Book Read Free

To Love and Protect

Page 3

by Muriel Jensen

  “What time is your shift over?”

  “We close at nine. Cleanup takes a little while.”

  “All right.”

  When he pulled up in front of the café five minutes later she jumped out with a very reluctant, “Thank you.” She was about to close the door then stopped and sighed heavily. “If you come just before nine, I’ll get your dinner.”

  He had to pretend not to be surprised. “Thank you. That would be nice.”

  “Then you’re going back to Oregon?”

  “Depends on how our conversation goes.”

  She seemed to want to say more but simply closed the door and hurried inside.

  That was a baby step forward, he thought, but it was forward.

  * * *

  CORIE PUT HER purse in the small back room that served as the supply storage and employees’ lounge, and tied on a white, ruffle-trimmed half apron while her personal history raced across her mind.

  She’d been four years old when she and Jack and their younger sister, Cassidy, had been separated. She had only vague memories of her life until that day, impressions of a woman’s slurred voice, of eating peanut butter on bread in their bedrooms because there was shouting in the living room. She remembered Jack—dark hair, dark eyes, always there.

  Then Roscoe Brauer, her mother’s boyfriend, had been shot, and she and Jack and Cassie had spent a couple of nights with Ben’s family, the Palmers. When their mother went to jail Cassie had been sent to her father, who lived in Maine, and Corie went to Texas where her father lived.

  She remembered the big change her new life had been, her stepmother and two stepsisters, who’d made it clear from the beginning that she wasn’t welcome. Missing Jack and two-year-old Cassidy had hurt with a physical pain.

  Her father, Miguel Ochoa, had explained that her mother, Charlene Manning, had been a singer in small clubs. She’d gotten caught up with friends who partied with drugs. Jack’s father, a drug dealer, died in the crash of a light plane when Jack was three. Miguel had also pushed drugs, but left her mother when even he thought she wasn’t sober long enough to be in a relationship. Cassidy’s father, a counselor, had tried to help her get her life on track, but that hadn’t lasted long either. She had died in jail.

  Talk about baggage.

  “Who’s that?” Polly Benedict asked, peering through the blinds that covered the café’s window. She was twenty-two, had a boyfriend who was always off with the rodeo and lamented Corie’s lack of a romantic relationship. “He’s gorgeous!”

  Corie walked past her on her way to the kitchen. She glanced up at the clock and saw that she was two minutes early.

  Polly, several inches taller than Corie, fresh-faced and curvaceous, and unfailingly cheerful, stopped her progress and pinched her cheek.

  “Look at you! You’re smiling. My goodness, how long has it been since I’ve seen your teeth? Is he responsible for that smile?”

  She didn’t feel like smiling, but customers hated a moody waitress.

  “He’s my brother’s brother. That’s all. He’s...visiting for a few days.”

  Polly frowned over the “brother’s brother” explanation. “You’ve explained that to me before, but it’s so weird. How many people have a brother whose brother isn’t their brother?”

  Corie hooked her arm in Polly’s and led her toward the kitchen. “I know, but putting it that way only makes it worse. So, what’s going on tonight? What’s the special?”

  The bell rang. “Order up, Pol,” Hector called as they walked into the kitchen. With a parting grin for Corie, Polly detoured to the window to pick up her order.

  “Corazon!” Wiping his hands on a kitchen rag, Hector glanced up at the clock. “I thought you were going to be late. You’re always ten minutes early. Did I hear you talking about your brother’s brother who isn’t your brother? I thought they lived in Washington.”

  “Oregon,” she corrected. “I promised him dinner if he comes before closing.”

  Hector was not very tall but his apron covered a generous middle. He was laid-back and kind, unless someone criticized his food or mistreated an employee. He’d given Corie a job based on nothing more than Teresa’s recommendation, and Corie would be forever grateful. His restaurant was a favorite hangout for families and young people on a date. People came from around the county.

  Hector whisked an egg and cream mixture. “Good. What’s he doing here? I mean, since he’s not your brother. And you said he didn’t like you.”

  Corie was tired of things she couldn’t explain. “He came to talk.” She looked in all the pots to see what was on the menu tonight.

  “His phone doesn’t work?” Hector was smart and her reply had been lame.

  “He’s a cop, Hector. I used to be a thief. He thinks that Jack and I reconnecting means trouble for Jack.”

  Hector frowned. “You want me to set him straight?”

  She shook her head, smiling. “I’m going to do that.”

  “By buying him dinner? Or was the plan that I give him dinner?”

  She grinned as she passed him. “I’m buying him dinner.”

  “Didn’t I see you go by earlier with a big tree in the back of your truck? That must have set you back. Christmas trees are a fortune this year.”

  “It’s for Teresa and the kids.”

  “I know. You’re so good to her, but someday you have to fly the nest a second time and concentrate on you.”

  The bell rang over the front door, announcing customers. She began to fill water glasses.

  “I’m doing just fine.”

  * * *

  IT WAS AN average Saturday night. They did enough business to run out of the special, but not enough that Corie and Polly couldn’t keep up. Families came and left while one couple had spent the past two hours gazing into each other’s eyes while their enchiladas de queso grew cold.

