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Baking With A Rockstar (A Brooksville Novel Book 1)

Page 24

by Jasmin Miller

  The smile he gives me in response is one of the most genuine smiles I’ve ever seen on his face. It reaches his eyes in a way that makes the butterflies in my stomach go completely crazy. “Oh, Charlie. What am I gonna do with you?”

  I shrug my shoulders and smirk at him. “How about you kiss me again?”

  “I think that can be arranged.” The heat in his eyes has grown even more since our last lip action, and I feel the reciprocal buzz in my veins from it. My whole body is humming in anticipation, wanting more and more of this intoxicating feeling whenever he touches me.

  After a few minutes in paradise, he pulls back. “Okay. I keep saying it, but let’s stop right there. I want to do this the right way, and you deserve to be spoiled first.”

  Obviously, this means a lot to him, so I try to be good, holding out my hands in front of me. “Let me carry something.”

  After giving me a few bags, he grabs the remaining basket and his guitar case, and shuts the trunk.

  We walk over to the cabin in silence. As much as I want to jump his bones right now, I’m also curious about this beautiful place he picked, and what he has planned.

  Hudson pulls the keys out of his jeans pocket and unlocks the door, pushing it wide open. It creaks a little, which only adds to the charm of this place. Letting me step in first, I can feel his eyes on me as I look around.

  It’s nothing fancy or big, but it’s warm and cozy. There’s a small sitting area in front of a fireplace, a tiny kitchenette in the right corner, and it appears a big bed is just on the left side that is mostly hidden from sight. I take a few steps further into the room to get a better look, definitely drawn to it. The big four-poster bed looms around the corner and looks just as inviting as Hudson’s bed back at the house.

  You’re in trouble, Charlie. So much trouble.

  “Do you like it?” His voice comes from right behind me, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

  I turn around and beam at him. “I love it. It’s beautiful. Is it yours?”

  He nods. “Grandma and Grandpa had one just like this when I was younger. It was very old though, and Grandma sold it after Grandpa died. But I always loved their cabin, so I knew I wanted to have one eventually too. It’s been a nice place to escape to, when I’m in need of some real quiet time.”

  Somehow, that makes this place even more special. “Thanks for sharing it with me.”

  “Of course.” He gives me a smile before nodding over to the kitchenette. “Let’s go put the stuff away we don’t need right now. And then we can go outside and eat if you want? The sun should start setting in a little bit.”

  His words make me feel all warm and fuzzy. “I’d love to.”

  “Let’s do it then.”

  After putting a few things in the fridge and cabinets, Hudson pulls me back outside toward the blanket, carrying the basket and guitar case.

  Is he actually going to play for me?

  Chapter Thirty-One

  It’s official. Sitting between Hudson’s legs is my new favorite place to be. We just had the most delicious picnic while watching one of the most magnificent sunsets I’ve ever seen.

  Perfect doesn’t even begin to cover tonight.

  To make things even better, he’s now sitting behind me on the blanket, his arms tightly wound around both me and his guitar—which is safely propped up on my lap.

  “Are you ready?” Hudson’s mouth is right next to my ear, his breath making me shiver.

  Am I ready?

  Absolutely. It feels like I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.

  I nod, excited about what’s to come.

  When he starts strumming the guitar, I have to laugh at the sensation. The vibrations of the tones are everywhere in my body, and it’s an incredible sensation.

  He chuckles, making us both shake even more. “Hold still, silly.” His hand stops strumming as he presses his lips to my neck. “I’m not sure this is going to work.”

  “No way. I’ll hold still now, I promise.” Pretending to be a statue, I sit completely still, not moving an inch.

  His fingers start moving again, his left hand finding the chords while his right hand strums continuously. I close my eyes in contentment and lean my head back on his shoulder.

  We sit like this for a while, and I’m certain I could listen to him play for the next few years.

  Who am I kidding?

  More like the rest of my life because this man is incredibly talented. He’s currently playing the most beautiful melody I’ve ever heard, evoking all sorts of feelings in me. It’s the same song he was humming to me when I told him about my past.

  Thinking of that night still makes me feel a bit raw, but this song makes it all better. It’s like my own personal connection with Hudson and the most beautiful thing that’s come out of dealing with my past yet.

  The song has me completely enthralled, playing at my heartstrings in the most marvelous way.

  “This is your song, you know?” Hudson stops for a moment. “I’m still working on the lyrics, but I like to play it often because it makes me think about you.”

  I arch to the side to look at him.

  “And just for the record, I like thinking about you—not that I have much of a choice anymore these days, since you’ve pretty much taken over my mind.”

  I think my insides just melted a little. I love how blunt Hudson is. It always seems like he says exactly what’s on his mind. Usually, his thoughts mirror mine, but I’m too chicken to tell him that.

  After placing his guitar next to us on the blanket, he bends down to give my nose a kiss before going straight for my lips. It’s a quick one but one I enjoy nonetheless.

  Hovering over me, he gently brushes the hair out of my face. “Are you ready to go inside? It’s starting to cool down, now that the sun is almost gone, and I don’t want you to get cold.”

