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KIngdom of Embers (Kingdom Journals Book 1)

Page 8

by Tricia Copeland

  Telling Sophie I needed to stop by the library for research before going home, I took the bus to Fahim’s bookstore. At the shop, I stopped in front of the doors, making a point to act as if I were sniffing the air, in case they were watching. Catching the heavy scent of Fahim and Eden, I entered the shop. I detected no witchy buzz, and I guessed Chalondra hadn’t arrived for the day yet.

  “Alena, you’re punctual,” Fahim said, coming out of the back room with Eden.

  “I have an hour before I need to head home. Did you have your wiring checked already?”

  “I fiddled with the circuits. Come back and have some tea.”

  “Thanks.” I walked behind the register and followed them into the small room. With a counter on one wall, desk on one, sofa on another, and small table in the center, it seemed to serve as a small apartment. “Pure tea usually doesn’t irritate my stomach.”

  “I didn’t think it would,” Eden announced, taking two mugs from the counter and setting them on the table. “Sit, dear.”

  I lowered my pack and sat in the chair. “Thank you.” I smelled the tea first, making sure I didn’t recognize any of the poisons or drugs Orm trained me to identify.

  “You’re cautious. That is good.” Fahim sipped his tea.

  “I’m not sure what you can tell me that others haven’t.”

  “You haven’t gotten answers because you haven’t met anyone of your kind, dear.” Eden rubbed her hand along my arm.

  “My kind?” I stopped the progression of the cup to my lips, resting it on the table. When you were a vampire among humans, the first thing you learned as soon as you could walk and talk was how to act. I excelled at pretending.

  “Are you strong and fast? Do you crave activity? Do you sleep lightly, hearing every sound?”

  “I don’t know how strong or fast I am, but I like being active. I’m restless at night and tired during the day.”

  “And your mother has none of these traits?”

  Wide-eyed, I shook my head. “No.”

  Eden leaned in till her face was inches from mine. “Fahim and I are vampires. We are very old and have sired many children. We believe your father was also a vampire. Unlike us”—she grasped her husband’s hand, smiling at him—“many vampires live as nomads, wild souls that do not settle down.”

  “So you think my father is a vampire? That I’m half vampire? Am I going to start craving blood?” I drew breaths in and out in quick succession.

  “That is what we suspect. You will not crave blood. We do not need blood. Like you, we eat all natural food products and crave raw meats. Probably to a greater extent than you do.”

  I shot up, jostling the chair. “You’re crazy. You’re playing some kind of prank on me.” I backed out the door.

  “You noticed the vibration before?” Fahim stood, his hand reaching out to me.

  “Yes, like the humming in my ears?”

  “That was a witch. The fortune teller is a witch. She is not here now, which is why you do not hear the buzz anymore.”

  “Why would you pull such a cruel trick on someone?”

  Eden stood. “You know there is truth to our words. That’s why you’re still here.”

  I spun to face the exit and then back to them. “Prove it. Prove you’re vampires.”

  “Come to the back room with us.” Fahim stepped past me.

  Lagging a few steps behind, I followed them to the rear of the building, my senses on high alert. There was the slight hint of familiarity in the air, and I suspected it might be from the rogue vampire. Smoke filled the dark area, and one patron sat on a stool at a high counter. The bartender looked up as we approached.

  “We need a show,” Fahim said as the man on the stool turned to face us. “We believe this girl is a halfling.”

  “Who sired her?” The bartender lifted his nose and, in a swift movement, vaulted over the bar to land beside me. “I do not recognize her scent.”

  “Her mother is human,” Fahim said.

  “Interesting.” He circled me like a predator.

  “What proof do you need, child?” Eden asked.

  “He jumped the counter and landed beside me, and I barely saw him move.”

  The guy on the bar stool jetted to my side, and I leaned away from him. “I get it.” My phone dinged. “I have to get back home. Can I come back another day?”

  “You can come back anytime you please.” The bartender spread his lips in a toothy grin.