  Sukie Cunningham sat with her Kindle at a table at the back of the room. She was blonde and blue-eyed, a plump thirtysomething who had a taste for clothing from the junior department. She was administrative assistant to the deputy mayor, Robert Pimental. It was clear she’d been hired by Pimental for her curvaceous proportions and her too tight, too short clothing rather than her competence. Still, her pleasant personality and her look of wide-eyed innocence made her impossible to dislike.

  Polly picked up a coffeepot, ready to do the refill rounds. “Do you think she has any idea Pimental is never going to leave his wife and marry her?” she asked Corie under her voice.

  “I’m sure she doesn’t.” It was rumored that Sukie did more for her employer than mis-schedule his appointments and lose his messages.

  “What is it about that man that appeals to her?”

  “Power, I suppose. She thinks he can change her life. Her parents were poor and she waited tables here for a while before you came. But she forgot to put up orders, got them confused and dropped a tray of pies. She was always apologetic, but Hector was losing money. He finally had to fire her. Then Pimental hired her and eventually set her up in a little rental house on the other side of town.”

  “She’s very loyal to him.”

  Corie nodded but thought about the change she’d seen in Sukie recently—a loss of innocence in her eyes, a smile that didn’t come as easily as it used to. “She has been. I’m not sure what’s going on with them now. Maybe she’s catching a glimpse of the real him.”

  Polly nodded. “Yeah. Crooked, mean, scary.”


  Polly headed toward Sukie with the coffee.

  * * *

  BEN ARRIVED JUST before nine. He wore dark slacks and a dark cotton shirt. Corie had to stare for a minute. He’d combed his hair and actually dressed for dinner. In Querida. Good breeding was an impressive thing.

  She led h
im to a table at the back. “Hector makes mean fajitas, wonderful camarónes—that’s shrimp if you’re not familiar with the word. All kinds of quesadillas, beef—”

  He stopped her. “Camarones sounds wonderful.”

  “Sautéed with lemon butter, done in salsa chipotle or á la diablo?”

  “Diablo? Devil?”

  “Yes. Pretty hot. Or we can go easy on the red chili.”

  “I can take it,” he said. “Diablo. As it comes.”

  “Something to drink? We have beer and wine.”

  “Coffee’s good.”

  She placed his order and brought his coffee. “Did you get a room at the B and B?”

  “Yes. The owner seems suspicious of me, though. Mrs...?”


  “That’s it. I don’t know what she thinks I’m doing here, but she seems convinced I’m up to no good.”

  “Ah. That’s because I’m sure word is out now that you’re here to see me. She’s from Manzanita, a little town up the road where my family lived. We didn’t have a very good reputation. My father was a nice man, but hung around with people who weren’t, and Juanita was a dragon. My stepmother,” she explained. “She was unpleasant to everyone except her two daughters from a previous marriage.”

  “But that’s them. How did you come by this reputation?”

  She rested the coffeepot on the table. “One Easter when I was eleven, Juanita made dresses for her girls but not for me. Her girls were sweet and obedient. I wasn’t. Actually, they were scared and I wasn’t. I saw a dress in the window at a thrift shop, but I didn’t have any money. So, I stole it.” She arched an eyebrow. “Mrs. McMinn ran the shop at the time. She caught me and called the police. Juvenile Court made me pay it back. I think you’re considered suspect if you have anything to do with me.”

  She couldn’t tell what he thought of that, but he finally nodded and said, “All right. Good to know.”

  When Ben was finished, Corie took away his plate and put a dessert bowl containing custard with a sweet-smelling brown sauce in its place.

  “Flan,” she said, “with caramel espresso sauce.” And walked away again, saying over her shoulder, “Best custard you’ll ever have.”

  * * *

  CORIE WAS CLEARING tables when Robert Pimental arrived just before closing. He stopped inside the door for a moment, supposedly to scan the room for Sukie but Corie suspected it was to pose there. He had visions of himself as an important figure who was generally irresistible to women. Sukie waved madly to get his attention.

  He strode toward her table, about five-seven of portly arrogance. He’d come into office with his friend the mayor several years ago. The mayor had ALS and had been allowed to have a deputy for the times when the job was hard for him. The illness had sidelined the mayor a year ago and left Pimental to do pretty much as he liked in this town of two thousand.

  Publicly, he’d made a few changes to earn favor with his constituents—removed parking meters, spruced up the park and playground, and created a committee to attract business to Querida.

  Privately he was a philanderer with a Jaguar and an extravagant lifestyle, unusual for a small-town politician without a large inheritance.

  Before Corie knew about his behavior in private, she’d gone to him for help in fighting Cyrus Tyree’s efforts to evict Teresa. She’d found him in an empty hallway, on his way to a meeting. Pimental had appeared willing to help until it became clear that he expected payment in return—and not in cash. When she’d turned to leave, he’d caught her arm to show her how generous she would have to be in return for his cooperation.

  She’d swung her purse at him, forgetting that it contained a small coffee can in which she kept her tips. The loaded purse had left a visible scar above his right eye.