  I was so distracted by him, I didn’t even notice the temperatures dropping. “If you want to, sure. I’m okay either way.”

  “We can turn on the fireplace inside and make out on the rug in front of it.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me, making me laugh.

  I slap his arm gently, still chuckling. “What are you? Sixteen?”

  “With you, it seems like it. I just want to eat you up all day, every day.” He slowly comes closer again, and I expect him to give me another kiss. Instead, he goes for my throat, gently nibbling his way from my ear down to my collarbone.

  That touch elicits a string of feelings in my body that make it hard to know what’s going on anymore. “Your idea sounds better and better by the second.”

  He finds a soft spot on my neck, sucking on it until I gasp, ready to melt into a puddle right this second. “That’s what I thought.” After staring at me for a moment, he swipes his thumb over my cheek. “Have I told you already how much I like having you here with me? Because I like it a lot.”

  Letting my head fall back into the curve of his shoulder, I nestle into his neck as much as possible. The mixture of his signature scent mixed with the forest smells from around us is like my very own aphrodisiac. “I do too. I enjoy every minute with you.”

  “Let’s go inside then and see if we can make it even better.” After standing, he holds out his hand to help me up.

  The butterflies in my stomach are happily throwing a big celebration party, not helping my nerves one bit.

  After getting everything back into the cabin, Hudson goes straight for the fireplace, turning it on with practiced ease. My body has finally gotten the memo about the lower temperatures, so I’m looking forward to the warmth the fire will provide.

  “Are you all right?” He walks over to me and pulls me into an embrace.

  I guess I zoned out for a moment while I watched him.

  Smiling up at him, I snuggle further into his body. “Absolutely.”

  “Good.” He looks at me so intensely I wonder if he’s trying to read my mind. “What do you feel like doing? Do you want to sit down on the couch and tal
k? We could have some more wine too, if you want to.”

  “That sounds lovely.”

  He starts walking away but pauses after a few steps, turning back to look at me for a moment before he focuses on his feet. He’s biting his lower lip in a way I’ve never really seen him do before. Is he nervous about something? Or guilty?

  After clearing his throat several times, he looks back up at me, his eyes going back and forth between mine.

  A ball of anxiety tightens in my belly, and I’m starting to feel nervous for a whole different reason. “What is it?”

  “Well, I kind of did something, and thinking about it now, makes me a little unsure if I might have overstepped my boundaries and ruined our night. Which would be the last thing I’d want.”

  That doesn’t sound good at all. “Just spit it out.” There’s an edge to my voice, and I’m not sure if it’s anger or slight hysteria. My emotions are so all over the place it’s hard to control them right now.

  He shoves his right hand roughly through his hair. “I might’ve been a little presumptuous—or maybe I should say, hopeful—and asked Grandma if she’d be good to stay by herself with Mira until tomorrow.” There’s the slightest bit of color showing on his cheeks, making him look like the most innocent person in the world.

  After giving my body a minute to relax again, trying to keep my heart from tripping all over itself while also calming down my breathing, I go over to him and grasp his face with both hands, staring intently into his beautiful eyes. “You just gave me a mini heart attack. Next time, just tell me, okay?” I let out another big breath after he nods. “I’d love to stay the night with you, even though I’m slightly mortified about what Hannah must be thinking.”

  He only shrugs his shoulders. “It’s my grandma we’re talking about here. She’d probably be the first one suggesting and advocating it anyway.”

  Well, he’s got me there. “You’re right. Oh gosh. I just love her. She really is the best.”

  “Yup. Grandma has some weird tendencies sometimes, but she’s awesome. I wouldn’t change her for the world.”

  “Can’t blame you.”

  We fall silent again until Hudson takes my hands in his. “You’re really good with staying overnight? We really don’t have to. It’s more than okay if you’d rather head back home tonight.”

  I nod without having to think about it again. “Yes.”

  His smile is addictive, making my own butterflies appear immediately. Anticipation of what’s to come ripples through my whole body, increasing my inner temperature by several degrees—or at least that’s what it feels like.

  “Awesome. Do you want me to call Grandma, or do you want to?”

  I cringe before I laugh. “Oh no, that’s all on you. This is too embarrassing to talk about with her.”

  He chuckles and takes his phone out of his pocket. “All right, I’ll do it then.”

  Putting my hand on his arm, I swallow past a small lump in my throat. “Would you do me a favor though, and ask her if Mira’s okay, please? Maybe she can send some pictures? Or a video? And tell her to call if she needs anything. She knows where all of Mira’s things are, but if she can’t find something in her room, it’s probably in mine. Also—”

  His hand goes under my chin to tilt it back far enough for me to look up at him. “Hey! Take a deep breath, okay? Mira is going to be fine. And I know Grandma would call the second she needs us.” He frowns down at me before shaking his head. “Let’s just forget about it and go home. I don’t want to stress you out. It’s not worth it.”

  “No!” I half yell at him, my emotions a mess. “Just give me a moment, so I can get used to this idea. This will be my first night away from Mira, and it’s a strange feeling to know I won’t be there when she wakes up.”

