Book Read Free

New Additions

Page 10

by Becky Harmon

  Her life was organized and planned. She didn’t have feelings this strong toward the women she knew. She had to have everything defined perfectly before she agreed to spend the night with someone. One-night stands didn’t involve any of the passion she was feeling now. This was uncharted territory and she wasn’t sure how to handle it. She watched as Cassie lay down on the towel beside her, closing her eyes. She couldn’t think of a single reason not to embrace the moment and give into her desire to ravish this beautiful woman.

  Cassie opened her eyes and gazed at Kathleen, lifting an eyebrow.

  “I’d like to stay tonight, if the offer still stands.”

  “Absolutely.” Cassie closed her eyes again, but a smile played at the corners of her lips.

  Kathleen lay back on her towel. She felt Cassie’s fingers entwine with hers where they lay on the sand between them.

  * * *

  Cassie opened her eyes and sat up, grabbing her cell phone from the bag to check the time. It felt like she had been asleep for hours, but barely twenty minutes had passed. She tossed her phone back in the bag and pulled out a bottle of water. Turning it up, she drank half of it before taking a breath. She turned her head to look at Kathleen and found her watching her.

  “Did you have a nice nap?” Kathleen sat up and took the water bottle Cassie offered.

  “I think I did, but my head is fuzzy now. I hope I wasn’t snoring or drooling.”

  Kathleen laughed. “No, you were very dignified. I wouldn’t even have known you were asleep except that each time I moved my hand in and out of yours to change positions, you never moved.”

  “Are you bored?”

  “Not at all. I just want to avoid a sunburn because that will put a damper on my plans for tonight.”

  Cassie could feel Kathleen watching her as she stared at the lake. She replayed Kathleen’s words over in her head. Surprise quickly gave way to a feverish need as she realized what Kathleen was implying. They had at least three hours before new guests began arriving and there was no way she could wait until tonight. Standing, she offered her hand to Kathleen and pulled her to her feet. She shoved everything but a towel for each of them into the bag.

  Holding Kathleen’s hand, she pulled her toward the water. Now that she had been given the green light, her desire was overwhelming. Her first thought had been to head straight for the bedroom, but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to take things slowly. She had fought these feelings for the last twenty-four hours and now they were about to be released.

  “Are we swimming?” Kathleen asked. Her eyes filled with questions as she followed Cassie.

  Cassie didn’t answer but stopped at the edge of the water, pulling Kathleen into a tight embrace. Her body was warm from the sun and she knew the water would be mind-numbingly cold against their skin. She tilted her head, capturing Kathleen’s mouth with her own. Slowly she deepened the kiss until their tongues danced and then she began walking backward into the water. Kathleen froze when the water reached the top of her legs.

  “Oh,” she gasped, breaking their kiss. “That’s cold.”

  “I was trying to distract you,” Cassie whispered into Kathleen’s ear.

  “Don’t stop. It might be working.”

  Cassie began to gently nibble her neck and across her jawline. When their lips met again, she took two more steps deeper into the water. Kathleen pulled her legs up and wrapped them around Cassie’s waist to avoid the water. Cassie turned to step deeper but lost her footing, dropping them both into the water.

  Cassie found her feet first and grabbed Kathleen’s arm, pulling her into a standing position.

  “I cannot believe you just did that.” Kathleen wrapped her arms across her stomach, teeth chattering violently.

  “I am so sorry. I swear that was not the plan.” Cassie put her arms around Kathleen to help warm her.

  “You’re lucky I believe you, but we need to work on your moves.”

  “I’m not very smooth, am I?” Cassie nuzzled her neck. “Are you too angry to swim out to the dock now?” she teased, glad to see the smile on Kathleen’s face return.

  Kathleen laughed, pushing her away. “I think I can make it.” She dove into the water and started swimming toward the floating dock.

  Cassie followed, catching her as she grabbed the ladder and started to climb onto the dock. She wanted the feel of the water surrounding them as well as the cover it provided. She gave a gentle tug on Kathleen’s hips and caught her as she slid back into the water. Kathleen didn’t let go of the ladder, but she leaned back into Cassie’s embrace.