  He’d been infuriated by her rejection—and her coffee can of tips—and had her arrested for assault. Fortunately for her, a delivery person had seen everything and volunteered to testify for her. Pimental had dropped the charges but there was venom in his eyes every time he looked at her.

  As now. He stopped her as he made his way toward Sukie. “Coffee,” he said to Corie. “Decaf. And coconut cream pie.”

  They were out of coconut cream. She couldn’t help but be happy about that.

  * * *

  BEN SAVORED THE last bite of flan and pulled his coffee cup toward him. A large man in kitchen whites approached his table.

  “You’re Ben,” he said, offering his hand. There was an undercurrent of accusation in the statement.

  Ben shook his hand and tried to stand in the narrow booth. “I am.” The man gestured him back down.

  “I’m Hector, Corie’s boss.”

  “Ah. Wonderful dinner. Those were the best shrimp I’ve ever had.”

  “Thank you.” Hector squeezed into the opposite side of the booth. “Why are you here?” he asked bluntly.

  Surprised by that question, Ben replied politely, “Family business.”

  “But you’re not her family. Your brother is her brother, but you’re not...her brother.”

  Ben laughed as Hector struggled with the family connections. “You must have her confidence if you know the Palmer-Manning family structure.”


  “Manning was their mother’s name and since their fathers came and went rapidly, their mother thought it was easier for all of them if they went by her name. Jack was adopted by my family, so he’s now a Palmer.”

  Hector nodded, then tried to lean toward him but his girth was too firmly wedged into the booth to allow that. “She’s my friend,” he said, “and one of the best waitresses I’ve ever had.” He bobbed his head from side to side. “There are some not-so-good stories from when she was a kid. She had a tough life.”

  Ben agreed with that but had to add, “She was arrested for assault just last year.”

  Hector hooked a thumb in the direction of the man who’d arrived a short time ago. “Against him. She was defending herself know.”

  The man in question was now nuzzling a blonde, who seemed pleased by his attention. “That’s Pimental?”


  He didn’t seem particularly impressive or scary, though Ben had been a cop long enough to never trust appearances.

  “Why is he allowed to remain in office if he behaves like that with women?”

  Hector made a scornful sound. “The charges were dropped. The case never went to trial, but the point is, what happened wasn’t her fault. Don’t give her trouble about things she can’t do anything about.”

  “I’m not here to give her trouble. I’m here to find out the truth...” He doubted Corie had confided in her boss about stealing the jewels. “About some personal things.”

  Hector measured him with a look. “All right. See that you don’t or I’ll have to give you trouble. And don’t think I can’t.”



  As Hector shifted out of the booth, angry words came from Pimental, who was now standing at the cash register with Sukie.

  Ben leaned sideways to see what was going on.

  “I got this,” Hector said and started toward Pimental and Corie, who stood behind the counter.

  Ben wandered over anyway. Corie was handing back Pimental’s credit card. “I’m sorry,” she said. “It was declined. Do you want to use another one?”

  Pimental pushed it back at her. “I said, run it again.”

  “And I said,” she replied, “I ran it twice. It was declined. Twice.”

  “That’s impossible.”

  She turned the credit card processing terminal toward him. The word DECLINED was clearly visible on the small screen. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’ll just bet you are,” Pimental said darkly.
  Corie smiled blandly. “Is it possible your wife overdrew it and neglected to tell you?”

  Ben had to admire her complete disregard for discretion considering the man was here with another woman. Pimental’s face flushed dark red.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake.” Sukie stepped between Pimental and the counter and handed Corie several bills, hitting her with a mildly disapproving glance for the reference to Mrs. Pimental. “I’m sure it’s a mistake, but I’ll just pay until it’s sorted out.”

  Corie made change and handed it to Sukie. Sukie gave her back a five-dollar tip. She smiled at Hector. “It was a lovely dinner, Hector. Good night. Come on, Bobby.” She looped her arm in Pimental’s and led him away.

  He held Sukie back long enough to snatch the money out of Corie’s hand. “Personal comments are poor service,” he accused. “You don’t deserve a tip.”

  As his customers walked out the door, Hector looked reluctantly amused. “Not nice to mention Mrs. Pimental.”

  Corie conceded that with a nod. “I know. But it’s not like he tries to hide his infidelity or that Sukie doesn’t know she exists.”

  “True. But you’re out five bucks.”

  She grinned. “It was worth it.”

  He reached into the till to pull out a ten-dollar bill and handed it to her. “Yes, it was. I enjoyed it, too. Let’s lock up.”


  CORIE AND POLLY filled the dishwasher while Ben helped Hector turn chairs upside down on the tables to mop the floor. Hector told him how he’d gotten into the business, shown him pictures of his three boys and three girls and his wife, and said his daughters loved Corie because she helped them update their clothes to look new and fashionable. “When you’re a girl in school, that’s important,” he said. “And Corie has this gift with design.”

  Ben had taken it all in. This flair for fashion was something he hadn’t known about her. He wondered if Jack did.

  In the car on the way home he asked her about it.

  “I’ve always perked up my clothes by adding trim or parts of other pieces.”

  “Hector said his girls love what you do.”


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