  “This is Aaron, he tends bar, and his brother, Dimitri, who helps out from time to time. They look rough, but really they’re teddy bears inside. Aaron, Dimitri, this is Alena.” Eden introduced us.

  “Nice to meet you,” Aaron said. Both of them approached at a normal pace and shook my hand.

  “You too.” I backed away. “I don’t have much time, I wanted to look through your books some more.”

  “The important books are in our office. Come on, I’ll load you up.” Fahim motioned to the front of the store. I followed them into the small room where he stuck his head inside a low cabinet. “I keep the best stuff in here.” One by one, he pulled texts out and set them on the counter. When he’d placed the fifth one on the table, Eden piped up.

  “I think that’s enough for now. You’re going to overwhelm the poor girl.”

  Reading the titles, I tucked them in my backpack. “Thanks. I’m sorry I can’t stay and talk. I’m supposed to meet my mother at noon. I’ll plan to come back Monday during my school break.”

  “You write down all your questions, dear, and we’ll answer them.”

  “Thank you.” I backed out of the room and made my way to the sidewalk and bus stop.

  On the ride, my leg bounced on the seat. I put my thumb to my mouth and snatched it away. It wouldn’t do to have Mother suspicious. Taking deep, slow breaths, I cooled my body and reduced my heart rate, as an animal stalking prey would. At my building, I took the elevator to our floor. I heard Mother’s Beethoven seeping out from inside our condo. I loved weekend mornings when she took time off work. I clicked the door handle, and before I could step inside, she appeared in front of me.

  “How was your night? How was the party? Did you have fun with Sophie?”

  I smiled despite myself. “Yes, I had fun.”

  “Did you see Nick?”

  “Yes, I saw him.” I zipped around her, trying to avoid eye contact. Me liking boys never worked out.

  “Well, do you like him?”

  “Am I allowed to?” I raced to my room, her trailing me every step. Before I reached the door, she inserted herself in my path.

  “Young lady. I’m talking to you.”

  “I don’t want to have this conversation. Yes, he’s nice. Yes, we danced, but not for very long.”

  “You can’t be alone with him.”

  “I know. But what am I supposed to do? Never have a relationship? Live with you for the rest of my life?” I slipped past her into my room.

  “Young lady.” She followed me as I dumped my pack and plopped on my bed, tears forming in my eyes. For the first time ever, I couldn’t get them to stop. Whether it was the murder, Sophie and the gym incident, Ganby, Nick, or the combination, I wasn’t sure.

  “I’m sorry.” I straightened my back and shoulders. “It’s been a long week. I’m okay now.”

  “Things are falling into place. You’ll see soon.”

  “Really? Like we’re close to finding whatever you’ve been looking for? Why can’t you tell me what it is? Not knowing is killing me.” I stomped to the window, anger welling up inside me. My emotions usually stayed pretty even—Orm had made sure I could control them—but they came at me one after the other: frustration, anger, fear. Maybe the week had been too trying. I was probably tired. If one person could get something done, it was Mother.

  She accomplished unprecedented things among our people, first in Europe and then in the new world, bringing together various vampire factions and forming alliances with the witches. Of course, I, the forbidde
n hybrid, could be the linchpin that if revealed might topple her whole empire. She cared about her work too much to let things go wrong. I had to continue to trust her. If Mother said we were close, perhaps I would have the answers I craved soon.

  She squeezed my shoulders. “We can have Elizabeth bring out some wine and cheese. Maybe that would calm your nerves.”

  “That sounds nice.”

  “Our destination isn’t too far. Freshen up and meet me in the dining room.”

  I knew why she chose the dining room. With dark wood floors, almost charcoal gray walls, rich red velvet curtains, and warm light from a tall chandelier centered over the table, it oozed elegance and tranquility. Someone couldn’t help but feel relaxed sitting in the tufted chairs of brushed velour. The oak table, well past several centuries old, felt like silk.

  When I entered, the lights were dimmed, and Mother sat in her seat, eyes closed. “Here, sit beside me.”

  Taking the chair on her right, I sank into the soft cushion. She poured wine, and I sipped the plum and pepper flavored drink, letting the alcohol sooth my nerves.