  Cassie slid her arm around Kathleen and grasped the ladder to hold herself afloat. With one hand and some help from Kathleen, she pulled Kathleen’s tank top over her head and tossed it up on the dock. For a few seconds, Cassie stared down into the water at the creamy white of Kathleen’s skin. She no longer felt the cold from the water as desire surged through her.

  She slid the purple bra strap off Kathleen’s shoulder and down her arm as far as it would go. Her tongue danced along the top of Kathleen’s shoulder and up her neck. She slid her left hand across Kathleen’s chest, pushing the bra away from her body until she could dip her fingers inside. Kathleen shivered as Cassie firmly cupped her breast, sliding her thumb over the protruding nipple.

  Cassie’s heart raced and she struggled to breathe. She wanted more. Needed more. The cold water had done nothing to cool the heat between their bodies or to slow her pace. She needed to feel Kathleen’s body beneath her hands. She let go of the ladder rung and sputtered as the water covered her mouth and nose.

  “Was that part of your plan?” Kathleen asked when Cassie surfaced beside her. She turned slightly and grasped Cassie’s waist, pulling her to the ladder.

  Cassie ran her hand through Kathleen’s wet hair. “I wanted to touch you so bad I forgot why I was holding on to the ladder.”

  Her eyes followed her hand as it traveled down Kathleen’s neck to the top of a breast barely visible through the water. Her fingertips touched the hard nipple through the fabric and she inhaled deeply. “I want you so bad.”

  “I think we need to put this off until later,” Kathleen suggested.

  Did she hear regret in Kathleen’s words or was that only her own feelings? Cassie wasn’t sure. “I don’t think I can wait and we still have a couple hours.”

  “Let’s go then.” Kathleen grabbed her tank top from the top of the floating dock. “It won’t be enough time, but it’s a start.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Cassie wrapped a towel around Kathleen and grabbed the rest of their stuff. She glanced at Kathleen several times as they walked, dreading that she might see a shadow of doubt but each time the smile that met hers was a match of her own. In the office, Cassie pulled her cell and radio from the beach bag before tossing it toward the back of the office to be unpacked later.

  She turned as Kathleen locked the exterior door, leaning casually against it. The tension she had felt from trying to resist the pull between them was gone and she let out a breath. Kathleen’s gaze held her own as she savored the look of desire on her face. She took Kathleen’s hand and they followed the dogs into the house.

  Her heart skipped a beat as they climbed the stairs without hesitation this time. Her body was consumed with arousal; she couldn’t wait to touch and be touched. She closed the bedroom door behind them and tossed the radio and cell phone on the top of her dresser.

  Cassie knelt, kissing slowly across Kathleen’s stomach before pulling her shorts to the floor. Her skin was still cool from the water, and Cassie warmed her with her mouth. Standing, she lifted Kathleen’s bra over her breasts and removed it in one fluid motion. She tossed it onto the bathroom floor and added her own bra and shorts to the wet pile. Finally naked, Cassie hesitated. Her pulse raced, but her mind taunted her with how long it had been since she had shared more than a bed.

  Kathleen’s touch was gentle as she pushed Cassie back onto the bed. Straddling Cassie’s stomach,
she looked into her eyes. Cassie met her gaze, knowing Kathleen had felt her hesitation. She studied the emotions she saw on Kathleen’s face and was quickly reminded of the surge of desire passing between them. She grasped Kathleen’s hips and guided her on top of her. Kathleen lowered herself over Cassie’s center, stroking her with her body.

  With an arm on either side of Cassie’s head, Kathleen bent and kissed her, running her tongue across Cassie’s lips before sweeping inside her mouth. The kiss fueled Cassie’s desire, and she pushed Kathleen’s body upright, breaking the kiss. Sucking first one and then the other breast into her mouth, Cassie held them firmly as her tongue stroked each hardened nipple. Kathleen opened her legs wider, pushing harder into Cassie as her pace increased. Their bodies were slick with wetness and the feeling pushed Cassie to the edge.

