pressure wave at his back. Slate forced a deep breath and walked onto the bridge when snow began to fall from the clouds overhead. Beneath his feet, a faint rhythmic sound indicated Villifor and Darik’s men were following his plan, unnoticed by Brannon and the wizards watching the bridge. Finally, Slate reached the end of the bridge and knelt down, which is where he saw what he needed to see. Slate’s luck was with him, had he arrived even a few minutes later, the descending snow would have hidden what he had come to find. A fine powder coated the bridge indicating the Sicarius headmaster had passed this point, so the headmaster wasn’t informed of the new pathway to Brannon’s tower and needed to find it. At least he knew Brannon hadn’t met the Sicarius headmaster as a co-conspirator and that the two headmasters lay in wait together. He thought he could still trust the Sicarius headmaster…at least as much as he could trust anyone.

  Slate stood to re-cross the bridge knowing that Brannon’s tower was filling with Bellator Guardsmen and Darik’s soldiers with every passing second. Halfway across the bridge, a Bellator Guardsman saw his Ispirtu robes and rushed after battlefield glory in the form of a lifeless wizard. Knowing the number of wizards guarding the bridge, Slate dropped to his stomach. A wave of spells passed over his head, slamming the guardsman backward and throwing his burning body from the bridge. Slate stood back up, thankful to still be alive, when he noticed the wave of spells had blown several planks off the wooden bridge, exposing the once hidden soldiers hanging from the trusses below. Slate gave up his cover and dove at the exposed gap, swinging from the truss below and launching himself into the broken window of Brannon’s tower just as a massive fireball from Brannon decimated the wooden structure.

  Slate didn’t look back to assess the damage. He rolled as he hit the ground and flashed in the direction of the door before anyone knew what was happening. He was out of the room and ascending the back stairwell before the assembling soldiers could give chase. Even if they had given chase, they would be engaging the wizards descending from the floor above in short order. Slate found his team hidden in the vacant alcove chosen by Annarelle.

  “It is good to see you, Slate. When that many wizards cast spells at once it usually means disaster for someone. I’m glad it wasn’t you.” Lucus remained calm and collected despite the day’s activities.

  “I always said you had a knack for surviving…” Jak smiled widely.

  “You’ve alerted the wizards within the tower to our presence. I hope you found information that was worth it…” Rainier was less forgiving than Jak.

  “The Sicarius headmaster is still ahead of us somewhere within Brannon’s tower. An unfortunate set of circumstances led to the bridge’s demise and only a small group of soldiers and guardsmen made it across.” Thankfully, he did see Villifor and Darik as he flashed through the room. Magnus was also present, strategizing with Hedok and Cirata. Slate felt fortunate Magnus was preoccupied upon his arrival. Even if his arm had been healed, he didn’t think Magnus would forget their previous encounter. “A large contingent of wizards will engage them soon. Jak, do you think we should aid the guardsmen?”

  Lattimer spoke up first. “Why would we help them? We should head for my father’s office while the path is clear.”

  Jak understood that Slate needed Villifor and Darik to force Brannon’s hand and learn the truth. “Those are the best fighters Bellator has to offer, but they’ll be pinned down in that room. I’d give even odds on the outcome. We should attack and retreat so they are forced to defend their rear guard. That should open things up for the guardsmen.”

  “Rainier, we are especially suited for this job. Let’s go down the back stairwell and silently take out a few wizards. Lattimer, can you and your men arrange a diversion when the cries go up?”

  “We’ll launch a volley from the main staircase. A concussion wave or two aimed at the railing should cause it to crash below and slow any wizards who give chase.”

  Jak liked the strategy. “Guardsmen, find any statues or other objects that can be pushed down the stairwell. Whoever grabs the smallest one has to buy the first round of beer after this is done.”

  Rainier and Slate slipped down the back stairwell and Slate entrusted him with the Sicarius mask. “Kill silently. I’ll do my best to remain hidden, but if I get discovered, it will be easier for me to flee.”

  “A good student wouldn’t let his teacher put himself in harm’s way for his own sake…but you’re not my teacher anymore, so I’m ok with saving my own skin.” Rainier winked at him and put on the mask. He then slipped into the battle, killing any wizard that made the mistake of disengaging too far from the others. Slate was once again happy that he could call Rainier a friend. He was disturbingly good at what he did.

  Slate borrowed Jak’s strategy to create a distraction. Using his newfound strength and speed, he hurled statues amongst the wizards and then flashed away. He caused an impressive amount of damage before the wizards caught on and began defending their rear.

  The shouts signaled Lattimer and his wizards to launch a volley. Fireballs and concussion waves landed amongst the wizards as they tried to form a defense against Slate and Rainier. Half the wizards, having identified an opponent, began to cast spells up toward the main stairs. Some rushed to get better tactical position, only to be met by a series of statues raining down on them from above. The remaining Ispirtu wizards were already engaged with the Bellator Guardsmen inside the room, but Slate could see it was only a matter of time before the guardsmen pushed through.

  He signaled Rainier and they ascended the main stairs to rejoin the group.

  “What now?” Tommy asked.

  “Everyone except for Rainier, Lucus, and me will finish off the wizards down there and join the ranks of Villifor’s men. Jak, it is up to you to convince Darik and Villifor of Lattimer’s allegiance to them. ”

>   “After what we just did for Villifor’s men, it shouldn’t be a problem. What will you do?”

  “Villifor will not trust me after I’ve freed the Sicarius headmaster during the guild’s termination. We’ll follow from a safe distance and stay out of sight. Once you get to Brannon’s office, we have one final trick up our sleeves. Just stay flexible and bend where the wind takes you.” Slate didn’t have any more inspiring words or answers to give the group. He didn’t know what to expect when they encountered Brannon.

  “I’ve always preferred strength to flexibility, but we’ll do our best.” Jak’s light-hearted reference to his own physique was a good sign. People performed better when they were loose. The guardsmen chuckled and left with Lattimer’s wizards to finish the battle below.

  Slate addressed Lucus and Rainier. “Ravinai forced us to flee in fear on my first visit. Now we face the dangers of Ravinai head on. Lucus, how long can you hold that spell that makes us invisible?”

  “That spell doesn’t make you invisible. It just camouflages you amidst your surroundings.” Slate acknowledged his poor description of the spell and Lucus skipped the lecture. “Ten minutes, less if I cast the spell on myself, and I’ll be incapacitated while I hold the spell.”

  “That will have to do. We’ll stay out of sight and allow Villifor and Darik to pass us and then follow closely. When we get within sight of Brannon’s office, cast the spell. We need to make it into his office unseen, so prepare to sneak in when the guardsmen break down the door.”

  Rainier added, “In Pillar, Sana cast a spell that made our feet silent by growing moss on our boots. Could we do that now to mask the noise from our footsteps?”


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