  “Only a few sips. I need you alert for our outing.”

  “Of course.” I set the glass on the table and chose a few cubes of cheese and cured meat.

  Having replenished our energy levels, we made our way down to the garage. In addition to time with Mother, driving was another bonus to these outings. Mother abhorred operating a vehicle, but I loved the skill. By nature, vampires maintained a high level of physical and mental acuity, so even though I drove just once or twice a week, I did very well at it. Orm had made sure I went to the best driving school. He’d even registered me in a racecar-driving class after I’d gotten my license. Thinking racecar driving might not be a bad life, I hopped in the seat of our sport utility vehicle and revved the engine.

  “See, you’re already feeling better. You just needed some food,” Mother said from the passenger’s seat.

  “Where to.”

  “Here.” She held up her phone. “The public library.”

  “I know where it is. I wanted to go there to get some books for my research.” I hedged, remembering I wasn’t supposed to be venturing out alone.

  After fifteen minutes, we turned into the library’s garage, and I found a parking spot.

  “Okay, so, you know the drill?” she asked as we walked towards the entrance.

  “Yes, any weirdness at all and we bail.”

  On the sidewalk in front of the building, I felt a quick ping in my ears, but then it was gone. Trying not to react, I cut my eyes to Mother. Although vampires could sense witches, witches had a heightened awareness of other witches. Her gaze seemed to be fixed on the entrance, so I kept the sensation to myself. Entering the library, I followed as she wound through every aisle. Feeling no more vibrations, I scanned the faces. Approaching one table, I noticed she slowed her pace.

  I recognized him immediately. Chase, the imaginary childhood friend I’d played with for a year, sat studying at the table, headphones on, absorbed in his work. I scanned through my memories. Was it possible Chase and Ivy were real? That we had some sort of connection? Had we used magic to interact with each other? He looked so much like the imaginary boy I used to play hide and seek with when I was three. The same dark hair, light skin, and deep blues. His cheek bones and square jaw flashed in front of my eyes, and my brain compared my memory with the person sitting in front of me. Glancing at Mother, I checked my reaction and normalized my vitals, slowing my pulse and heart rate. If this were indeed Chase, I wanted to know more before mother intervened.

  “Are we done yet?” I sighed as if bored.

  “Nothing? Well, he is only human.”

  “He?” I pretended I didn’t know we were looking for a male target.

  “See”—her eyes cut to him and then back to me—“human. Not what we are looking for.”

  He raised his eyes briefly and met my gaze. Then, I felt it again, another millisecond of a ping. It dissipated, and his eyes moved back to his textbook.

  Glancing at Mother, I tried to gauge whether she’d sensed the slight hum too.

  “Nope, nothing, human, let’s go.” Her heels clicked across the floor in front of me.

  I silently thanked my lucky stars Mother thought Chase to be an inconsequential human. It couldn’t be a coincidence that my childhood imaginary friend had been a potential on Mother’s list. I had to find out why.

  His shoulders had broadened, and his muscles had filled in since four. Of course, he’d also grown taller. But the guy at the table had to be Chase. Humans might remember little from preschool years, but vampires forgot nothing. Every incident got recorded in our minds, tucked away by our animal brains in case a threat reappeared. I would know his face anywhere. The navy-blue t-shirt he wore read: Santa Monica Basketball. I knew the high school, and it wasn’t far. Sophie had said they were our rival team.

  As I passed his table, I longed to swipe a notebook, anything of his, so I could find him later. If there’d been a pen or pencil within reach, I would have. As it was, being a thief didn’t feel like a good way to introduce myself to an old preschool, and supposedly imaginary, friend. Besides if Mother knew to find him here, it must be his regular hangout. He had to be a witch or half witch. Perhaps he didn’t even know he was. My thoughts switched to Ivy and her fate. Why had she disappeared? The same knot grew in my stomach as I remembered the day Chase and I had searched my whole house, then his for her. We’d stayed at the entrance to her room for hours, but it never opened.