  She opened her eyes as she felt Kathleen shudder. Her hair fell around her face and Cassie’s breath caught at her beauty. Her stomach clenched at the unexpected emotions. How had she captured this woman? And could she hold on to her? She pulled herself into a sitting position, wrapping both arms around Kathleen. Their chests pressed hard together, but she wanted to be closer.

  She kissed the racing pulse in Kathleen’s neck, quickly finding her mouth. Pulling Kathleen’s body hard into her own, she allowed Kathleen to push her back on the bed. She braced both hands just below Kathleen’s breasts and brushed her thumbs across her nipples. Cassie felt her own desire surge and pushed up, meeting Kathleen’s stroke. Grasping for release, she let herself go as her body exploded. She felt Kathleen give a few more hard strokes before she collapsed on top of Cassie.

  Cassie’s hands were trapped between their bodies, still encasing Kathleen’s breasts. Several minutes passed before Cassie attempted to move them, and when she did Kathleen moaned as her hands brushed across her nipples. Cassie slid her hand down Kathleen’s back, gently rolling her until they lay side by side, gazing into each other’s eyes. Kathleen’s contented smile filled her with eagerness to start everything over again. Cassie pulled their lower bodies together, sliding her leg between Kathleen’s, wanting to feel the exhilarating pressure again and eliciting another moan from Kathleen.

  Cassie caressed her face, tracing her cheekbones before leaning in for what she intended to be a gentle kiss. She had always enjoyed kissing, but Kathleen’s lips were intoxicating. They were soft but demanding, and Cassie was consumed by them. Her desire bubbled to the surface again as her hips began a slow stroke. She wasn’t finished yet, and it appeared neither was Kathleen.

  * * *

  When Cassie lifted her head to check the clock, Kathleen attempted to still her movement. “You have to stop,” she moaned.

  Cassie crawled up beside her and pulled her into her arms, covering them both with the sheet. “You win but only because it’s two thirty.”

  Kathleen’s eyes grew wide and then she smiled. “You need a shower. And don’t forget to wash your face.”

  “I need a shower? And you?”

  “I’ll take a shower too, but first I am going to change these sheets.”

  Cassie raised an eyebrow.

  “I can’t sleep in all this sand tonight.”

  Cassie laughed, squeezing her tight. “I agree.”

  Climbing from the bed, she strolled naked into the closet and pulled out a set of sheets, laying them on the dresser. Kathleen’s appreciative stare brought Cassie to a stop, and she barely resisted the urge to climb back into the bed. “Join me and I’ll help you change the sheets when we get out.”

  “Tempting, but…” Kathleen shook her head. “I can’t do it. My body needs a respite from you.”

  “Okay, but get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids because I still have plans for you tonight.”

  Kathleen covered her face with the sheet. “Get out of my sight before I drag you back into this bed.”

  Cassie laughed and walked into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and set the temperature before leaning over the sink to stare into the mirror. She was starting to get faint wrinkles at the edge of each eye which got larger the bigger her smile, and right now, her smile was big. Kathleen was more beautiful and more intelligent than any woman Cassie might have imagined. She closed her eyes, recalling every inch of the beautiful body that was laying in her bed. Opening her eyes, she realized Kathleen was leaning against the doorframe watching her.

  Cassie felt her face flush as she looked into Kathleen’s eyes.

  Kathleen laughed. “I won’t ask. Just get in the shower. You barely have twenty minutes.”

  “I’ll be quick.” Cassie stepped into the shower.

  “Not too quick. You have a very distinctive odor that needs to be gone before you greet your new guests.”

  “The sad part is they might not show up for another hour or two.”

  “Or they could arrive in ten minutes.” Kathleen leaned against the doorframe, watching her through the glass window.

  Cassie showered quickly and was surprised to find Kathleen still standing in the same spot when she exited the shower. Her eyes were closed and her head rested against the frame behind her. Cassie watched her for a few seconds before she spoke. “When you’re finished, the shower is all yours.”

  Kathleen’s eyes flew open and her face quickly turned pink.