  I take a deep breath because I truly want this, all of it. I want to relax and enjoy this extraordinary night with Hudson. There really is no one better than Hannah to trust with Mirabelle, and we have our phones on in case we’re needed.

  I make a shooing motion with my hand before I point down to where he’s still clutching the phone. “Go call her, I’ll be fine. I’m gonna go over to the couch and sit down.”

  “You’re absolutely sure?”

  “Yes.” I nod for emphasis before starting to walk backward, making a calling motion with my hand by my ear.

  He still doesn’t look fully convinced but nods, pressing around on the screen of his phone.

  I walk over to the couch while he puts the phone up to his ear and grabs our bags from where we left them to set them on the kitchenette.

  The coffee table in front of me distracts me, and I bend down to look at the few random magazines and something that looks like a photo album. Curiosity wins and I grab it, opening it on my lap.

  What I find inside warms my heart—family pictures, lots and lots of them.

  There are camping trips, treehouse adventures, all sorts of sports activities, and some fun candid pictures. All four siblings with their parents, looking like they’re having the time of their lives. A few pages in, one picture in particular catches my eye, and I have to laugh. It’s Hudson in just a pair of underwear with a cape around his neck and a guitar swung around his bare shoulder. He’s smiling at the camera, proudly showing off a missing front tooth.

  “Ahh. You found that picture, huh?” He sits down next to me, handing me a glass of wine. “Here.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome.”

  After taking a sip, I put the glass on the table. “Everything okay back at the house?”

  Chuckling, he puts his glass next to mine before pulling his phone out of his back pocket. “Oh yeah. Grandma said they’re having a blast. Mira just took a bath, and she’s getting her ready for bed now.”

  He turns the phone my way to show me a picture of Mira wrapped up in a towel like a cocoon.

  “Aww. So cute.”

  “Grandma thought you’d like that, and she said to tell you to have fun.”

  “Oh gosh. I’m not sure I can ever look her in the eye again.”

  Hudson pats my leg and chuckles. “You’ll be fine.”

  “Hopefully.” Looking down, I catch sight of the cute picture of Hudson again. I point to it. “I hope it was okay to look at this.”

  “Of course. There are some great pictures in there.”

  I tap on the one I was looking at. “This one is my absolute favorite so far.”

  “I can see why.” He chuckles, leaning closer to get a better look. “Very sexy.”

  “You were adorable.” I study him, excited to learn more about him. “Was that your first guitar?”

  He stretches his arm over the back of the couch and starts playing with a strand of my hair. “Yeah. Grandpa gave it to me.”

  “Seems like it was meant to be.”


  I nod, not a doubt in my mind. “Have you already figured things out about your future, and what you want to do? We haven’t talked about it in a while but at dinner yesterday... I don’t know. I guess the conversation about you leaving soon got me thinking. Will you get back together with your band?”

  He groans in frustration, and I’m afraid I ruined the mood.

  I hold up my hands. “I’m sorry, forget I said anything. I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

  His hand brushes over my hair, the motion incredibly soothing—just like his voice. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just have a lot of people breathing down my neck about it right now, so it’s a touchy subject for me. I’m seeing the boys in a couple weeks, so we’ll talk about it then. I know what I want, but I’m not sure yet if I can get it.”


  “Speaking of seeing them, I’ve been wanting to ask you something.” His fingers interlace with mine, his thumb tracing imaginary patterns on my skin.

  Pulling my gaze away from our hands, I look back up at him. “What is it?”

  “One of the guys from the band, Elijah, is gettin
g married soon, and I was wondering if you’d like to come with me? The wedding is in Los Angeles, and we can take Mira with us.”

  I blink before blinking some more. “You want me to come with you to your friend’s wedding?”

  “Yeah.” The simple word comes out of his mouth so matter-of-factly as if it’s the most normal thing to ask.

  Heck, maybe it is.

  My mind is going into overdrive, trying to work through the situation. This probably means it’ll be a bigger wedding, or at least other celebrities will be there, which will also mean paparazzi.

  Hudson and I will be there together. Like, together together.

  In public. For everyone to see.

  Am I ready for that?

  It’s the exact thing I’ve been shying away from—the whole public side of being with Hudson. Besides that one incident, it’s been pretty simple to live with him in Brooksville. But once the cat’s out of the sack—and the pictures out in the world—I’m not sure if, or how, things will change.

  Back then, I was incredibly attracted to Hudson, but we weren’t that close yet. It was easier not wanting to risk my private life for someone I didn’t know very well.

  But things are different now.

  So different.

  We’ve grown incredibly close, talking all day long about everything and anything. He’s become my person in life—the person I told about my past, and who I trust. What started out as lust between us quickly morphed into something more, especially with how much time we spend together on a daily basis.

  It’s been impossible not to form a bond.

  If I really want to see where things go between us, I have to push these worries and fears aside and take that leap into his world. Since it’s a part of him, it’s either all of it or nothing at all.

  And the thought of not having him, of not being with him, hurts too much.

  I’m glad he gave me a moment to ponder over it, already knowing I can slip into my own mind sometimes. “I’d love to come with you.”

  “Perfect.” He looks satisfied and happy, which makes me happy too.


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