  We never spoke of her after that day. It wasn’t long after, a few weeks, when Mother announced our move to Miami. Did she realize Chase and Ivy were witches? Were we connected in some way? Was that why we’d relocated? I couldn’t ask her or Orm. It would tip them off. And I wouldn’t put Chase in jeopardy. I didn’t want him involved until I knew what was going on.

  The memory of the first time he’d touch me trickled into my thoughts as I followed Mother to the car. Gotcha, he’d said, grabbing my arm and pulling me from under the coats in our foyer closet. Wow! He let go fast. Your arm is so hot. Are you sick?

  No. Mother, my mom, I corrected my speech, says I have hotter skin than most people.

  He’d shrugged. Okay, you’re it. He tapped me on the shoulder and ran away.

  “Would you like to go shopping? Orm says you have a Homecoming dance coming up.” Mother’s voice brought me out of the scene.

  “It’s like four weeks away. I don’t even know if I’m going yet.”

  “Well, of course you will. You always find friends to go with. Maybe the boy Nick will even ask you.”

  Weaving through traffic, I cut my eyes to her. “You’d let me go to the dance with Nick?”

  “Yes.” She nodded her head as if to convince herself. “You may attend a school function with a boy.” Her lips formed a smile. “I am capable of listening and adjusting my policies.”

  “Good to know.”

  “Should we go shopping?”

  “Yes.” I turned in the direction of the mall.

  I liked dress hunting with Mother. The council supplied our housing, food and drink, staff, vehicles, and bodyguards, so money wasn’t an issue. She liked clothes and always ended up buying several outfits for each of us. Plus, the moments when she felt like a mom and not a governess were few and far between.

  Browsing through the stores, I picked out a white dress, and she picked out a pair of black pants and a sweater.

  “Do you wear anything besides dark colors?” I asked as she took the outfit to the counter.

  “They’re more formal.”

  “You and Elizabeth.” At least Mother paired her suits with colored shirts and scarfs.

  “Don’t taunt Elizabeth about her style anymore.”

  “Sorry, I won’t. Thank you for the outing. I really needed it.”

  “You had a rough week. I’m sorry all this happened your first week of school. But don’t worry, we’ll find the rogue vampire.”

  Returning home, we found Orm and Elizabeth in the sitting room having tea. We snacked on the fruits and cheeses she had laid out. My leg bounced on the seat, fueled by the longing to retire to my room. As I was about to excuse myself, Mother raised her finger.

  “You may go. Dinner is at seven.”

  “Thank you.” I set my teacup down. “I think I’ll nap till then.”

  In my room, I thought about Chase. Since we’d created pretend aliases for ourselves, Chase wasn’t his real name. He liked to play chase and so that became his name. Ivy had deep green eyes, and I loved to wear purple, so they’d named me Violet. Had I seen some recognition in his eyes?

  Thinking I could go back to the library the next day, I crossed my legs over each other, yoga style, and focused on his face. All I saw was the image I remembered from earlier in the day. Giving up trying to connect with him, I crawled under my duvet for a nap. Movement in the room brought me out of my light slumber.

  “Were you doing magic earlier?”

  “Yes, levitating my stuffed animals to unwind,” I lied.

  “Dinner is in an hour,” Elizabeth said, opening my blinds.

  “Thank you.”

  “Have you been asleep this whole time? You must’ve been tired.”

  “We were up late, and then I got up early to have time with Sophie.” Remembering the books in my bag from Fahim and Eden, I lifted my pack from the floor. “I’m going to study till dinner.”

  Once she’d closed the doors, I sat cross-legged on my bed, skimming the texts. They were all basic vampire texts: the vampire bible, the edicts, a vampire history, and one on vampire physiology. I’d already memorized all of them. But to keep my cover, I’d have to come up with some questions. Ripping out a sheet from my notebook, I tapped my pen to my lips. If I were human and just learned I was half vampire, what would I want to know? They’d already covered the diet thing. Everything was laid out in the books they’d given me. But they would think me half human and getting through and remembering all the information would be harder.


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