  Cassie laughed. “Whatever you’re thinking will happen tonight.”

  “You are so right,” Kathleen said as she disappeared into the shower.

  Cassie’s breath caught at Kathleen’s words, and her entire body pulsed with anticipation.

  She quickly dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, tossing a few items on the dresser for Kathleen. She stepped into the bathroom and called loudly. “I laid some clothes on the dresser, but help yourself to anything you can find. We’ll put the sheets on the bed later.”

  Kathleen stepped to the opening in the shower with her arm shyly covering her breasts. “Okay. Thanks.”

  Cassie crossed to the shower, sliding her hand around the base of Kathleen’s neck. “You are so beautiful,” Cassie said breathlessly.

  Kathleen leaned in for a deep kiss but kept a few inches between them. Breaking the kiss, she pushed Cassie away. “Go before I make you wet.”

  “Too late,” Cassie said, lifting one eyebrow. “I’ll be in the office.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Cassie ran next door and took everything out of the dryer. Hanging the robe on the bathroom door, she folded the towels and sheets and put them away. Back in her office, she pulled the folder for her new guests and began brushing up on their names. John and Sara would be in Cabin One and had estimated they would arrive between three and four. The lesbian couple, Anita and Roz, and their ten-year-old daughter, Ana, would be in Cabin Three. She completed their check-in paperwork and made copies of the local information sheets to give each of them.

  After checking to make sure she had a signed contract in each folder, she went in search of food. Her stomach was reminding her they hadn’t eaten in hours. She made a platter with deli meats and cheese, adding several kinds of crackers and carried it into the house. Kathleen was descending the stairs, and Cassie recognized the khaki cargo shorts and blue shirt from her closet. Kathleen hadn’t buttoned the shirt yet and the silky white bra it revealed immediately drew Cassie’s attention. She was surprised at the surge of heat that raced through her body.

  Kathleen glanced at Cassie and then pulled her shirt closed, quickly fastening the buttons.

  “Please don’t do that on my account,” Casey said, raising one eyebrow.

  Kathleen’s eyes narrowed. “It’s for your own good.” Grinning, she quickly changed the subject. “Are you ready for your guests?”

  “I am.” Cassie watched longingly as the last bit of exposed flesh was covered. She sat the plate of snacks on the table. “Are you hungry?” she asked, pulling an apple from the basket on the counter.


  Cassie concentrated on slicing the apple and added it to the plate. She couldn’t ma
ke eye contact with Kathleen, or she would lose the little bit of restraint she was trying to cling to. Although Kathleen had buttoned her shirt, Cassie was sure by the tone of her voice that she wouldn’t resist removing it again.

  Cassie quickly stepped into the pantry and took a deep breath. Regaining some of her composure, she returned with two bottles of water.

  “Would it be okay if I washed some clothes? I should wear my own clothes home.”

  The thought of Kathleen leaving tomorrow hit Cassie hard, but she turned her back to cover her disappointment. Kathleen moved closer to her, rubbing a hand across her shoulder. “I’ve stayed longer than I should have.”

  The words stung as well as the flippant way Kathleen had thrown them out. Had she pressured Kathleen to stay longer than she wanted? Cassie searched Kathleen’s face for regrets. Finding none, she continued to stare into Kathleen’s blue eyes as her mind searched for words to express how much she enjoyed having Kathleen here. Afraid to push Kathleen farther away, she quickly chose simple rather than sappy, but the emotion in her voice betrayed her. “Please stay as long as you want.”

  Kathleen didn’t answer, but she stroked Cassie’s cheek before stepping away to grab a cracker from the plate. Cassie could see Kathleen wanted to say something more, but when she didn’t Cassie pushed the worry of what her words might have been from her mind. For now she would focus on the remainder of their time together. There would be plenty of time later to agonize over the future.

  “Is chicken stir-fry okay for dinner?” Cassie asked as she pulled two frozen chicken breasts from the freezer and put them in a bowl of cold water.

  “That sounds great.”

  “Are there any vegetables that you don’t like?”

  “None that I can think of.”


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